Military sports game “Zarnitsa” for children in the preparatory school group

Lightning in a kindergarten on the street. Scenario

Zarnitsa for children of the senior preparatory group of kindergarten

Scenario of physical education entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Zarnitsa”
Author : Yulia Viktorovna Butova, physical education instructor at MKDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Yagodka”, Kirov, Kaluga region. Description : this material will be useful to kindergarten teachers and physical education instructors.
“Zarnitsa” in the air for children of senior preschool age
Goal : To develop interest in a healthy lifestyle, develop physical fitness and patriotic education of children. Objectives : Introduce children to the patriotic game “Zarnitsa”. Develop psychophysical qualities (endurance, speed, strength, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements). To cultivate moral qualities: patriotism, initiative, independence, conscious discipline, mutual assistance, friendship. Decoration of the site
: multi-colored flags, banners with the inscriptions: “Zarnitsa”, “Start”, “Finish”, “Field kitchen”. Play areas for each type of relay race and task are marked, as well as the location of the briefcase with “secret documents”. Snowballs for throwing relay races at the target are prepared in advance.

Progress :
Marching music sounds, children, under the guidance of an instructor, gather on the site and line up along the perimeter of the site. Instructor - Soldiers of the Russian Army stand guard over peace, happiness and freedom! Those who know how to compete, those who do not sit idle, those who want to compete with strength, - our holiday is open to those! So, we are starting the sports festival “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to those who serve and will serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Parade to attention! Head to the flag! Removing the flag
Instructor - Team “Tankmen” is your motto. Children - We are brave tankers, friendly, skillful. We will serve in the Army, We will protect our Motherland! Instructor - Team “Pilots” is your motto. Children - The pilot knows his business, He flies the plane in the sky. He flies boldly over the earth, making a flight. Instructor - Parade, turn right! Step, march! Children parade to the sound of marching music. Rearranged into columns. Instructor - Guys, this morning I received a letter, let’s read what it says: “Secret documents were left on the territory of kindergarten (name) in an appointed place.
The task is to find a package with documents; a map is attached to help you find out the location of the documents.”

Hope you can handle it!
Wish you luck! Ready to search for secret documents. Children - Ready! Instructor - You will need speed, agility, courage, determination to achieve your goal. Let's get started with the task. 1. Task “Drill training” Each team changes formation at the command of the instructor (to the right, to the left, in a circle, in place, step march, forward step march, at attention).

2. Task “Barrier” Instructor - Look carefully, where is the barrier? The children approach the barrier; it is closed. Instructor - To raise the barrier you need to answer the questions: What country do we live in? (Russia) Who protects our Motherland? (army, soldiers) Tell me, what military professions do you know? (sailors, artillerymen, pilots, signalmen, tank crews, border guards, infantrymen)

3. Task “Sharp Shooter” You need to hit a truck with a snowball (distance 1.5 -2 meters). The team with the most hits wins.

4. Task “Moving Target” You need to shoot down as many balloons lightly tied to the lower branches of trees with snowballs. Children take turns throwing snowballs (one attempt), trying to hit and knock down the ball. If a child hits, then his team gets 1 point, whichever team has more points wins.

5. Task “Minefield” Children, with the help of gymnastic sticks, must find multi-colored plastic balls buried in the snow (not deeply) and pull them out. A separate search site has been created for each team.

6.Task “Lunch” Each team selects a “cook” who stands last in the column. Each team member in turn runs up to the table, takes the offered products lying on the tray (these are plastic vegetables and fruits), the task is to choose vegetables for the borscht and transfer them one by one to the pan. The last player – the “cook” – runs last, takes the pan in his hands, checks the ingredients for the borscht and shouts “lunch”. The team that chooses the right products and finishes the relay quickly wins. 7. Task “Open the briefcase” Instructor - Guys, from the map I see that documents are hidden under this tree. Let's find them. Children find a briefcase. Instructor - We found the briefcase, but it doesn’t open. Need a password. Let's think about it, the word should be military. — What are the military weapons? - Name the military equipment? Does not work! - Let's tell the poem that we learned for the matinee, there are a lot of military words, it will help us: “To the sailors, artillerymen, border guards, signalmen - To everyone who protects our peace and guards the borders, Glory, glory and praise for great deeds!”

Instructor - The briefcase opened, and here are the secret documents. You did an excellent job with all the tasks. I want to express my gratitude and award you medals for the speed, dexterity and friendship shown in the game. Children receive medals (these are chocolate medals on strings). Instructor - All game participants and guests are invited to the “Field Kitchen” clearing, we will treat you to oatmeal cookies and tea.

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