Summary of an outdoor quest game for the preparatory group “Let's Help the Foxy Find the Treasure”


June 1st – Children's Day

Celebration in kindergarten dedicated to CHILDREN'S DAY (QUEST).

Venue: kindergarten territory.

Goals and objectives:

— Formation of basic knowledge about the international holiday Children’s Day;

— Formation of a gaming culture in children;

— Creating a festive atmosphere;

— Formation of a desire to be creative and take part in the holiday;

— Fostering collectivism, mutual assistance and good attitude towards each other;

— Contribute to the development of dexterity, ingenuity, and dexterity in children.

Host: Hello, friends! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs. Hello, smart, cheerful, happy. Today we can congratulate you all - summer time has come. Let's warm up, kids. We stood up more freely. Let's welcome summer with a fiery dance.

(flash mob)

Leading. Guys, today is the first of June, and it's time to take the leap into summer. The jump that will start the fun and relaxation. Raise your hands up and now, at my signal, you will make a big jump up. And as soon as you jump, shout “Hello, summer!” You just need to scream very loudly. Let's rehearse! Let’s shout together: “Hello, summer!”, three or four! (They shout). Now you're ready to take the big leap into summer. We jump only at my signal, and then we shout. We begin the countdown (counting everything together): 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – JUMP! "Hello summer!"


I hurried to you on the wings of snow-white clouds.

Along the way, I didn’t forget to scatter flowers everywhere.

For some naughty fun I took with me

A ray of golden sunshine! He is not only mine now.

The ray is yours!
He will give you light so that each of you ( imitates that he gives a ray,
with a mirror - sunbeams
to visit Summer, and for me to visit you!

And now I want to find out who came to the holiday today. I will ask, and you will answer “Yes” or “No.” Let's start! Did the guys come to us as friends? Strong? Brave? Are elders respected? Are kids being bullied? Do you like nature? Are the trees being destroyed? Do they shoot from slingshots? Do they drag cats by their tails? Do they shout in class? Are they silent during the holidays? That's how we met. Are you in a great holiday mood today? The children answer. You can't be bored at our holiday! Jokes, mischief and a hundred smiles await you!

And now I invite you on a journey through the stations of a cheerful and carefree childhood! For each group, I have prepared a route sheet along which you will go on an interesting journey, where treats await you from me.

You will visit the stations: “Dance Kaleidoscope” - the kingdom of music and good mood. “Young Artist” “Ecological” “Adventurers”

"Glade of Changelings."


"SUMMER Station"

And "Treat from Leto"

(Summer distributes route sheets)

All is ready? Then let's go! No need to rush! Don't forget about the rules of politeness! I wish you a happy journey!



1st station - “Young Artist” - Artist. (coordinator - Makrausova O.A.)

Host: Guys, you have found yourself in the country of “Risovandia”, multi-colored riddles live in it, try to guess them. A frog jumps in the swamp. She is always on the hunt. Goodbye, stupid mosquito! And the color of the frog is... (Green) A little chicken crawled out of the shells, out of the diapers. Oh, how funny you are, Our little lump... (Yellow) Grew up in the meadow in the summer. I can rip it off. I’ll take the flower home - Bell... (Blue) Look at the book. What do you see? - A mouse. It can be white, but most often... (Gray) We made friends, red and blue! It turned out to be a different color - eggplant or plum. Can you guess what color it is? (Purple) Assignment: “Complete the drawing!” — complete the drawing of various objects using the following shapes as a basis:

(on easels, two teams, who is faster)

Station 2 - “Ecological” - forest fairy. (place - vegetable garden) (coordinator - Anna Borisovna RUDENKO) Presenter: “Guys, you got to the “Zoological” station. Who do you think we will talk about at this station? Correctly about animals and you need to distribute pictures with animals into groups.” Task: a range of fruits and vegetables.

