Summary of joint game training with parents and children of senior preschool age “Family Academy”

Interaction with parents in the group from 2 to 3 years old “Baby”


Nepelyak Maria Ivanovna,


BU DOU DSOV No. 4 “Spring”

Raduzhny city

Relevance of the work

The interaction between kindergarten and family is one of the priority areas of work in light of the introduction of the federal state educational standard of preschool education into the educational process of preschool educational institutions, using the integration of educational areas, which runs like a red thread through work with parents (legal representatives). The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed, first of all, at improving its quality. Achieving a high quality of education for pupils, fully satisfying the needs of parents and the interests of children, and creating a unified educational space for the child is possible only if there is a system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

It is important to consider the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family as a two-way process: on the one hand, this is “kindergarten - family” - the process is aimed at optimizing the influence of the family on the child through improving the pedagogical culture of parents and providing them with assistance; on the other hand, this is “family - kindergarten” - the process is characterized by the inclusion of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten, which is not new . The initiators of establishing cooperation are teachers, since they are professionally prepared for educational work.

Main priorities and areas of work:

1. Unity in the work of the kindergarten and family in the upbringing and education of children.

2. Mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents, understanding of the needs and interests of the child.

3. Establishing correct relationships based on friendly criticism and self-criticism.

4. Involving parents and the public in the activities of preschool educational institutions and in working with families.

5. Creating favorable conditions for increasing the pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents in the upbringing and education of preschool children.


formation of partnerships between children, parents and teachers of the group;

improving parent-child relationships.


involving parents in cooperation in matters of education and development of children;

providing information and educational support to parents in the development and upbringing of children;

creating conditions for the development of the child’s abilities in various activities;

individual work with families of pupils.

The content, organization and methodology of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents include:

  • unity in the work of preschool educational institutions and families in raising children;
  • mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents, understanding of the needs and interests of the child and their responsibilities as educators;
  • strengthening the authority of the teacher in the family of pupils and parents in kindergarten;
  • establishing correct relationships based on benevolent criticism and self-criticism;
  • Using various forms of work between the kindergarten and the family in their interrelation: familiarization with parents and other family members; consultations; group and general parent meetings, etc.;
  • systematic planned communication with parents throughout the year, taking into account the tasks and content of educational work with children.

Forms and methods of working with parents:

Interaction with parents on arranging an area for walking in the winter

  • Training parents in joint activities with children on sensory development (lesson with Dienesha blocks)
  • Training parents in joint activities with children (didactic games)
  • Dads’ participation in preparations for the March 8 holiday, making a greeting card (productive activity)
  • Training parents in joint activities with children (theatrical activities)

Informing parents

Currently, teachers use various forms of interaction with parents, both traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional forms have entered the life of kindergarten since the formation of public preschool education. They can be divided into collective, individual, visual.

Collective forms include parent meetings. This is an expedient and effective form of work for educators with a team of parents, organized familiarization with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.

The next collective form of interaction with parents is a conference . Its task is to promote the best practices in family education. During the conference, a set of methods is used - visual materials, presentations by specialists, and exchange of experiences between parents. This form involves summing up the results, a kind of report, so conferences are held at the end of the academic year.

Individual forms of interaction with parents include conversations and consultations. Conversations are the most accessible and common form of establishing communication between a teacher and a family. The goals of the pedagogical conversation are to exchange opinions on a particular issue and achieve a common point of view, providing parents with timely assistance.

Consultations are organized in order to answer all the parents’ questions and allow them to discuss a specific issue. It encourages parents to take a closer look at their children, identify their character traits, think about their upbringing methods, and analyze their own experience of communicating with the child. The topics of consultations are varied. It is determined by the tasks of raising a child.

During the consultation, parents concretize their knowledge, and they have a need for self-education.

Visual forms play an important role in interaction with the family.

Sometimes parents themselves note that they have knowledge, but they do not know how to apply it when raising a child. Therefore, the term “pedagogical education” is somewhat outdated. Now we are talking about the ability of parents to use the acquired knowledge, obtain it independently, and analyze their own educational activities. Various forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families are aimed at this.

Portable folders are so called because they are given to families for temporary use. They contain specific material about the upbringing and education of children. For example: “What to do if a child does not want to put away toys.”

