Physical education sessions in the second junior group. Card index

Physical education sessions in the second junior group. Card index

Card index of physical education minutes in the second junior group
's stomp our feet,
(Stomp our feet while standing still) Let's clap our hands
, (
Clap our hands)
Today is a good day!
(Raise their straight arms up to the sides) Once upon there were bunnies (They show the bunny ears with their hands)
At the edge of the forest,
(They spread their arms)
time there were bunnies
(They crouch and show the roof of the house with their hands over their heads)
In a small hut, They washed their ears,
(rubbing their ears)
washing their little paws
(stroking movements of the hands)
dressing up bunnies,
(hands on the belt, turning left and right)
putting on slippers.
(Alternately put their feet on their heels) WE WILL WARM A LITTLE We will warm ourselves a little, We will clap our hands, Clap-clap, clap-clap. (Clap their hands)
We'll warm up a little, We'll jump a little, Jump-jump, jump-jump.
(They perform jumps on two legs)
We will warm up a little, We will stomp a little, Stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp.
(They walk, raising their legs high) TREES The trees rustled in the morning, (Children swing with outstretched arms)
The trees swayed in the wind.
The branches bent low to the ground (Children bend forward and down, swing their arms from side to side)
And swayed quietly until dawn.
Now the wind is blowing stronger (Children are circling around themselves)
The leaves are flying to the east,
(Children are stretching their arms forward and finely waving their hands - “fluttering” in the wind) A
friendly flock, like swallows, is flying, Covering the garden with a blanket.
GRAY BUNNY Gray bunny is washing his face, (Children are “washing themselves”)
Apparently, he is going to visit.
I washed my nose, (Children rub their noses, tails, ears with their palms)
I washed my tail, I washed my ear.
Wiped it dry! And he jumped: (Children are jumping)
Jump - jump!
Jump - jump! AND BLUEBERRIES GROW IN THE FOREST And blueberries, strawberries, and blueberries grow in the forest. To pick a berry, you have to squat deeper. (Squats.)
I took a walk in the forest.
I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walking in place.) AND NOW THE STEP IS IN PLACE And now the step is in place. Legs up! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)
Raise our shoulders higher, and then lower them.
(Raise and lower your shoulders.)
We place our hands in front of our chests and we perform jerks.
(Hands in front of the chest, jerking with your arms.)
You need to jump ten times, Let's jump higher, let's jump together!
(Jumping on the spot.)
We raise our knees - We take a step on the spot.
(Walking in place.)
We stretched from the heart,
(Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)
And we returned to our place again.
(Children sit down.) THE WIND BLOWS OVER THE FIELDS The wind blows over the fields, And the grass sways. (Children smoothly swing their arms above their heads.)
The cloud floats above us, Like a white mountain.
(Stretching - arms up.)
The wind carries dust over the field.
The ears bend - Right and left, back and forth, and then vice versa. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)
We climb the hill,
(Walking in place.)
We’ll rest a little there.
(Children sit down.) HERE UNDER THE FREE- TREE Here under the green Christmas tree (Stand up.)
The crows are jumping merrily:
(We jump.)
(Loudly.) (Clapping hands above their heads.)
All day long they shouted,
(Turns the body left and right.)
The guys were not allowed to sleep:
(Tilts the body left and right.)
(Loudly.) (Clapping hands above the head.)
Only towards night they fall silent
(Waving their arms like wings.)
And everyone falls asleep together:
(Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)
(Quiet.) (Clap your hands above your head.) TO THE WATERING HOLE The animals went to the watering hole. A moose calf stomped behind the mother elk, (They walk loudly stomping.)
A little fox crept behind the mother fox,
(They sneak on tiptoes.)
A hedgehog rolled behind the mother hedgehog,
(They crouch, slowly move forward.)
A bear cub walked behind the mother bear,
(They walk waddled.)
The squirrel cubs galloped after the mother squirrel,
(They jump in a squat.)
Behind the mother hare, the slanting hares,
(They gallop on straight legs.)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs,
