Festival of children's creativity on June 1 in kindergarten. Scenario

Festival of children's creativity on June 1 in kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario of the festival of children's creativity "Constellation of talented preschool children."
The song is playing New Generation Fanfare (leader's exit) Presenter: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our cozy room and give you a piece of our warmth and light. First day of summer, become even brighter! Celebrate June 1st everywhere! After all, this Day is for the protection of all children! It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it! And on this wonderful day we are holding a festive festival of children's creativity, called “Constellation of Talented Preschool Children”! We welcome everyone who came to our star concert, which we dedicated to our most talented, sweet, kind, small and cheerful children. We kindly ask you not to spare your palms and emotions. Host: Some will ask the question, what is the “Constellation of Talents?” Talent is power, Talent is class, Talent is a celebration of Miracles without embellishment. Discover the talent in your heart, Like the sun, and illuminate everyone with joy and happiness! I think that the constellation of talents is a celebration, the joy of communication, new creative successes. The constellation of talents is a territory where ordinary children demonstrate their talents. The main condition for participation is talent. Today there are guests at our holiday. Let me introduce the jury of our festival: (introduction of the jury) We are opening our festival of children's creativity “Constellation of Talented Preschool Children” Fanfare Presenter : It’s not for nothing that the fanfare is sounding now, It’s not for nothing that the people have gathered here. The whole hall is frozen in anticipation: What’s going to happen here now? Host : If the stars light up in the sky, it means someone needs it! - these are lines from the famous poem by Mayakovsky. And there is no doubt that today at our festival, many bright and unforgettable stars will shine, which will burn for a long, long time, giving joy and light to all of us! Our middle group stars begin our festival with the dance “We are little stars.” Host: Who among us has never dreamed of being on stage, of feeling at least for a moment like a singer and musician, dancer and actor. But talent is not enough for this. You need courage and despair, boundless faith in yourself and your capabilities. Yes, not everyone will become a world-famous star, but we are quite capable of surprising each other. It’s not for nothing that one of our contemporary said: We are all talented from the cradle. One is a dancer, the other is a singer. And even the smallest child is an Artist, a star and just a great guy! Presenter: And today the festival participants declared themselves in the following categories: 1. “On the theatrical stage” or Literary activity, where children will read poetry and excerpts from works. There are 6 numbers presented in this category. 2. “With a song through life” or vocal art, in this nomination you will hear solo singing and vocal groups. 4 numbers. 3. And the third nomination is “Dance while you’re young” or dance art. In this nomination you will see dances in solo and group performance, in the amount of 11 numbers. Presenter: Faith in the student’s capabilities, multiplied by the skill of parents and teachers, can work wonders. In life, it often turns out that what is important is not even what nature gave a person, but what he was able to do with the gift that he has. Man has two worlds: One, which created us, Another, which we have been creating since time immemorial to the best of our ability. Host : So, we begin. And the first nomination “Literary activity. 1. A magical land, a delight to the eyes. Everything is alive there: hills, forests, Amber and yellow grapes, The valleys are a sheltered beauty. What region do you think we are talking about? Right! You and I live in a beautiful city - Bakhchisarai, which means garden-palace. It is located in the foothills, on the slope of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, in a forest-steppe area, in the valley of a tributary of the Kacha - the Churuk-Su River. But it’s better if the first participants tell you about it ________________ Let’s welcome our first participants of the festival. Poem "My Bakhchisarai". 2. And the following poem will be performed by the pupil ___________ For Russia, the village is a particle, And for some it is the parental home And we are glad that we can be proud of the Small Motherland, where we live. _________will read a poem about his small homeland 3. To introduce our next participant, you should guess a riddle. Ready? She is not young at all, but how her eyes sparkle! And her kind hands are not afraid of her work. I’ll paint her portrait, I’ll leave the best sweets for her, I’ll tell you, my friends are not secret, After all, this is (my grandmother). Of course it's grandma! So, meet the “little” participant, a pupil of ________________ with the poem “Our Grandmother”. 4. Just recently we celebrated the wonderful holiday of Victory Day. All kindergartens held matinees dedicated to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and now pupil _____________ will perform the poem “Grandfather’s Portrait”. 