Using the pedagogical technology “Travel on a map in working with children of senior preschool age”

An erasable world map (sometimes called an erasable world map, a washable world map, an erasable world map, an erasable world map, a world conquest map, etc.) is a large format 84x59 cm wall map of colorful Countries and continents covered with a special scratch layer that can be erased from the coin. On some types of such maps, interesting questions, wonders of the world, mysterious places and pictograms are covered with this layer. Each scratched map of the world is rolled into a colored tube and closed on both sides with metal lids.

Even before taking out the gift, the recipient is already having a good time. An attractive, brightly designed tube that protects the extraordinary world map with an erasable, scratch-resistant layer, conceals an exciting promise of adventure and invites you on a journey, so to speak.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing interesting in the world blur map. This is a sheet of thick laminated paper in large format (A1), on which oceans, seas and continents are highlighted using contrasting colors. However, do not rush to be disappointed, the most interesting things are yet to come.

The scratch map of the world works on the principle of modern lottery tickets; the top layer is easily removed using an ordinary coin. More detailed markup is hidden below:

  • all countries of the world
  • administrative boundaries of states
  • capitals and large cities with a population of over a million
  • seas, oceans, continents
  • pictograms and secret places
  • Quiz questions and interesting facts
  • wonders of the world
  • many other interesting features

Goal: To introduce children to China, its people and nature.

Evolutionary tasks:
  • develop cognitive interest in China and its characteristics;
  • develop cognitive processes: memory, attention, perception, imagination;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • develop children's ideas about the nature and animals of China;

Learning Objectives:

  • encourage the desire to work in a group in a friendly manner;
  • build partnerships in the process of joint activities with peers and adults;
  • promote tolerance, respect for other peoples (Chinese).

Training assignments:

  • continue to teach children to solve riddles;
  • introduce children to the peculiarities of Chinese work (rice fields).

System of gaming techniques of the technology “Travel along the map to the city of sounds”

System of gaming techniques for the “Travel on the map in the city of sounds” technique