(They walk on all fours.)
All the mothers and children want to get drunk.
(Face in a circle, make movements with the tongue - “lap.”) DYNAMIC PAUSE One - two - three - four - five - Let's go for a walk in the forest. (Regular walking)
We will slowly walk along the winding paths.
(Walking “snake”)
Maybe we’ll find a sweet berry under the leaf. The children stood on their toes and ran along the paths. (Running on toes)
And we'll walk in heels, We'll cross the puddles.
(Walking on heels)
We had a rest, that's nice. Let's talk now about the main thing. CUBS Children pronounce words in chorus and perform the corresponding movements. The bear cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads: Like this, like this, like this, like this. The cubs were looking for honey, They rocked the tree together: Like this, like this, like this, like this. And then they danced, raising their paws higher: Like this, like this, like this, like this THUNDER Children pronounce words in chorus and perform the appropriate movements. In front of us is a wide meadow, And above us is a tall forest. And above us the pines and spruce trees began to rustle with their heads. Thunder struck and we quickly ran into the house. LEAVES Children say the words in chorus and perform the corresponding movements: We are autumn leaves, We sat on the branches, The wind blew - we flew, We flew, we flew And sat quietly on the ground. The wind came again and picked up all the leaves. They spun, flew and sat down on the ground again. SMILE Children say the words in chorus and perform the corresponding movements: Stand up quickly, smile, Stretch higher, higher. Well, straighten your shoulders. Raise, lower. They turned left, right, and touched their knees with their hands. They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up and ran on the spot. LITTLE BIRDS Paw, one! (push one leg forward)
Paw, two! (extend the other leg)
Skok-skok-skok! (jump on both legs)
Wing, one! (one hand to the side)
Wing, two! (other hand to the side)
Clap, clap, clap! (flapping wings)
Eye, once! (close one eye)
Eye, two! (close the other eye)
They opened their eyes and ran around, flapping their wings, chirping, squeaking. The birds flew in, the birds were not big. They jumped merrily, pecked the grains and quickly flew away. From the archives of Osmakova M.V. Hares were running in the forest, (running in place)
They met a fox there
(wagging their “tail”)
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
(jumping in place)
They ran under a bush.
(sit down) TOYS Here's a big pyramid (reach up)
And a funny ringing ball
(jumping in place)
A soft bear with club feet
(steps in place, on the outside of the foot)
Everyone lives in a big box
(show the big square)
But when I go to bed
(hands under the cheek, close your eyes)
Everyone begins to play
(depict any movement) BASKET There was a basket on the shelf idle (sit down, round your arms - depict a basket)
She was probably bored all summer
(tilts her head, left and right)
Now autumn has come and the foliage turned yellow,
(stand up, imitate tree branches)
It’s time to harvest.
(stretch, pretend to pick fruit from the trees)
The basket is happy
(round your arms in front of you, nod your head)
She was surprised
(spread your arms)
That so many fruits were born in the garden!
(rise on your toes, show a large circle with your hands) TEMPERING UP We decided to harden ourselves, one - two - one - two! (squats, with arms stretched out in front of you)
And douse yourself with water, one - two - one - two!
(raise your hands up, imitation of dousing)
And then we use a towel, one - two - one - two!
Let's not forget to rub ourselves, one - two - one - two! (imitation of rubbing with a towel) BALL A bright red ball, jumping like a bunny (jumping in place)
Rolled along the path
(running in place)
Waited for me a little
I’ll bend over, pick it up
(lean over)
And throw it high
(imitation of movement) MOUSE The mouse ran quickly (running in place)
The mouse wagged its tail
(imitation of movement)
Oh, I dropped the egg
(bend over, “pick up the egg”)
Look, it broke
(“show the egg” with outstretched arms) LEAF FALL We walk together in the forest (steps in place)
And leaves collecting
(bending forward)
Everyone is happy to collect them. Just a wonderful leaf fall!
(jumping in place, clapping your hands) TOUCHED ROLLERS We are cheerful cuties (hands on the belt, swing to the sides)
