article on the topic “Organization of a family club in a preschool educational institution” from work experience

Interest club at preschool educational institution. Work plan

Interest club in kindergarten

Author: Olga Aleksandrovna Berdnikova, teacher, MBDOU “CRR-d/s “Rosinka”, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

Interest club - as one of the forms of cooperation between teachers, parents and children

(for parents and children of the senior, preparatory group for school) The process of becoming a full-fledged personality takes place under the influence of various factors, the first and most important of which is the family. This is an environment that incorporates a wide range of parameters that influence a person’s mental development, the capabilities and nature of his personal and social functioning, and the possibilities of self-realization. A kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which the family comes into contact for the purpose of raising and educating the child, preparing him for life in society. We, specialists of a preschool institution, provided that we competently structure interaction with the family, have a unique opportunity to systematically communicate with the family, close contact with parents, which opens up the broadest opportunities for organizing joint work in the triad “family - child - kindergarten”. Regardless of what form of interaction with the family we choose, it is important to consider that awareness of oneself in the new status of a parent is accompanied by a revision of life principles, value systems, and aspirations. Therefore, it is necessary that a competent teacher be next to the parent, on whose competent help he could count in any situation. Our teaching staff has constantly set and is setting a goal: to look for new forms of interaction, fill them with relevant content and present it in such a way that parents want to use it. Today it is impossible to limit ourselves only to the promotion of pedagogical knowledge, in which parents are only passive participants. That is why, as one of the main forms of work with the families of our students, we have chosen such an association of parents, children and teachers as a parent-child club. The members of the club are all interested parents of our students, preschool teachers and children. The topics of meetings in the club are chosen taking into account the characteristics and needs of families based on the problems that arise during the educational process. Each parent can choose a seminar, training, joint activity - everything that is important and interesting for him to attend.

Long-term work plan for the club “Lovers of Correct Speech”

Goal: to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in developing children’s correct spoken language. Objectives: - to acquaint parents with the work of preschool educational institutions on the development of children’s speech; — develop parents’ ideas about the methods and forms of children’s speech development; — provide methodological assistance to parents in the development of children’s correct speech. The first year of classes at the club serves to establish contact between parents and preschool specialists; it is expected that in the course of the work, group members will become familiar with the basics of correct speech.

Long-term club work plan 1 year


The topic of the meeting is “How our word will respond.” Contents. The word has always had power. The ancients said that the doctor has three medicines - herbs, minerals and the word. Speech performs important functions in the development of a child and must be literate, correct, and beautiful. Speech therapist's recommendations Fragment of a speech therapist's lesson on speech sound culture


Topic of the meeting: “Lessons in politeness and beauty” Good manners, politeness, beauty are closely related to the moral education of a child Recommendations of a teacher-psychologist


Topic of the meeting: “Raising a child using the native language and folk art” Contents. The possibilities of art in the development of children's speech. The age of 5-6 years is the age of development of imagination, which is the basis of creativity. Recommendations from a music director, teacher of additional education on art activities


Topic of the meeting: “Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Games” Contents: Games with children and parents aimed at developing speech

Long-term plan for the club's work, year 2

The second year of classes is a joint work of teachers, children and parents. At this stage, parents can put the acquired knowledge into practice in games and exercises with their children.


Topic of the meeting: “We play wherever possible” Contents. Methodological assistance to parents in organizing children's games


Topic of the meeting: “On the importance and benefits of games with words” Contents. Preparing children for school, reinforcing correct pronunciation in speech. The development of a child’s vocabulary is a defining part of speech culture


Topic of the meeting: “Movement and speech” Contents. Properly organized physical education using elements of kinesiology promotes the mental development of children, as favorable conditions are created for the normal functioning of the nervous system


Celebration Summing up the club's work

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Family club in kindergarten

  • January 12, 2012

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2011”
Nomination “Working with Parents” (in preschool educational institutions)

The first school for educating a growing person is the family. All human paths begin in the family. She is the whole world for a child, here he learns to love, endure, rejoice, and sympathize. In the family he acquires his first experience of communication, the experience of “living among people.”