5. Having finally left the north, Forgetting the Feasts for a long time, I visited Bakhchisarai, a palace slumbering in oblivion. I saw the dilapidated bars, Behind which, in their spring, Amber sorting out the rosary, The wives sighed in silence. Did you find out whose lines these are? Yes, that’s right, these are poems by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who visited our glorious city of Bakhchisarai in 1820. Pushkin left a huge mark on history thanks to his literary works. Here is one of the pieces you will now hear performed by _____________. She will read an excerpt from the poem “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree.” 6. We are responsible to the future: Our joy, pain and sadness, Our future is children... It’s difficult with them, so be it. Our children are our strength, the lights of extraterrestrial worlds, If only the future was as bright as they are. On stage ____________, with the poem “Take care of your children”, Presenter: Let’s move on to the second nomination - vocal art. 1. Different people sing songs. Trying to convey feelings with them. Life is sometimes lived like a song. In it, trying to give warmth to people. And the first number in this nomination will be ____________, with the song “Don’t take the sun away from children”, 2. What a wonderful word - friendship. You say it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested. And now _______________ will sing to us about friendship with the sun. Song "Me and the Sun". 3. I want to ask you, what is your favorite color? But I like orange. This is the color of the sun, joy, warmth... And what else is this color we will hear now. On stage ____________, with a song called “Orange Song” 4. During the war, poems were written and songs dedicated to women. Well, everyone in Russia knows this song. And she is often remembered at the holiday. Her soldiers sang in the trenches and they named a gun in her honor. We invite to the stage the members of the vocal group from ___________ with the song “Katyusha” Presenter : The vocal nomination has ended And we have come to the third and last nomination - Dance while you are young or dance art 1. At concerts, everything happens There are roses and there are thorns Let the kids give us a Dance of wondrous beauty . Meet _____________ with the dance “Native Lands” 2. In the constellation of talents, we have stars. In the constellation of talents, their supply is multiplying. In the constellation of talents, we dance and sing. In the constellation of talents, we live creatively. And the next number will be performed by ________, with the dance “I paint this world!” 3. Many kindergartens have already held graduation parties. This holiday is a day of farewell, sad and cheerful. After all, the time has come for the children to say goodbye to childhood, Because they need to get ready for school. And your favorite fairy tales, It’s time to part with them How many times have you read them, but this game is over. It’s time to get ready for school, But let’s not be sad. And now I propose to invite them all to the dance. Meet the children ____________ with the dance “Our Tales” 4. There are beautiful dances on earth. Both you and I like dancing. Let's stand in a circle again in pairs. You'll never get tired of dancing! On our stage ____________ with the dance “Flowers in the garden are beautiful in spring” 5. What kind of miracle garden is this? Grapes do not ripen here, raspberries do not grow, Marina lives here, and Deniska, Masha and Boris. If you get into a fight, make up immediately! Because you can’t argue in kindergarten. It’s not the wicked ones that grow here, it’s not the thorns, but girls and boys, all naughty ones. Meet the children ___________, with the dance “Naughty Girls” 6. Let the foreign actors envy After all, our dancers are excellent, It’s high time to enroll all of you in a choreographic class. People, let's boldly get into the drive Girls will dance “Jive” Meet ______________ 7. Hey, who is cheerful and daring Bring spoons to the hall Invite spooners. What? Are they already at the door? Come in, we invite you, we’ll turn on the music for you. There are no louder sounds than our spoons. Both for the dance and for lunch. Let's welcome our next participants, children _________ who will perform a musical composition on spoons. Dance "Spooners". 8. It’s so good when you don’t hear gunfire, When people don’t die, there’s no war, Peace and quiet is a peaceful dream. How good it is that there’s peace and no war! Meet __________ with the dance “Talyanochka”. 9. We took flowers in our hands, like childhood dreams. We want to please you, we will perform a dance now. We invite participants from ________ to the stage with the “Red Poppies” dance. 10. There is the country of India - and Indian dance. There is Brazil - and Brazilian dance. There is Spain - and Spanish dance. There is no Tataria, but Tatar dance. Meet __________, the “Tym-Tym” dance 11. A surprise will fly out from the musical springboard. This will be your reason to shout loudly: Bravo. Bis. __________ performs with a dance 12. Women love flowers - Everyone knows about it. Our children are like flowers. They are also growing up! And the next number will be _________ Dance “Tenderness”. 13. Oh, Russian dance, a sight for sore eyes! It will explode in breadth and height, He will show everyone without a doubt the breadth of the Russian Soul! Our dear flags float in the blue sky, In times of trial and joy, We and Russia are inseparable - Time has tested our strength! And the last number of our festival today, welcome the children ___________ with the dance “Forward Russia” Presenter: On this optimistic note, in the spirit of patriotism, all the nominations presented for today ended. As you know, there is no limit to a person’s creative talents. At this festival, each of the children was able to prove themselves not only in vocal skills and poetry reading, but also to show their abilities in dancing. In the meantime, the jury leaves to deliberate, we announce a short break. The song Constellation of Talents is playing. Presenter: And now the floor is given to our distinguished jury. Awarding the Competition Participants (fanfare) Presenter : We say goodbye, the festival is over. We create it with love together. And we sincerely thank everyone who came to visit us! See you again!