Miracle - dolls, tumblers
(continue swaying)
We dance and sing
We live very happily
(jumping in place) TURNIP Here we are a turnip planted (bend down)
And watered it
(imitation of movement)
And now we will pull it
(imitation of movement)
And we will cook porridge from the turnip
(imitation of food)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip!
(show “strength”) CAR To drive a car, we need to pump up the tires (imitation of movement with the sound sh-sh-sh)
Let’s pour gasoline into the gas tank
(imitation of movement)
And we’ll go to the store
(“drive” around the room) PICK UP A BOUQUET We’re walking, We are walking in the kindergarten. (walk around the room)
We collect, collect flowers in the garden
(bends forward)
This is the bouquet we have, there is nothing better in the whole world!
(stretch - “show bouquet”) One, two, three, four, five One, two, three, four, five, Let's start to relax! (stretch)
The back was cheerfully straightened, The arms were pulled up!
Once and twice, sit down and stand up to rest again. Bend forward once and twice, bend backward once and twice. (movements of the rhyme)
So we have become stronger,
(show “strength”)
Healthier and more cheerful!
(smile at each other) We sweep the paths We sweep the paths (imitation of movements)
We collect leaves in piles
(bend over, imitate the movement)
So that while walking, the kids have fun from the heart!
(jumping in place)
Oh, we’re tired
(“wipe the sweat from your forehead”)
Let’s rest
(sit down)
And let’s go home quickly
steps in place) I’m walking in the field, raising my legs. I’m walking in the field, raising my legs (walking in place with high lifting knees)
I’ll lean closer to the flowers, I’ll see their beauty, I’ll be glad to smell the delicate wonderful aroma too!
(bend over, take a few breaths through your nose)
I won’t pick flowers
(straighten up, turn your head to the right - left)
There will be a lot of beauty
(spread your arms) The doll raises its hands. The doll raises its hands, Up and down, up and down! (raise and lower your arms up)
And then she dances, Spin, spin!
(turns around himself)
After the dance, all the guys, bow, bow!
(bends forward) I’m walking along the path I’m walking along the path (steps in place)
And a grasshopper is jumping nearby
(jumping in place)
I’ll bend over and take it in my hands
(lean down to “take the grasshopper”)
He doesn’t need to jump here
(wag his finger)
Let him sit better in the grass
(steps in place, palms “holding the grasshopper”)
Everything will be fine with him there
(bend over “let go of the grasshopper”) BUTTERFLY The butterfly flew, fluttered over the flower (slow run on tiptoes, hands swinging up and down)
Sat down, sat and ate nectar
(sit down, shake your head up and down)
lowered your two large wings, raised them
(stand up, lower them and raise your straightened arms)
Flew further to make the world more beautiful
(slow run on tiptoes, arms flapping up and down) Small BIRDS little birds, small birds, fly through the forest, sing songs. (we wave our arms like wings)
A violent wind blew in,
(hands up, swaying from side to side)
I wanted to carry away the birds.
The birds hid in a hollow (we squat down, cover our heads with our hands)
It’s cozy and warm there.
THE BEAR AND THE BEES A bear wanders through the forest, walking from oak to oak. (Waddle)
He finds honey in the hollows and puts it in his mouth.
(“get” honey with your hand)
The clubfoot licks the paw of the sweet tooth,
(imitation of movement)
And the bees swoop in and drive the bear away.
(“swish away” the bees)
And the bees sting the bear: “Don’t eat our honey, thief.”
(lightly pinch yourself on the nose and cheeks) LET'S CLAPP WITH US Let's
stomp our feet,
(Stomp our feet while standing still)
Let ,
(Clap our hands)
Today is a good day!
(Raise their straight arms up to the sides) Once upon there were bunnies (They show the bunny ears with their hands)
At the edge of the forest,
(They spread their arms)
time there were bunnies
(They crouch and show the roof of the house with their hands over their heads)
In a small hut, They washed their ears,
(rubbing their ears)
washing their little paws
(stroking movements of the hands)
dressing up bunnies,
(hands on the belt, turning left and right)
putting on slippers.
(Alternately put their feet on their heels) WE WILL WARM A LITTLE We will warm ourselves a little, We will clap our hands, Clap-clap, clap-clap. (Clap their hands)