One of the most important problems in ensuring the quality of modern preschool education is the use of active forms of organizing the educational process: experimentation, research, a system of problematic issues, project activities, etc., but in the practice of speech therapists, methods and techniques remain traditional, mainly illustrative and explanatory. The use of the “Map Travel” technology allows the teacher to solve not only specific problems, but also provides the opportunity for a smooth transition from traditional classes to forms of joint activities; “natural play” provides an opportunity to effectively work with children, regardless of their characteristics and level of development. In my practice, I use a system of educational games and exercises that I developed, “Travel on a map in the city of sounds,” based on a type of research called traveling on a map (proposed by N.A. Korotkova). When organizing direct educational activities, the teacher must take into account general developmental tasks, formulate developmental content in a form that attracts the child, stimulates his development and allows him to take an active research position. This type of research can be used to create favorable conditions for performing developmental tasks to master the basics of literacy. Initially, in accordance with the selected sequence of training sounds, a map was created consisting of 4 parts (for training periods). It depicts sound houses in which the children of the residents live - “sounds”. Houses have different shapes (hard consonants, soft sounds) and roof colors (consonants, vowels). Some of them have bells on the walls (houses for sound consonants). To indicate whistling and hissing, “signs” were introduced - symbols (joint of lips, crown) - this is a card that is used by speech therapists and teachers (always found in the group). A black and white version of the map has been created for children, allowing them to generalize, clarify their knowledge and independently create a map of the city of sounds throughout the entire course of study. Children are invited to “populate” together and then, regardless of the sound they are learning, paint the house. During this work, tasks such as orientation on a sheet of paper and the development of graphomotor skills are solved in parallel. The card is created by the child throughout the course of study, for two years. The starting point on the map is a kindergarten, the ending point is a school. The student knows that knowledge of letters and sounds will help in learning at school in the future. This serves as a motivating moment for the preschooler. In the context of using the technique of traveling on a map, it is possible to implement any content directly in educational activities, which are traditionally included in the literacy course for preschoolers. The use of this type of research in the practice of a speech therapist does not pursue the goal of giving children memorized formulations of the characteristics of sounds. The main thing here is to create integral images in children's imagination through the use of bright “signs” - symbols (shapes and colors of house roofs). This makes it possible to structure educational activities in such a way as to evoke cognitive initiative in children and support their research activities. Having adopted the position of an interested and curious partner, the teacher should approximately adhere to the following sequence of research stages: 1. Updating the cultural and semantic context, encouraging children to ask questions related to the topic being studied (creating a problem situation). 2. Discussion of ideas, children putting forward hypotheses on issues that have arisen (for example, the direction of movement is determined, a path is outlined); 3. Experimental control or symbolic fixation of the object of connections (use of games). Game “Tell about the sound” Children are invited to independently develop a reaction plan using symbolic cards. In the process of working with children, these symbols undergo changes and additions appear. So in the first version there was no digital designation on the cards. The need for its appearance was dictated by the fact that some students could not remember the order of the cards (answer plan). As a result, two options for a set of cards are used in the work: with and without digital designation (depending on the level of training). The appearance of the “crown” symbol made it possible to memorize whistling and hissing; The exclamation mark is a reminder that the sound is always soft (hard). Game “Houses for Sounds” Children are invited to build a house for sound or sounds. The previously studied sound characteristic has a visual expression. With the task set: to find differences in the characteristics of sounds, the child can easily cope with a previously “built” house. Game "Magic Sounds" Residents of the city of sounds wear costumes in their favorite colors. You can ask the children to put on the sounds (color the costume) or, after choosing a villager, write their name (write the letter). 4. Offer children disciplinary material that ensures continued exploration in free activity in groups or at home with parents: creating a collective alphabet (to improve letter memorization) and a letter theater (theater games). Using the technology of working with a map makes it possible to increase the chances of developing integrative qualities in children, such as independence, activity, initiative, curiosity, which contribute to the formation of ways to organize experience with a traditional orientation to Argument; the teacher is more focused on transmitting specific information.

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1 Educational quest game. “Journey along the world map” Mambetova Aksana Gumarovna Teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “City of Childhood”

2 Scenario of educational activities in activity centers according to the child-oriented preschool education program “Discovery” Topic: “Travel on the world map” Goal: development of cognitive activity through a quest game, to form a holistic understanding of the world around us, natural areas by introducing children to physical map, world map OBJECTIVES. Educational; Form ideas about the graphic system for drawing maps (color, relief); Expand knowledge about the diversity of the surrounding world; Introduce us to the countries and peoples inhabiting our planet. Developmental; Develop a desire for search and cognitive activity; Develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, imagination, holistic perception. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention. Promote the formation of mental operations, speech development Educational; Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us; Develop skills of cooperation and mutual understanding; Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards people of different nationalities Cultivate independence, the ability to understand an educational task and carry it out independently. Methods: gaming, verbal - conversation, questions, explanations, information and communication, independent activity and overcoming difficulties (independence in choosing solutions). Materials and equipment: audio recording with melodies, laptop, multimedia equipment. Educational areas: cognitive development, socio-communicative development, speech development. Form of children's organization: educational Quest game.

3 Methods 1 Yudina E.G. Preschool education program "Ugra Springboard". “Khanty-Mansiysk-Moscow”, Yudina E.G. Methodological guide for educators. Work on the child-centered preschool education program “Ugra Springboard.” "Khanty-Mansiysk-Moscow" 3 Lydia Svirskaya. Morning of joyful meetings. "LINK-PRESS Moscow" Technologies 1 Health saving 2 Informational Slide presentation, video communication 3 Personally-oriented Independent selection of centers and work in them Methods 1 Verbal conversation, questions, explanations Morning gathering Final gathering 2 Visual demonstration of visual aids. Advertising centers Motivating children's activities. 3 Independent activity (independence of choice Work in activity centers of solution paths) 4 Repetition method Greeting Psycho-gymnastics “Meeting of friends” 5 Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships) Final collection, children analyze their work in activity centers.

