A long-term plan for entertainment and leisure in the pre-school group

A long-term plan for entertainment and leisure in the pre-school group

Olga Konovalova

A long-term plan for entertainment and leisure in the pre-school group

Month Week Topic Goal

September 1 week

"Knowledge Day, me and my friends"

Holiday "Day of Knowledge"

Target. Summarize children's knowledge about school .
Recall the material covered. Create a joyful mood. 2 weeks

“Impressions of summer”
Leisure “Natural phenomenon”
Goal: to consolidate natural phenomena that can only be observed in summer

3 week

“Let’s set up our group

Leisure (conversation)
“I love my
group Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about objects, toys, furniture located in the group .

4 week

" Preschool Worker's "

leisure “All works are good”
Purpose: to remember and consolidate children’s knowledge about people working in a children’s institution.

October 1 week

"Autumn. Autumn mood"

Reading the poem

Goal: to introduce children to the work of N. Nishchev and his works.

2 week


Evening of riddles “What is born in summer, comes in handy in winter”

Goal: to consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about plants, vegetables, fruits, and where they grow. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches; respect for the work of people working on the land.

3 week

"In the animal world"

Game “Funny monkeys. "

Goal: to develop children's intelligence , observation, dexterity and endurance, to teach children to communicate with each other, to remain friendly in various situations.

4 week

"This huge world"

Holiday at the Russian birch tree. (verse by S. Yesenin “White Birch”

.)Goal: To form children’s understanding of the Russian birch as a symbol of Russia.

5 week

"Old Person's Day"

Autumn matinee.

Goal: to create an emotional mood for children to say goodbye to autumn. To consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn with the help of a music and game program.

November 1 week

“My little homeland.
Day of National Unity" Leisure . Journey to the land of kindness. (Walk through the memorable places of our city)
to instill in children good feelings and positive emotions from what they see.

2 week

"Poultry yard"

Belarusian folk game “Vanyusha and the Swans”

develop agility and speed.
3 week

"Game World"

Russian folk game "Big Ball"


Goal: to develop dexterity of movement , speed.

4 week

"Mothers Day"

Fun for Mother's Day.

Goal: to encourage children to memorize poems and songs about their mother, to create a desire to please her.

December 1 week

"My world"

"A Journey into the Past of Counting Devices"

Goal: to introduce children to the history of calculating devices, their transformation by man; develop a reprospective view of objects in the man-made world; intensify cognitive activity.

2 week

“The Beginning of Winter”
“Fair of Games and Fun”
Goal: to introduce children to winter games and fun.

3 week

"Winter patterns"

“Winter Words”
Purpose: to develop attention , the ability to select words related to winter.

4 week

"New Year is coming to us"

New Year's party.

Goal: To create a positive mood in children about the upcoming holiday. Activate children's speech and musical abilities.

January 1 week holiday

Week 2 Listening to children's songs

"If only it weren't winter"


Listening to children's songs “If only there were no winter”


Goal: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love for music. Goal: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love for music.

3 week

"Christmas Miracle"

Games-fun “Merry little train”

Goal: to develop children's agility and reaction speed when performing tasks in relay races. Foster friendship, cohesion, mutual assistance. Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment .

4 week

"Me and my friends. Winter fun"

Game dramatization “How the sun and frost quarreled”

Goal: to generate interest in the theater.

February 1 week

"Week of Kindness"

Entertainment “Our friend is kindness”

Goal: to form in children an idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, to clarify ideas about the concepts of “good”

, cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Create a festive mood.

2 week

“The World of Professions”
“Professions” (riddles)
Goal: to bring children joy and a cheerful mood.

3 week

“The secret of our planet - a week of experimentation”

Quiz “I know space”

Goal: consolidate existing knowledge about space. To instill in children a sense of pride in the history of their country. Develop logical thinking , communication skills, and the ability to creatively use your experience in emotional communication with peers. To develop in children activity , the desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance, honesty in relationships with peers. Develop children's intellectual abilities. Introduce a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports.

4 week

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Faithful Sons of the Fatherland"

Goal: develop imagination and creativity; consolidate knowledge about the history of the Russian army; to cultivate accuracy, determination, and pride in the Fatherland using the example of the exploits of soldiers who defended the Motherland in different periods of history

5 week

"Attention, road!"

Entertainment "Maslenitsa"

preschool children’s ideas about the traditions and customs of the Russian people

March 1 week “Beauty in art and life” Matinee “March 8 – the holiday of our mothers”

Goal: to cultivate love for loved ones, the desire to please them.

2 week

“Soon to
school Leisure (game)
"What do you need at
school ?" Goal: to consolidate children's understanding of school supplies .

