Thematic lesson “Christmas carols” for children of the preparatory group

For the future, using fortune telling paper for the old New Year

  • Taking with you a piece of paper, matches, a saucer and a candle, retire to some dark room. The paper needs to be crumpled up, and, placing it on a saucer, set on fire from a burning candle. The ashes remaining on the plate - if you bring a burning candle to it - will cast a shadow on the wall. It may look like different figures, which are a sign of what the future has in store for you. The answer to the symbols can be read above, in the subsection “Deciphering wax figures.”
  • It may happen that you will not be able to immediately see the figure on the wall. In this case, you need to slowly rotate the saucer, and then from a suitable angle you will see the picture.

Fortune telling using threads

  • Take 3 needles and thread threads of different colors into their eye - for this you will need white, red and black spools. Let your mom or friend pin them on your clothes from the back. You, having no idea about the order of their location, must pull out one of them.
  • If you pull out a red thread, it will indicate a strong, happy marriage and the birth of a child. A white thread means loneliness and sadness, and a black thread means that marriage is “not in danger” this year, and therefore now it’s better to make a career for yourself and wait for next year. What if he turns out to be happy for you?

A coin for good luck

  • While family and guests have not yet gathered at the festive table, provide a person close to you with a coin - let him place it under one plate of his choice (in general there should be three cutlery). You should not see his manipulations, so you need to either turn away or even go into another room for a while.
  • When you return, you must look under one plate of your choice. If there is a coin there, it means that in the coming year you can count on material well-being. If you find the coin on the second try, then nothing will change in your life. But if you still don't manage to open it, beware of financial difficulties.

Fortune telling - for the betrothed, using a comb

  • This ancient method of comb divination can still be used today.
  • Make sure that your comb, which you usually use to comb your hair, is under your pillow before going to bed - but no one should see your actions. At the same time, you need to quietly pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head.”
  • This night you should have a prophetic dream in which you can see your future groom. By the way, don’t forget to let your hair down before going to bed.

Will your wish come true - fortune telling for the old New Year

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, place a mirror on the table, and, having lit a candle, write on the mirror surface about your cherished desire using melting wax. Do not show or tell anyone what you have written. Next, the candle will need to be extinguished, and the mirror placed next to the bed, on the side of the head. Go to bed and look in the mirror first thing in the morning. If what you wrote has been preserved in its original form, then this means that your desire will soon come true. If the inscription disappears, then it will never come true. If one part of the phrase remains and the other disappears, then your wish is destined to be half fulfilled, and this will not happen very soon.

Fortune telling for the groom's name

A girl who wants to know what name her significant other, who has not yet met, has, can tell fortunes like this:

  • Cut the paper into thin strips on which you need to write different men's names. Do not write 3 stripes at all.
  • Fold them in half, place them in some container, and pour cold water on top of them. Without hesitation, you should pull out one of the strips that floated to the top among others.
  • Whatever name is written in it is the groom’s name. A pulled out strip without a name will mean that very soon a contender for your hand and heart will appear in your life.

Fortune telling for the future husband using a shell

  • With this method of fortune telling, you will need walnut shells and notes with the names of young people you know.
  • Each shell should contain one piece of paper with one male name. The shells should be placed in water poured into a basin (in a circle, at its very side), in the form of small boats. You should place a lit candle in a separate shell and also lower it into the basin (in its central part).
  • Wait a while to see which shell the candle sticks to. Pull the note out of it and you will find out what name your future husband will have.

Fortune telling using wax

  • Wax will help you find out what awaits you in the coming year. It must first be melted and poured into cold water in a thin stream. Soon it will turn into a cold mass in the form of some kind of figure.
  • You will need to remove it from the liquid and take a close look at its shape. With its rounded sides, the figure will tell you that your life will develop measuredly and calmly, without unnecessary shocks. Sharp corners will tell you about the presence of envious people in your life.

Deciphering wax figures:

Often, wax frozen in water can resemble different things, animals and even people. If, for example, the wax figurine turned out to be similar:

  • with mountains, then this means upcoming obstacles;
  • with a bagel - it means you have enemies;
  • with a house - to a new place of residence;
  • with a star - your plans will come true;
  • with a tree - to well-being;
  • with a rocket - to the speedy fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • with a ring - for marriage;
  • with the church - to a quick marriage;
  • with a cradle - to the birth of a new life;
  • with a dog - it means new friends will appear in your life;
  • with an arrow - to a new love affair;
  • with a lock - to exposure;
  • with a snake - gossips and envious people have snuck into your circle;
  • with the key - to receive a promising offer;
  • with a flower - to a romantic relationship;
  • with a person - to a new successful acquaintance;
  • with a coffin or the devil - to illness and family discord.

If the figurine breaks into small pieces in your hands, pregnancy will soon occur.

Fortune telling for the betrothed (betrothed) for the Old New Year

Every girl wants to know when she will get married. To find out, you can use the old method of fortune telling using a wedding ring.

  • For this purpose, a mother’s, grandmother’s or a ring that a friend wears on her finger will do just fine. It is not worth passing it from hand to hand (there is a superstition that in this case the spouse will cheat). It’s better to let the woman who owns this ring drop it on the floor, and you will need to pick it up.
  • For such fortune-telling you will need a bosom girlfriend and several deep opaque cups turned upside down. You will need to close your eyes, and at this time your girlfriend will have to hide the engagement ring under one of the cups.
  • If you correctly guess which container the ring is under, you will get married this year, moreover, your husband will be good and your family will be strong. Do not guess again - in this case you cannot vouch for the correctness of the prediction.
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