Thematic plan for the work of preschool educational institutions during the New Year holidays

Dracheva Olga Alexandrovna

Thematic plan for the work of preschool educational institutions during the New Year holidays

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Novosibirsk district, Novosibirsk region, kindergarten “Zvezdochka”


At the pedagogical council No. 2

From 12/07/2017

Work plan of the preschool educational institution during the holiday period

(01/09/2022 – 01/23/2022)

Developed by senior teacher : Dracheva O. A.

S. Krivodanovka, 2022

Goal: creating optimal conditions for children’s active recreation.


1. Develop the creative abilities of students in a variety of activities;

2. Create an atmosphere of joy, form a positive emotional state of all participants in the educational process;

3. Reduce psychological and mental stress;

4. Contribute to the development of creative initiative in preschool children.

Calendar-thematic plan for the winter holidays

2nd junior and middle groups

Wednesday 10.01 topic : Winter's fairy tale goal: Create an emotionally positive mood, develop interest in fairy tales.

1. Modeling “Snowmen”
(junior group)
Drawing according to the plan “Who lives in a mitten?”

, based on the fairy tale
“Rukavichka” (cf. gr.)
2. Reading books: “Zayushkina’s hut”

"Winter quarters of animals"

3. Making new didactic games based on fairy tales ( “Recognize the hero by silhouette”

“Mosaic from fairy tales”
“What is the mood of the fairy-tale hero?”
, etc.)

Thursday 11.01 topic : Winter fun goal: Create a positive attitude towards joint activities, develop children's playing skills.

1. Making riddles about winter and winter phenomena.

2. Looking at illustrations about winter.

3. Outdoor games: “I’ll freeze”

“Frost red nose”
, etc.

4. Finger games: “Snow-snowball”

“We sculpted a lump,”

Friday 12.01 topic : In the world of music goal: To develop interest in the art of music, to teach children to express themselves through music.

1. Dance games

2. Singing songs about winter (to sound recordings)

3. Acquaintance with music. instruments, playing musical instruments

4. Exhibition of musical instruments and illustrations on the topic. Carrying out in the music hall

Monday 15.01 topic : Health Day goal: To form children's ideas about health, physical activity and body hygiene

1. Conversation about the benefits of physical education

2. Reading the educational fairy tale “Journey to the Land of Umyvai-ka”

(p. 38,

3. Physical entertainment

4. Collective collage “Healthy Children”

Educational fairy tales for children 4-7 years old L. V. Vakhrusheva

Physical activity outside (during walk No. 1)

Tuesday 16.01 topic : Along the path to Santa Claus goal: To form the play activity of children, to introduce them to the features of winter and the celebration of the New Year 1 . Presentation “Visiting Santa Claus”
(music hall)
2. Drawing with a candle “Frosty patterns on the window”

3. Reading fiction: “Moroz Ivanovich”

4. Finger games upon children's request

Wednesday 17.01 topic : ABC of safety goal: To introduce the rules of safe play in the winter season

1. Modeling “Road sign”

2.Games: “Colored Cars”

“Three Colors”
, etc.

3. Conversations, looking at story pictures on the topic “Safety”

4. Games with a layout according to traffic rules

Thursday 18.01 topic : Visiting a fairy tale Purpose: To develop children's cognitive interest and creative abilities

1. Entertainment “Magic Snowball”

2. Acquaintance with different types of theater.

3. Role-playing games: “Going to the theater”

“I am an actor”
, etc.

Friday 19.01 topic : Workshop of young wizards goal: Expand children's horizons in experimental activities , develop cognitive interest 1. Making colored ice floes

2. Reading fiction: “Winter's Tale”

S. Kozlov (p. 191 Book for reading 4-5 years old, Russian folk tale
“The Snow Maiden”
, etc.

3. Role-playing game “I am a wizard”

Monday 22.01 topic : Favorite games goal: Encourage children to play collective games, be able to distribute roles

1. Sledding, skiing

2. Role-playing games of children's choice

3. reading optional fiction

4. Role-playing games

Tuesday 23.01 topic : In the land of kindness goal: To form children’s idea of ​​kindness

1. Reading the story “Just an Old Lady”

2. Learning “mirilok”

3. Application “Gift for a friend”

4. Unity games

Senior and pre-school groups

Wednesday 10.01 topic : Folk traditions goal: To introduce children to traditional Russian folk festivities on the eve of Christmas - carols. Reveal the history and meaning of the holiday. Learn to play appropriate folk games. Introduce to the culture and traditions of the Russian people.

