Fire safety crafts - unusual solutions with 100 photos. Step-by-step instructions for creating simple DIY crafts

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety with a preschooler and schoolchild? What to show in the picture?

According to statistics, 80 percent of fires occur due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances. You need to learn fire safety rules from early childhood. In order for the child to remember them better, he is often asked to illustrate them with pictures. Also, schools and kindergartens often hold competitions for children's drawings and crafts on the topic of fire safety. So what can you draw?

Creating three-dimensional figures

When performing thematic work, children often create combined crafts, which involve modeling with plasticine and cutting out fire truck boxes from thin cardboard.

When the car shape is cut out, its edges are then glued together to form a box. Then a fire escape cut out of hard cardboard is added to this box.

It is glued so that it becomes clear that this is a fire truck. Both the car and the stairs are painted red.

Firefighters in such a theatrical scene are most often made of plasticine. Although it happens, sometimes they do it differently. First, cut out human figures from green or orange paper.

We recommend reading:

  • Craft bullfinch: detailed description of how to make a bird with your own hands (115 photos)

  • Crafts from vegetables: 100 photos of the best crafts for children and a review of recipes for adults

  • Craft ship: 120 photos, templates, drawings and step-by-step instructions on how to make a boat

Then they are glued with a special footrest to the base of the stage. Hoses can be drawn. They snake across the stage from cars to human figures, and from the surface they are made with glued threads, colored accordingly.

General rules for stand design

A standard size has been developed for the stand: 490 x 770 mm, but it can vary. The main requirement is good perception of information. Pictures should be clear and bright, and easy-to-read text and diagrams should be presented on a contrasting background. Important information needs to be conveyed in simple language, divided into blocks of attention.

Stand example

Modern means of attracting attention: infographics, flip books

Thanks to the properties of visual memory, the child will reliably learn information on the topic of fire.

Didactic games of mathematical content in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

A fire safety corner in a preschool institution may include:

  • texts and images illustrating the risks when using matches, household electrical appliances, sockets;
  • possible consequences of careless handling;
  • procedure for action in the event of an emergency;
  • description of the activities of firefighters;
  • telephone numbers to call in case of an emergency;
  • themed toys: fire trucks, rescue figures, fire extinguishers;
  • pop-up books whose characters show correct and dangerous examples of handling electrical appliances in everyday life;
  • other materials to familiarize your child with safety rules.

Note! Important information is quickly and clearly perceived and assimilated by the child thanks to the use of infographic elements. It transmits data through images, tables, diagrams.

Another example of a fire corner

Actions in case of fire in pictures

Illustrations, supplemented with text, will help to clearly tell preschoolers about the main causes of fires.

Among them:

  • careless actions;
  • game with matches;
  • included electrical appliances and gas stoves;
  • use of pyrotechnics.

The preschooler must learn the rules of behavior if the fire begins to spread:

  • dial the fire department phone number 01 and call rescuers;
  • extinguish minor fires with a blanket;
  • get out of the building and close the door behind you, and if this is not possible, go out onto the balcony and breathe through a damp cloth.

In a separate block you should use pictures that show what is not allowed:

  • fill electrical appliances with water;
  • hide in the back of the room;
  • use the elevator and stairs if there is smoke.

Poster "Fighting Fire"

Theatrical scenes

By doing children's crafts on the topic of fire safety, children learn eye control and precision of movements. Since when creating such crafts, a whole ensemble of objects is often created. A theatrical miniature painting is created.

Where everything should correspond to its size and proportions. When working with such crafts, children learn three-dimensional and holistic thinking and presentation. The brain learns to analyze and compare.

Such DIY crafts reinforce the skills acquired while working with different materials. First, individual fragments are made. Firefighter. Car, view of fire. And then a theatrical picture is created in volume.

The basis for such a scene is any box, from which one side part is cut out. It turns out the finished scene. So it is filled with the necessary acting characters. From paper, cardboard, plasticine.

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for school?

The student already draws quite well, and knows fire safety rules by heart. In art class, as an extracurricular assignment, or at an art exhibition, he will sooner or later be asked to draw a thematic drawing. What can you not depict? First of all, the child can draw a fireman or a fire truck. You can read about how to do this step by step in the article: “ How to draw a fireman and a fire truck step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw a fireman putting out a fire step by step? "

In the student's drawing, a fireman is putting out a fire. The courage of firefighters is one of the themes of fire safety drawings.

The picture may also depict the famous slogan “In case of fire, call 01” in its various interpretations. The drawing is complemented by the image of a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a fireman in a helmet, a burning house in the background, etc.

Drawing by a schoolchild “In case of fire, call 01.”

Another slogan that children learn from an early age is “Matches are not a toy for children.” It can also be used as the basis for a drawing: depict a little hooligan with a box of matches and burning furniture in the room. I found a box, decided to play, struck a match, and disaster struck. Didn't know fire safety rules. But the rest know now!