Screens contain small text, supplemented by additional drawings, illustrations, and photos. They are located on children's lockers in the locker room or on the table in the parent's corner.

It is recommended to set up stands for parents: “What we did; “I know how, I can, I love” - information about the child’s skills, achievements, interests, etc.

Photo montages: “That’s how big we are”, “About me” - information sheets with detailed information about each child.

If parents are not interested in the material provided, the reason for this may be boring text, small print, uninteresting topics.

Non-traditional forms of interaction with parents are aimed at attracting parents to preschool educational institutions and establishing informal contacts. These include informational - analytical, leisure, educational, visual - information forms.

Information and analytical forms are aimed at identifying the interests and requests of parents, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children. This includes surveys, tests, questionnaires, and a “mailbox” where parents post questions that concern them.

Leisure forms - joint leisure activities, holidays, exhibitions - are designed to establish warm, informal, trusting relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children. Leisure activities in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize . This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see their child’s problems and difficulties in relationships from the inside. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment are developed together with parents, music director, and senior teacher. Participation in clubs or studios.

The work being carried out allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Cognitive forms play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents. Their essence is to familiarize parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills in raising children. The main role belongs to meetings of non-traditional form, group consultations, which can be carried out creatively, based on popular TV shows: “Pedagogical Field of Miracles”, “Round Table”, “Pedagogical Living Rooms”, etc.

An open day is held with the aim of introducing parents to the life of a preschool educational institution. Parents monitor their children's activities. Educators. They get to know the kindergarten from the inside, become familiar with the organization of the subject-spatial developmental environment, and the types of children's activities.

Visual information forms in a non-traditional sound make it possible to correctly evaluate the activities of teachers and reconsider the methods and techniques of family education. For example, open events for parents, watching videos, photographs, exhibitions of children's works.

Modern parents are quite educated . They have access to pedagogical information that comes at them from various sources, but it does not imply the presence of “feedback.”

The term “interaction” implies the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the process of communication. It is inappropriate to rely on a monologue when working with parents. Dialogue, establishing “feedback”, and the personal interest of parents are important. However, knowledge cannot be imposed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the advantages of modern forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families of pupils are undeniable and numerous:

– a positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are confident that the preschool educational institution will always help them in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not harm them, since the family’s opinion and suggestions for interaction with the child will be taken into account. Teachers, in turn, enlist the understanding of parents in most problems (from material to economic and many others). And the biggest winners are the children, for whose sake this interaction is carried out;

– taking into account the child’s individuality. The teacher, constantly maintaining contact with the family, knows the characteristics and habits of his pupil and takes them into account when working. Which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the pedagogical process;

– the opportunity for parents to independently choose and form, already in preschool age, the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary. In this way, parents begin to understand the responsibility they have for raising their children;

– strengthening intra-family ties, which, unfortunately, is also a problematic issue in pedagogy and psychology throughout time;

– the possibility of implementing the main educational program of preschool education in the unity of the preschool educational institution and the family.

There is an opinion that nothing will surprise parents now. But as practice shows, the attitude of families of preschool children to events depends on the organization of educational work in kindergarten, on the desire of preschool employees to engage in pedagogical education of parents.

Parents, in turn, can significantly diversify the lives of children in preschool educational institutions and contribute to educational work. Participation in the morning reception of children. Parents have the opportunity to offer their ideas on the topics and content of projects, bring materials or books, share their knowledge with their children, teach them what they know and love.

Participation in planning the work of the group . Children are happy to ask questions and suggest project topics that interest them, so the help of parents (persons replacing them) can be not only useful, but invaluable.

Accompanying children on walks (excursions) outside the kindergarten. Transporting children over long distances.

So, some parents are happy to organize an excursion or a trip to the nearest park, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, others will tell their children something interesting and teach them something. All participants in educational relations benefit from the participation of parents in the work of preschool educational institutions. And above all, children.

At the present stage, in working with parents, the concept of “inclusion of parents” in the activities of preschool educational institutions appears, that is, active participation in the work of preschool educational institutions.

Thus, it is advisable to organize a significant part of the educational work simultaneously with children and parents, and solve emerging problems and assigned tasks together in order to come to an agreement without infringing on each other’s interests, and to join forces to achieve effective results.

The inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution means their participation in:

  • organization of the educational process;
  • creating creative groups that actively share their experiences;
  • organization of a modern subject-spatial development environment;
  • development of planning of various types at all levels: preschool educational institution plan; activity plan; independent activities of children; joint activities of children with adults.

The most effective means for adults to understand the driving forces of child development in preschool age is practical educational activities.

Thus, the question of the initial motivation of an adult to engage in activities with a child is directly related to the second - the search for practical means for its implementation. The more progress the child makes, the more active the adult will be. Cultural practices such as story play and rules play; creative forms of productive activity; fiction, can be performed in the family, according to the principle of partnership interaction (described by N.A. Korotkova in 2007).

Consequently, the most significant characteristics of a didactic system intended for family education are:

  • direct connection of the material with the educational program of the kindergarten;
  • coverage of all cultural practices specific to a preschool child (story-based play, play with rules, productive and cognitive-research activities and reading fiction);
  • the possibility of partner interaction between an adult and a child.

The teacher invites parents to think about what works they consider necessary, and then discuss the proposals (or otherwise, according to the objectives of the educational field). This is not working with the family, but a new form of it - social partnership!


Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.

Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

In the practice of a modern kindergarten, standard forms of work are often used: parent meetings, parent committees, exhibitions, less often conferences, Open Days, which are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Few parents take part in Open Days. Events such as a tournament of experts, KVNs, quizzes are actually not held.

This happens for several reasons:

  • no desire to change anything;
  • stable stamps in work;
  • a lot of time spent on preparation, etc.
  • inability to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, or choose methods;
  • when choosing methods and forms of cooperation, the capabilities and living conditions of specific families are not taken into account;
  • quite often, especially young educators, use only collective forms of work with families;
  • insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;
  • inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the characteristics of raising children;
  • inability to plan joint work with children and parents;
  • Some, especially young, teachers have insufficiently developed communication skills.

The practical material presented above from work experience is necessary for the two systems (kindergarten and family) to become open to each other and help to reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities.

And if the work with parents described above and its analysis are carried out in the system and not “on paper”, then it will gradually give certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” will become active participants in meetings and assistants to the teacher and the administration of the preschool educational institution, since This will create an atmosphere of mutual respect. And the position of parents as educators will become more flexible, since they have become direct participants in the educational process of their children, feeling more competent in raising children.

Information sources

  1. Doronova T.N. Interaction between preschool institutions and parents. [Text]// T.N. Doronova, M.: “Sphere”, 2002, P. 114
  2. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions. Methodological aspect. [Text] // O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova, M.: Creative, 2005, P. 89.
  3. How to design a corner for parents in kindergarten [Electronic resource]//
  4. Designing a parent corner: new forms and approaches [Electronic resource]//
  5. Modern approaches to cooperation between kindergarten and family [Electronic resource] //
  6. Modern forms of work with parents [Electronic resource]// v-doshkolnom-uchrezhdenii
  7. Solodyankina O.V. Cooperation between preschool and family. Benefit for preschool employees. [Text]// O.V. Solodyankina, M.: “Arkti”, 2005, P. 221.
  9. educational institutions.pdf


Formation of partnerships between children, parents and teachers of the group; improving parent-child relationships.


Involving parents in cooperation in matters of upbringing and development of children; providing information and educational support to parents in the development and upbringing of children; creating conditions for the development of the child’s abilities in various activities; individual work with families of pupils.

Forms of work with parents:

Slide 4

Involving parents in clearing the area of ​​snow Interaction with parents on arranging the area for walks in winter

Slide 5

Interaction with parents on arranging an area for walking in the winter; assistance in the manufacture and construction of winter buildings

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Interaction with parents on arranging an area for walks in winter; participation in decorating the area

Slide 7

Conditions for physical activity of children created by parents groups, we walk happily, walk together in pairs, multi-colored balls

Slide 8

Conditions for physical activity of children created by the parents of the group, the outdoor game “Train Engine”, looking at a snowman

Slide 9

Conditions for children’s motor activity created by parents of the snow labyrinth group, outdoor game “On a level path”

Slide 10

Conditions for physical activity of children in the group area: dance, become fun, play, collect forms

Slide 11

Conditions for physical activity of children created by parents groups snow tunnel hide and seek