1. Conversation “What are carols?”

“What traditions do you have in your family?”
2. Presentation “Traditions of the Peoples of Russia”

3. Carols.

4. Folk games with preschoolers in joint activities

Thursday 11.01 topic : The magical world of toys goal: To develop children's cognitive interest and creative abilities

1. Conversation “What are toys made from?”

2. Creative workshop - “Do-it-yourself toy”
(in the music hall)
3. Reading fiction: “The Brave Tailor”

4. Role-playing games: “Tailor”

Friday 12.01 topic : Winter wonders goal: Create a positive attitude towards joint research activities

1. The history of ice cream (conversation)

2.Reading: “Silver Hoof”

P. Bazhov

3. drawing with a candle “Frosty patterns on the window”

Monday 15.01 topic : Sportlandia goal: To form children’s ideas about health and physical activity

1. Sports relay race

2. Conversation “Types of sports”

“Symbol of the Olympic Games”
3. Learning proverbs and sayings about health Physical entertainment while walking No. 1

Tuesday 16.01 topic : Along the path to Santa Claus goal: To form the play activity of children, to introduce them to the features of winter and the celebration of the New Year 1 . Presentation “Visiting Santa Claus”
(Music Hall)
2. “Father Frost’s Workshop”

- drawing by design

3. watching cartoons on the theme “Winter”

“New Year”
Wednesday 17.01 topic : Visiting a fairy tale goal: To consolidate children’s understanding of the genres of literary works

1. Collective work “Zayushkina’s hut”
(using origami technique)
2. Reading fiction: “Tricks of the Snow Queen”
(p. 66)
3. Making new educational games based on fairy tales ( “Recognize the hero by his silhouette”

“Mosaic from fairy tales”
“What is the mood of the fairy-tale hero?”
, etc.)

4. Organize an exhibition of books for children p. 51 “Hud. -creative activity. Origami"


"Educational Tales"

L. N. Vakhrusheva p. 66

Thursday 18.01 topic : ABC of safety goal: To introduce the rules of safe play in the winter season

1. Modeling “Road sign”

2.Games: “Colored Cars”

“Three Colors”
, etc.

3. Conversations, looking at story pictures on the topic “Safety”

4. Games with a layout according to traffic rules

Friday 19.01 topic : In the world of music goal: To develop interest in the art of music, to teach children to express themselves through music.

1. Musical lesson

2. Listening to various music (different genres, remember and sing children’s favorite songs.

3. Free play with musical instruments

4. Illustrations of musical instruments

Monday 21.01 topic : Favorite games goal: Encourage children to play collective games, be able to distribute roles and bring the game to the end

1. Day of games based on children’s interests (moving, didactic, board-printed, role-playing, speech, etc.)

2. sledding, skiing

3. Role-playing games based on children’s interests

4. Drawing using different techniques

Tuesday 22.01 topic : In the land of kindness goal: To form children’s ideas about kindness and good deeds

1. Reading the story “A Gift for Grandma”

2. Learning “mirilok”

3. Application “Gift for a friend”

4. Unity games

5. Listening to songs about goodness “If you are kind, ...”

“From a smile”
, etc.

Daily planning in the senior group on the topic “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Planning of educational work (from 14.12 – 18.12)

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Goal: to attract active participation of various people in the preparation for the holiday and its implementation.

Final event: New Year holiday Date: 12/25/2020

Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Monday December 14, 2022 Morning RR



1. View the presentation “How the custom of celebrating the New Year in Russia appeared” - continue to acquaint children with the traditions of the Russian people, with the history of the New Year holiday.

2. Game exercise “Snowstorm” - to promote the development of speech breathing.

3. Reading “The Snow Queen”, I. Surikov “Childhood”; A. Block “Winter” - repeat poems for the matinee - develop memory, learn to recite poems expressively.

TD - teach children to determine the need for watering by the color of the soil, develop responsibility for the assigned task - 1. Morning exercises

2. KGN - “Handkerchiefs” - continue to teach children to take care of their appearance.

Exhibition of books: Russian folk tales, author's tales about the New Year.


Cognitive and research activities (FCCM). " How animals help humans"

Expand children's understanding of animals from different countries and continents. Contribute to the formation of ideas about how animals can help humans. Develop curiosity and creativity. RR -
expand children's vocabulary.
- develop motor activity.

Musical and artistic activities - according to the plan of the music worker.

Walk RR




1. Observation of natural phenomena: frost, frost - continue to acquaint children with the phenomenon in nature - frost, develop observation, interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

2. P/i “The snow is spinning” - to develop in children the ability to correlate their actions with the text.

3. P/i “Throw the snowball” - strengthen children’s ability to swing and throw, throw a snowball at a distance, develop coordination of movements, mobility of hand joints, and eye.

