Long-term plan for summer activities in the first junior group


Evoke a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature. Develop the ability to convey mood, state, attitude towards what is depicted, experiment with different types and methods of depiction. Depict simple objects and phenomena. Ability to create simple plot compositions.


Continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly. Learn to depict simple objects, draw straight lines (short, long). Rhythmically, apply strokes when depicting rain, placing them throughout the sheet. Find the similarity of strokes with raindrops, evoke an emotional response. Learn to draw rain from clouds, cultivate accuracy.

Preliminary work: - Talk to your child about summer. — Watching an animated film: “mushroom rain” — Observations of rain. — Learn a song about rain

Handout: Landscape sheets with outlines of clouds, blue pencil, flash. map recording rain. Sounds of nature – “Summer Rain”

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

The sound of rain is heard

Educator: Guys, what do you think this is? Children: Rain Teacher: What is it like: strong, noisy? Children: Noisy! Educator: Show me how raindrops drip (children tap their fingers on their palms) well done!

Early, early in the morning Look out the window: The rain was running around the yard, Playing a little.

-Looking at the illustration “Summer”

Educator: What do we do in the summer? Children: We’re going to the dacha, to the river, picking flowers. Educator: You can spend more time outside, look at colored butterflies, walk in the garden and wear a sun hat, because now the sun is shining very brightly.


We’ll take umbrellas with us and go outside. Let's go for a walk and play. If it suddenly starts to rain, we'll open the umbrellas, If the rain passes, we'll close the umbrella. Let's play again!

Practical part: drawing.

Educator: Guys, why do we need rain? Children: To water flowers and trees. Educator: Then let's help our plants and draw rain! (children sit at tables)

The teacher helps the children and recites the poem:


Early in the morning, exactly at five, the rain came out for a walk. He was in a hurry out of habit - The whole earth was asking for a drink - Suddenly he reads on the sign: “Do not walk on the lawn.” The rain said sadly: “Oh!” And left. The lawn is dry. O.Bundur

Finger gymnastics “Rain”

Rain, rain, drop, Water saber, I cut the puddle, I cut the puddle, I cut, I cut, I didn’t cut, And I got tired and stopped. (I. Tokmakova)

Final part.

The teacher hangs the drawings on the board and looks at the drawings together with the children.

Educator: Look what a fun rain we got. Now our plants will be even bigger and brighter! Children: Yes, our rain poured everything down! Educator: And now Polinochka will tell us a poem about mushroom rain:

The sunny, mushroom rain hits the roof loudly. Like a fungus, I stand under it - I will grow taller!

Author: Victoria Viktorovna Budkeeva, teacher, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 250”, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, Russia

The article is published in the author's edition

Theme of the week: “Summer is coming”

Theme of the week “Summer is coming”
Lesson 36. Summer sky

(Drawing with wax crayons and a brush. Watercolors)

Target. Teach children to draw a sun with wax crayons, consisting of a circle and short lines; tint paper.

Handout. Landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, brush, jar of water.

Ask the children: “What time of year is approaching? (Summer.) Why is it warm in summer?” (The sun warms the earth more strongly.) Read the poem by F. Tyutchev:

The sun is shining, the waters are sparkling,

Smile in everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble joyfully

Bathing in the blue sky.

Ask: “What season is described in the poem? What sky? (Blue.) What does the poem say about the sun?” (The sun is shining.)

Invite the children to draw the sun with wax crayons. Show how to hold the crayon with three fingers. First, children must draw a yellow circle, color it in and draw rays. Then take a brush, dip it in water, pick up blue or blue watercolor and tint (paint over) the landscape sheet. The sun remains unpainted.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continuation on liters

Templates for sketching grades 1-2 (can be printed for free)

Sketching is a great way to improve your skills and learn how to draw. Below you will find a selection of summer illustrations. It is enough to save one of them and later transfer it to a blank canvas. Copying will help you spot new solutions and styles.

Summer holidays

The kids look forward to this time with special impatience, when they can go to grandma, have fun with friends, or go to warm countries. This time of year gives all people bright and cheerful memories, so at school they are often asked to show how the child spent the summer in fine arts lessons.