Choose what is unnecessary. Station 3 – “Dance Kaleidoscope” . –

fairy - music (coordinator: Borisova N.V.) (main move)

Let's sing and have fun Play noisy games, In the meantime, we invite you to start the holiday with a song! Game drop river sea. We put the children in a circle. The music sounds, everyone walks in a circle: if a drop sounds in the song, they dance in a circle, the sea - they walk in a circle, the river - like a train. And when you can continue to play with the train: the loudest train - they scream; the lowest - squat, the slowest - crawl, etc.

Station 4 - “Adventurers” (coordinator L.A. Pereverzeva) Jumping in PANTS (similar to a bag) - two teams of two people, who is faster.

5 "Glade of Changelings".

(coordinator: Gavrilyuk Marina Ivanovna) - Dunno.

From the disparate parts of the illustrations you need to compose a correct story.

6th station “Fairytale” - Fox Alice.

Game: Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat

Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

7. station "Summer" - (

Babich Kristina Vladimirovna)

My dear children, guess the riddles:

It is not known where it lives, it will fly - it bends the trees. ( wind )

The fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere - the lower the cotton wool, the closer the rain. (cloud)

A lonely fiery eye wanders. Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze. ( Sun )

The sun is shining brightly: it’s both light and hot, and there’s grass and flowers all around, wander around all day,

wander, there are no lessons, because it’s... (summer).

9.station – “SUMMER TREATS”

( Conducted by teachers in their gazebos. Summer treats are distributed).

Team quest game

With the help of the “ Quest for Children on the Street” , you can conduct a quest for two or even three teams. Each task is completed in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and intelligence of the players. And those who are planning a game for one person or one team will have a choice of the most convenient places to create a search chain.

See analogues: Indoor quest for children

Quest "Children's picnic"

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hint “Seven-flowered flower” ( bottle, porch, bench , plate ). A fun challenge for quick thinking.
  2. Hint “Solar cipher” ( bag, greenhouse, well, gazebo, staircase, camera ). A beautiful solar cipher. First, you need to decipher the letters using the key, and then make a word from them.
  3. Hint “Find the differences” (package, bag). A fun task where you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  4. Hint “Vitamin” (for stone, barbecue, coal, cap, pocket). We need to find the key to a cunning cipher.
  5. Hint “Camping” ( saucepan, gate, napkins ). Not a very simple task: using pictures and just two suggested letters to solve a crossword puzzle .
  6. Hint “Extra letters” (in ode, bucket, barrel, firewood ). A task for attentiveness and concentration.
  7. Hint "Puzzle" ( spruce, flower, cart, can, garden bed, fence , sandbox, children's slide, swing, bench, lamp post ). A simple but entertaining task: you need to put together a puzzle and, from the reconstructed picture, find out the place where the next clue is located.
  8. Hint “In the world of insects” (handkerchief, newspaper, car ). Originally designed task for making anagrams.
  9. Hint “Encrypted text” ( birch, garage, brick , grass ). There are 4 encrypted phrase options to choose from.
  10. Hint “Encrypted phraseological units” ( bush, stump, bread ). A fascinating task for imaginative thinking.
  11. Hint “Funny comparisons” ( log, tree, mug ). A fun task for ingenuity.
  12. Hint “Multiplication tables” (envelope, notepad, green balloon, red balloon ). An interesting logic task.