Drawing by a schoolboy “Matches are not a toy for children.” Picture for drawing “Matches are not toys for children.”

Another common cause of fires is improper handling of the gas stove in the kitchen, electrical and household appliances. Do not leave pots and pans unattended or dry laundry over the stove. You cannot use faulty household appliances, plug several powerful devices into one outlet at once, or leave them unattended. Here's another idea for a drawing.

Picture for drawing “Handle electrical appliances carefully.”

New Year's Eve can be marred by a fire if you do not follow safety rules when using crackers, sparklers, firecrackers and fireworks. To avoid trouble, children are strictly prohibited from using pyrotechnics on their own.

Picture for drawing “Pyrotechnics are not for children.”

Due to carelessness of people, fire can get out of control not only in the house. Bonfires and barbecues in nature cause fires in dry grass and forest fires. The slogan of a children's drawing could be “Save the forest from fire.”

Drawing by a schoolchild “Protect the forest from fire.”

IMPORTANT: There are many colorful pictures on the Internet for children on the topic of fire safety. If suddenly a student doesn’t come up with his own idea, he can choose one of these pictures to draw.

A funny presentation of a serious topic

When creating crafts about fire safety, set a cheerful tone. Drawings and crafts should not be alarming. Concern with a touch of humor and jokes - this is the main direction of such children's crafts. Along the way, the rules of behavior of people in case of fire are studied. What to do and what not to do.

There should be an explanation for children why they are not allowed to use matches. Along the way, crafts are made from plasticine depicting a matchbox and a fire.

And nearby there is a fire extinguisher and a man with a hose and mask. Here several useful things are done for the child at once. He gains knowledge, trains his fingers, his mind, and learns things useful for life. It turns out to be fun in the form of a game.

The need to know the rules of behavior in case of fire in kindergarten

A fire is an emergency situation during which people’s property, their health and life may be damaged.

Note! The danger of fire threatens a person regardless of age, therefore, from early childhood, parents, educators and teachers should tell children about the rules of behavior in the event of the uncontrolled spread of fire.

Example of a fire safety corner

What should a preschooler do if there is a fire alarm?

A fire alarm should not take a child by surprise. Every kindergarten student and secondary school student must clearly know how to behave in the event of an emergency and what actions to take.

What your child needs to know:

  • a plan for exiting the preschool educational institution into the open air;
  • rules of conduct (strictly follow the teacher’s instructions, do not panic, do not try to jump from windows, do not hide from flames indoors, call for help);
  • if the room is smoky, put a cotton-gauze bandage on your face or cover your breathing organs with a damp cloth;
  • in an organized manner, two people move towards the exit as close to the floor as possible, since below the concentration of harmful substances in the air is lower;
  • participate in roll call.

These measures will help preserve health and life.

How to leave the premises in an orderly manner

The need for such training

Working with children in this direction, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers lay the foundations of fire safety in children.

To which growing children will return many times. In different variations, in different designs.

These crafts, like many others, will help them better understand the world around them. Feel the texture of materials to the touch, their pliability.

Children learn to be creative when creating crafts. This means that when they grow up, they will create something new that has not yet existed. And that's great.

How to draw a fire in a house with a pencil and a person who puts out the fire?

IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain to your child that you can extinguish a fire yourself only at the very beginning. You cannot tame a raging flame yourself, and it is quite possible to get damaged or even die. It’s better not to rely on your own strength, call the fire department.

Before drawing such a drawing, you need to think about its concept. It is necessary to decide in which room the fire occurred. This could be a living room, in which case the TV would be a source of danger. Let the child draw something from the room's furnishings. For example, a sofa, a wardrobe and a table. The step-by-step instructions in the pictures below will help him with this.

Draw a chair step by step. Draw a TV step by step.

If a child decides to draw a kitchen, he will most likely depict a stove, refrigerator, or dining table.

Draw a stove and refrigerator step by step.

Draw a dining table step by step.

Next you should draw the fire. It's simple at first glance. It will be necessary to depict chaotically flying flames and make them three-dimensional. It is better to color the fire in several colors: red, yellow, orange, then the image will turn out dynamic.

Draw fire step by step.

If the picture shows a person putting out a fire, he needs to be depicted in motion. For example, running towards a flame with a bucket or fire extinguisher. And finally, you should choose what exactly will be used to extinguish the fire:

  • bucket with water
  • fire extinguisher
  • a thick blanket (the child should know that it is strictly forbidden to extinguish a fire in an electrical appliance with water)

Draw a bucket step by step. Drawing to copy: fire extinguisher.

Drawing for copying: a man extinguishes a fire in a house.

