My family. Celebration for older preschoolers dedicated to Family Day

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Publication “Sports leisure for children of senior preschool age “Family Day.
» Goal: creating a joyful festive mood. Objectives: tell children about the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity and its history; introduce the symbol of the holiday; help children develop an understanding of the value of family; Presenter: Hello, guys! Today we have gathered with you. Scenario “Family Day” for middle and senior groups Family Day Scenario for holding a holiday in a preschool educational institution for middle and senior groups. Goal: To instill in children love for their family and their relatives, respect for them. Objectives: Teach children to communicate politely with adults, cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones. Form u.

Summary of entertainment in the senior group using cultural practices of play activities “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 21 of the city of Stavropol Summary of entertainment in the senior group using cultural practices of play activities “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Completed : Kravets V.V. Stavropol 2021 GOAL: To educate.

Scenario of the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” for children of senior preschool age Goal: To instill in children love for their family and their relatives, respect for them. Objectives: Teach children to communicate politely with adults, cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones. To form in children an idea of ​​a family as people who live together and love each other.

Article “Holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” in the senior. » Scenario for the holiday “DAY OF FAMILY, LOVE AND LOYALTY” senior group Presenter: Hello, guys and dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday of family, love and fidelity. It's so good that we met today! Family is a home, family is the world, family is a fortress, for.

Entertainment script “Day of Family, Love and Loyalty” for children in senior and preparatory school groups Day of Family of Love and Loyalty Children enter the hall to the music and sit on chairs Presenter Hello, dear children! Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our hall. We dedicate our holiday to family. What is family? (children's answers. That's right, this is mom.

Entertainment for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in the senior group Entertainment for the “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” in the senior group. Goal: to cultivate in children love for their family, respect for them, to introduce them to family traditions, to promote the formation of positively colored emotional relationships in the children's team, to deliver to children.


Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the preschool educational institution

Galina Gerasimenko

Plan of events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the preschool educational institution

Goal: spiritual and moral education of preschool children, familiarization of children and their parents with folk culture. To form in children an idea of ​​family , to cultivate love for their relatives.


1. To increase the educational, professional, theoretical knowledge of teachers on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

2. To form children’s ideas about the traditions of Orthodox holidays.

3. Raise in children respect for their people.

p/n Events Coverage of participants Responsible

Working with teachers

1. Meeting with employees and teachers of the preschool educational institution on planning and conducting events. Employees of the preschool educational institution, Senior teacher Gerasimenko G. A.

2. Instruction on protecting the life and health of pupils during festive events Preschool employees Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

3.Consultation for teachers: “Day of Family , Love and Fidelity

, Preschool teachers Senior teacher

Osadchaya S. A.

4. Making a holiday symbol - chamomile Educators Preschool teacher Educator

Uskova Yu. S.

Working with students

1. Conversations on the topic: “My family

“What do I know about mom and dad”
“My friendly
family ,
“What do my parents do”
“Everyone needs a friendly
family ,
“What games do I play with mom and dad”
of family , love and fidelity " ,
"How I help my mother"
Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

2. Looking at photographs “My family

Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

3. Didactic games: “Let’s call mom, dad”

, Guess who I am to you”,
“Mother - daughter”

“Who needs what for work”

Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

4. Reading fiction:

E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”

“That’s what mom is”
, b.
n. With. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”
, V. Osiwa
, E. Taranova

Family is dad and mom and grandfather” , E. Uspensky
“Grandma’s Hands”
, Y. Yakovlev
. Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

5. Finger games “My Family

Junior, middle groups Group teachers

6. Role-playing games: “Mothers and Daughters”


Family , “Mom’s Helpers”, Middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Group teachers

7. View the presentation “My family "

. Mixed-age senior preparatory group Educator

Sklyar I. S.

8. Asphalt drawing competition “My Family

Senior, mixed-age senior preparatory group Teacher Nesterenko E.V.

9. Watching the animated film “Peter and Fevronya”

Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Educator

Nazareva N. A.

10.Entertainment: “Day of Family , Love and Fidelity

Junior, middle, senior, mixed-age senior preparatory groups Teacher Trunaeva A. S.

Working with parents of students

1. Design of the traveling folder “History of the Holiday”

Teacher Pereverzeva T. A.

2.Consultations: “Mom, Dad, I’m a friendly family

of Family , Love and Fidelity ,
“The Role
of the Family in Raising a Child” Group educators

3. Booklet “Day of Family , Love and Fidelity

Educator Shevchenko S.S.

Plan of events dedicated to Family Day.

Plan of events dedicated to International Family Day in preschool educational institutions. May 15 is World Family Day. It was approved as an official holiday in 1993 and is celebrated annually.

The most precious thing a person has is his family. This is his strength, his support. This is love and happiness. An atmosphere of love, understanding and goodwill reigns in the family.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means summer trips to the country...

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone! (

Each kindergarten develops an action plan for International Family Day. The main goal of the events is to develop children’s ideas about family, to cultivate love, respect and a caring attitude towards their loved ones.

So in our kindergarten the following was organized for the families of our pupils:

1. Photo exhibition “My friendly family”.

2. Physical education “Mom, dad, I am a sports family.”

3. Festive concert dedicated to International Family Day “Happy Together”.

3. Asphalt drawing competition “Our Friendly Family”.

4. Exhibition of children's works “Me and my family”.

5. Design of wall newspapers for Family Day in each group.

6. Parent meeting: “Happy family, happy child.”

7. Book exhibition “Revere with the whole family.”

In our kindergarten, it has become a tradition on this day to give surprises and congratulations to the families of pupils from teachers and children. For example, this year the children made beautiful and unusual frames for family photographs.

Colored cardboard was used for the frames. First, the teacher made corners for the photo. Since the photographs were of different sizes, the size of the cardboard was taken into account individually.

The children made flowers for the frame from napkins. They took a napkin, folded it in half and, with the help of the teacher, attached the center of the napkin with a stapler. We cut out flowers from a napkin and glued them to the frame.

The children made the leaves from strips of double-sided colored paper. They twisted the strip into a pencil and made interesting curls, which they also glued.

The children were very pleased with their work and gave the frames to their families.

Asphalt drawing competition “My Family”. The children drew the sun, clouds, flowers. They depicted houses, themselves, their dads and moms, their favorite pets, vacation spots: the sea or the garden, but all the drawings, without exception, depicted the sun, rainbows and home - the place where the whole family gathers.

The festive concert dedicated to International Family Day “Happy Together” was decided to be held on an open stage, as the weather was simply impeccable. Parents were pleased with the children's performance.

All activities were carried out on time. All families of the pupils took an active part in the events.

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