4 Progress of organized educational activities Structure To communicate the morning gathering, we use individual pillows for children, a magic bell. Having heard the sound, the children take the pillows and sit on them, creating a circle. Traditional morning greeting Psycho-gymnastics “Meeting of friends” Goal: creating a positive emotional mood in the children’s team for the whole day “Set the tone.” Creating emotional contact with children, emotional support for the child. Information exchange. Goal: organization of directed attention. Create conditions for interpersonal and cognitive-business communication between children and adults Working with the globe Contents Let's sit side by side in a circle, Say - Hello to each other, We are not too lazy to say hello, Hello and Good afternoon to everyone! If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin (Appendix 1) The teacher looks into the distance through a telescope. Seeing the children: - wait, wait! Who are you? Perhaps you are German? The children's responses are NOOO. - No?! So where did I end up? Are you Americans??? Hi? NOOO - I'm completely lost. Tell me who are you? Children - Where are you from? Children. - How great it is! I really love little kids. What country did I end up in? Children - So it turns out I’m in the biggest country? What city are you from? What is the name of your d/s? how interesting it all is! Do you know what I have? (points to the globe). Children look at the globe and name the continents

5 Conversation (based on visual material). Goal: creating conditions for positive motivation to study the topic. Problem situation Physical minute Advertising centers: Goal: developing motivation for upcoming activities, interest in the content. Directing children's attention, revealing the educational task. Creating a situation in which there is a need to acquire new ideas and skills. Creation of conditions for each child for the fullest development of his age-related capabilities and abilities. There are many islands in the world. So many that you can’t count them. But we have only 6 large continents. I’ve been to Africa, I’ve also been to America (looks on the globe). I want to sail the oceans on a ship. The corresponding screensaver appears on the screen. Loud call. -'s hard to hear you. Recording starts. VALUABLE EXHIBITS ARE MISSING IN THE MAIN GEOGRAPHICAL MUSEUM! IT IS NECESSARY TO FIND THEM AND RETURN THEM TO THEIR PLACE! -Guys, we need to help the museum staff! Well, young travelers, let's go? How can we go on a journey without suitcases? Do you have suitcases? What to do? I brought a suitcase from each trip (looks for ). Here they are. Pack your bags and hit the road. The screen saver “Earthball” appears on the screen. Children do exercises with a teacher. The teacher stops the game so that the children are in a semicircle and everyone can see the suitcases. “We have suitcases, but I don’t remember what’s in them at all.” Let's unpack our suitcases. The teacher leads you to the suitcases. (advertising centers). Each suitcase contains something special related to the country or continent. EUROPE. — Europe is home to different peoples. The French are trendsetters, the Germans, the Italians. I had a very interesting trip in Italy. There is a city where instead of streets there are canals with water. They travel there by boat. This is the city of Venice. (splash screen on screen) Carnivals are very popular here. People prepare for the carnival throughout the year, preparing masks. So I have a Venetian mask. IN THE SUITCASE WITH EUROPE DRAWING CENTER. CHILDREN DECORATE A MASK. AFRICA.