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I. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure and regulations for holding the “Art Leaders” children's creativity competition within the framework of the educational project “Unusual in the Ordinary” for students in preschool education programs (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the 2021–2022 academic year.

1.2. The organization and conduct of the Competition is carried out by the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

II. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. The competition is held in order to support and develop children in the field of artistic and aesthetic activities, identify the best creative children's groups of educational organizations in Moscow, and develop the cultural traditions of preschool education.

2.2. Main objectives of the Competition:

  • creative and aesthetic development of preschool children;
  • the formation of children’s elementary ideas about various types of art;
  • nurturing moral and patriotic feelings, respect for the achievements of domestic composers, poets, performers, cultural and artistic figures;
  • nurturing an emotional and value-based attitude towards interaction with peers and adults, familiarization with universal human values ​​and culture;
  • developing interest among preschool children in studying the cultural and educational environment of the city;
  • stimulating the development of children's imagination and artistic creativity;
  • support for preschool teachers implementing effective practices in the field of artistic and aesthetic development of children.

III. Competitors

3.1. The participants of the Competition are pupils of state educational organizations of the city of Moscow aged 6 to 7 years.

3.2. For students to participate in the Competition, an educational organization can send an application indicating from 1 to 5 participants (individual students or creative teams of students) in each nomination. A participant can submit no more than 1 competitive work in a nomination.

3.2.1. If an educational organization indicates in its application more than 5 participants in a nomination, the competitive works of this organization will not be considered.

IV. Regulations for the Competition

The competition is held in the following categories:

4.1. Musical and literary composition.

A performance by a creative team of students is presented for participation in the “Musical and Literary Composition” nomination.

The competition work includes the following required parts:

  • vocal and choral singing: collective performance of a song (songs) by an ensemble (7–14 people) or a choir (from 15 people) – up to 3 minutes;
  • dance creativity: dance or dance compositions (from 8 people) - historical and everyday dance, folk dance, plot-characteristic dance (pop and sports dances are not allowed) lasting no more than 4 minutes;
  • instrumental performance: ensemble (7–14 people) or orchestra (from 15 people), including different groups of instruments, no more than 3 minutes;
  • artistic and speech activity: collective reading of literary works (from 3–5 people) – no more than 4 minutes.

Total duration – up to 20 minutes.

4.1.1. Topics of compositions:

  • "The world of childhood";
  • “Nature in Music and Poetry”;
  • “Folklore for Children”;
  • "Journey to the Land of Poetry";
  • "Composers for children."

