Sports and game entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory school group “Road ABC”.

Sports entertainment according to traffic rules. Scenario. Senior - preparatory group

Sports entertainment according to traffic rules for children 5-7 years old. Stop the car, slow down, there is a pedestrian on the road!

Description of material: I bring to your attention a scenario of sports entertainment for senior preschool age. In a playful way, children reinforce traffic rules, develop dexterity, coordination, and endurance. With the help of elements of health-saving technologies, children are instilled with the habit of a healthy lifestyle. The material may be useful to educators, primary school teachers, and physical education instructors in kindergarten. Objectives: 1. To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs in a playful way. 2. Promote the development of caution and prudence on the roads. Strengthen the ability to apply acquired knowledge in games and everyday life. Children enter the music room to the music and sit down in their seats. Preliminary work: Learning poems and speeches with children. Repetition of traffic rules and signs. Presenter: (physical development instructor): Guys, we live in a city with green, wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks and buses travel along them. And no one to anyone. Why, guys, is this happening? How do you think? The children answer. Presenter: Correct! This happens because there are such clear rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Who makes sure that traffic rules are followed? The children answer. Presenter: State Road Safety Inspectorate - abbreviated as traffic police. A traffic police inspector came to us. Let's give him the floor. Presenter: In order for us to better remember the rules, you and I will compete in agility, speed and dexterity. And all our relay games will be dedicated to traffic rules. Crossing the road from one side of the street to the other is not easy. Who helps us with this? Children: Traffic light. Presenter: Correct! And he came to visit us today. (Traffic light enters to cheerful music) Traffic light: There has been an owner on the roads for a long time - Traffic light! It’s not in vain that it burns above you with Multi-colored lights. How many signals do I have? Children: Three Traffic Lights: Name them (children name them). Child 1: Is the light on red? Stop! There is no way forward! 2nd child: The yellow eye repeats without words: Be ready for the transition! Child 3: When the light is green, go ahead! The path is clear. Transition. Traffic light: Crossing the road These bright colors will always tell you and help you. Well done boys! I am very glad that you know so much about me. Now I want to see how you compete. Presenter: We will be glad that you will attend our sports competitions. We have 2 teams consisting of Team “Avtomobilists” - 6 children from the preparatory group “Solnyshko”; Team "Pedestrians" - 6-10 children from the preparatory group "Bells". We welcome the members of the jury consisting of: a traffic police inspector, a kindergarten methodologist and the chairman of the parent committee. Presenter: The word for greetings is given to the “Pedestrians” team. Team captain: “Pedestrians” are a skillful team, dexterous, strong, brave! All together: We are already adults - not kids. Hurry up and compete with us! Presenter: The floor for greetings goes to the “Motorists” team. Team captain: We are Motorists, All together: Don’t stand in the way, Our team is always ahead! Presenter: 1st relay race “Driver” Children take turns driving large toy cars to the counter, driving around it and coming back, passing the car to the next player. The relay race is not only about speed, but also about attentiveness, since you can only start movements from a traffic light sign. The team that completes the task first wins.

2 relay race “Underground passage” In front of each team there is a tunnel. Children take turns climbing through the tunnel, running around the counter and returning to their team. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. 3rd relay race “Make a sign” (mosaic) Very often, traffic violators damage road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it correctly. You have 1 minute to complete the mosaic. 4th relay race “Pedestrian crossing”

Participants in the competition run to the “pedestrian crossing”, cross the road and return, passing the baton to the next participant in the game. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. 5th relay race “Happy Pedestrians” The first team member takes the hoop and runs around the stand on command, returns to his team, takes the second player and the two of them run around the stand, etc. until the whole team, holding the hoop, completes the task. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. Riddles for teams: 1. He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights, He takes turns with them, immediately looks at me... (traffic light) 2. Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz, A beetle is running down the street. And they burn in the beetle’s eyes Two brilliant lights... (car) 3. On a clear morning along the road Dew glistens on the grass, Two cheerful wheels spin along the road, The riddle has an answer: This is my... (bicycle) 4. The car won’t go here. The main thing here is the pedestrian. To avoid interfering with each other, we need to keep the path to the right. (Sidewalk) Presenter: While our jury is counting the points, we are playing a game for the audience “Allowed - Forbidden.” Play and jump at the bus stop... Scream loudly at the bus stop... Behave calmly on the bus... Give way to older people... Lean out of the window... Walk around standing vehicles in front... Respect traffic rules... “Mental warm-up” What types of transitions are there? (ground, underground) What do you call people walking down the street? (pedestrians) Which traffic light is allowed to cross? (green) What is the name of the intersection of roads? (crossroads) Presenter: The floor is given to our jury. (rewarding teams) Presenter: Friends, be competent pedestrians and never forget the traffic rules!

We recommend watching:

Leisure time in the senior group on traffic rules Scenario of a speech by a propaganda team on traffic rules for children of the senior group Conversation in the senior group on the topic: Traffic rules Synopsis of an integrated lesson on traffic rules in the preparatory group

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"Maximum speed limit" sign:

The sign says dispassionately: “It’s dangerous to drive here too fast! So, please, slow down for the time being!”


Guys, thank you for helping me understand the rules of the road. Now I will definitely know and follow these rules.

And I want to give you gifts (medals)


Guys, everyone should know the rules of behavior on the road, you need to be very careful on the roadway. Therefore, only constant adherence to the rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets.

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