Slide 12

Conditions for physical activity of children created by parents groups bird feeder grains for birds

Slide 13

Training parents in joint activities with children on sensory development (lesson with Dienesha blocks)

Slide 14

Training parents in joint activities with children (didactic games)

Slide 15

Participation of dads in preparation for the holiday of March 8th, making a greeting card (productive activity)

Slide 16

Training parents in joint activities with children (theatrical activities)

Slide 17

Informing parents Consultation through a mobile folder on the prevention of ARVI and influenza Consultation on traffic rules

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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“Unexpected Pictures”: Joint activity between parents and children

  • January 21, 2012

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2011”

Nomination “Working with parents” (in preschool educational institutions)

The interaction of a child with his parents is the first experience of interaction with the outside world. This experience is consolidated and forms certain patterns of behavior with other people, which are passed on from generation to generation. Contacts with adults decisively determine the direction and pace of a child’s development.

But in the current social situation, most parents do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to communicating with their child, which cannot but affect the quality of the child-parent relationship and, accordingly, the development of the child. Therefore, one of the most important areas of a psychologist’s work is working with parents, providing direct assistance to parents in normalizing parent-child relationships.

Purpose of the lesson: Optimization of parent-child relationships.

Lesson objectives:

  • promote the establishment and development of partnerships and cooperation between parent and child;
  • expand your child's understanding;
  • develop creative imagination and fantasy;

Equipment: paints, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, colored pencils, sheets of A4 paper, emblem blanks, tape recorder, audio recordings, soft toy in the shape of a heart;

Participants: children and parents of preparatory and senior groups.

– Good evening dear guests, we are very glad to see you! Take a seat at the tables. Today we have a very interesting event! The team turned out to be a team - parents came from different groups with their children, so I invite you to get to know each other...

Game “Getting Acquainted”: whoever has a heart in their hands, that family talks about themselves (a small presentation of the family), and then passes the heart around the circle to the next couple...

- Well done! And now each family-team must jointly come up with a team name and draw an emblem. There are already blank emblems on the tables, choose any shape and start working... (teams work to the accompaniment of music).

- You did a great job! What interesting names! I see that the teams are ready for further work!

Today I want to invite you to draw unexpected, unusual pictures. Children will paint together with their mothers and grandmothers, and for this they need to agree on the plot of the picture, about joint work, choose materials for work...

While the music is playing, you draw (2-3 minutes are given to complete the task), as soon as the music stops, you stop drawing and pass your work to the neighbors on the left. Take the sheet that the neighbors on the right hand over and continue to draw the picture they started... At the end of the exercise, each team receives the picture that it started to draw.

(Teams work to music).

Analysis and reflection after drawing:

  • Do you like the drawing you started drawing?
  • Did other teams support the planned plot?
  • What difficulties did you have when working together on the drawing?
  • Which drawing do you like the most?..

– You did a wonderful job, the pictures turned out to be very unusual!

– Now let’s stand in a large circle, hold hands and give each other a smile, wish each other well and harmony! Thank you all for your cooperation!

After the lesson, an exhibition of works is organized in the kindergarten foyer.

Author: Parshina Natalya Yuryevna, teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category MBDOU Kindergarten No. 227, Perm.

Games with parents to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Games with parents to strengthen parent-child relationships.

Game "Tender Name".

Remember how affectionately they call you at home. We will throw the ball

each other. Whoever gets the ball says a few of their names. Parents call them what their parents called them in childhood.

Game "Name".

Each participant says his name and characterizes himself with the first letter. Zhenya is cheerful, Marina is a good girl.

Game "No Rules".

Goal: creating an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, developing communication skills, active listening.

Parent and child sit next to each other. It is important that the parent and child, using the expression: “I
think that you don’t love..., and I think that you don’t love..”,
open up to each other “as it is” - with those feelings for which there is neither a reasonable explanation nor judgment - this is how I see, this is how I feel.

Game "No Rules".

Parent and child using the expression: “ I love it when you

..." It is important to give a positive aspect, rely on positive characteristics, touch on all areas of life (relationships, eating habits, hobbies, character traits)

Game "No Rules".

(I get angry and irritated when you...).

Game "Stubborn".

Goal: increasing self-esteem, developing a sense of freedom, autonomy, self-control, attention.

