Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (secondary group) on the topic

Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (secondary group) on the topic

Card index: Household work in the middle group.

Card No. 1.

“Order in the closet with toys and manuals”

Goal: to teach children to independently and aesthetically arrange toys and aids, maintain order in closets, and wipe dust. Develop hard work and the ability to see disorder. To cultivate aesthetic taste and the desire to work for the benefit of others.

Card No. 2.

"Clean window sills"

Goal: to teach children to observe hygienic skills when working with water: roll up their sleeves, wet a cloth and wring it dry, rinse when dirty. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work in a team, in harmony.

Card number 3.

"Helping the nanny"

Goal: To teach how to make bed linen and to teach children to provide all possible assistance to adults. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Card number 4.

"Dining duty"

Goal: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer; wash your hands thoroughly, put on the clothes of the person on duty, set the table correctly, remove the dishes after eating; brush off tables and sweep the floor. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to see disorder in the table setting. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Card number 5.

"Class Duty"

Goal: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of an attendant: lay out materials and aids prepared by the teacher for the lesson on tables; wash and put them away after class. Develop hard work and a desire to help adults. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Card number 6.

"Order in toys"

Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order: wash, dry, wipe and put in place. Develop hard work and the ability to see disorder; be careful when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Card number 7.

“Order in the dressing room closet (together with the assistant teacher)”

Goal: to teach children to maintain order in their personal wardrobes: empty the closet of clothes and shoes, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, and neatly put the clothes back in place. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work in a team, in harmony.

Card number 8.

"Book Repair"

Goal: to teach children to peck at books, use glue and scissors correctly, and use napkins.

Develop labor skills, eye, fine motor skills, creative imagination. Foster a desire to work for the benefit of others, treat books and toys with care.

Card number 9.

"Clean chairs"

Goal: to teach children to help keep the chairs in the group room tidy and clean: wipe them with a damp cloth; arrange in places after classes. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

Card number 10.

"Washing Doll Clothes"

Purpose: To teach children to help the teacher in washing doll clothes and bedding: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; prepare the necessary supplies for washing and drying, as well as a workplace; know how to use soap. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Card number 11.

"Washing my combs"

Goal: To teach children to help the teacher in washing combs: rinse soaked combs, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water.

Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of direct educational activities on household work in the middle group “How we taught Fyodor to work.”

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards work and its results.


  1. Teach children to participate in the organized work of a group of peers, to correlate their activities with the work of others and to understand that the work of the subgroup in which you work is part of the common cause of the team.
  2. Improve labor skills and abilities in the work process, improve the ability to plan your activities, distribute responsibilities among yourself, evaluate the work of your group and the team as a whole.
  3. Strengthen the ability to correctly use materials and work equipment, observing safety precautions.
  4. To form a belief in the social significance and necessity of domestic work.
  5. Cultivate friendly relationships during the work process, a desire to help, a positive attitude towards one’s own work and the work of one’s peers.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanation, problematic questions, clarification, literary expression, relying on children’s knowledge, practical work, surprise moment.

Venue: group.

Materials and equipment: sponges, aprons, clean water, trays, oilcloths, basins, tables; sets of dishes, toys, fruit models; multimedia equipment (TV).

Preliminary work: conversation about work, memorizing proverbs and sayings about work, reading poems and fairy tales, looking at illustrations and albums about various professions of adults, consolidating ideas about work through didactic games.

Predicted result: as a result of collective household work, children have formed a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers; children should understand that after their work the group became clean, light and beautiful.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part

Educator: I’m in a good mood, and I want to convey my smile to you, and you smile to your neighbor.

— Guys, today I invite you to watch a fragment of a cartoon about how important it is to maintain cleanliness and order! (viewing a cartoon fragment).

- Do you know the name of this cartoon? (children's answers)

- Right! Guys, who wrote this fairy tale? (children's answers)

Educator: Who is it that is crying here? What's happened?

(Fedora's grandmother enters)

Educator: Hello, Fedora!!!

Fedora: Hello! (addresses the teachers) Hello, children!

Children: Hello!

2. Main part.

Educator: Guys, do you know why Fedora is crying?

Children: Yes, the dishes left her because she didn’t wash the dishes, didn’t wash or tidy up her things, she was lazy.

Educator: Children, is it good to be lazy?

Children: no

Fedora: I didn’t like working: washing dishes and floors, tidying up all my things. Now the trouble has happened...

