Article on the topic “The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life.” article on the topic

Article on the topic “The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life.” article on the topic

Article on the topic: “The meaning of fairy tales in a child’s life.”

A fairy tale is a magical and fascinating world that attracts children with amazing adventures, transformations and heroes. These are the first literary works that every child touches during preschool childhood. A fairy tale enters a child’s life from a very early age, accompanies him throughout preschool childhood and remains with him for life. His acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and with the entire surrounding world in general begins with a fairy tale. The role of fairy tales in raising children is great. Firstly, they develop imagination and encourage fantasy. They also develop correct speech and learn to distinguish between good and evil.

By telling a child a fairy tale, we develop his inner world. And the sooner we read books, the sooner he will begin to speak and express himself correctly. A fairy tale forms the basis of behavior and communication. Develops imagination and creativity.

Every person has their own first and favorite fairy tale. A fairy tale that we carry in our hearts throughout our lives. And it’s different for everyone. And why? What is the deeper meaning here?

In every fairy tale we read, we can find a complete list of human problems, as well as ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problems of personal moments in a person’s life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the mid-twentieth century that with the help of fairy tales it is even possible to program a child’s future.

Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, the deeper meaning of the embedded plan in the fairy tale is revealed to us. And the shorter the fairy tale, the greater the volume of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children.

As an example, I propose to analyze the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Everyone, you remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. Of course, he has a great sense of adventure. According to characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, agile, lively, has a good character and a boundless desire to learn something interesting and unknown. Temperament type - rather sanguine.

On his way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - he was able to convince even the most negative hero from a fairy tale to let him go. Over time, already confident in himself as a mature personality, the traveler loses his vigilance, his self-confidence and insolence suppresses such psychological processes as attentiveness and observation - and, with the help of deception, he is eaten by the Fox.

This fairy tale plot is found in fairy tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants.

What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what can a child be taught by telling it:

1) Do not lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who insults you: call your friends for help, show cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero had not cheated: “Come on, I’ll sing you a song!” Or, just run away - that’s what Kolobok did every time, singing a song.

2) Do not trust the first person you meet. In life you meet different people, both friendly and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because bad people do not always directly and openly make it clear: “I will eat you!” Most, in relation to you, can act like the cunning Fox, lulling your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; Therefore, you should be very careful here to guess people's intentions.

3) Choose the right path in life. You should talk about this with your child at the very end. After all, Kolobok was baked for a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on it, and our naughty hero ruined the lives of both himself and them. Each person has his own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose a profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having made the right choice of profession, a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes, bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and also receive pleasure from his professional activities. Self-assertion.

As a result:

- Don’t rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, scratch it anyway. Grandmother had enough flour for Kolobok...

— Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandma turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest!

- Don't forget about your childhood. Why did the main character of the fairy tale decide to go on an adventure so recklessly? Probably because he felt rather sad lying on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold your child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once in childhood wanted to feel “adult and independent,” saying, at the mother’s request to help: “I myself!”


* Do not try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, find time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not enough for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development. Cartoons are fun to watch, but they don't develop imagination because the action is presented on the screen. If you want your child to develop creatively, you need to provide him with room for imagination.

A fairy tale can not only educate, but also correct behavior, and in many cases relieve complex psychological problems and stress that trouble a child’s fragile psyche. To do this, you can choose suitable plots from existing fairy tales and analyze them in role-playing games or theatrical productions. An excellent correctional moment would be the game “Think of it differently,” in which the child is asked to create a new ending to his favorite fairy tale. Pay attention to what plot moves the child chooses, whether he strives to make the ending of the story happy, and what characters he associates with himself and his loved ones. Particular attention should be paid if the child consistently gives preference to unhappy endings and pays increased attention to negative characters.

But the most important moral is what is evil and what is good. This is exactly what is expressed in our fairy tales. As a result, the child compares himself with a good character and knows that evil is punishable.

*It is best to read a story before bed, when the child is calm, in a good mood and ready to listen carefully. You need to read it emotionally. At the end, you can discuss the fairy tale: what you liked and what you didn’t. Ask your child to describe the characters.

A fairy tale can relieve a child’s anxiety. You can also put on an emotional speech, make it beautiful and figurative. The vocabulary is expanding, the dialogue is being built correctly, and coherent logical speech is developing.