6 The hero of K. Chukovsky visited this continent. He treats small children. He treats birds and animals. The Good Doctor looks through his glasses. In Africa, everything is the best. This is the largest desert of the SAHARA. Variety of animals. Children are asked to name the animals of Africa. And also in Africa there is a country called EGYPT, where everyone knows the Egyptian pyramids. THE TASK IN THIS CENTER IS CONSTRUCTION OF A PYRAMID ACCORDING TO THE SCHEME. NORTH AMERICA. There are 2 large countries in North America: Canada and the USA. The largest city is New York. This is a city of skyscrapers. The main attraction is the US Statue of Liberty. Let's find this statue by its silhouette. TASK IN THE CENTER ASSEMBLE THE PUZZLE. SOUTH AMERICA. The inhabitants of South America are dark-skinned Indians. South America has the longest river, the Amazon, and the largest snake in the world, the Anaconda. TASK: CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDIAN HEADDRESS FROM WASTE MATERIAL. Selecting centers Goal: ability to plan activities, make choices. ASIA. Assignment for the ASIA center cards with paired pictures. Find and connect identical pictures with each other. Now we know what's in the suitcases. But in order to continue you need to split up and choose your suitcases. But keep in mind that all suitcases must be unpacked. Children are divided into centers and begin to complete tasks. By selecting activity centers, the ability to make decisions and predict their consequences develops.

7 Work in activity centers Goal: the ability to independently invent a method of action, drawing on knowledge from various fields. The teacher approaches one center, then another. The group of children who completed the task first can help the rest. When everyone has completed the tasks, the children tell where they were and what they did, answering the teacher’s questions. For working in the centers, each team receives a part of the map. Surprise moment Guys, what do you think you have? Children offer their ideas. They put together a puzzle and get a map of the world. - What did we do? Children's answers. - So who is to blame for the chaos in the museum??!! It's a kitten! One of the employees brought a kitten to the museum and forgot it. The kitten got bored, so he started playing with the exhibits, and some got lost. But you and I have traveled around the world. We have attractions. Let's put them on the map. Children arrange figures, naming continents. You and I visited different countries and learned a lot about the continents. Are you curious about what grows on these continents? You will learn this with your friends and teachers. I'll give you this bottle. Here's a hint. Open a bottle with your friends and tell them about your exciting journey!

8 Psycho-gymnastics One, two, three, four, five, stand in a circle to play. Let's wave! Like this! (Children wave their right hands to greet each other.) Both together are more friendly! Like this! Let's hug our neighbor Like this! (They hug the neighbor on one side). Let's hug another - That's it! (They hug the neighbor on the other side). Let's hug together, friends! (They hug the neighbor on both the left and the right). This is how we meet friends! Let's jump in place Like this! (They jump on the spot).

Means of education and training:

visual (illustrations, use of maps, cards); multimedia (showing a presentation accompanied by the sounds of a train, video “From the Train Window”); literary (reading riddles, a poem about a panda); musical (Chinese melody).

