Lesson summary for children 7-10 years old “Profession Hairdresser”.

Profession "hairdresser" for children in grades 1-2

Hairdressing is an old and very necessary profession. If a person needs to cut his hair or get a beautiful hairstyle, he goes to the hairdresser.

Hairdressers can be different: men's, women's and children's. My mother works as a women's master. She leaves for work early in the morning, especially if she needs to give someone a nice holiday haircut early in the morning.

A hairdresser should always be beautiful and neat - mom always takes care of her hair and does her hair every morning. At work, mom does simple and festive hairstyles, cuts her hair, dyes it, and curls it. She works on her feet all day and gets very tired in the evening, but still loves her job.

The work of a hairdresser seems simple, but in reality it is not so - not every person gets beautiful haircuts and hairstyles. This is specially studied, but studying alone is not enough - you need to have talent and definitely love this business for everything to work out. Only a good hairdresser can give a person a hairstyle that will suit him and decorate him, and can cut his hair in such a way that everyone around him will admire.

A hairdresser must be able to behave politely and never be rude, be able to listen to each client and help him choose the right hairstyle or hair color. And the hairdresser must have good health, because working on your feet all day is very difficult.

Mom says that a hairdresser’s job is to give people beauty and a good mood.

Master hairdresser

The hairdresser will do the hairstyle with a hairdryer, brush and comb. He will curl his locks luxuriantly, he will fluff up his bangs with a brush, everything in his hands is on fire - he will change his appearance!

At the hairdresser

They brought the child to get his hair cut - How big has the boy become! Let's take scissors, a comb - One-two-three - the haircut is ready. You won't recognize the boy, you can send him to kindergarten!

Summary of the integrated lesson “Profession - hairdresser” for children of the senior group

Shchepkina Tatyana Viktorovna

Summary of the integrated lesson “Profession - hairdresser” for children of the senior group

Summary of the integrated lesson “Profession – hairdresser” for children of the senior group

To clarify and expand preschoolers’ knowledge about profession hairdresser.

Educational: Continue to familiarize children with the sequence of actions in the work of a hairdresser ; clarify the significance of the work of a hairdresser ;

Educational: To cultivate respect for the work of a hairdresser , the desire to visit salons.

Preliminary work: talk about the dangers when using electrical appliances, getting acquainted with a hair dryer.

Demonstration material: ICT; illustrations of men's, women's and children's haircuts, photos of children's hairstyles. Slides for the game "Third Man"

Methodical techniques: Conversation, game situation, “Beauty Salon”

and “Cafe” physical education.

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