Report on the topic: “New approaches to organizing holidays and entertainment in kindergarten”

Adult problems of children's matinees

Parents who come to a children's party can make many discoveries for themselves. After all, it often happens that some character traits of a child hardly appear at home, when communicating with loved ones, and become noticeable only when conditions change. Here are the most typical cases that parents come to me with (their last names have been changed).

Irina Gorelova, mother of three-year-old Pavlik: My son spoke quite well at the age of one, and at three his speech was almost like that of an adult - all the sounds and words are correct, the sentences are literate. That is why at the holiday he was assigned to read the longest poem and was given several roles. We learned the lyrics with him and looked forward to hearing him from the stage.

When they waited, they couldn’t believe their ears. He said “mozvoz” and “poofy snow”, and very quietly. Of course, we did not scold him and did not talk about this topic in front of him at all. But next time we won’t stress him so much.

Not all children, like adults, enjoy public speaking. But adults can directly state this, and no one will force them to sing or recite poetry when they don’t want to. But children have to look for other ways to avoid such forced performances, because parents and educators pay little attention to a simple “I don’t want to.” And they are forced to resort to various “tricks”. You don’t have to be a psychologist to figure out their meaning: “I’ll show you that I’m doing this badly, so that next time they won’t force you.”

Lyudmila Kondrashina, mother of five-year-old Dasha: My daughter has never been to a matinee in two years. As soon as a holiday approaches, she immediately begins to get sick. At first we didn’t pay attention, we thought it was a coincidence. But then it became clear that something was wrong. The last matinee was in the summer, she was completely healthy, but the day before she suddenly began to complain that her tummy hurt. And we didn’t go again.

This really happens - when a child gets sick on purpose in order to avoid something unpleasant for himself. Of course, this happens unconsciously, according to the mechanism of “conditional desirability” of the disease. And the child is not pretending, he really starts to have a cough, headache or stomach upset. Even the temperature may rise. Most often this happens in anxious children who are very afraid of situations of public evaluation and comparison.

Such “diseases” should alert both educators and parents. Think about why your child might be so worried? How do you feel about your child? Are your demands too high? Are you trying too hard to awaken his activity?

Maria Borschova, mother of six-year-old Rita: We have matinees and various performances quite often - a kindergarten with a theatrical twist. My daughter loves performances and actively participates in them. In addition, she is very capable - she can learn the words for the whole group. This is, of course, very pleasant. But she gets very upset when she is not given the role she wants. Cries and stamps his feet, throws real hysterics. Once she even hit the girl who was the princess instead of her.

Any character trait has two sides. People of the demonstrative type love to be seen and, as a rule, are very bright and artistic. This is, of course, a plus. But often they try to gain attention at any cost, and this can be a problem - both for the person himself and for those around him.

Since the formation of character is influenced not only by innate qualities, but also by environmental conditions, parents and educators can smooth out the negative sides of such artistic natures. You should not indulge all the desires of the child, especially after he has already begun to make trouble. This will only convince him that the method he has chosen is the most correct. And of course, we must teach them that there are other children, that they also deserve attention and admiration. At first, this will be unpleasant for a child who is accustomed to undivided attention, but this is exactly the case when the sooner the better.

Svetlana Zhigunova, mother of four-year-old Inna: I work a lot, my daughter even spends weekends with a nanny. Either the nanny or the grandmother also goes to the holidays. I then watch the video. I still attended the last two matinees. Surprisingly, in front of me she behaved completely differently than in front of her grandmother or nanny. She was kind of tense, forgot the words, and burst into tears. She stood literally clutching her dress. Apparently, she’s completely lost the habit of me.

As a rule, children behave differently with different people. And psychologists know that behavioral problems in a child mean problems in relationships with a certain adult.

Why does the daughter experience such tension in the presence of her mother? Maybe a truly close relationship did not develop between mother and daughter? Of course, lack of time is typical for working moms, but in reality, it is the quality of communication that matters, not the amount of time spent together. A child needs, first of all, to feel the love of his parents, and this is possible even at a distance. If in the person of the mother the child does not feel a loving person, but rather a controlling authority, then, of course, anxiety and tension are a natural reaction.

Igor Gerguzov, father of six-year-old Vanya: Our problem is that everything is too good. The child loves kindergarten very much and goes there willingly. And at the matinees everything goes great. You feel such love for the teacher that it’s even strange. She is practically a dear person to him. For a six-year-old child, in my opinion, parents should be the main authority.

Around this age, other significant people other than parents should appear in a child’s life. This does not mean that the child loves these others more. He just began to pay attention to people as individuals. This is completely natural and even necessary - your baby is taking his first steps into an independent life. Parents may have ambivalent feelings. Along with the joy of growing up, jealousy arises: “Why, this is my son!” But the ability to let go is just as important as the ability to be there.

Consultation for teachers “Mentines and entertainment in kindergarten”

Consultation for educators

"Mentines and entertainment in kindergarten"

Prepared by: senior teacher Borscheva E.A.

Entertainment and matinees in kindergarten

- this is a kind of result of a certain period of general educational work with children of the entire teaching staff, and not just the music director. *extract from an official document!