We'll warm up a little, We'll jump a little, Jump-jump, jump-jump.
(They perform jumps on two legs)
We will warm up a little, We will stomp a little, Stomp-stomp, stomp-stomp.
(They walk, raising their legs high) ONE - TWO We are getting higher and higher, We reach the roofs with our hands. One-two - up, One-two - hands down. MAPLE The wind quietly sways the maple tree, tilts it to the left and to the right. One - tilt and two tilt. The maple leaves rustled. (Hands raised up, movements according to the text.) THREE BEARS Three bears walked home (Children waddle in place)
Dad was big, big.
(Raise your arms above your head, pull up.)
Mom and him are shorter,
(Hands at chest level.)
And my son is just a little baby.
(Sit down.)
He was very small,
(Squat down, sway like a bear.)
He walked around with rattles.
(Stand up, hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.)
Ding-ding, ding-ding.
(Children imitate playing with rattles.) FINGERS This finger wants to sleep, This finger went to bed. This little finger took a little nap. This little finger is already asleep. This one is fast, sound asleep. Hush, hush, don't make noise! The red sun will rise, the red morning will come, the birds will chirp, the fingers will rise. Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. In response to the words “the fingers will rise,” the children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers. Bunny Jump-hop, hop-hop, Bunny jumped onto a stump. It’s cold for the hare to sit, you need to warm your paws, paws up, paws down, pull yourself up on your toes, put your paws on the side, hop and hop on your toes. And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze. (Movements according to the text of the poem.) STORK (Back straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.) -
Stork, long-legged stork, Show me home the road.
(The stork answers.)
- Stomp with your right foot, stomp with your left foot, again with your left foot.
Again - with the right foot, After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot. And then you will come home. AND NOW WE ARE WITH YOU, CHILDREN And now you and I, children, are flying away on a rocket. Rise up on your toes, And then put your hands down... One, two, three, four - Here's a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stance.) ALL THE GUYS STANDED UNITEDLY All the guys stood up together (Straighten up.)
And walked in place.
(Walk in place.)
We stretched on our toes,
(Raise our arms up.)
And now we bend back.
(Bend over, put your hands behind your head.)
Like springs, we sat down
(Sit down.)
And quietly sat down at once.
(Straighten up and sit down.) NESTING DOllS Clap your hands (Clap your hands in front of you.)
Friendly nesting dolls.
(Repeat the clapping again.)
There are boots on your feet,
(Right foot forward on the heel, left foot)
Matryoshka dolls are stomped.
(Forward on the heel, hands on the belt, then in IP)
Bend left, right,
(Bends right - left.)
Bow to everyone you know.
(Tilt the head forward with a turn of the body)
The girls are mischievous,
(Tilt the head left and right.)
Painted dolls.
(Tilt back, arms to the sides, lean back in the chair.)
In our colorful sundresses
(Turns the torso from right to left, hands to the shoulders, repeat the turns of the torso again)
You look like sisters.
Okay, okay, (Clap your hands in front of you.)
Funny nesting dolls.
(Clap on the desk, repeat again.) BUTTERFLY The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (Torso to the right, to the left.)
Didn’t want to sleep anymore,
(Torso forward, backward.)
He moved, stretched,
(Hands up, stretch.)
Soared up and flew.
(Hands up, right, left.)
The sun just wakes up in the morning, the butterfly circles and curls.
(Spin around.) WIND The wind blows in our faces, the tree swayed. The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher. (Children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other. When they hear the words “quieter, quieter,” the children squat, and when they say “higher, higher,” they straighten up.) THIS IS ME These are the eyes. Exactly. These are ears. Exactly. This is the nose. This is the mouth. The back is there, the belly is there. These are pens. Clap clap. These are the legs. Top, top. Oh, tired! Let's wipe our brow. BEAR Bear raise your paws Bear put your paws down Bear, Bear spin around And then touch the ground And rub your tummy - one, two, three.

