Plan of work with parents in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year

Plan of work with parents in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year

Long-term plan for working with parents of children in the younger group
Description of the material: I bring to your attention a long-term plan for working with parents of children in the younger group. This material will help plan work with parents throughout the school year. September
1. Visual – textual information “Crisis of 3 years”.
2. Photo exhibition “Summer days”. 3. Consultation: “Daily routine and its importance in a child’s life.” 4. Parent meeting “Tasks of education and training for the school year.” 5. Consultation “We are pedestrians.” 6. Individual conversations with parents “Child’s adaptation to kindergarten. How to help a child fall in love with kindergarten? 7. Memo “Children are happiness” 8. Memo for parents “Creating a favorable atmosphere in the family” October
1. Consultation “Features of development of children 3-4 years old.”
2. Consultation “The importance of play activities in the development of children 4 years of age.” 3. Memo “Do not leave children at home alone.” 4. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”. 6. Conversation “Dressing for the weather.” 7. Memo “What to do if a child bites?” 8. Consultation “Growing up healthy” 9. Consultation “Whims and stubbornness” 10. Individual conversations with parents about the need to get vaccinated against influenza. November
1. Consultation “How to behave with strangers?”
2. Making a sliding folder “What can we already do?” 3. Consultation “What fairy tales should we read to children?” 4. Conversation “What should be in a children’s locker in kindergarten?” 5. Memo “If a child experiences fears” 6. Consultation “Active play in a child’s life” 7. Master class “Crafts from salt dough” 8. Memo for parents “How to develop interest in handicrafts?” 9. Photo exhibition “Family leisure” 10. Consultation “Why do children break toys?” December
1. Conversation “How not to get sick?”
2. Memo “Why you shouldn’t punish children?” 3. Consultation “Talk to your child correctly.” 4. New Year's party for children and their parents. 5. Folder – moving “Sensory development of children”. 6. Master class “Garlic as a means of fighting colds” 7. Parent meeting “Speech of a younger preschooler.” 8. Consultation “What to do when a child cries?” January
1. Exhibition of crafts and souvenirs “New Year’s Beauty”.
2. Memo for parents “The art of being a parent.” 3. Design of a thematic information stand “Safety Rules”. 4. Consultation “How to spend a day off with your child?” 5. Folder - moving “Let's play with the whole family.” 6. Consultation “How to understand your own child?” 7. Memo “Hardening is the path to health” 8. Consultation “If a child shows aggression” February
1. Consultation “The influence of the psychological microclimate of the family on the health of the child.”
2. Practical advice “The importance of daily routine for raising children.” 3. Memo "Outdoor games for children 3-4 years old." 4. Conversation “Bad habits of children.” 5. Master class “Gift for Dad.” 6. Consultation “How to teach a child to put away toys?” 7. Parent meeting “Game in the life of a preschooler.” March
1. Design of the information stand “Child’s health and computer.”
2. Wall newspaper “Our mothers are the best” 3. Memo “Developing motor skills. Games with clothespins." 4. Photo exhibition “Walking is great!” 5. Making greeting cards for mothers and grandmothers. 6. Holiday “Our Grandmothers and Mothers”. 7. Consultation “Can a child be punished?” 8 Consultation “By playing, we train attention and develop memory” April
1. A selection of photographic materials on the topic “Funny moments.”
2. Visual – textual information “Read to the children.” 3. Exhibition of children's creativity “Spring has come!” 4. Folder – movement “First Aid”. 5. To the parent’s piggy bank “What a 3-4 year old child should know.” 6. Consultation “Cleanliness is the key to health.” May
1. Folder: “Prevention of intestinal diseases.” 2. Mobile folder: “Echo of War.” 3. Photo exhibition “From the life of our group.” 4. Consultation “On vacation with a child.” 5. Tips: “If the child has a poor appetite.” 6. Parent meeting “The success of our group for the year!” 7. Consultation “Safety measures on the street in the summer”

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Leisure time in the younger group with parents

Summary of joint leisure activities for children of primary preschool age and parents.
Meeting at the “My Sunshine” club. Author: Olga Anatolyevna Kurilova, educational psychologist, MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 7 “Fairy Tale”, Mostovskoy village, Krasnodar Territory Description of the material: the material may be useful to educational psychologists and preschool teachers. This event is the first meeting in the parent-child club “My Sunshine”. This meeting can also be organized as a separate event. It is advisable to carry it out at the end of the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten, when the emotional state of the children has stabilized. It’s good if two teachers participate: an educational psychologist and a teacher. One plays the role of a consultant, providing parents with the necessary information and teaching them some special skills and techniques for interacting with the child, the other helps organize children and adults and demonstrates technical techniques. The frequency of meetings is determined by club members. Recommended frequency is once a quarter. Goal: formation of parent-child relationships in the process of joint activities. Objectives: - ensure an emotionally positive relationship between group members (children, parents and teachers); — introduce parents to effective ways to interact with children; — to develop in children the skills of joint activities, elements of cooperation; — develop social emotions: participation, empathy, joy for the result of joint activities; — to instill in children activity, self-confidence, and a friendly attitude towards others. — develop the creative abilities of children and parents (musical, rhythmic, visual); - introduce participants to a new way of drawing - fingergraphy - develop reflection. Forms of organization: group, in pairs (child - parent), individual (in case of difficulties). Means: game training, bodily interaction, imitation, emotional connection, reflection, visual (fingergraphy). Materials: Sunshine - a soft toy on Velcro with sound design, an umbrella, paints for finger painting or gouache, plates for paints, paper (sheets of whatman paper), colorful autumn leaves (plastic ones are possible), audio recordings: a calm melody, a cheerful melody (for the background) , song “I walk with leaves” (author Yu. Seliverstova). Equipment: stereo system, large easel or children's table, soft flooring, pillows or soft toys.