Swimming pool template:

Children are playing football:

Kids with a ball:

On warm evenings it’s so nice to sit with dad fishing and discuss the past day. For example, you can print a boy with a fishing rod:

Or father and son fishing:

Family fishing:

The berries are just about ripe, it's time to collect full baskets and give them to your beloved grandmother.

Guys on a picnic:

Girl in the forest:

Girl with berries - a simple template for beginners:

Children with baskets:

We also have an article on how to draw Maslenitsa with a pencil, you will like such ideas!

Cote d'Azur

Many families go on vacation to the south. The longest holiday period, hot sun and fresh fruit, is much more pleasant to spend near the water. We will also take a creative trip to the sandy beach and depict the surf.


Beach, a simple template for the little ones:

Picnic under a palm tree:

Another simple template for sketching:

Guys on the beach:

Read also

Topic of the week: “My Home”

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to bring a product to the desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

Theme of the week: “Summer is coming”

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Theme of the week: “Summer is coming”

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Theme of the week: “Goodbye, summer”

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Topic of the week: “My Home”

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 41–42. Houses of the Three Little Pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning how to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

Theme of the week: “Summer is ahead”

Theme of the week “Summer is ahead” Lesson 69. Khokhloma patterns (Gouache painting) Program content. Expand knowledge about Khokhloma fishery. To cultivate interest and love for the art of Khokhloma masters, to teach how to highlight plant and grass patterns. Continue to teach children

Theme of the week: “Soon to school”

Theme of the week “Soon to school” Lesson 71. My first letter (Drawing with felt-tip pens) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to draw large and accurately. Teach children to make a decorative pattern from a variety of elements. Exercise children in choosing beautiful

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Summer landscape: a step-by-step lesson for beginners in gouache

On a hot summer day there is nothing better than going to the seashore. The expanse of the sea is impossible to take in with your eyes, and the whisper of the waves and the conversation of the seagulls are truly mesmerizing. Therefore, in the next lesson we will paint a beautiful gouache picture with palm trees, sea and sandy shore! Both beginning artists and experienced painting enthusiasts can handle this.

Materials for work:

  • gouache
  • brushes (synthetic flat, round, fan, bristles)
  • jar of water
  • paper napkins
  • Paper
  • masking tape to secure the canvas (optional)

Drawing stages:

  1. Approximately mark the line of the horizon and the coast. Next, we prepare the sheet for work by applying whitewash to the entire surface. Using the same brush, apply ultramarine to the sky area and blend thoroughly. We make the coating heterogeneous, somewhere there are light areas, somewhere dark places. The closer to the straight line of the horizon, the lighter the shade should be.
  2. For the sea, mix dark blue with ultramarine and apply the mixture with horizontal movements. Clouds can be depicted with white paint using patting movements of the finger. Now let's do the sand, for this we fill the lower left corner with ocher. Adding some greenery to the beach.
  3. Next, draw the palm tree trunks and their leaves using a fan brush. Try twisting the canvas to make strokes from the best angle.
  4. Let's complement the picture with yellow and white highlights from the sun. Excess can be removed with your finger. Let's show the waves using whitewash. Let's complete the illustration with the shadow of a palm tree.

This drawing would be perfect for the Summer of My Dreams homeschool assignment.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the first early age group “Summer”

Oksana Ladikainen

Summary of a drawing lesson in the first early age group “Summer”

Summary of OOD on drawing in the first group of early age (2 years)


Theme "Summer "

Author: Ladikainen Oksana Vladimirovna

Goal: Continue to develop an understanding of the main signs of the summer season, learn to convey the image of rain by applying plasticine to paper with your finger.

- develop fine motor skills of the hands;

- cultivate attention, instill interest in the drawing ;

- teach how to draw vertical stripes ;

Equipment: sun toy, yellow paints, cotton swabs;

Sandy beach: drawing for kindergarten

The warm ocean, gentle sea and clean sandy shore are what both children and adults dream about. However, if you currently do not have the opportunity to fly to warm countries on vacation, you can find another way out. Even the smallest artists can handle this by depicting their dream on paper. Prepare your pencils and crayons and let’s begin the creative process.