Parents and children in a circle. The most stubborn child is chosen. His mother is the presenter. The parent gives a command, everyone follows it, but the child does the opposite.

Game "Compliments".

Participants take turns saying kind, affectionate words to each other. At the end they say, “Thank you, I’m very pleased.”

Game "Sculptor and Clay".

Goal: development of tactile contact, mutual understanding, and the ability to express oneself.

The exercise is performed in pairs (parent - child). The child is “clay”, the parent is “sculptor”. The task of the “sculptor” is to make a beautiful statue out of clay. “The sculptor himself decides what this “statue” will look like, how it will hold its head, in what position it will stand. After the work is finished, everyone looks at the statues, trying to guess what the “sculptor” made. After the exercise, a discussion follows: how did you feel, did you like the shape that was given.

Technological game "Happy Child".

Parents and children were required to answer three questions:

1. A happy child is...

2. It prevents the child from being happy….

3. What can I do to make the child happy (the children answered - what can parents do for my happiness).

The leader plays this game with the children, and the parents make a team decision. Then there is a discussion of the answers, pronunciation and discussion. For children, the most important thing for happiness is to be with their parents.

Body-oriented game "Pie".

The children, lying on the floor, played the role of a pie (parents added flour, sugar, etc.). Having drawn the resulting cake and signed a wish on it, we began the mystery of creating magical paints...

and the creation of a painting called “The Country in which I am Happy”

Game "Draw joy - sadness."

Goal: Developing the ability to coordinate their actions between parent and child, by choosing the color and theme of the drawing, to track the attitude towards the work done.

Number of players:

married couple parent and child.

Game description:

Take a tablet, choose a place in the hall, sit down with your child and get ready to draw a joint drawing on any topic. It is necessary that your presence and the presence of the child be noticeable in your drawing. It is unacceptable for only one child or one adult to draw. You draw a general picture. Before you start working, together with your child, come up with a name for your tandem and write the name down on a piece of paper on which you will draw. You can draw a picture with different pencils; for this, one of you must go to the central table and take the desired pencil. You cannot borrow a pencil from other couples.

Let's get to work. You are given no more than 7-10 minutes for it.

Game “How I See You...!”

Goal: To provide an opportunity for parent and child to think about how they want each other to be.

Number of players:

married couple parent and child.

Game description:

invite the parents' team to sit separately and the children's team to sit separately.

Give each parent one chamomile petal and invite them to write on it the most important quality of the child that they would like to see in him.

A team of children discusses together with an adult what they would like their parents to be like. An adult behind the children writes down their thoughts on each of the petals.

Then each team reads the contents from the petals.

Energizer game “In the mirror store”

“There are a lot of mirrors in the store. A man walked in with a monkey sitting on his shoulder. She saw herself in the mirrors and thought that they were other monkeys, and began making faces at them. The monkeys answered her in kind. She shook her fist at them, and they also threatened her from the mirror, she stamped her foot, and all the monkeys stamped their feet. Whatever the monkey did, everyone else exactly repeated its movements.”

All participants need to play the role of a “monkey” and the role of a “mirror”.

Game “The Blind and the Guide”

“Parent – ​​child” participates. One of the participants is blindfolded if desired. He is “blind”. The second one will be his driver. Every player takes part.

As soon as the music starts, the “guide” will carefully lead the “blind”, letting him touch various things - large and small, smooth, rough, prickly, cold. You can also bring the “blind” to a place where objects emit odors. You just can’t say anything at the same time.

When the music turns off after a while, the players switch roles. And when they return to the circle, they talk about what they experienced during the walk.

Game “Conversation with one pencil”


: sheets of A3 paper, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Participants divide into pairs, preferably with someone they have not been with before, choose a pencil between them by mutual agreement, take a sheet of paper, sit separately and, at the leader’s sign, draw a general drawing, holding the pencil with their right hands. Then you need to sign this drawing, choosing a name together.

Game “Self-Respect”


. Can you tell me how you notice that someone thinks you are good? How does your mother, your father, your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter show this to you?

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe three times deeply... now go mentally to that place. Which one do you think is the most wonderful? Take a good look at it. What do you see there? What do you hear? What does it smell like there? What do you want to touch there? (15 seconds).