Photos of fire safety crafts


DIY design according to Federal State Educational Standards + photo


The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization of modern society, childhood injuries are an emergency situation for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teaching children not to get into dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world is the most important task for parents and educators in child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. There are a large number of situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in public transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them the concept of their own safety . a safe behavior corner in kindergarten is intended to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, and didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Models of fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Material for printing on the safety corner can be found on the websites:

Passport for the safety corner in kindergarten

The safety corner passport is included in the group passport. When designing it, the goals and objectives of its creation are indicated and the materials included in this corner are listed. These include:

  • Large-sized models and toys: traffic lights, life-size puppets, road signs, city street models, pedestrian crossing markings, fire shields and fire extinguisher models.
  • Equipment for children.
  • Posters and teaching materials.
  • Stands on fire safety, traffic rules and others.
  • Toys, educational games, books and other equipment available.

Registration of a corner passport

An example of registration of a corner passport is taken from the article “Passport of the preparatory/secondary group” of the kindergarten “Moroshka”.

How a technical passport for a safety corner is prepared can be seen in Elena Mishchenko’s article “Passport for a safety corner in a preschool educational institution.”

Examples of design of a safety corner

The name of the safety corner speaks about its purpose. It could be like this:

  • Safety School.
  • Road ABC.
  • Young rescuers.
  • Island of safety.
  • Safe kindergarten.
  • I grow up happy.
  • Safety every day.
  • Safety formula.

As already mentioned, teaching children safe behavior has three components: safety at home, knowledge and application of traffic rules, safe behavior in nature and during games. The corner's stands are also designed in accordance with these directions.

Photo gallery: stand design for knowledge of traffic rules

Stand on traffic rules for older groups The corner contains a lot of text material The corner contains models of buildings and roadways Didactic game on traffic rules
When studying safety in everyday life, the topic of fire safety .

Photo gallery: fire safety stand design

A young rescuer talks about safety rules. A toy fire shield with all the attributes. A bright manual for children of primary and secondary groups. Models of fire equipment.
There are a large number of posters that remind children in a colorful way about the rules of safe behavior. They can be used in the design of a corner, not forgetting about periodic updating.

You can learn more about organizing fire safety classes in kindergarten from our article - Fire safety classes in preschool educational institutions: useful and exciting educational activities.

Photo gallery: posters on safe behavior

Poster for preschoolers on behavior in nature Rules of behavior for children in everyday life Rules of behavior during games, in everyday life, with strangers Safe behavior at home and on the street
You can use ready-made stands with pockets to update information.

Photo gallery: options for ready-made stands for a safety corner

All areas of work are represented A compact stand with an original shape A small stand containing elements of life safety training The shape of such a stand will attract attention

Work in the kindergarten safety corner

Organization of work on the topic of security takes different forms:

  • Visual: the use of posters, ready-made stands, illustrations warning of danger.
  • Organization of didactic games (options of possible games can be seen in the article by Elena Kekina).
  • Conducting role-playing games and simulating dangerous situations in the play corner.
  • Practical tasks aimed at learning the rules of safe behavior. (For example: making an applique “Teapot”, coloring a picture of an “Electric Stove”, and so on).
  • Conversations with children and discussion of stories and fairy tales (tales about Stobed, Stories by Elena Ilyina), reading poems about safety.
  • Work with parents: selection of literature for parents on teaching children the basics of life safety, individual conversations and holding parent meetings (The article by Svetlana Gulkova presents a detailed summary of the parent meeting, containing not only a lecture part, but also a practical lesson with parents).
  • Conducting safety classes.

Classes on the topic of life safety are designed to organize and consolidate children’s knowledge.

For example, a lesson in the middle group “Rules of safe behavior in kindergarten” by Valentina Drozdova aims to consolidate the skills of attentive and careful behavior when in playrooms.

Or the lesson “Safety Day” by Natalya Chernysheva for the senior group is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge of safe behavior at home and on the street. The lesson is conducted as a virtual excursion on a school bus. The teacher and the children discuss various life situations that can lead to tragic consequences.

Below is a lesson plan for a senior group on fire safety. Well-chosen interesting material on the topic of the lesson. Children will be happy to answer questions and take part in completing tasks.

Table: example of a lesson summary on the topic “Fire Safety”, prepared by teacher Yulia Khryavina

And in conclusion, we present a video about conducting a lesson on life safety for the senior group of kindergarten.

Video: lesson “Travel through the country of fire safety”

The safety corner is one of the forms of visual work to teach children and remind their parents that safety primarily depends on themselves. When caring for a small child, you need to be able to foresee all unfavorable situations and prevent them in advance. Only in this case can you ensure a prosperous life for your family and all your loved ones.

Hello. My name is Margarita. I am now retired; before that I worked as a teacher for more than twenty years. I'm trying my hand at writing articles on pedagogy and animals. Rate this article: Share with friends!

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