  1. We separate the lower right corner with an arc, this line marks the shore. Next we depict a wavy sea and an umbrella on a leg. Let's complement the beach with a towel on which you can soak up the sun. Let's make it striped.
  2. Let's draw the texture of the sand, leaving regular dots with a felt-tip pen. At the top of the canvas we draw a smiling sun. We fill the parts of the umbrella with different colors. We paint the ocean in a variety of shades: blue, turquoise, blue, green.
  3. We fill the shore with yellow and beige chaotic strokes. Color the terry towel to your taste, the main thing is that it does not blend into the background, do not forget to highlight the fibers.
  4. Let's fill the sky with blue pigment, and the sun with yellow chalk. We denote seagulls with black jackdaws.

This is the kind of summer beach we have. Don’t keep the drawing with you, give it to your grandma or dad, they will definitely be happy with such a gift!

OOD progress:

1. Main part. Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, someone is knocking on our doors! Let's see who came to us!

The doors open, the teacher brings in the sun.

Educator: Guys, look, the sun has come to visit us. Let's go together

Children: Hello, sunshine!

Sunny: Hello guys (sad)


Educator: Our sun doesn’t smile today, doesn’t warm us with its rays.

I think my sunshine is missing something?

Drawing with fingers and palms

Usually this is the first technique with which children begin to draw even before going to kindergarten. The drawing comes out very quickly, and this is extremely important when working with very young children. Dip your child's hand into the paint and let your child make an imprint on the surface. See what it's like. Perhaps it is some kind of animal? Ask your little one what needs to be completed to get the finished image. Maybe ears, nose or tail? the missing details can be drawn with your fingers. It is much easier to control your fingers and palms than a brush. And therefore more interesting for young children.

For this you will only need finger paints. If your child is still very small, don’t even doubt that he will be covered in paint. Therefore, it is better to immediately send him to the bath and give out the paints there. Don't worry about repairs. Good finger paints will be easily washed off both the bathtub and the tiles.

These paints are good, but expensive. One package costs about 500 rubles. He grabs her several times. After all, children do not stand on ceremony with any materials and scoop up not as much as they need, but as much as they can fit into their hand.

Abstract of GCD in the second junior group on artistic and aesthetic development. "Drawing summer"

Abstract of GCD in the second junior group in art

Strengthen the ability to draw simple objects and phenomena

reality. Using straight, round, inclined, long,

Identify knowledge of primary colors and shades as a means of transmission

variable attribute and emotional and moral characteristics

Strengthen the ability to use paint, brush, napkin, stand

under the brush, rinse the brush in a glass of water, dry

Continue to cultivate an interest in drawing and a love of beauty.

Preliminary work: Drawing straight, round, long, short

lines. Coloring contours with colored pencils and paints. On

classes in art activities, outside of class, individual work.

-The teacher brings in a large beautiful tassel decorated with a ribbon

and paint. Guys, do you know who came to visit you today? Right,

This is a brush, but not a simple one, but a magical one. She can draw very beautifully.

Can your brushes paint? We'll check this now. My brush

dipped in paint. Which one? That's right, green. What can you draw

green paint? Of course, grass. Here is my magic brush painting the grass

(short vertical lines) – teacher’s display. And now your tassels

They will draw exactly the same grass (children draw on their own).

— After painting with green paint, the brush got dirty. What do you need

do? (Rinse, dry).

- Help your tassels, well done (children put their tassels on

The flower goes to bed

— What other paint do you have on your table? That's right, red.

— What can you paint with red paint? Berries, flowers (show

teacher of drawing with round lines). - We draw flowers by touching the brush.

— And now your brushes will paint flowers and berries (well done).

— And there is also blue paint. Let's draw the blue sky with straight lines

long lines at the top of the leaf. We draw without lifting the brush from the sheet,

from left to right. My brush painted the blue sky, washed in

glass and dried on a napkin.

- Now you will paint with your brushes a beautiful blue sky, well done.