Soon you will see two people who value and respect you, who are happy when you are with them, who know how attentive you can be to people and how kind...

Look around and you will see these people approaching you to show that they think you are good... (15 seconds).

Listen to what they have to say...

Talk to the person who came to you. Ask him if he would talk about how he feels about you...(15 seconds).

Now say goodbye to the people who came to you and prepare to return here again cheerful and lively. Stretch and open your eyes...

Can you tell us about what you experienced? Who came to you? What did this man say? Have you been able to thank him for treating you this way?

Game “Circle of Communication”

Participants share the rhyme: “Mommies - babies” into two circles. The inner circle - “mothers” - close their eyes, stand facing the outer circle - “children”. “Children” move clockwise around “Mommies” and stop at the signal. The exercise is performed silently.



1. Communicate with each other with your hands:

- say hello; - dance; - fight; - make peace; - say goodbye.

2. In front of you is a small, crying child who is upset about something. Have pity on him.

3. You met a good friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time. Show him how glad you are to see him.



Acquaintance of group members, formation of positive motivation for communication, development of a positive attitude towards oneself and others.

Parents and children are divided into two circles. The inner circle is formed by adults, and the outer circle by children.

At the leader’s signal, the participants in the outer circle move one clockwise. This is how new couples arise. Participants need to meet in pairs and shake hands. The task is repeated in new pairs. And so on until each participant returns to his pair.

Game “Don't want”

“Most of us know how to be obedient and efficient people. Today we will learn a little how to be naughty, or rather, to say “no” with different parts of our body. We will do the exercise together, for the first time I will show you myself. Let's start with the head. To say “no” with your head means to intensively shake your head in different directions, gradually increasing speed, as if you want to say “no, no, no.” Now let’s try to repeat “no” to our hands, wave in front of us first with our right hand, then with our left hand, and then with both together, as if we want to refuse, push off. Next let's move on to the legs. Kick first with your right leg, then with your left leg, then alternately. Try to put strength into every movement. You can also add a voice. Try to shout “no” louder and louder for every movement.”

Child-parent games


(development of mutual assistance)

Each family receives “magic pictures” that constantly crumble and “break” (cut-out pictures, puzzles). Only a friendly family can collect them. At the signal, family teams begin to work. “Forfeits” are paid by a team where the leader observes a quarrel or unfair distribution of work (that is, when one of the players completes a small task). At the end of the game, “forfeits” are redeemed (songs, poems, etc.) are performed.


(development of visual attention)

“Flowers with seven petals grew in the clearing. (The number of flowers corresponds to the number of family teams.) A strong wind blew and the petals scattered in different directions. We need to find and collect the petals of each seven-flowered flower.” Petals are located on the floor, on cabinets, on tables, under chairs and in other places in the room. The team that finds petals of seven colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, brown, purple, pink) the fastest wins.


"(development of decentralization of attention, moral qualities of the individual)

Each family team receives a seven-flowered flower.

The participants in the game conceive seven wishes (the parent can help write the wishes of the preschooler): three wishes are conceived by the child for the parents, three by the adult for the child, one of the wishes will be joint (the wish of the child and the parent). Then the parent and child exchange petals and select wish petals that they really like. The winner is the family team that has the most desired petals, where the expected desires coincide with the real ones.


One of the parents blindfolds himself and feels each child playing. Children must stand silently, you can change clothes (jacket, bows, etc.). An adult, having found his child, calls his name and removes the blindfold. If the parent is mistaken, he pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game. It is necessary that all parents participate in guessing.


(unification, emancipation)

The game leader comes up with a word (the number of words is equal to the number of players) and writes it down on a piece of paper.

Game "Building numbers"

The goal is to liberate the group members.

Your children are students. You help them with their lessons, check them. Now you will have a math lesson. You move freely around the room. At my command, you line up in the number that I will name.

Exercise “My child is...”

The goal is to expand parents’ ideas about their child.

— Dear parents, draw an object that your child looks like. Operating time 10 minutes.


Reflection exercise.

1. Did you think about your drawing for a long time?

2. Why did you choose these colors?

3. How did you feel when you drew a “portrait” of your child?

4. After viewing all the drawings, would you like to add to yours?

Game "Gift"

— Our meeting has come to an end. Give each other a farewell gift. Start your statement like this: “I want to give you... because...”