Guys, I don't know what to do?

How to return all things?

Help, teach

And teach them to be in order.

Educator: Children, let's teach Fedora how to clean and tidy the house, and at the same time we'll work hard ourselves and put the group in order. But first, let's remember the sequence of actions and immediately clarify why we are doing this:

- an apron... Children's answers (so as not to get your clothes wet while working)

(the teacher offers to give Fedora an apron)

- we cover the tables with oilcloths... Children's answers (so as not to get the tables wet if water accidentally spills on the table).

- we have a towel on one table... Children’s answers (we will put washed toys on it.)

- in one basin we will wash the toys with soap, and in the other... Children’s answers (rinse them.)

- a soap dish is needed for this... Children's answers (a soap dish is needed so as not to stain the table with soap.)

- with rags... Children's answers (we will wipe the dust on the shelves, furniture, wash toys.)

Educator: Guys, before work, let’s stretch and play.

Physical education

We help mom together: we do the laundry ourselves in a basin (bending forward)

Both shirts and socks for son and daughter (movements imitating washing, rinsing)

We will deftly stretch three ropes across the yard for clothes (stretching - arms to the sides)

The chamomile sun is shining, the shirts will dry soon (stretching - hands up)

Educator: But before we start working, let’s remember together the rules for safe handling of objects of labor.


  • wring out the cloth well
  • do not pour water on the floor because you may slip and fall
  • You can’t push each other or interfere with each other’s work
  • Before you start working, prepare everything you need
  • do everything carefully, without rushing
  • don't leave work unfinished

- if you finished the job earlier, help others.

Educator: Now I suggest you choose one chip (red, yellow, green). Those guys who have red chips wash the dishes. The guys who have green chips wash vegetables and fruits, and those who have yellow chips, those guys wipe the dust.

Children go to work places, helping each other, dismantling equipment.

During the work process, the teacher gives advice, helps in organization, reminds the work procedure; asks how the children divided up their work responsibilities and provides individual assistance.

Educator: Well done, what wonderful and hardworking children, and now let’s not forget to clean up our desk.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs)

Educator: “If you’ve done the job, walk boldly.” Can we walk boldly? And why? (Children's answers...)

3. Final part. Analysis of work activity in subgroups

— Do you think Grandma Fedora has now learned to take care of her things, wash the dishes and keep the house in order? Children's answers.

— Have you managed to do everything?

— Did you work together?

— Did you finish the job you started?

— Has your mood changed?

- Why?

- It's because you love to work! And work brings joy. Friendship is born in joint work.

- And now I suggest you watch another fragment of the cartoon!

Educator: Each of you did your own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the group is now, because cleanliness is the key to health. And most importantly, we taught Fedora to work!

Fedora: Thank you for teaching me how to restore order in the group. Now I will always work too, it’s so interesting! I will keep my home clean and tidy.

I won't, I won't

I will offend the dishes.

I will, I will be my home

Keep everything clean!

Fedora: Goodbye, guys!

Educator: Guys, you worked very hard today, well done! I want to thank you and give everyone a medal for their conscientious work!

Next >

Card file of work orders in the dhow.

File of work orders

for children of senior preschool age

Compiled by: teacher Desyatova G.V.


Labor activity in kindergarten

Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them. In the process of introducing adults to the work, the teacher forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a caring attitude towards its results, and a desire to provide adults with all possible help.

Labor education in the program is a mandatory component of the development of the child’s basic and creative abilities, the most important means of developing a culture of interpersonal relationships.

The task is to gradually develop in children (taking into account age capabilities and gender characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, fostering a desire to work, basic work skills, and hard work.

In accordance with the program, labor education includes the main types: self-service, household work, work in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duty, general, joint and collective work of children.

Brief description of types of work:


- this is the child’s work aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, washing).

Household labor

– labor of cleaning the premises, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc. Unlike self-service, it has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain the environment in an appropriate manner. A child can use his household skills both in self-care and in work for the common benefit.

Labor in nature

– caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the area, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc.

Handmade and artistic work

– work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person (making handicrafts).

Brief description of forms of labor organization:


- This is a request from an adult addressed to a child to perform some kind of labor action. The work assignment according to the form of organization can be: individual, subgroup,

General. By duration: short-term, permanent. In terms of content - correspond to the types of work.

Duty roster

– the work of one or several children in the interests of the whole group (in the dining room, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes).