4.1.2. Video recording requirements:

  • the video recording of the composition must be made in the form of continuous filming of all mandatory parts of the performance without editing individual fragments;
  • The video recording must meet the requirements for technical quality sufficient to evaluate the work. Video material is accepted in the following formats: MP4, AVI, MPEG, MOV, MTS, WMV with a resolution of at least 1280*720 pixels, aspect ratio 16:9 with high quality image and sound; The video location must be horizontal;
  • the recording of the video material must be uploaded by the participant to any online storage with access provided via a link;
  • Recordings of children's performances at holidays are not accepted.

4.1.3. Requirements for performing the composition: General requirements:

  • compliance with the age and individual capabilities of performers;
  • maintaining a single style in all parts of the composition;
  • dance costumes and props correspond to the theme of the composition. Requirements for each part of the composition:

for vocal and choral performance:

  • when performing a song, the use of a microphone or phonograms as musical accompaniment by participants is excluded;
  • the quality of song performance is characterized by purity of intonation, soft sound production, and rhythm; clear diction; expressiveness; singing performance when singing;

for dance performance:

  • the composition includes dances with fixed movements, the construction of which is determined by the structure of the musical work: historical and everyday dances (polka, polonaise, gavotte, minuet, waltz); dances of the peoples of the world (round dance, dance, etc.); plot-character dances (performed by various characters);
  • folk dance is performed by participants only to traditional folk music, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments;
  • musical accompaniment of children's dance with vocal accompaniment and electronic music is excluded;
  • the declared dance must contain authentic movements and music;
  • the quality of performance is characterized by: correct compositional structure of the dance (compliance of dance elements, figures with the declared style, interaction of dancers with each other, absence of unreasonable pauses); correct technique for performing movements (quality of movements, rhythm, expressiveness); compliance of the plasticity of movements, costumes, and props with the content of the musical image of the work;

for instrumental performance:

  • performance by participants without a microphone, the use of phonograms as musical accompaniment is excluded;
  • choosing the right instruments to perform a piece of music;
  • the quality of performance is characterized by the following indicators: transmission of the rhythmic pattern of the melody; purity of sound when playing instruments with a diatonic or chromatic scale, coherence; degree of proficiency in sound production techniques when playing children's musical instruments (in accordance with program requirements in older preschool age); musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical work, ensemble performance;

to artistic and speech activity:

  • selection of a literary work or works on the topic of composition;
  • when reading a work, the quality of performance is taken into account: literacy of speech, clear pronunciation of sounds, mastery of the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness: correct placement of logical stresses, pauses, determination of the tempo and volume of speech; choice of intonation corresponding to the author's intention.

4.2. Fine creativity.

4.2.1. The participant submits to the Competition one individual work on the topic “In the world of fine arts” in one of the genres:

  • landscape - an image of nature, the surrounding world (rural, urban, sea, forest, park, autumn, etc.);
  • portrait - an image of a person (individual, group - from 3 or more people; children's, self-portrait, etc.);
  • still life (from French “dead nature”) - floral, with fruits, vegetables, various objects, etc.

4.2.2. The drawing can be made using the following technique:

  • painting;
  • graphics.

4.2.3. Technical requirements for the competition work:

  • the competition work must be completed by the participant himself;
  • the image corresponds to the age and individual capabilities of the performer, children's perception and understanding;
  • digital photographs must be of high quality with a resolution of at least 1200 pixels on one side;
  • the participant of the Competition submits two links: to a digital copy in color image in jpg format and a link to a video film with fragments of the child’s work (from sketching a picture to painting), lasting up to 3 minutes, uploaded by the participant to any online storage with access provided via the link ;
  • The competition work is performed on A3 or A2 paper and is framed without passe-partout, glass or frame.

4.2.4. General requirements for the content of the competition work:

  • correspondence of visual skills and abilities to the age of the participant;
  • disclosure of the contents of the picture in accordance with the title;
  • compliance of the composition with the artist’s intention;
  • correct use of visual means - their compliance with the declared genre and type;
  • expressiveness;
  • accuracy.