Tell the story in an interesting way, as if feeling that this is a different world. Read with good diction and intonation, then the child will learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

* Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, quickly skim through it. In modern interpretations you can find, for example: “... and tore him into a thousand small pieces.” This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this fairy tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child may form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable.

* You should not read sad bedtime stories to your child. Because it will be hard to imagine what a child might dream about after such a fairy tale.

- Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the “external”, an “internal” side (the main educational meaning of the fairy tale). Talk about this with your child, choosing the moment subtly and carefully. Purely for educational purposes, raising the child to what the right thing to do in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently done something wrong, then choose an appropriate fairy tale according to this situation, highlighting the instructive and educational moment.

Russian fairy tale

The magical world of fairy tales. Wonderful memories from childhood. The voice of dad or mom reading stories to us before bed. What could be more pleasant?

But we grew up the way we are, largely thanks to the fairy tales we heard in childhood. We still remember the plots of many of them as vividly as if they were read to us just yesterday.

How important are fairy tales in a child's development?

At all times and among all peoples, children, as soon as they began to understand human speech, were told fairy tales. The role of fairy tales was not only entertaining, but also instructive.

Listening to fairy tales, a child learns about the world around him, the laws of relationships between people, he learns about honesty, friendship, courage, betrayal and meanness. In fairy tales there are always positive and negative heroes, there is a struggle between good and evil, and fairy tales always have a happy ending. But the benefits of fairy tales are much broader:

fairy tales develop imagination, attentiveness and abstract thinking. Mentally following the plot, the child imagines unprecedented places, fantastic events, and the appearance of the main characters. No TV or computer will do this better.

Children always imagine themselves as positive heroes. By getting used to this image, they learn to perform noble deeds, to be honest, courageous, and resourceful. They learn to help friends in trouble and protect the weak. They begin to distinguish between good and bad.

Even with the most unfavorable outcome of events, fairy tales always end well. This teaches you not to give up, to make an effort, to achieve what you want. They learn to overcome difficulties, show perseverance, be resourceful, and act actively in hopeless circumstances.

By reading and listening to fairy tales, vocabulary increases and communication skills improve.

When to read fairy tales

Usually parents read fairy tales to their children in the evening, before bed. But there are no clear recommendations on this matter. You can read at any time convenient for this. Do not refuse your child if he asks to read a fairy tale that you have already read dozens of times. This means that this is very important for the child. This means that the experiences and reflections on the plot and the fate of the main characters are not yet finished.

Listening to fairy tales before bedtime, hearing the voice of a loved one, the child moves into the world of fairy-tale fantasies, calms down and falls asleep. This has a beneficial effect on his nervous system.

How to read fairy tales

Fairy tales should be read slowly, with expression. Use your voice and intonation to emphasize points that require attention. Change the timbre and pitch of the voice for different characters. Take pauses.

Words must be pronounced clearly, with good articulation. This affects the formation of the child’s speech, the correct construction of sentences and the expansion of vocabulary.

Tales can be told. You won't always have a book at hand to read. A slight change in the plot develops imagination and ingenuity. You can encourage your child to help you with this, pretending that you forgot the continuation of the fairy tale.

Folk tales should not be changed. Their stories have stood the test of time and they contain a certain educational and developmental meaning.

It is recommended to read only one fairy tale per evening.

If the child does not ask, you should not explain to him the meaning of the fairy tale. Perhaps he will ask to read it again and try to figure out the plot himself. Answer all questions patiently and explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reading fairy tales is a wonderful journey into the world of wonderful fantasies, talking animals and unusual characters. A journey to a world where nothing is impossible. Where truth and justice always triumph.

Don't deprive your children of these trips. Read a lot. Read with love. Give them this wonderful world of fairy tales.

A fairy tale is a tool for unobtrusive learning

It is no secret that children best perceive information presented in a playful form.

Serious moralizing by adults quickly tires children without achieving their goal. At the same time, with the help of fairy-tale characters, you can explain to them all the same common truths, but do it in an easy, understandable form for children. Fairy tales are rightfully considered the most powerful teaching tools for children.

The thing is that they give so-called indirect instructions. Children think in images; it is much easier for them to imagine a situation from the outside, where the main characters are fairy-tale characters. It is through the example of the heroes of fairy tales that important life information is best learned (for example, it is difficult to explain to a child why he should share toys with other children, but to say that he is a greedy person from some fairy tale will immediately produce results, since being an anti-hero to a child don't want to).

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