General labor

- involves an organization of children in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently.

Joint work

– involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace and quality of the other’s work. The goal is single (along the chain).


- a form of labor organization in which children, along with work, also solve moral problems: agree on the division of labor, help each other if necessary, “fear” for the quality of the overall teamwork.

These methodological recommendations were developed to provide methodological assistance to educators in organizing the work activities of preschoolers.

Regular and methodologically correctly organized work on labor education by the end of children’s stay in kindergarten should give the following results:

• preschoolers' interest in work will increase;

• skills of joint activities will be formed;

• a team of children and group self-government will emerge, thanks to cooperation between subgroups;

• children's understanding of the environment will expand;

• a favorable atmosphere will be created for the manifestation of the personality of each child and its development;

• The inclinations, skills, aspirations and activity of each child will be revealed more clearly;

• The importance of the positive influence of the team on the individual will increase; friendships will be strengthened; close friendly contacts, mutual understanding, mutual control, mutual assistance, mutual education will be established; cooperation and support will become the norm;

• A sense of public duty will be formed;

• Work will become a necessity for children.

File of work orders

for children of senior preschool age

Task No. 1

"Watering indoor plants."

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the needs of plants for light and moisture, to teach how to recognize moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants by their leaves. Develop accuracy when working with water and plants, confidence in your actions, work skills. Foster a caring attitude towards the natural environment and a desire to take care of it.

Task No. 2

"Washing houseplants."

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the methods of watering (in a tray, under the leaves) and the rules (do not flood, water evenly); cultivate a desire to care for plants. Invite children to help as much as possible, clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants.

Task No. 3

“Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle.”

Goal: teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s understanding that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. Teach children to independently determine the need for watering (by the color and condition of the soil, by the appearance of the plant), and remind them of the watering technique.

Task No. 4

“Green landing on indoor plants”

(remove diseased leaves, fertilize).

Goal: to teach children to determine by the condition of indoor plants what actions are necessary to care for them (watering, cleaning, loosening, fertilizing), to correctly perform the corresponding labor operations, and invite the children to tell about the purpose of each of them.

Task No. 5

"Taking care of plants."

Goal: to clarify previously acquired knowledge about ways to keep plants clean, to teach children how to choose a method for removing dust from a plant, focusing on the features of its appearance and structure.

Task No. 6

"Loosening the soil of indoor plants."

Goal: teach children to care for indoor plants; give children knowledge about why it is necessary to loosen the soil of plants; consolidate loosening techniques and rules for using the necessary items for this. Develop labor skills, accuracy. Foster an ecological culture and respect for the environment.

Task No. 7

"Feeding plants."

Goal: to tell children about the need to feed plants, based on children’s knowledge that the source of nutrition for plants is the soil, and that gradually, by giving up nutrients to plants, the soil is depleted. Show how to fertilize plants.

Task No. 8

"Washing pallets."

Goal: to teach children to do work independently and responsibly, distribute responsibilities, and coordinate actions.

Task No. 9

"Transplanting indoor plants."

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the labor involved in caring for plants of various types: to learn how to replant indoor plants. Introduce children to the sequence and technique of work, the rules of personal hygiene, and offer to provide all possible assistance to the teacher.

Task No. 10

"Planting onions."

Goal: to teach children to set a goal, prepare a workplace, tools and clean up after themselves. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the onion and the conditions necessary for onion growth. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an environmental culture, a desire to achieve results, and participate in a common cause.

Task No. 11

"Planting pea seeds."

Goal: invite children to tell how a plant grows from a seed, clarify and supplement the children’s answers. To update and specify ideas about the conditions necessary for the growth of peas.

Task No. 12

"Sowing seeds of flowers and vegetables."

Goal: to give children knowledge that every plant has seeds. Learn the sequence of actions required when sowing seeds: make a hole in the ground (to sow seeds, each time marking the distance between them and the grooves with a stick); teach to observe cultural and hygienic skills when working. To consolidate children's knowledge about at what time, which seeds are sown in boxes in a group for preparing seedlings, and which seeds are sown in open ground. Develop labor skills and abilities. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.

Task No. 13

“Planting seedlings, caring for them.”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the main stages of plant growth and development (seed, seedling, stem with leaves); about the basic methods of growing plants and caring for them (planting in loose soil, watering, loosening the soil, weeding, feeding). Be careful when planting seedlings, as the plants are very fragile. Develop labor skills and habits, accuracy when working with land, water and plants. Foster an ecological culture, a caring attitude towards the natural environment, and a desire to take care of it.