You already know how to paint and wash your brushes yourself, well done. I took a walk

The brush is magical for paints and is tired. Let's put her to rest on

Then the children admire their work

Material number: DB-027667

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Forest landscape in pencil easy: 2-3 grade

So, now let’s depict a sunny, summer birch grove. During this warm season, the forest amazes with its carefree nature, pristine purity and incredible beauty of Russian nature. It may seem that this is a very complex drawing, but it is not at all, and now you will see it. In addition to paper, you will need pencils, markers and a white pen. Creative success!

  1. First we draw a square frame. We use a light gray marker to mark the horizon line approximately at the height of the lower third. We select a brown branched path. The closer it is to the viewer, the wider it will become.
  2. We outline the tree trunks; it is better to make them not perfectly straight, but with a slight slope and bend. In the foreground, the birch trees will be wider; the further they are from us, the thinner they need to be drawn. We draw the greenery with loose strokes. We go upstairs and paint the entire space between the trees by about two-thirds. Using a dark green felt-tip pen, we move higher towards the light fill. Add leaves with small strokes. At the border of shades we make the texture more dense.
  3. We highlight the long shadows from the trunks. We darken the thicket of the forest in the lower part with a deep green pigment, highlighting the leaves and grass. Apply the dark blue shade in an arc, so the focus will be on the center of the image, where the path begins. It's time to add a continuation of the shadows to the path using dark brown. Next, we will add volume to the trunks; to do this, we cover them almost entirely with gray, except for a thin strip on the left side.
  4. Let's go over the distant trees with a second layer so that the darkening is more clear. We recommend using cool shades. Using a yellow felt-tip pen, draw the sun's rays directly over the forest. Using a pencil, highlight some contours, thin branches and strokes on the bark. At the bottom of the composition we will add fireweed flowers. We draw them with pink spots, which are collected in brushes. In general, we make them very conditional and simplified.

The last step is to add sunbeams and blades of grass using a white pen.

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What else can you draw on a summer theme?

  • A master class for the little ones, with the help of which a young artist will be able to depict a cheerful girl swimming in the sea. This drawing idea is suitable for both 1st and 2nd grade:
  • In the next lesson you will learn how to paint tropical flowers. You will get a real bright Hawaiian still life:
  • The following step-by-step video instructions are suitable for those who want to depict a summer meadow with butterflies, a drawing idea for kids:


This is a more complex and completely unconventional type of drawing, which will require preliminary preparation. You will need a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons or a candle and mascara. First you need to evenly cover the entire sheet with wax, then with ink. You can also use gouache, but it crumbles and gets dirty during further work. Therefore, when using gouache, you need to add a little PVA glue.

When everything is dry, you can start drawing. In this technique, the drawing is created not by applying paint, but rather by scraping it out. Take a thin non-writing pen refill, an awl, a knitting needle, a stack or a stationery knife. Start by drawing the basic outlines, then move on to shading the surfaces. Depending on the type and intensity of the stroke, the object acquires its “character”. Children really enjoy the process of gradually developing a drawing.

If you want to make children's work more interesting, it is better to use colored wax (regular colored wax crayons). If you don’t have such crayons, then colored pencils or paints will do. After preparing the background, the sheet must be covered with colorless wax (rubbed with a candle). The best effect is achieved when the entire sheet is chaotically covered with strokes of different colors or spots with smooth transitions. The technology is surprisingly addictive for children, but I would recommend getting acquainted with it no earlier than 4 years old. Still, the tools are sharp and require extreme caution.

Drawing using sand, grains or sawdust

There are different options for drawing in this technique.

  1. Cover the entire sheet with glue, sprinkle with sand or grain and paint with your fingers or a brush on the rough surface.
  2. Apply glue only to those areas where the elements will be drawn. Sprinkle everything with sand and paint after drying.
  3. Paint bulk materials in advance, dry them and apply the design in parts. To prevent colors from mixing too much, you need to apply glue at a time only to those parts that should be painted the same color. After each such coloring, excess sand and grains must be thoroughly blown off.
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