4. Games with snow - organize the construction of a slide for dolls - teach them to work together.

OVD - “Little Bunnies” - develop the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward - 1.TD (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - decorating the Christmas tree in the kindergarten area.

Remote materials: skis, snowballs,


sticks, gates,

snowmeter, snowballs.

Dinner S-K


1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold clothes on a chair before going to bed.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to clear the table after eating - Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR




1. SOD “Painted Carousel” - according to the plan of the teacher-organizer

2. Musical game “I’ll Freeze” - strengthen children’s ability to perform movements to a song, develop attention and speed of reaction.

3. S/r game “Atelier”: preparing festive costumes for the New Year” - teach children to distribute roles, perform game actions in accordance with the chosen role.

D/i “Where are the snowflakes” - consolidate knowledge about various states of water, develop memory, cognitive activity - 1. Reveille “Snowmen”.

2. Ear massage.

3. Hardening - walking barefoot.


Logic chains


Walk FR



1. Watch the stars - develop curiosity.

2. P/i “Snow - blizzard - blizzard” - be able to perform movements in accordance with the command.

OVD - exercise in running with acceleration - TD - pour seeds into a bird feeder. Remote materials: buckets, shovels, sleds, clubs.

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Goal: to attract active participation of various people in the preparation for the holiday and its implementation.

Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Tuesday December 15, 2022 Morning RR



1. Conversation “How can you congratulate your family and friends on the New Year. Gifts” - encourage children’s desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, give gifts, and form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

2. Looking at a collection of New Year's cards - broaden children's horizons and develop cognitive interest.

3. D/i “Colored Mittens” - teach children to select an object by color and size, develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills.

4. Conversation “Rules of behavior in case of fire” - give children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior in case of fire; about the fact that you cannot turn off and turn on New Year's garlands yourself

D/i “Live Week” - consolidate the ability to name the days of the week - 1.Morning exercises

2.KGN - “Friends of Cleanliness” - teach children to keep not only their hands clean, but also their clothes.

Include illustrations depicting Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.


Motor activity - according to the plan of the PE instructor.

Communication activities.

Conversation based on P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof.”
Listening to K. Fofanov’s poem “Dressed up the Christmas tree.” Develop children's creative imagination, help construct statements logically and meaningfully.
develop the ability to maintain a conversation, encourage the desire to express one’s point of view and share various impressions with the teacher and other children.

Walk RR




1. Observing snowdrifts on the site - introduce children to the sayings: “A snowdrift and a blizzard are two friends”, “The snow is deep - the bread is good.”

2. P/i “Snowflakes” - develop running speed, agility, coherence of collective actions, and ingenuity.

3. P/i “Two Frosts” - develop physical activity while walking.

4. Breathing exercises “Blow on a snowflake” - develop speech breathing, voice strength, train lip muscles.

OVD - “Hit the target” - to train children in throwing at a distance - 1.TD. (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - snow removal on a group site - cultivate hard work, encourage the desire to be useful.

Remote materials: skis, snowballs,


sticks, gates,

snowmeter, snowballs.

Dinner S-K


1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold clothes on a chair before going to bed.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to use a knife at dinner - Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR




1. Productive activity (Drawing).
"Our decorated Christmas tree."
Teach children to convey impressions of the New Year holiday in a drawing, to create the image of a decorated Christmas tree. Learn to mix paints on a palette to obtain different shades of colors. Develop imaginative perception, aesthetic feelings (rhythm, color), imaginative ideas. PP - develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

2. Imitation game “New Year’s Toy” - teach children to convey the image of a toy and show imagination.

3. S/i “Mail. Congratulations to loved ones with a New Year's card" - help create a play environment for children, taking into account the theme of the game, teach children to play together and together.

D/i “Beads for the Christmas tree” - strengthen the ability to alternate colors, develop memory, logical thinking - 1. Reveille “Snowmen”.

2. Ear massage.

3. Hardening - walking barefoot.

Printed board games of children's choice.

Puppet show

Walk FR



1. Observation of the weather conditions, what changed in the afternoon (presence of wind, snow).

2. P/i “Pair running” - teach children to run in pairs, without releasing their arms, to go around objects.

"The Artful Snowman" Jumping from circle to circle - TD (Collecting toys while walking) Remote materials: buckets, shovels, sleds, clubs.

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Goal: laying the foundations of a festive culture.

Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Wednesday December 16, 2022 Morning RR



1. Creative storytelling “My favorite Christmas tree toy” - teach children to select facts from personal experience according to the topic, tell a coherent, complete and expressive story; teach children to choose words to describe certain qualities and characteristics.