SequencingMethodsContents of teacher activitiesEntertainment for childrenPlanned result
Selecting a DestinationConversation, stimulation with fun content, demonstrationGuys, yesterday I helped grandma clean out the closet and see what interesting hat she found. (Showing an Asian hat) Does anyone know what this is? My grandmother told me that this hat is worn in China, where people work in the rice fields. Who knows where China is? Let's look at the globe. How far is this country and would you like to visit it? Are we going on a trip? Guys, what city is the capital of our Motherland? And in China it is Beijing. Maybe we should go there? Children express hypotheses and participate in conversation. Express your opinion about upcoming events. Children's readiness for joint activities.
Select a carSituation of free choiceLook at the globe, what can we bring to Beijing? Are there seas or large rivers that we can travel along? Or maybe fly or take a bus? I think traveling by train is also possible, and it will be quite affordable. Children offer their ideas on choosing transport.Show independence in your choice and initiative.
Determining the route, plotting it on a map (globe)Exercise, explanationWe trace our route on the map. Where are we? In what city? Find it on the map. Wherever you go, it's all about Beijing. Also find it on the map. We outline our path with a red marker. Departure and arrival points can be found and marked on the map.Show cognitive processes: thinking, attention.
Make assumptions about what and who you might encounter along the way; What do children know about the destination? Conversation.Before you go on a trip, think about what we can see on the street, who we can meet? Do you know anything about China? Compared to our country, do you think it is warmer or colder? Children organize a “train” with the help of a teacher. They make hypotheses. Show cognitive processes: thinking, imagination, memory.
Travel. Fill the map area (globe) with intersecting contour lines, crop marks Game situation, illustration, exercise, story, artistic expression, psycho-gymnastics, exercise.It's time for us to go on a journey. The train departure signal sounds and the children watch the video “From the Train Window.” We've been traveling around China for a long time and now we're finally there. We arrived at Beijing's main station. We walked up the stairs to the waiting room and out onto the city street. (Shows images on a slide) But look who's meeting us! This is Lee. And pay attention to her headdress, who remembered her name? Lee invites us to go to the rice fields. What do you think they do with them? Lee wants to lead us along a mysterious path. To overcome it, you need to perform the movements correctly. (holds physical for a minute) And here we are in Yunnan province. Mostly there are mountains. Therefore, the Chinese had to invent such multi-level rice fields (slideshow). Everything is done so that moisture is retained and the fertile layer of soil is not eroded. Guys, Lee invites us to guess the riddle: this bear is black and white. He is trusting and kind. However, it is very rare to see Mishka with a nickname... Does anyone know the answer? Lee suggests we go to the zoo and find out what kind of bear it is. And here we are at the Beijing Zoo (animal show). It was discovered a long time ago, more than a thousand years ago. And during its existence, a huge number of animals and birds were collected here. The most important areas of the zoo: The Giant Panda House, Monkey Mountain, Medvedev Mountain, Lion and Tiger Hill and others. In the two-story amphibian and reptile enclosure, visitors can see the inhabitants of the Yangtze River: alligators, turtles, snakes and pythons. The panda has become the national symbol of China. Let's take a look. It is also called bamboo bear, why do you think? Bamboo is a very tall and durable grass. There are very few pandas left on the planet; they are listed in the Red Book. Do you remember what book this is? Therefore, reserves are created for pandas. Who did we meet at the zoo? Let's draw these animals. (Game “Come on, show” a panda, a lion, a monkey, etc.) Well done, now let’s get on the train and return to Russia! "They're on the train." They watch the video, look at the illustrations. They get up from their chairs and approach the easel. Exercises: Clap your hands under the raised knee; separate file; hands to the side. Look at the illustrations. They have an understanding of the nature and animals of China. They can solve puzzles. They know the peculiarities of Chinese work.
Summing up, testing hypotheses, what new things have been learnedConversation, generalization.Guys, what country have we visited now? What you see? Did you learn anything new? Is China similar to our country? (Children, remembering what they have learned, use the map as a hint) Express your opinion about the activities carried out. Join the conversation. I can express my opinion. They say complete answers.
Openness-orientation towards the autonomous activities of children under regime conditions and in the familyConversation.Did you enjoy our trip? Don't forget to tell your parents where we were today. Now, if you wish, you can draw a panda. Listen to the teacher.Cognitive processes: attention, memory.

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Educator: - Each city, like a person, has its own age. You also have age. How old are you? (points to the child, he answers), What about you? (asks several children). And I have age. Who knows how old our city is (Children's answers - 124.) Okay. Our city is called Novosibirsk, and what its inhabitants are called (Novosibirtsy.) So, you too are Novosibirsk people.

Equipment: photographs of city views, coat of arms, musical accompaniment (Paul Mauriat “In the Animal World”, Leonid Utesov “Planes First”, Pyotr Tchaikovsky “The Nutcracker”, Muslim Magomayev “Victory Day”, Yeralash “Music of Happiness”, church bells “Wedding bells”, M. Malinin “Children’s anthem of Novosibirsk”).

Educator: - Well done. Take your seats. First, the bus travels along the street where our kindergarten is located. Who knows what it's called?

Educator Every city, like a person, has its own age.


: — Green color means health, natural resources of the Siberian land, white represents purity of thoughts, reminds of the endless Siberian snows. The blue color symbolizes the great Ob River, and the black and silver thin belt symbolizes the Trans-Siberian Railway with a railway bridge, a structure that became the basis for the emergence and construction of Novosibirsk.

— to form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team;

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