4.2.5. Requirements for works by type of art.

Requirements for work (painting):

  • expressive means of painting are color (color range, its saturation) and composition;
  • artistic means include color, stroke, line, spot (silhouette), color and light contrast;
  • materials: gouache, watercolor;
  • In the competition work of this genre, drawings in which: sketches are visible through layers of paint are not considered; there are non-traditional techniques: the use of two materials in one work (gouache and watercolor), prints with different objects, monotype, leaf prints, cellophane, hand drawing, collage, scratch paper; stencils and tinted paper are used.

Work requirements (graphics):

  • the work can be done in the form of a book illustration, drawing;
  • the main expressive means of graphics are line (contour), stroke (tone), spot (silhouette), dots;
  • materials used: graphite and colored pencils, felt-tip pen, charcoal, sanguine, pastel, watercolor.

V. Stages and terms of the Competition

5.1. Dates of the Competition: from March 1 to May 1, 2022.

5.1.1. To participate in the Competition, educational organizations must fill out an electronic form in their personal account in the interactive system “Competitions and Projects” of the City Methodological Center from March 1 to March 31, 2022

5.1.2. When filling out the form, you must fill out an application (see Appendix No. 2), indicating a link to video materials and a digital copy of the children's creative work, links to parental permission to film children and publish on YouTube. Applications without the specified materials will not be accepted.

5.1.3. Stage II of the Competition is urban.

From April 1 to May 1, 2022, competitive works are assessed by an independent professional Jury.

5.2. Materials that do not comply with the regulations will not be accepted or considered for participation in the Competition.

5.3. The results of the Competition are posted in the personal accounts of participants in the form of electronic diplomas of the Laureate, Diploma of I or II degrees and Certificates of participants.

5.4. The best materials of the Competition will be posted on the official website of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education and Science of Moscow.

VI. Competition Management

6.1. The preparation and holding of the Competition is managed by the Organizing Committee (Appendix No. 1).

6.2. Organizing Committee of the Competition:

  • accepts and processes applications from educational organizations;
  • determines the final dates and procedure for conducting competitive events;
  • organizes advisory and methodological support for the Competition;
  • forms the Competition Jury based on nominations;
  • publishes video materials of the Competition on the official website of the City Methodological Center.

VII. Jury of the Competition

7.1. The Competition jury is formed by the Organizing Committee in accordance with the competitive nominations.

7.2. The jury members are representatives of state educational institutions.

7.3. Competitive works (performances) are evaluated in accordance with approved criteria.

7.4. The decision of the Jury members is made collectively, by a majority vote, and cannot be challenged.

7.5. Appeals based on the results of the Competition will not be accepted.

VIII. Awarding of the Competition participants

8.1. The winners of the city stage of the Competition are awarded electronic diplomas of Laureates and Diploma holders of I and II degrees¸ certificates of participation, which are posted in the personal account of the interactive system “Competitions and Projects” of the City Methodological Center.

Responsible coordinator of the Competition: Egorova Tatyana Ivanovna, 8 (495) 912-63-37, ext. 310.

Methodological and technical support of the Competition: Geraskina Ekaterina Andreevna, tel. 8, ext. 311.

Annex 1

Composition of the Organizing Committee of the Children's Creativity Competition "Art-Leaders" for students in the main educational programs of preschool education

Zinin Andrey Sergeevich, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow for Additional Professional Education (Advancement of Qualifications) of Specialists City Methodological Center of the Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow
Borodin Mikhail Vyacheslavovich First Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow for Additional Professional Education (Advancement of Qualifications) of Specialists City Methodological Center of the Department of Education and Science of the City of Moscow
Egorova Tatyana Ivanovna methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow for additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists City Methodological Center of the Department of Education and Science of Moscow
Geraskina Ekaterina Andreevna methodologist of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow for additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists City Methodological Center of the Department of Education and Science of Moscow

Appendix 2

APPLICATION for participation in the Children's Creativity Competition "Art-Leaders" for students in basic educational programs of preschool education

Administrative district of Moscow
Full name of the educational organization
Address of educational organization
Head of the educational organization (full full name), contact phone number, E-mail
Title of the competition work
Participant (full name) or name of the creative team
Head of the Competition participant (full full name), contact phone number, E-mail

Date of application “_______” __________ 20__

Head of educational organization ______________/____________/


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