2. Finger gymnastics “New Year” - development of fine motor skills of the hands.

3. D/i “Magic Chest” - teach children to pronounce familiar words clearly and loudly, teach children to build a dialogue, listen to a peer’s statement and respond to them with words and actions.

Pronouncing pure sayings: Shi-shi-shi, shi-shi-shi, all snowflakes are good. Jock-jock-zhok the snowball is falling - 1.Morning exercises

2.KGN - consolidate the ability to keep hands and face clean after eating.

Submit cards, pictures, illustrations on the theme “New Year”


Cognitive and research activities (FEMP).

Learn to compare adjacent numbers within 5 and understand the relationships between them, correctly answer the questions “How much?”, “Which number is greater?”, “Which number is less?”, “How much is the number... greater than the number...”.
Continue learning to determine the direction of movement. Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week. FR -
develop and improve children's motor skills.
- develop the ability to play by the rules.

Productive activity (Drawing)
“Fir branches.”
Teach children to draw a fir branch from life, conveying the features of its structure, coloring and placement in space. Show methods of examining nature. Explain the need to comply with general conditions when performing collective work. Cultivate interest in folk art. PP-encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer.

Walk RR




1. Observation of a crow - expand your understanding of wintering birds, learn to distinguish them by appearance; deepen knowledge about its habitat, nutrition, reproduction; cultivate humane feelings towards birds, a desire to take care of them.

2. P/i “It’s frosty and windy outside” - learn the rules of the game, learn to act in accordance with the text.

3. Sports game - hockey - teach children how to throw a puck into the goal, develop accuracy.

4. Experimental game “Why snow is not always sticky” - examining snowflakes under a magnifying glass (how many rays there are at the bottom, what they look like, what they are like in different weather).

OVD - “Hit the target with one hand” - practice throwing at the target with one hand - 1.TD (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - clearing snow from paths on the site - develop hard work and communication skills.

Remote materials: skis, snowballs,


sticks, gates,

snowmeter, snowballs.

Dinner S-K


1. Invite children to help them hang up wet mittens, to encourage children to be independent in self-care.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to eat food carefully - Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR




1. Musical and artistic activities - according to the plan of the music director.

2. S/r game “Family. Guests came to us for the New Year” - to form a culture of behavior in children, teach them to act in different situations, to act as hosts and guests.

3. R/i “Which one?” — to promote the ability to select definitions for the phrase “New Year’s holiday.”

Games with counting sticks. Teach children to lay out objects according to a pattern (Christmas tree, house), develop fine motor skills - 1. Reveille “Snowmen”.

2. Ear massage.

3. Hardening - walking barefoot.

Independent activity in the creativity center (coloring New Year-themed coloring books).
Walk FR



1. Observing the weather - continue to get acquainted with winter phenomena (blizzard, frost, snowfall, etc.), with the profession of meteorologist. (PROF)

2. P/i “Pine-cone” - teach how to make turns clearly and quickly without stopping.

Practice running like a snake, running around objects placed in a row - TD (Collecting toys while walking) Remote materials: buckets, shovels, sleds, clubs.

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Goal: acquaintance with the traditions of New Year celebrations in different countries.

Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Thursday 17 December 2022 Morning RR



1. Presentation “New Year’s Customs” - introduce children to the New Year’s customs of our country and other countries (England, Denmark, Bulgaria, Sweden, Spain), explain their meaning and origin, explain that each country has its own customs for celebrating the New Year.

2. Conversation “I would like to receive a gift from Santa Claus...” (drawing up a letter of wishes) – development of coherent speech.

3. Work in mathematics notebooks - learn to select objects with geometric shapes according to their shape; do shading.

Development of coherent speech, compilation of a descriptive story “Santa Claus” - 1.Morning exercises

2.KGN - “We wash ourselves and temper ourselves” - teach timely and independent use of personal hygiene skills.

Illustrations depicting Santa Claus, Joulupukki, Per Noel.



Communication activities.

Reading the story “I saved Santa Claus.”
Introduce children to a new work of fiction, help them understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.
develop the ability to maintain a conversation, encourage the desire to express one’s point of view and share various impressions with the teacher and other children.

Motor activity according to the plan of the PE instructor.

Walk RR




1. Observe the behavior of birds in different weather, introduce folk signs: “A bullfinch chirping under the window means a thaw,” “A crow bathes in the snow means bad weather.”

2. P/i “Crows and Sparrows” - exercise children in running; fix the names of fish, birds, animals.

3. P/i “Birds” - to develop the ability to perform characteristic movements according to the content of the game; develop agility and speed.