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Interesting physical exercises for preschoolers

Physical training is a combination of exercises that are aimed at developing various muscle groups. They not only develop children physically, but also relieve fatigue, develop fantasy and imagination.

The purpose of the exercise is to improve general motor skills, develop clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech, restore and activate the body.

Changing intellectual activity to physical activity helps relieve muscle tension, restores the child’s mental performance, improves blood circulation, and calms the nervous system.

The choice of exercises depends on which muscles need to be relaxed. You can supplement your classes with music; restless children often just lack words, so musical accompaniment will help you relax as much as possible.

During the educational process, exercises for the hands and eyes are suitable. In younger schoolchildren, these muscles are subject to special stress.

In preschool institutions, children use physical exercises with easy-to-remember poetic text, simple words and movements. The game form and poetry increase interest in classes and improve speech abilities.

Classes are conducted on various topics, may overlap with the topic of the lesson and provide additional information, consolidating the knowledge gained in the lesson. A set of exercises on one topic should last no more than 3-5 minutes.

Physical exercises on the topic “Toys”

Physical education exercises for children with movements and words stimulate brain activity, as well as the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

1. "Balls"

  • Girls and boys
  • They jump like balls (children jump in place)
  • They stomp their feet (stomp on the spot)
  • Hands clap (hands clap)
  • Head nod (tilt the head forward, then tilt it back)
  • They relax together.

2. "Teddy Bear"

(Legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the belt. While reading the poem, children bend forward, reach for the left foot with their right hand, then reach for the right foot with their left hand)

  • The teddy bear bent over
  • He touched the floor with his paw.
  • Before - left, after - right.
  • What fun!

3. “Vanka-Vstanka”

  • Vanka-stand up, Vanka-stand up, (get up from the chairs)
  • Squat, squat. (squats)
  • Be obedient, look what!
  • We can't handle you. (turns head left and right)
  • We raise our hands up (raise our hands)
  • And then we lower them (lower them)
  • And then we’ll turn them around (spread them apart)
  • And we’ll quickly press you to ourselves (they hug themselves, as if hugging)
  • And then faster, faster (running in place)
  • Clap, clap more cheerfully. (clap hands)

Exercises about flowers

Physical exercises with movements and words are suitable for both toddlers and primary school children. They promote speech coordination, develop creative imagination, enrich vocabulary, and consolidate knowledge of various types of flowers.

1. “Bouquet”

  • Along the path, along the path (they walk in a circle, holding hands)
  • Flowers to you - it was a long way (they stop)
  • Poppy, chamomile, bell (children take turns with a picture of a flower in the middle of the circle)
  • Forget-me-not, cornflower. Let's collect a large bouquet (the rest go in a circle)
  • There are no better flowers than you (the children stop)
  • Red, white and purple (those standing in the middle of the circle take turns raising their hands up)
  • Blue and blue color.
  • Oh, what a beautiful bouquet!
  • Wonderful bouquet! (Clap their hands, repeating the text)

2. "Tulips"

  • Our scarlet flowers (fold your palms in the shape of a tulip)
  • Open the petals (open your palms, imitate the opening of a bud)
  • The breeze breathes a little (blows on the palms)
  • The petals are swaying (smoothly swaying with tassels)
  • Our scarlet flowers
  • Close the petals (slowly fold your fingers to form a flower)
  • Quietly falling asleep
  • They shake their heads (they pretend to shake a bud with their hands)

3. "Flower"

  • The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (children rise on their toes, then fall down)
  • Didn’t want to sleep anymore (the body is tilted forward and backward)
  • He moved, stretched (hands up, stretched)
  • Soared up and flew (raise the hands up, then left and right)
  • The sun will just wake up in the morning,
  • The butterfly circles and curls. (spinning)

4. There is a prickly flower on the window (show a rectangle with your hands)

  • Looks beyond the outskirts (they pretend to be binoculars with their hands)
  • You better not touch him (they threaten with a finger)
  • It stings very painfully (they point a finger at the palm and close their eyes)
  • Not a pin cushion (put hands under cheek)
  • Neither a hedgehog nor a Christmas tree (they draw a Christmas tree in front of them with their fingers)
  • But he won’t let himself be offended (shakes his head)
  • Because it's all covered in needles.