View other ready-made quest kits

Quest entertainment for preschoolers in summer

Quest - entertainment for children 5-7 years old “Let's help out the sun”
Goal: implement game activities, consolidate existing knowledge, practice children's skills, teach children how to interact in a group of peers, increase the atmosphere of cohesion and friendship, develop independence, activity, and initiative. Objectives: educational:
participants acquire new knowledge and consolidate existing ones;
during the game there is an increase in educational motivation, the development of creative abilities and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, and self-realization of children;
skills of interaction with peers, tolerance, and mutual assistance are formed.
Equipment: Colored crayons, ribbons, skittles, rope, Whatman paper, felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game
Presenter: How much morning light is outside the open window! Summer walks across the earth, Summer walks barefoot! Summer walks through the gardens Walks, smiles, Just like in a fairy tale, here and there All the colors change Guys, it’s true that summer is a lot of fun, a lot of games and entertainment. Some people are going with their family to the sea to relax, and some are going to the dacha, so that we don’t get bored, we will also sing and dance and play different games. Now let's invite the main character of the summer to visit us. Who is it? Guess for yourself: Bright and good shines through everyone’s window, We ask kindly: “Warm us a little” (Sun) Baba Yaga’s music sounds Baba Yaga: What’s that noise, what’s that din? Why can't the old woman have peace from her children? I understand, I have warmed up a place for myself, I thought everything was quiet - it’s summer and there are no classes, the children have gone home. But no! They showed up without getting dusty! So I’ll throw a party for you! I'll ruin the mood! Presenter: Don't be angry B.Ya.! The guys and I gathered to enjoy the sun and summer. After all, summer is paradise for kids - run, jump, sunbathe! And come with us and enjoy the bright, warm and long summer days. Baba Yaga: But no. I won't! I'll throw a party for you now! (grabs the sun and runs away, hides it and comes back again) Presenter: Well, wow! She stole our sunshine. We'll have to save him. B.Ya. Give us back our sun! Baba Yaga: What else did you want! I planted the sun behind strong locks. I’ll admire it myself and warm the bones. Presenter: Oh, look B. Ya., you’ll make the guys angry. When they blow on you, you fly away to distant lands. Let's guys blow on her with all our might (the kids blow, B. Ya. dodges) Baba Yaga: (sneezes) Well, stop blowing! I'll give you your sunshine. But only to save the sun you need to complete tasks. Here's your first task. If you succeed, one magic castle will open. 1. riddle “In winter and summer in the same color” (spruce). We approach the Christmas tree, there is a note on it with the task “Draw a sun” (B.Y. gives the key) 2. Friends, we can’t waste a minute. Let's hurry to help the sun. Assignment: encrypted letters Square - T Circle - A Triangle - N Rectangle - E Rhombus - C Children make up a word. We dance a general dance (any kind).
Baba Yaga gives the key. 3. Guys, I suggest we go further, the sun needs our help.
“Caterpillar” Children hold the rope and run between the pins, trying not to knock them over. Baba Yaga gives the key.
4. “
Guess the riddle ” If the sun doesn’t laugh, What pours from heaven to earth? (rain) Well, which one of you will answer: It’s not a fire, but it burns painfully, It’s not a lantern, but it shines brightly, And it’s not a baker, but it bakes? (sun) The forest is full of songs and screams. Strawberries are splashing with the sun, Children are splashing in the river, Bees are dancing on a flower... What is this time called? Well, of course it’s... (summer) (Children guess riddles. B. Ya. gives them the key)
5. Friends, here we are and we’ve reached the chest in which Baba Yaga hid our sun.
We open the locks. Music sounds, the sun appears (an adult in a suit) Sunny: Hello my friends! I am so glad to meet you! My ray of sunshine makes me laugh and tease, Everyone is having fun in the morning today, Summer gives a ringing holiday, And I’m the main guest here - hurray! (hands out ribbons) now you are my rays of sunshine Game - round dance “Golden Rays”
Words and music by G. Vikhareva Radiant sun
(children walk in a circle)
Come and visit, Lead the Golden Rays behind you
Raise your little hands
(raise your hands up)
Let's sing a song, The radiant sun We'll invite you to visit us
It's good for us, sun
It's fun with you, In a friendly round dance
Sing a song with us
Presenter: And the sun has 100 worries. Warm up our garden, bloom all the flowers, stay on the veranda, after the rain. On the run, Make a rainbow - an arc. And throw hemp on Natasha’s nose, laughing. Guys, let's help the sun and plant flowers. (place paper flowers around).

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Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcard . It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

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