Progress of the meeting:

1 part.
Organizational. Calm music sounds (background)
Presenter (educator-psychologist). Hello, dear mothers, fathers and children! We are glad to meet you at the “My Sunshine” club. In order to make it more convenient for us all to communicate, I suggest you sit in a circle with your kids. For comfort, you can use pillows and soft toys. (The presenter shows how you can sit down and place the child in front of you). Leading. It seems like just yesterday that you brought your kids to kindergarten for the first time. For some this time was very difficult. But now all the difficulties, tears, worries are behind us. Everything is fine. And we can all rejoice in our small victories. Why have we gathered today? Firstly, get to know each other better; second, learn new ways to communicate with your children through play and creativity. And I also hope that we will all experience a lot of positive emotions together.

Part 2.
Game training (communicative games and exercises) Exercise “Hello, it’s us!” Leading. Now I’ll ask you to introduce yourself and introduce your child. Passing the sun toy around in a circle, you need to say your first and middle name and the name of your baby. You can say whatever you want about yourself. Let me start first. The presenter introduces himself, says a few words about himself, then passes the toy to the neighbor on the left.
So, passing from hand to hand in a circle, the sun returns to the leader. Leader .
It’s not for nothing that I have this sun in my hands. That’s exactly what we often call our babies “My sunshine.” A child is the sun, a child is the wind, a child is the main thing that we have in the world. Toy - the sun with the sound effect “laughs merrily”.
The presenter attaches it to the window glass (or to another prominent place). Let this Sun be the mascot of our meetings, the emblem of our club.
After all, the sun is a symbol of warmth, joy, and goodness. Its rays are like mother's warm hands. It’s not for nothing that people say: “It’s warm from the sun, it’s good from mother.” Exercise on bodily interaction “Hugs”. Host:
Mommies, hug your children, caress them, whisper a kind word in their ears.
And you, kids, hug your mothers tightly. We snuggle up to mom. Like this! Like this! We smile at mom. Like this! Like this! Great! Well done! Now let's play, otherwise we've been sitting too long. Imitation game “Sunshine and Rain” Fun music sounds (background)
Presenter: Looks at the sun through the window.
Children and adults stand in a circle,
Shines into our room.
repeat the movements after the leader.
We will clap our hands.
Everyone is clapping their hands,
Very happy about the sun!
then they stomp
Clap-clap, stomp-stomp.
But suddenly a cloud came over. Children run away to their mothers, hide under
So the rain began to rattle on
the “roof” (hands joined above the head)
Drip-drip, drip-drip.
They squat down and lightly hit and “drip” on the knees. 2nd option: children hide under an umbrella (2 umbrellas).
The game is repeated 2-3 times. It’s raining, it’s raining, it’s pouring down, getting the little kids wet!

Part 3.
Creative work. Creation of a collective collage “Sun and Rain” Presenter. Look, guys, the sun and the rain left us gifts. These are magical colors! Tell me, what color is the paint? ( yellow, red, blue)
Do you want to draw? Then everyone - both children and parents, come here to the tables. Children and parents approach tables on which there are jars of paint for fingerprinting and sheets of paper.
Oh, what are we going to draw with? We don't have brushes. ( The suggestions of children and parents are listened to
Do you know that you can draw with your fingers? Come on, show off your skillful fingers. Let's remember how the rain fell. ( Children point on their palms, tapping them with their fingers “drip-drip”
And now it will drip onto this sheet of paper. We will have our own rain! What color of rain do you know? ( Answers from children and parents are listened to
Who came up with this? Have you seen this? In fact, rain is water droplets. Which means it is... transparent. But in the rays of the sun it can turn red, yellow, blue, or any other color. This is a real miracle! The leader and teacher of the group show how to paint with fingers, dipping them into paint and leaving imprints on the sheet.
Moms, help!
Parents and children draw rain.
Great! We got our own colorful rain! And here the sun came out! Let's show the sun using pens. ( palms crossed, spread wide, forming a sun with rays
Magic colors will help us create another miracle - a large common sun from our small palms. Come here quickly, everyone, leave prints of your warm palms. Parents help children dip their palms into paint plates and leave a sun-shaped imprint in the center of the sheet.
Leading. What a beauty! The palms turned into rays of the sun. What a miracle! How well done we are!

Children and parents look at the collage.
Then everyone goes to wash their hands while the leader says: Oh, okay, okay, okay! We are not afraid of water! We wash our hands together, We need to wash off the paint. Wipe dry and leave clean!

Part 4 Musical and rhythmic.

While you and I were drawing, a breeze blew, picked leaves from the trees and brought them to us. How many painted leaves, Red, yellow, gold! A leaf for Masha and for Masha’s mother ( the presenter distributes leaves to all children, calling their names, and to parents
) We will wave the leaves, and we will dance with the leaves.
Dance with leaves The phonogram of the song “I walk with leaves” plays. The presenter shows the movements, according to the text, parents and children repeat:
1st verse.
They walk around freely with pieces of paper, showing each other
Verse 2 They wave leaves.
Verse 3
They crouch and hide behind leaves.
Verse 4
Spinning with leaves.
Leading. Well done! Had a great dance!

Part 5 Final.

Well, guys, did you like dancing? What about playing? What about drawing? And now, dear parents, I ask you to sit in a circle with your children and listen to your feelings and thoughts. Try to express them in a few words. Parents share their impressions.
The presenter thanks everyone for their participation and says goodbye: Goodbye, goodbye, Come see us again! Goodbye, goodbye, Let's play together!

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