- Thank you for the meeting. Goodbye!

Solving pedagogical situations

The goal is to optimize parent-child relationships.

1. Guests have come to you. Your child begins to insert himself into adult conversation. You reprimand him. The child moves away from you, but begins to sing songs loudly and jump on the sofa. Why did the child do this? What are your next steps?

2. You offer to clear the child's table after you. He refuses. You repeat your request. The child gets up and goes to his room. Why did the child do this? Your actions?

3. You go outside. Your child quickly runs out of the entrance and almost knocks down an elderly neighbor. To her remark he replies: “Old fool!” and rushes on. You apologize for your son. In the evening, while discussing your child’s actions, you hear from your husband: “What, Maria Ivanovna hasn’t died yet?” - to which the son loudly shouts: “Alive!” Why did the child do this? What are your next steps?

4. In daily conversations with your child about school, you hear: “Kolka is a fool. Masha is a crybaby. Maria Ivanovna constantly finds fault.” You reprimand him. In response you hear: “You’re still a bore!” Why did the child do this? Your actions?


1. Have you or someone you know ever had similar situations? How did you solve them?

2. In your opinion: who is to blame for the child’s bad actions?

3. What thoughts did you have while solving situations?

4. What conclusion did you draw for yourself?

Group rules:

1. The rule is here and now. During classes, you can only use the information that the participant provides about himself during group work. Past experience is not discussed and cannot be presented as an argument 2. Rule of emotional openness. If a participant thinks or feels something here and now, then he needs to say about it, express his feelings.\ 3. Stop rule. Everyone has the right to say: I have a feeling, but I don’t want to talk about it, it hurts. 4. Rule of sincerity. You should only talk about real feelings, and not about those that would reassure, justify or offend him. 5. Rule of I-statement. Everyone says any phrase only on their own behalf. 6. Confidentiality rule. Talking about what happened during the training, how this or that group member behaved, what problems he solved, is not acceptable from an ethical point of view. Moreover, group processes should be condemned within the group, not outside it. 7. Activity rule. Each parent-child pair works in a group from the beginning to the end of the training. It is necessary to be an active participant in all proposed games, exercises and tasks.

  1. Game "Molecules"

    Goal: relieving emotional stress, increasing a positive attitude and group cohesion. Let's imagine that we are atoms. The atoms look like this: bend your elbows and press your hands to your shoulders. Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time they combine into molecules. The number of atoms in a molecule can be different, it will be determined by the number that I name. We will all start moving around this room, and when I call a number, for example, three, the atoms combine into molecules of three atoms. The atoms are united facing each other, touching their forearms. Discussion. How are you feeling now? Did your feelings change throughout the game? What did you like: being an atom or a molecule?



Development of communication skills.

All participants move to the music in a free direction. As soon as the music ends, everyone stops and listens to the psychologist’s command, who says: “The snowflakes are united in groups of three.” All participants must execute this command. Then the music continues to play again, and as soon as it is interrupted, the participants will need to perform the next command, for example: “Snowflakes are united in groups of two, five, etc.”

5. Exercise “The very best”

Psychologist. For a closer acquaintance, I suggest playing the game “The most-most...” Each parent should use positive adjectives to describe themselves and their child: “I am the most..., my child is the most...”. The group responds to the participant: “We are happy for you!”

Game "I'm going to look"

Children form a circle, parents stand in the center of the circle with their eyes closed. Children walk in a circle to cheerful music, and mothers must find their child by touch. The resulting parent-child pairs are seated.

Art therapy. Drawing in pairs “mother-child” with one brush for two. "We are together".

Psychologist: Today we will draw a joint drawing of our feelings. Spontaneous free drawing is possible. Mom begins to draw first with paints and a brush, then, at a signal, the drawings with a brush are transferred to the other member of the “child-mother” pair. The other participant makes his contribution to the drawing received from the participant: he corrects something, completes the drawing. Then, again at a signal, the drawing and brush are handed over to the mother to continue creating the collective image of “family feelings.” Drawings are exchanged several times until each participant considers the drawing complete.

At the end of the work, the psychologist conducts a discussion and expresses his opinion. Presentation of drawings. Parents tell: - What is the name of the drawing, what feelings are depicted? — Who was the initiator of the idea? - Who drew what? — Was it convenient to draw together? - What feelings did you experience?