Any pedagogical system without a family is a pure abstraction. It is important to find a form of communication with the family in which mutual understanding and mutual assistance are possible in solving complex problems of raising, training and correcting the development of children. In our opinion, one of these forms is a family club, based on the principles of voluntariness, personal interest, and mutual respect. We did not come to this conclusion overnight. Over the course of many years, we have carried out systematic work with parents, subordinated to the main goal - the creation of a unified educational and health space “kindergarten - family”, while solving priority tasks :

  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • studying and summarizing the best experience of family education;
  • involving parents in participating in the life of the group and kindergarten.

When conducting a survey to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work, we found that the most popular are joint events with the participation of children and parents, they are preferred by 90% of parents.

Even in the second junior group (at the end of the year), at the round table they chose such a form of work as a family club and identified 3 main directions of the Club’s work :

  • psychological and pedagogical education of parents (identified the most important topics for meetings, outlined the timing of activities),
  • participation of parents in the cognitive development of children through “meetings with interesting people”,
  • joint productive activities in the “skillful hands” circle for children and parents.

The family club began its work with the middle group. This is an energy-intensive event, but it returns the costs a hundredfold with its efficiency. During round table meetings, we help parents understand the importance of family traditions in raising a child, provide practical assistance in preparing and holding holidays at home, and ask them to share their experience of family education.

The goal of our family club is to: establish trusting relationships between children, parents, teachers, unite them into one team, cultivate the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together, rejoice in the successes of everyone.

Working within the family club for two years, we became convinced that in the process of joint activities, children begin to perceive their parents in a new way, as allies. By showing themselves to the child from the best side, demonstrating the qualities that they want to pass on to him, parents give the child the opportunity to be proud of them. And pride in one’s parents is an excellent foundation for personal development.

In addition, the work of the family club has shown that the atmosphere that arises in the process of communication between children and parents in kindergarten is transferred to the home environment and encourages parents to be an example for their children. A wise proverb says that words teach, but example makes you imitate.

Appendix 1: Family club in kindergarten.

Appendix 2: Presentation.

Author: Vera Vladimirovna Zatheeva, teacher of the highest qualification category at the Novoselovsky kindergarten “Rosinka No. 24”, p. Novoselovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Teaching experience 26 years.

Parents' club is an unconventional form of effective interaction between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions

Plotnikova Anna Evgenievna


"Kindergarten No. 22"


Parents' club is an unconventional form of effective interaction between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions

Brief description: experience in creating a family parent club in a preschool institution (group) for effective interaction with parents and an approximate annual work plan for the club will be interesting and useful for preschool teachers.

The family and kindergarten are the main institutions for raising a child. Public and family education of children should be a unified system of both educational and educational practices, implemented jointly by all participants in the educational process. The main goals should be: the formation of a moral, fully developed personality, ready for life in modern society. And every modern teacher faces the task of organizing effective interaction with the families of pupils, actively involving parents in the joint development of children in preschool educational institutions and families, developing uniform requirements, goals and objectives for the development of preschool children.

In this regard, each preschool educational institution uses different forms of work with families. Traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction with family can be distinguished. Traditional forms include:

  • parent meetings,
  • conversations, visiting families,
  • joint holidays and entertainment,
  • consultations,
  • design of stands, travel folders with information for parents,
  • exhibitions of family works, photo exhibitions,
  • open days.

To non-traditional:

  • conducting master classes,
  • joint walks, entertainment, excursions on holidays and weekends,
  • round tables, issues of family and group newspapers and posters,
  • presentations
  • video competitions,
  • joint ICT presentations,
  • production of brochures, leaflets, booklets,
  • exhibitions of family heirlooms,
  • creation and operation of a family club.

Today I want to share my experience of creating a family club in a kindergarten group. This is a wonderful opportunity to organize the most effective interaction between teachers and parents in a preschool institution.