ATS: “Run faster than the wind” - development of agility, speed, endurance - 1.TD (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - clean the feeders from snow and pour food into them.

Remote materials: skis, snowballs,


sticks, gates,

snowmeter, snowballs.

Dinner S-K


1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold clothes on a chair before going to bed.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to use napkins - Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR




Constructive-model activity (Construction)"Christmas decorations"
(made of paper and cardboard). Develop the ability to negotiate who will make what toy. Develop the ability to work with templates. Practice making a toy carefully, develop your imagination. PP-learn to talk about the subject.

2. Reading “Tanya Chooses a Christmas Tree” by Voronkova - introduce children to the work, teach them to follow the development of the plot.

3. Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Morozko” is to teach children to independently assign roles, choose the attributes necessary for the role, and develop the ability to expressively play their role.

“Herringbone” - creating an image of a Christmas tree using plasticineography technique - 1. Reveille “Snowmen”.

2. Ear massage.

3. Hardening - walking barefoot.

4. HBT - Teach children to wipe play shelves with a damp cloth, and enjoy cleanliness in the group.

Create conditions for playing with building materials - develop the ability to conceive of buildings and carry them out, to play with the construction.
Walk FR



1. Observing passers-by - draw children’s attention to how passers-by are dressed, form ideas about seasonal clothing, and develop observation skills.

2. P/i “Cat and Mice”, “We are funny guys” - continue to teach to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Strengthen the skills of good repulsion and soft landing while jumping - TD (Collecting toys while walking) Remote materials: buckets, shovels, sleds, clubs.

Topic of the week: “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”

Goal: acquaintance with the traditions of New Year celebrations in different countries.

Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Friday December 18, 2022 Morning RR



1. Conversation “Santa Claus’s Helpers in Other Countries” - introduce children to the Christmas and New Year traditions of other countries.

2. View the presentation “Veliky Ustyug - the Motherland of Father Frost” - clarify children’s knowledge about where and how Father Frost lives.

3. D/i “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag” - teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features, activate in children’s speech the names of objects and materials from which they are made.

R/i “Clap if you hear a given sound” - teach children to find words with a given sound - Sofa, Misha 1.Morning exercises

2.KGN - “My Appearance” - we teach children to notice disorder in their appearance and eliminate it.

Layout "Winter's Tale".

Illustrations depicting a decorated New Year's tree.



Productive activity (application)

New Year's greeting card."
Make you want to create your own greeting cards. Fix the method of symmetrically cutting out complex shapes along the drawn contour or by eye. Introduce the technique of creating panoramic postcards with three-dimensional elements. SKR - to cultivate the desire to make an unusual, original postcard.

Cognitive and research activities (FCCM). " New Year at the gates."

To form an understanding of the traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year in Rus', the history of their origin;
develop the ability to navigate the year-round folk and Orthodox calendars; compare the traditions and customs of the holiday in ancient times and in our days; expand children's understanding of the culture of the people; enrich vocabulary; RR
- develop sound analysis; retell the story according to plan.

Motor activity (on the street during a walk) - according to the plan of the PE instructor

Walk RR




1. Observing the length of the day - teach children to use a landmark to mark the path of the sun in the sky and associate this phenomenon with changes in the length of the day.

2. P/n “One, two, three - run!” - develop running speed, agility, attention.

3. P/i “The third wheel” - develop the ability to act on command, develop attention, dexterity.

4. Sports exercise: sliding along ice paths - teach children to push off energetically, slide with one leg forward, maintain balance, improve health, develop self-confidence and courage.

OVD - continuous running for 1.5 minutes - improve running technique (lightness, energetic push-offs) - Yasmina, Anya B. 1.TD (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - shaking off snow from tree branches (after heavy snowfall).

Remote materials: skis, snowballs,


sticks, gates,

snowmeter, snowballs.

Dinner S-K


1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold clothes on a chair before going to bed.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to eat carefully - Milana Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR




Sanitary day 1. Reveille “Snowmen”.

2. Ear massage.

3. Hardening - walking barefoot.

Walk FR




Day of the week Mode Integration

arr. regions

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of RPPS for independent activities (all centers located in the group)
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in critical moments
Saturday December 19, 2022 Morning RR



1. Presentation “Snow - good and bad” - know the properties of snow, its importance for wildlife, human life; be able to highlight the positive and negative effects of large amounts of snow (snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard) and small ones; see two sides to every phenomenon; think logically and explain your thoughts.

