card index of conversations on moral and patriotic education card index (preparatory group) on the topic

Open lesson on patriotic education in the preparatory group “Travel across Russia”

No country in the world has such a vast territory as Russia. (The teacher circles the territory of our country with a pointer).

When people go to bed at one end of our country, morning begins at the other. To get from one end of our country to the other by train, you need to travel 7 days, and fly by plane for 24 hours.

Guys, who will answer me one difficult question: “What continent is Russia located on?” ( The country of Russia is located on the continent of Eurasia , which includes two parts of the world : Europe and Asia).

Physical exercise “Our Motherland – Russia”

In our country the mountains are high,

stretch on our tiptoes
The rivers are deep,
squat down
The steppes are wide,
we spread our arms
The forests are large,
arms up
And we are the guys like that!
show thumb

Educator: Oh, guys, I think I see a Chamomile petal ! (The teacher picks up a hidden petal from the floor).

Hooray! We found it and will give it to our Romashka! (The child attaches a petal to the board.) Well, let's move on! Go!

Stop No. 2: “Symbols of Russia”

Each country has its own state symbols: coat of arms, flag and anthem. Guys, look at the coat of arms.

Coat of arms

is the emblem of the state. “The state emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden double-headed eagle placed on a red heraldic shield; above the eagle are three historical crowns of Peter the Great (above the heads are two small ones and above them is one larger); in the eagle’s paws are a scepter and an orb; on the eagle’s chest on a red shield is a horseman slaying a dragon with a spear.”

Ksyusha D.:

Russia has a majestic double-headed eagle on its coat of arms, so that He could look to the west and east at once. He is strong, wise and proud. He is Russia's free spirit.

Flag of the Russian Federation

has three colors: white, blue and red.

White color means peace, purity; blue color is a symbol of faith and fidelity; red color symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.


Multi-colored flag of Russia - White, blue, red. The most beautiful for me, There is no more beautiful flag in the world. There is honor and truth in this flag, Blood shed in battle, Courage, valor and bravery, Faith in my Motherland!


The national anthem of the Russian Federation is performed during ceremonies and other events held by government bodies.
When the anthem is performed in public, those present listen to it standing, men without hats. Our anthem was written by composer Alexander Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov. Let's listen to the Russian anthem. (Children stand up. The teacher plays the anthem of the Russian Federation).

The Russian Anthem sounded majestically and calmly. Everyone listened, quietly, standing, and the audience held its breath.

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