The purpose of the family club: to create a unified educational process in the preschool educational institution and the family, the active involvement of parents in all activities of the kindergarten and group, effective interaction between adults and children.

Objectives of the Club:

  • providing advisory, psychological and pedagogical education and assistance to parents,
  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents,
  • attracting parents to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution,
  • creating conditions for full communication and cooperation between parents and teachers (exchange of opinions and experiences in family education).

Important conditions for the club to operate:

  • making a joint decision to create a club at the first parent meeting,
  • to captivate parents with an interesting direction (topic) for a year,
  • determining the frequency of meetings (monthly, quarterly),
  • drawing up a club work plan,
  • meetings are held jointly with children and parents with the involvement of specialists.

I offer you a sample plan for the work of a club in a preschool institution in accordance with the annual / project theme.

Work plan of the family club “We are together”

Annual theme: “Getting to know your hometown”

Deadlines Event Target
September Family survey ​​​​​​​Identifying the knowledge and ideas of parents and children about their hometown, its history, and the need for work in this area
First meeting

“What do we know about our small homeland?”

To interest parents in the moral and patriotic education of children, creating conditions for joint acquaintance of children with their hometown
October Booklets on the most pressing requests of parents:

“Family and computer”, “Child safety on the street”, “Reading together about our hometown”

Formation of parents' need to receive professional pedagogical assistance.
Photo exhibition “Walk through city attractions with mom (dad)” Getting to know the sights of your hometown. make parents want to show their children historical places and monuments.
November Second meeting

Creative workshop “Family Traditions”

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families through familiarization with folk traditions of families
Mini-museum: “Craft Workshop” Introduce children to the craft of their hometown.
December Preparation, rehearsals, participation in the New Year holiday Invite parents to participate in the holiday in various roles of heroes

"New Year's toy for the city tree"

“New Year’s card “City Tale”

"New Year's windows"

Joint participation in parent-child competitions
Within six months Excursions:

Fire Department



Houses of Culture

The city's attractions

Invite parents to go on city excursions together
January Booklet for parents “What to tell and read to children about their hometown; Author’s poems about the city” Recommendations from parents for introducing children to their small homeland. Introduce original poems by urban poets.
January Mini-museum “My City” Involve parents in joint creativity with children, creating models of city attractions from any materials, designing a mini-museum in a group
3 meeting

"Meeting interesting people"

Introduce city writers, leaders of creative and dance groups, famous people of the city
February Promotion "Igroteka" Attracting parents' attention to children's play as an activity
Military-patriotic game "Zarnichka" Invite fathers and grandfathers to participate in the dawn.
Photo exhibition “Beloved Dad, Grandfather”
March Spring holiday "March 8" Involve parents in the preparation and holding of the spring holiday, decoration (Russian birch tree, Russian hut)
Photo exhibition

“Walk with Mom in Hometown”

Invite parents to spend time together with their children
April 4 meeting

Excursion - quest “Streets named after WWII heroes. Monuments to WWII participants"

Involve parents in a joint excursion to memorable places and jointly develop a route.
Book of Memory “Great feat through the eyes of children” Create a Book of Memory about the participants of the Second World War. Introduce children to the history of grandfathers and great-grandfathers who participated in the Second World War.
May 5 meeting

Creative living room

"Living as one family"

Creating a social – pedagogical space for creative interaction between children and adults
Competition “Postcard to a Veteran” Uniting children and adults during joint creativity. Foster a sense of respect for those who fought.
Joint window decoration for May 1st and 9th Creating a festive mood in the group through joint efforts and creativity
During a year Excursions to mom and dad's work Invite parents to become familiar with enterprises and professions in their hometown
During a year 6 meeting

Participation in regional family competitions

Increasing the role of the family and the institution of family traditions
During a year Weekend program (outing into nature, ski competitions, etc.) Organization of joint leisure time for children and parents

In conclusion: the influence of family on raising children is enormous. And success in the unified and integral education of the personality of each child depends on the organization of work with parents, their inclusion and involvement in the educational process, and effective interaction.

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