Preparation for the holidays takes place in different classes, in different types of artistic and creative activities. They talk with children about the upcoming holiday, read relevant stories, learn poems and song lyrics, and conduct excursions; The theme of the holiday is reflected in drawings and applications. In music classes, only part of the general educational work is carried out in connection with the upcoming holiday matinee.

The teachers of that group together with the music director are responsible for matinees and entertainment in each kindergarten group. This means that teachers are also worried about what fairy-tale characters and surprises will look like, they select thematic poems and teach them to the children, come up with attractions and prepare everything necessary for them, count the number of chairs in the music room before the matinee, think, for example, about who will light the Christmas tree and where Santa Claus will come from. All issues are discussed with the music director - but only if necessary.

Distribution of holiday program numbers

among children represents the most subtle and difficult task for teachers: it is necessary to offer each child a performance according to his strengths. In this case, more capable children are in better conditions: they are assigned the most important tasks, and they successfully cope with them, of course, not without the help of teachers and parents. It is more difficult to ensure the participation in the holiday of those children who have not yet reached the required level of musical development, are unconfident, shy, or have not shown any abilities. However, they too must perform, albeit with an easier, but interesting task for them - in a game, competitions, an easy group dance, reading poetry. The main thing is that the child does not feel offensive condescension or distrust of his capabilities.

The activities of the teacher during preparation and directly at the holiday are very diverse and responsible. It is true that the holiday is a common matter. But in order to do any business well together, you need to have like-minded people. First of all, in the person of teachers.

The role of the presenter is very responsible. The presenter must have space for improvisation and direct response to situations. His emotionality, liveliness, ability to communicate directly and freely with children, and expressive performance of poetic texts largely determine the general mood and pace of the celebration. The host must not only know well (and not read) the holiday script, but also be able to “fill in” the pauses that arise.

Teachers who do not play any roles are with the children of their group. They carefully monitor how the children perceive this or that performance, prepare attributes, costume details, change the children’s clothes in a timely manner, and help them, if necessary, during games, dances, skits, and reading poetry.

Stages of preparation for events:

Introducing the scenario and discussing it. During the discussion, the following are selected: the presenter, performers of adult characters and children for leading roles. During the discussion, the key points of the holiday are clarified.

The distribution of poems is led by the teacher, because he knows who spoke at the previous holiday and who is better suited for reading a particular poem. Poems and roles are distributed to children at home for joint learning with their parents - the teacher controls this process, for subsequent practice of expressive reading.

Preparing attributes. The music director is responsible for preparing the musical attributes. The teachers of this group are responsible for preparing the rest. They can entrust their production to their parents, do it together with their children, or do it themselves.

Let us emphasize once again that the Presenter must know very well the entire course of the holiday, know all the children’s poems, and which specific child reads them. Educators, along with children, should know the lyrics and dances well. During the holiday, the Presenter voices not only the text that is given in the script, but also, in his own words, as necessary, must play out the situations.

Only when the texts and roles have been learned do we move on to the stage of working out images and characters, moments of entry and exit, and other nuances.

Before the matinee, it is important to prepare children for a joyful, but important event in the life of the group, to remind them of the rules of behavior at the holiday.

About parents. Sometimes unexpected situations happen during the holidays. Parents, in their impulse, forget that this is not a family holiday or a holiday organized by entertainers, and go across the hall to fix their child’s suit or hairstyle, or simply take photographs of the children. To avoid this, it is necessary at every parent meeting to correctly but strictly remind them that the holiday is for children and they must take photographs from their place or after the holiday, turn off mobile phones, and that it is absolutely unacceptable to talk on the phone during the matinee. After all, the children were preparing for this event and consider themselves almost artists, so we must learn to respect our children.

Recommendations for the holiday:

- all adults should not dance with children, one is enough, except for the round dance (relative to younger children);

- try not to stand with your back to the audience, find your place at the festival on the right or left;

- all poems are discussed, if there are difficulties in this, contact the senior teacher;

— it is not acceptable to ask children who wants to read poetry (everyone wants to read poetry);

- we do not use the word “poem” in speech, we say - read a poem;

- during the holiday, do not touch children with your hands, but in order to rebuild them, you just need to tell them about it;

- in older preschool age, children should go to numbers (telling poems) without reminders from the teacher;

- maintain discipline;

- before the holiday, check the number of chairs, paraphernalia, musical instruments according to the number of children at the holiday;

- inform parents in a timely manner about the date of the event, discuss with them in advance the form of clothing and shoes


- before the event, make sure that all children are combed and neatly dressed;

- at the end of the holiday, teachers need to gather all the children and leave the hall in an orderly manner;

- at the end of the day, discuss with the children the past event, what impression it made on them;

- all controversial issues should be resolved in a calm, friendly atmosphere, before or after the event, but not the time of the event.

Holidays should be bright, interesting, full of varied activities, focused on both entertainment and the development of children.

The holiday is, first of all, a demonstration performance of our children, including us, so please treat it with great responsibility. And we must never forget that a holiday is joy. So let's give it to children and each other, sparing no effort in support, smiles and compliments. And then everything will work out for us!

Thus, if all participants in the educational process work with love, trust and respect for each other, trying to use every minute for the development of the child, then this unique period - preschool childhood - will become a strong base and the basis for the further success of each child.

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