Exercise “Chips of wood float down the river”

Goal: removing muscle tension, establishing physical contact between parents and children, realizing a sense of security. Participants stand in two lines at arm's length from each other - they are banks. One member of the group is a sliver. He slowly swims between the banks. The shores help the sliver with soft touches: they stroke it, speak kind words to it, call it by name. The sliver itself chooses at what speed it should swim. The sliver's eyes can be closed.

Our lesson has come to an end. We thank you for your participation and would like to end our session with these words:

Take care of each other! Warm with kindness, Take care of each other! Don't let us offend! Take care of each other! Forget the vanity and in a moment of leisure, stay close together! /ABOUT. Vysotskaya/

Love, health, happiness, mutual understanding in your families!



Relying primarily on bodily and emotional memory, consolidate the participants’ idea of ​​the body diagram (right and left sides); reacting and working through the existing relationships in a given couple at the bodily level; parents' awareness of this experience.

In child-parent pairs, participants are asked to stand opposite each other and do what the leader asks. The psychologist consistently suggests:

  • “Greet” each other with your index fingers.
  • Use your little finger to stroke your partner's little finger.
  • Measure your strength (pull) using your middle fingers.
  • One of the partners should clasp the second participant’s thumb with his palm and try to hold it. The second one's task is to pull out your finger. Then switch roles.
  • Say goodbye to your partner using your ring fingers.

During the lesson, the exercise is performed only with the left hand. As homework, participants are asked to do the same with the opposite hand.



Formation of positive motivation for communication, development of basic trust, development of leadership qualities, training in conflict-free interaction skills.

The group is divided into pairs. The adult stands behind the child. A child is a car, an adult is a driver. Touching the child's head - gas, touching the right shoulder - turn right, touching the left shoulder - turn left, touching the back - reverse. The child chooses the speed of movement.

After about 2-3 minutes of the game, the presenter invites the children (cars) to close their eyes. Now the success of the movement depends on the attention of adults to the situation and the attention of children to the touches of adults.



Development of fine motor skills, productive communication skills between children and parents; group cohesion.

Family dyads are asked to choose, without words, a pencil of the color they like. If the preferences differ, silently agree among yourself, and then the two of you take the pencil lying on the table, supporting it at both ends. In this case, each participant can use only one finger. They are then asked to move around, being careful not to drop the pencil. After this, the task becomes more complicated: while holding the first “bridge”, the participants take the second pencil from the table with the fingers of their free hand. They can do the same thing in threes, fours... as a whole group.

The exercise is performed without words. At the end, feelings, ways of interaction, and difficulties encountered are discussed.



Developing skills for joint constructive interaction at a democratic level. Developing imagination, creating a situation of success.

Participants work in married couples, the space of the rooms should be organized so that no one disturbs anyone. Each couple chooses a piece of paper with blots. The following task for participants is to carefully examine the blots and discuss what they look like. Complete the blot so that the other participants can guess who is shown in the picture. The drawing is done together with one pencil.

There is an exhibition of blots. The whole group examines each blot and guesses what it is. You can invite participants to come up with short stories based on their drawings.



: Legalization of aggressive feelings and actions, lifting the ban on their manifestation; response to current, energetically and emotionally charged states of participants; establishing the equal right of parents and children to experience and present negative feelings.

Participants are offered a pillow, which they throw over each other while standing in a circle. These movements are accompanied by “abusive” words, names of vegetables, animals, fruits, etc. (by agreement). When the energy in the group increases and all participants are actively involved in the game, you can add a second pillow. (2-4 pillows)



: Formation of a friendly atmosphere within the dyad.

Participants work in married couples, the space of the rooms should be organized so that no one disturbs anyone. The child and the adult take turns naming each other’s positive qualities, beginning each sentence with the words: “You are my best (most)…”. At the end of the exercise, you can highlight one most important quality: “Lisa, and you’re also my best…”



: Providing emotional support and acceptance of each group member, strengthening the skills of equal, partnership relationships between parents and children.

Group members are asked in advance to think about the question: “Who can do what?” in order not just to tell, but also to clearly show (for example, dancing, embroidering a delicious pie, etc.), the group greets each demonstration with applause, expressions of positive emotions, and compliments.

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