3 week

"Book Week"

Entertainment - quiz on the topic : “My favorite books”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, develop logical thinking , ingenuity, cultivate a desire for constant communication with books and caring for them, enrich their vocabulary, broaden their horizons, find out what fairy tales and which fairy-tale characters children know, introduce new concepts "folk"

fairy tales, to identify the best experts on fairy tales;
promote the development of children's speech , imagination, thinking, memory;
cultivate a love of reading fiction. 4 week


“And the rain is not a problem for us”

Goal: to develop children’s coordination of movements, memory, attention, and intelligence.

April 1 week

"Humor in our lives"

Game "April Fool's Day"

Goal: to develop in children sociability and the ability to correctly perceive humor.

2 week

"The Mystery of the Third Planet "

Watching the cartoon
“The Secret of the Third
Planet Purpose: to form in children concepts of good and bad deeds, to clarify knowledge about astronauts.

3 week

“The starlings have arrived, bringing spring on their wings”

“We welcome spring, we call birds!”

Goal: to summarize children’s knowledge about birds. To consolidate ideas about birds: name, habits, appearance, migratory or wintering; develop memory , attention, speed of reaction, quick wits, resourcefulness, logical thinking, expressiveness of speech; ability to solve riddles; ability to classify, compare; develop imagination , creative imagination.

4 week

"World Health Day"
"We love sports"
"We love sports"

May 1 week

"Children's rights in Russia"

Relay games.

Goal: to continue to develop children’s agility , speed, mutual assistance, and sense of empathy

2 week

"Victory Day"

Musical lounge “Evening of songs of the war years”

Goal: to develop in children an idea of ​​what the Great Patriotic War was; activate children's vocabulary; to cultivate love for the Motherland, pride in the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Introducing children to songs written during the war, showing illustrations.

3 week

"Let's go to the museum"

Presentation “Russian hut. Houseware"

Goal: developing ideas about the life and way of life of the Russian people, about their traditions.

4 week

Entertainment “When it happens”
Purpose: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons.

The essence of play activities in kindergarten

Play in a preschool educational institution (DOU) is a form of social life of a child that promotes his physical, mental and intellectual growth, as well as cultivating strong-willed, moral qualities and creative abilities.

Through play, children learn to be creative


Based on the definition of play activity, it is possible to compile a list of target guidelines that determine its significance in kindergarten.


This group includes:

  • organization of cognitive activity (as follows from practice, children quickly learn new knowledge in a playful way);
  • broadening one's horizons (new types of activities or other forms of already familiar games reveal some unknown phenomena and facts for children, for example, by conducting a research game on growing a flower in a preparatory group, the children get acquainted with the concept of “cutting”, understand such a phenomenon as “anabiosis” etc.);
  • the formation of skills and abilities (for example, during games on a walk, children learn by helping the janitor to remove snow from the paths, while the game task consists not only of the quality of cleaning, but also of speed, which fosters a sense of healthy competition).


In this case, the mission of the game is to develop:

  • attention (in order to be an equal participant in the game, the child needs not only to carry out his actions, but also to monitor what the other participants are doing);
  • memory (the game requires memorizing not only the content of the game action, but also the rules, as well as a list of necessary attributes, variant conditions, etc.);
  • speech (active interaction with each other replenishes the active and passive vocabulary of children);
  • thinking (game activity includes all thinking processes through the need to compare, contrast, analyze);
  • fantasies (children have the opportunity to try on different social roles - mother, teacher, doctor, etc., which is also important for determining their range of interests);
  • feelings of responsibility for one’s physical condition;

    Games help children understand the culture of a healthy lifestyle

  • motivation of educational activities (children perceive didactic material not as a set of dry facts, but as an important component of fun).


Part of the triad of the target component of education in the game is implemented by education:

  • independence (in the process of play activity, children 6–7 years old not only perform play actions themselves, but also come up with rules, for example, for role-playing fun);
  • self-regulation (children learn not to give up what they start, to finish things, and not to give in to momentary feelings);
  • sociability (interaction in most games involves communication with each other and with adults);
  • feelings of cooperation;
  • moral and aesthetic positions.


In the context of achieving the set goals, by organizing and conducting games, the teacher solves the following tasks:

  • teaches children a heuristic approach to acquiring knowledge (for example, in a didactic game of putting together puzzles with images of exotic birds, the teacher invites the children to find images of these birds in the reference book in order to get an idea of ​​their appearance);
  • develops the imagination of children, offering not a ready-made set of rules, for example, for an outdoor game, but only a basis so that children can figure out the plot of the fun themselves;
  • improves coordination and fine motor skills (even in the preparatory group, games with mosaics are in great demand; to make it more difficult, you can lay out your own scenes with chips instead of ready-made pictures);
  • fosters patience and a tolerant attitude towards comrades.

    In the process of playing in small groups, children learn to be patient with their friends.

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