Physical exercises about animals

  • There is a cat with a mustache (they show the mustache with their hands)
  • Wanders around the kindergarten (walk left and right)
  • And the goat is horned (show what kind of horns the goat has)
  • Follows the cat (walk left and right)
  • And a cat with a paw (show how a cat moves its paws)
  • Lipstick your mouth;
  • And the goat is gray
  • Shaking his beard (shaking his head)
  • Bunny, bow, (bow)
  • Gray, take a bow
  • Here, this way, this way, bow down
  • Bunny, turn around (turn in the opposite direction)
  • Gray, turn around
  • Turn around like this, like that.
  • Bunny, stomp your foot, (they stomp their feet alternately)
  • Gray, stamp your foot,
  • This way, that way, stamp your foot!

Fizminutka trees

Motor and finger exercises improve fine motor skills, prepare hands for writing, and improve speech.

All movements are carried out along the text, accompanied by actions.

1. "Trees"

  • Hands raised and shook -
  • These are trees in the forest.
  • They bent their arms, shook their hands,
  • The wind blows away the dew.
  • To the side of the hand, wave it smoothly -
  • These are the birds flying towards us.
  • We’ll also show you how they sit down -
  • The wings were folded back.

2. There is a pine tree in the yard (stand straight, arms along the body)

  • She reaches for the sky (her arms are raised up, pulled up)
  • Poplar grew next to her (return to original position)
  • He wants to be longer (they stand on one leg, raise their arms up, then change legs)
  • The wind was blowing strong
  • Rocked all the trees (tilt the body forward and then back)
  • Branches bend back and forth
  • The wind shakes them, bends them (the body tilts left and right)
  • Let's squat together -
  • One, two, three, four, five (squat)
  • We warmed up from the heart
  • And we rush to our desks again.

3. "Wind"

  • The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying (tilt the body to the left, to the right)
  • The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter (squat, back straight)
  • The tree is getting higher and higher (rising on tiptoes)
  • One, two, head up, (raise your head up)
  • Three, four arms wider, (spread arms to the sides)
  • Five, six - sit down quietly, (sit down at the tables)
  • Seven, eight, let's cast a shadow. (clap the table twice)
  • A starling sat on a tree
  • And our game is over. (say words 2 times)

Fizminutka insects

Classes develop a sense of rhythm, improve the psycho-emotional state of children, and train the pronunciation of complex sounds.

1. "Beetle"

  • On the lawn, among the daisies (children half-squat, stand up, and simultaneously wave their hands)
  • A beetle flew in a colored shirt: Zhu-zhu-zhu zh-u-u (children repeat, draw the sound zh)
  • I am friends with daisies (they extend their hands to each other)
  • I sway quietly in the wind (tilt my body left and right)
  • I bend low and low (hands on the belt, circular movements of the body)

2. "Grasshoppers"

  • Funny grasshoppers (arms to the sides)
  • Without resting your hands (circular movements with your forearms)
  • They forge from morning to evening (clap their hands)
  • Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock, (fists knock)
  • Cheerful babies (body tilts left and right)
  • A minute away
  • They forge wings for dragonflies (arms are bent to the sides, shaking hands)
  • Horns are forged for beetles (with hands they show horns above their heads)
  • Working in a spruce forest (clap their hands)
  • They forge in the raspberry field (they knock with their fists)
  • And only from idlers (half-squats with turns left and right)
  • And only from loafers (walking with a high hip lift)
  • They don't take orders.

3. The bees lead a round dance - (children hold hands and walk in a circle)

  • Broom-broom-broom
  • The cat hit the drum (imitate playing the drum)
  • Trum-trum-trum
  • The mice began to dance (they dance with side steps, first in one direction, then in the other)
  • Tir-la-la,
  • So much so that the whole earth began to tremble. (perform three stomps on the spot)

4.Hey centipedes,

  • Run along the track (jogging in place)
  • Call the musicians (arms extended forward, hands performing a calling gesture)
  • Let's dance! (dance together in a circle)
  • The musicians came running (running in place)
  • The drums started beating (show drumming)
  • Bom-bom, bom-bom (repeat words)
  • A fly dances with a mosquito. (spinning)
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