Summary of “Quest game” on healthy lifestyle in the senior group on the topic “Institute of Human Health”

Sports and entertainment quest “In search of useful treasure”

Abstract: this article presents a scenario for a sporting event for preschoolers. A quest (translated from English as “quest”) is a kind of gaming adventure. Such an event develops children's intelligence and independent thinking in solving emerging problems. Creates conditions for establishing friendly, friendly relationships between children and teachers, develops the ability to listen carefully to adults and peers, and develops a sense of responsibility to their team. And the sports quest is also about strengthening the health of children.

Host: Hello, guys! How many of you know why, when meeting people, they say hello and say “Hello!”? (wish you health). What is health and what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers) All people want to be healthy. Nobody wants to be sick, lie in bed, drink bitter medicine. Therefore, guys, today I invite you to search for the keys to health in order to learn all its secrets and find the most useful treasure. Well, are you ready for this game? Then let's begin!

Music is playing

Host: Oh, guys, someone is coming to us (a doctor enters with an envelope).

Doctor: Hello guys! I heard that you are going in search of useful treasure? After all, you need to know where and what to look for. That's why I brought you maps with the route you need to follow. By completing tasks, you will be able to find all the health keys.

Host: Thank you, doctor (takes the envelope).

Guys, we will go on a small sports quest during which you will need to cope with all the tasks. For each completed task you will receive a sticker in the form of a ball. Once you complete the challenge and collect 7 balls, you will receive a key. And when we collect all 7 components of health, we can find a useful treasure. So, today the teams will take part in the competition: Cloud, Sunflowers, Bee, Brook, Butterfly, Dewdrop, Ants. Let's greet each other. (They clap.)

Physical education instructor: To be strong and healthy, what should you do in the morning? (Exercise.) So, according to tradition, we will begin our competition with a warm-up.

Warm up to music

Physical education instructor: I wish you great success in our sports quest, I wish you victories, and all teams: Physical Education!

everybody !

The leader distributes route sheets to the teams. Children go along the route, according to the numbering from the red circle.

Circle No. 1

Athlete 1:

A thread stretches, a loop among them,

Forest, copses without end and edge.

Neither tear it up nor wrap it into a ball (road).

Guys, you need to walk along this road, overcoming obstacles.

“Obstacle course” (crawl along a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your arms, crawl through a hoop, run around the pins, come back).

Well done guys, you are the smartest! And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 2

Athlete 2:

He is both a ball and a ball,

And the Moon and the bun (ball).

Dear guys, I suggest you play the attention game “Colorful Balls”. Let's stand in a semicircle. I will show you balls of different colors. When I raise the blue one, you have to clap, the green one – stomp, the yellow one – be silent, the red one – shout hurray. (A game is being played).

Athlete 2: Well done! You guys are very attentive . And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 3

Athlete 3:

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun).

“Sun relay” (the first player is given a hoop, the rest are given sticks).

Guys, you all need to put out the sun together. The first player runs to the finish line with the hoop and places it on the floor, the remaining players take turns laying out the rays. As a result, you should get bright sunshine. One, two, three, start of the game! Well done! You guys are very skillful . And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 4

Athlete 4:

In this sport, the players are all agile and tall.

They love to play with the ball and throw it into the hoop.

The ball hits the floor loudly, which means it’s... (basketball).

“Basketball players” (children must take turns throwing the ball into the hoop. Those who don’t hit go to the end and throw the next one. They must score at least 10 hits in total. Junior groups - at least 5).

Well done guys, you are the most accurate ! And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 5

Athlete 5:

A palace made of bricks.

In that palace, who is the tenant?

For princesses and their maids

They are building a house with the name... (Castle).

"Lock". Guys, in front of you are diagrams of a castle, and you must build it. Ready? One, two, three, start of the game! (children build a castle from large soft modules according to the diagram).

Well done guys, you are the strongest! And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 6

Athlete 6:

Take me in your hands, start jumping quickly. One jump and two jumps, Guess who I am, my friend? (jump rope)

"Jump rope." Guys, at this station you need to run to the finish line and back, jumping rope, against the clock.

Well done guys, you are the fastest! And for this you get the ball on your route sheet. Good luck at the next station!

Circle No. 7

Athlete 7:

I am both a cloud and a fog,

And the stream and the ocean,

And I fly and I run,

And I can be glass! (water).

"Water Carriers". Guys, now we will carry water in our palms. (At a signal, the first player takes water from a bucket near the start in his palms and runs to an empty bucket at the finish, pouring the remaining water into it, then returns to the team, passing the baton with a clap of the palm to the next player, and so on the whole team. If the team has collected water to the required level tags, she gets a ball sticker. Well done guys, you are the friendliest! And for this you get a ball on your route sheet.

On their seventh and final test, teams receive a key. Returning to the site, they give their keys to the presenter. They indicate all the components of a healthy lifestyle : agility, skill, accuracy, strength, speed, attention, friendship. Using the keys, the presenter opens the chest, where there is a useful treasure for children - sports equipment as a gift for each group.

At the end, the physical education instructor conducts a musical sports flash mob.


Route maps for teams

“Castle” scheme for older children

“Castle” scheme for children of younger groups

Quest game “In search of the treasure “Health”

Quest game
“In search of the treasure “Health”

formation of a positive attitude of children towards a healthy lifestyle.


  • systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle; acquiring new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyle in a playful way;
  • developing students’ motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle and the ability to work in a group; promoting the development of communicative qualities of the student’s personality;
  • fostering responsibility for your health and the health of your loved ones.


posters and children's drawings on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle”, route sheets, cards with tasks, tokens in the form of fruits, puzzles, baskets, hourglasses, presentation.

Preparation for the event:

The guys are divided into five teams. The gaming program takes place at the tables. During the game, children receive fruit tokens and a puzzle piece for correct answers. At the end of the game, the number of tokens is counted. The team that has the most tokens and assembles the overall picture from the puzzles wins.

Progress of the game

I. _ Organizing time

The little son came to his father and the little one asked: “What is good and what is bad?” If you do exercises, If you eat salad, You will find a treasure of health. If you don’t want to wash your ears and don’t go to the pool, and you’re friends with a cigarette, then you won’t find health. It is necessary, it is necessary, In the mornings and evenings, Wash your face, temper yourself, Feel free to play sports, Only we need this!


Hello guys, dear guests!

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the word “hello” is?

With these words they greet each other, wishing them health. Are you guys in a good mood today? They say that “A good mood is half of your health!”

I am very glad that everything is fine with you! People say: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person.” A healthy person is handsome and pleasant to talk to, easily overcomes difficulties, knows how to

truly work, study, and relax.

II . Setting the goals and objectives of the game

Guys, do you know what a treasure is? Today I invite you to play a game that will take the form of a quest . (Slide 1)

Who knows what the word "quest" means?
This is a search game in which they search for the answer to the main question. What do you think we will look for today? (On slide 2 - the theme of the game “In Search of the Health Treasure”)
For each stage you complete, you will receive tokens and a puzzle piece. Each table is a station with its own secret.

On slide 3 are the names of the stations.

"Folk Wisdom"
Road "Try, Guess"

Island "Health"

Forest "Green Pharmacy"

Healthy Food Cafe

Each team must visit all five stations and complete their task. Having completed all tasks, the teams return to their original places. And at the end of the game you will count the number of tokens and complete the puzzle. The team that has the most tokens and assembles the overall picture from the puzzles - the secret of the treasure - wins.

Rules of our game:

1.Each team will have its own route sheet, according to which you will know where to go.

2.At each station you will receive tasks on pieces of paper of a certain color.

3.No more than five minutes are allotted to complete the task. We start and finish tasks according to the hourglass.

4.If the team is ready, raise your hands together.

5.After completing all stations, each team will provide their baskets with tokens. The team that collects the most tokens will win.

So, let's start our game.

But first, you need to come up with a team name on the theme of a healthy lifestyle and choose a captain. Remember, the main thing is not speed, but the cohesion of your team. Therefore, do not rush to go through all the points faster, but try to do everything amicably and well!

Well - go ahead!

Now get the route sheets.

1 station 2 station 3 station 4 station 5 station
Glade "Folk Wisdom" Road "Try, Guess" Island


Forest "Green Pharmacy" Healthy Food Cafe

III . Main part. Conducting a quest game

Station "Polyana" Folk Wisdom"

On the pieces of paper are the beginnings of sayings and proverbs; your task is to finish them (connect the beginning and end with arrows). For a correctly completed task - 10 tokens.

Who plays sports? I wash myself up to my waist.
Walking on foot - healthy mind.
Don't be afraid of the cold Expect nothing but trouble.
Ice water - you will live longer.
Sports and tourism Every illness is a disaster.
In a healthy body strengthen the body.
Move more - he is gaining strength.
From tasty and sweet food they always go together.
Laziness is catching up with illness, to live a long time.
Health, joy and work - work cleanses the soul.

Correct answer:

Who plays sports? he is gaining strength.
Walking on foot - to live a long time.
Don't be afraid of the cold I wash myself up to my waist.
Ice water - Every illness is a disaster.
Sports and tourism strengthen the body.
In a healthy body healthy mind.
Move more - you will live longer.
From tasty and sweet food Expect nothing but trouble.
Laziness is catching up with illness, work cleanses the soul.
Health, joy and work - they always go together.

- And now I invite you to watch the sketch.

Sketch “Daily routine”

Characters and performers:

Schoolgirl Tanya

Schoolgirl Natasha


- Do you, Tanya, know what a regime is?


- Certainly! Regime... Regime is where I want, I jump there.


- Wrong! A routine is a daily routine. Are you doing it?


- I even exceed it.


- Like this?


- According to the schedule, I need to walk twice a day, but I walk four!


- No, you are not exceeding it, but breaking it! Do you know what the daily routine should be?


- I know! Climb. Charger. Washing. Making the bed. Breakfast. School. Dinner. Walk. Prep. Walk.


- Fine.


- And it can be even better.


- How is this possible?


- Like this! Climb. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch. Walk. Dinner. Walk. Tea. Walk. Dinner. Walk. Dream.


- Oh no. Under this regime, you will turn out to be lazy and ignorant.


- Will not work.


- Why?


— Because with my grandmother we follow the whole regime.


- How is it with grandma?


- Yes. I do half of it, and grandma does half of it. And together we get the whole regime.


- I don't understand!


- Very simple. I do the lifting. The grandmother does the exercises. Washing - grandma. Making the bed - grandma. Breakfast is me. Walk - me. Preparing lessons - my grandmother and I. Walk - me. Lunch is me.


- Aren’t you ashamed?! Now I understand why you are so undisciplined.

Station "Road "Try, Guess"

Read and solve the riddles. Write down the answers to the crossword puzzle. For a correctly completed task - 10 tokens.

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