2. Work in notebooks - consolidate the ability to stroke in a certain direction, complete drawings of shapes, and the ability to hold pencils correctly.

Development of coherent speech compiling a descriptive story “New Year is coming!” — Milana, Arina 1.Morning exercises

2.KGN - consolidate the ability to use paper napkins.

Examination of subject pictures according to fire safety rules during the New Year holidays.



Father Frost's workshop "Making three-dimensional snowflakes" - invite children to make three-dimensional snowflakes and decorate the group with them.
Walk RR




1. Observation of cars - expand knowledge about ground transport (their classification, purpose).

2. Outdoor games - competitions (2 teams): “Run to the flag”, “Get to the flag”, “Run between objects”, “Hit the target” - develop in children the ability to compete in teams; develop running and agility.

3. “Snow Maze” - develop in children the ability to navigate in space, the ability to make labyrinths.

OVD: “Don’t knock down the flag” - learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over - Maxim, Taras 1.TD (We teach children to dress themselves for a walk)

2.TD - Clearing the area of ​​younger preschoolers from snow -

cultivate a desire to help younger people.

Remote material: skis, cheesecakes,


sticks, gates,

snow gauge, snowballs, shovels, buckets.

Dinner S-K


1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, carefully fold clothes on a chair before going to bed.

2.Relaxation before bed: listening to nature music.

Strengthen the ability to use napkins - Alina Encourage compliance with table manners.
Evening RR





Reciting New Year's poems - develop speech, artistic abilities, and the ability to listen to your comrades.

2. Reading Hoffman E. “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” - continue to introduce children to the literary word; the ability to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.

3. Round dance game “The clock is striking 12” - to create a joyful mood on the eve of the New Year holiday.

4. Listening to S. Marshak’s fairy tale “The Twelve Months” in an audio recording - develop auditory attention, consolidate the naming of the months.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish between left and right hands, determine spatial directions and denote them with words: left, right, left, right - Dasha, Alyosha 1. Reveille “We woke up...”.

2. Head massage.

3. Hardening – walking along corrective paths.

4. HBT - place flowers in a tray, pour water into the tray, - cultivate a caring attitude towards living plants.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.
Walk FR



1. Observation of snow - develop observation skills.

2. P/i “Geese-swans”, “Who will jump better?” - continue to learn how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; strengthen the ability to jump.

“Hit the target” - develop your eye - Pasha, Slava TD (Collecting toys while walking) Remote materials: buckets, shovels, sleds, clubs.

Winter holidays will start earlier. Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions are extending their holidays

Very soon the long winter holidays, which all children usually look forward to. This year in some regions they will be longer: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Stavropol region and some other regions are extending holidays to help reduce the incidence of Covid.

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The Moscow Department of Education has now almost traditionally recommended that schools go on long winter holidays earlier, already from December 27, that is, in essence, add a week to the basic holidays. Previously, the recommended general holiday departure date was December 29th.

The decision was made in connection with the epidemiological situation - a similar measure in the fall, according to the department, helped reduce the number of classes going into quarantine and “break the chain of spread” of the virus. “This measure is aimed at strengthening the trend towards reducing the incidence in the city,” the department said. Since the beginning of December, according to official statistics, the incidence rate in the city has been decreasing and from a threshold of more than 3,000 cases per day dropped below 2,000.

What does “department recommended” mean? So the final decision is passed on to the school - it must be made by the directors, taking into account the opinion of the governing council, setting specific deadlines. Let us note that in many schools, parents have already been informed that children will begin to rest on December 27, even before the official recommendation of the department. Similarly, in MES several days ago the period was colored red (non-working), and there was no schedule.

What about kindergartens? And matinees?

This recommendation does not apply to kindergartens and colleges, but duty groups will have to open for primary school children. Matinees and other festive events that always take place in gardens in the second half of December are not cancelled, but they will take place (also traditionally) without parents. “Ensuring the safety of children during the spread of coronavirus infection is one of the main tasks facing every school. Therefore, matinees, performances, as well as theatrical performances for students and preschoolers are organized without the presence of parents. They will be provided with a video recording of the event or provided with the possibility of conducting an online broadcast,” the Department of Education told Mel.

This also applies to third-party Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens: “In accordance with the temporary requirements for organizing the work of schools in conditions of the continued risk of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, which were approved by order of the Department of Education and Science of the city of Moscow, it is prohibited to attract persons from other organizations when holding mass events. In the capital's schools, theater studios, various workshops and clubs are opened, where qualified additional education teachers work. They are the ones responsible for organizing the holidays. Therefore, the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at New Year’s matinees is usually performed by school employees or students of theater studios from among high school students or kindergarten students from older groups.”

What about other cities and regions?

Previously, a similar decision regarding schoolchildren was made in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. “Officially, winter holidays begin on December 29th. By the end of next week, all grades will be posted and all school Christmas parties will be held. In principle, we could go on vacation. But most parents work; their holidays have not yet begun. And a non-functional school will create unnecessary difficulties for them. Therefore, after consulting with colleagues, we decided: for the last two days of the quarter—December 27 and 28—schools will operate on a flexible schedule. This means that children will be able to come there as usual. But each educational organization will make its own decision: whether classes will be held on these days, clubs will work, or some other classes will be held. If parents are ready to leave the children at home, go to the country or on vacation, they can start the holidays as early as December 25,” Potekhina wrote on her official VK account.

Let us remind you that each region can make independent decisions on regulating holidays, taking into account the epidemiological situation. For example, in Bashkiria, children will go on vacation on the initially announced dates, that is, from December 31, but in the republic they will last until January 16. In the Stavropol region, against the backdrop of a worsening situation with the incidence of Covid (in the region in October and November, the number of registered cases constantly increased), children will go on vacation earlier than anyone else - on December 22.

How to find out what holidays will be in your region or city? The easiest way is to contact school leaders, look at the information on the websites of the ministries of education and other official pages.

Cover image: shutterstock / Maria Sbytova

Joint leisure time for children and parents during the winter holidays

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions on a winter theme.
Entertainment during the winter holidays for children and parents Author: Alimova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna Description: this article is for informational purposes and is recommended for parents, and will also be useful for educators, methodologists, and additional education teachers. Purpose: material for moving folders in kindergarten. Goal: to develop productive activities, physical activity, moral and aesthetic education, to improve the health of preschoolers during the winter holidays. Objectives: 1. To form an idea of ​​the traditions and customs associated with folk winter holidays and festivities.
2. Improve health through winter games and outdoor activities. 3. Improve skills and abilities in working with snow (modeling, drawing). Joint leisure time for children and parents during the winter holidays

December. The most magical time of pre-holiday bustle and preparation for the New Year is approaching. For children, this is a time of gifts from Santa Claus and winter fun. Children love winter very much for its unique opportunity to enjoy and gain unforgettable experiences from active outdoor activities. Little fidgets love to go downhill, ski, skate, and snow scooter. With great pleasure they sculpt a snowman and make snow forts. And this is fair, because one of the diverse factors influencing the health and development of a preschool child is physical activity. Every child wants his closest people - his parents - to share his joy. But often mothers and fathers do not know how to diversify the winter holidays of their children, as if they were not children themselves. And everything is extremely simple. Even the most ordinary walk can turn into a fun holiday thanks to games and creativity in the snow. Winter holidays are a unique opportunity to spend time together for children and parents, actively use time for health benefits, and plunge into the magic of winter fun. So what are they, fun?

Snow masterpieces

An adult perceives snow as precipitation that makes it difficult to move along the road, but children love snow for its many accumulations of beautiful, different snowflakes. Moreover, snow for children is a material for creativity. Snowmen, towers, fortresses, caves of unprecedented size, all such masterpieces can be seen in every yard during the winter holidays.

Painting on snow with aerosol paints is no less exciting. The snow-white background and soft texture help create amazing New Year's drawings.

The most favorite game of all girls and boys in winter is “Snowballs”. And for good reason! During this game, motor activity, eye, and finger motor skills develop, and loud laughter evokes a positive emotional mood.

Skates and skis

Everyone knows the benefits of active recreation. A large selection of skates will not leave either children or parents indifferent, and skating will bring a lot of pleasure. To avoid injury, you must use protective equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads. According to experts, ice skating promotes the development of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the back muscles, develops correct posture, and also prevents flat feet. Skiing is a useful and exciting activity. Smooth breathing will enrich your lungs with oxygen, and the landscapes of the winter park will leave a pleasant impression.

snow Hill

Children are delighted with sliding down a steep snowy mountain. Go to the nearest slides so that with a healthy glow and unhealthy shortness of breath, you can ride with your child on a sled, ice skate, just standing on your feet. The feeling is incomparable. The rapid downward movement overwhelms the child with feelings and emotions. Well, if mom and dad get caught in the trailer, there is no limit to joy!

Helping animals and birds

During the winter holidays, you can make a birdhouse or feeder, hang it in the park or in the yard, filled with seeds for birds or nuts for squirrels. Watching how tits peck grains from a homemade feeder or how a squirrel carries nuts into a hollow is a fascinating sight for children. At the same time, the child develops a sense of love, care and responsibility for our little brothers.

Walking with the whole family

It is necessary for both adults and children to walk and breathe fresh air in any weather, because nature has no bad weather. But when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees below zero, it is recommended to reduce the walking time to avoid frostbite. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes; movement should not be constrained so as not to experience discomfort. Walks can be organized in the courtyard of the house with benefits, for example, clearing the paths of snow. Leisure time in the park today is filled with a program of entertainment: sleds, skis, skates, winter bicycles, ice figures, hot delicacies. Having gone out of town with the whole family, you can enjoy the beauty of winter landscapes, vast expanses of snow-covered fields and trees. Russian winter is the splendor of nature! And all this can be captured on a camera, or home sketches can be made from memory. At the same time, the child will not only have a pleasant time, but also acquire artistic and aesthetic skills. By discussing such walks, the child will receive an unforgettable experience and enrich his vocabulary.

Don't justify your boring leisure time with unpleasant cold weather. You should show a little desire and activity, and the winter holidays for a child can turn into a small planet of entertaining hobbies, interesting leisure and emotional pleasure. In his memory, this will become the warmest and most pleasant memory associated with spending time together with his parents.

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Are children going to kindergartens in Moscow 01/10/2021 (01/11/2021) - latest main news

On December 29, 2020, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed another Decree No. 127-UM on extending the holidays for capital schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 until January 17, 2022 inclusive. The document does not say anything about preschool education institutions, so children can go to kindergartens in Moscow after January 10, 2022, that is, from Monday January 11, 2022. Read below for details.

The document states that, firstly, for students of educational organizations providing primary general, basic general, secondary general education, secondary vocational education, additional education, carrying out sports training, the functions and powers of the founder of which are carried out by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, with From January 11, 2022 to January 17, 2022 inclusive, the holidays are extended. Secondly, the possibility of using social cards issued on the basis of decisions of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow (organizations authorized by them) for preferential and free travel on the transport application of social cards continues to be suspended until January 17, 2021 inclusive. And in his personal blog, Sergei Sobyanin wrote: “We made the following decisions. 1) Winter holidays in city schools from grades 1 to 11 are extended by a week - until January 17, 2021 2) Along with schools, colleges, institutions of additional education for children and sports schools subordinate to the Moscow Government are going on long holidays. 3) Non-state educational institutions are recommended to make similar decisions. 4) There will be no distance learning during the holidays. However, children can repeat what they have covered and, if they wish, study new material with the help of the Moscow Electronic School.” At the same time, the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergei Kravtsov, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, when asked whether all schoolchildren will go to school in January 2022, answered: “we (the Ministry of Education of Russia - ed.) will try to do everything to children returned to school, studied in a full-time traditional format.” We actively interact with educational authorities in Moscow and other regions. In general, today there is an understanding that if the situation does not worsen, schools for high school students will open full-time after the winter holidays. And not only in Moscow, but also in the Rostov region and other regions. We hope so. But everything will depend on the epidemiological situation,” the Minister said. Sergey Kravtsov also clarified the nuances of the bill on distance learning in Russia, which is currently under consideration in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. "Will explain. This bill, without introducing anything fundamentally new, systematizes those norms that partly already existed before, clearly defining powers, helping educational authorities and schools with the procedure. The bottom line is that if, for objective reasons, a subject of the Russian Federation decides to temporarily transfer schools to distance learning (this could be the flu, coronavirus or another threat to the health of schoolchildren), then we need a modern regulatory framework: how to organize this format, how grades will be given how the development of this or that material will proceed, regulation. The new bill divides the powers of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Education to establish this procedure for schools and universities. But it does not mean leaving traditional classes in schools! A lively dialogue between a teacher and a student is the basis of our education, the basis of the educational programs that we are actively deploying now in all schools, and this remains unchanged.” This information applies to residents of all regions of Russia: Adygea, Altai, Bashkiria, Buryatia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, KBR, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, KOMI, Crimea, Mari El, Mordovia, Sakha (Yakutia), North Ossetia (Alania), Tatarstan, TUVA, Udmurtia, Khakassia, Chechnya, Chuvashia, Altai Territory, Transbaikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Perm Territory, Primorsky Territory, Stavropol Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Astrakhan Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Belgorod Region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Volgograd region, Vologda region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Kemerovo region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Kurgan region, Kursk region, Leningrad region, Lipetsk region, Magadan region, Moscow region, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novgorod region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Rostov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Sverdlovsk region, Smolensk region , Tambov region, Tver region, Tomsk region, Tula region, Tyumen region, Ulyanovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region, federal cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

30.12.2020 12:53

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