Task No. 14

"Dining duty."

Goal: to teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a duty officer. Wash your hands thoroughly, put on the duty officer's clothes, and set the table correctly. Clear dishes after meals. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to see disorder in the table setting. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Task No. 15

“Duty in the educational activity zone” Purpose: independently and conscientiously perform the duties of the duty officer: lay out materials and aids prepared by the teacher for the lesson on tables; wash, if necessary, put them back in place after class.

Task No. 16

“We will prepare equipment and materials for educational activities.” Goal: to develop a sense of responsibility for the assigned task, to teach children to carefully lay out materials and equipment for educational activities.

Task No. 17

Remove plasticine and modeling boards.

Goal: to develop teamwork skills

Task No. 18

“Learning to make our beds.”

Goal: to bring to the awareness of children how to properly make the bed; cultivate independence, accuracy, and the desire to help adults. Foster a responsible attitude towards self-care work and independence.

Task No. 19

“Assisting the junior teacher in laying out bedding on the beds.”

Goal: to teach how to sort bed linen according to their belongings, to cultivate a desire to help the junior teacher and respect for other people’s work. Cultivate a desire to work, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work.

Task No. 20

"Changing dirty towels."

Goal: maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the assignment. Learn to hang a towel in an individual compartment. Foster a desire to work and help adults.

Task No. 21

"Order in the dressing room closet"

(together with the junior teacher)

Goal: to teach children to maintain order in their personal wardrobes: empty the closet of clothes and shoes, wipe the shelves with a damp cloth, and neatly put the clothes back in place. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to work in a team environment.

Task No. 21

"Washing chairs."

Goal: to teach children to help the junior teacher, to keep the chairs in the group room tidy and clean: wipe them with a damp cloth; put in place. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

Task No. 22

"Washing building materials."

Goal: to teach how to wash, dry and lay building materials, to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the play corner, to wash building materials with a soapy solution prepared by the teacher, to rinse and dry them; observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Task No. 23 Wet cleaning of modules for construction.

Goal: to develop teamwork skills.

Task No. 24

“We wipe the dust off the shelves for games and toys.”

Goal: continue to teach children to wipe dust from shelves with a damp cloth. Develop labor skills and abilities. To cultivate aesthetic taste and the desire to work for the benefit of others.

Task No. 25

“Cleaning up order in the group after the game.”

Goal: to form in children a conscious desire for order, the habit of putting away toys after playing. Improve the ability to draw up a work plan and select the necessary materials for upcoming activities.

Task No. 26

"Order in toys"

Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order: wash, dry, wipe and put in place. Develop hard work and the ability to see disorder; be careful when working with water. Cultivate respect for your own work and the work of others.

Task No. 27

"Washing dolls."

Goal: to teach children to help the teacher in washing dolls: rinse soaked dolls, clean them with brushes. Develop diligence, the ability to see disorder, and accuracy when working with water. Cultivate a desire to help adults and respect for their work.

Task No. 28

Maintain the appearance of the dolls: select clothes, comb, tie a bow.

Goal: to foster a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Task No. 29

"Washing doll clothes."

Goal: to teach children to help the teacher in washing doll clothes and bedding. Teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; prepare the necessary supplies for washing and drying, as well as a workplace; know how to use soap. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply with cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.

Task No. 30

“Washing napkins used for visual arts.”

Goal: to teach children the skills of soaping, rinsing and wringing out napkins, to continue to form a work culture (tidiness in the process of work).

Task No. 31

"Keeping your manual closet tidy." Goal: to teach children to organize manuals on their own, maintain order in closets, and wipe dust.

Task No. 32 “Wipe the window sills with a damp rag in the group room and bedroom.” Goal: to teach children to follow the following rules when working with water: roll up their sleeves, wet a cloth and wring it dry, and rinse it in water when it gets dirty. Task No. 33

"Cleaning up building materials." Goal: to teach how to wash, dry and lay building materials, to teach children to constantly and promptly maintain order in the play area, to wash building materials with a soapy solution prepared by the teacher, to rinse and dry them; observe the rules of personal hygiene. Task No. 34

"Cleaning the play area." Goal: to teach children to put on work aprons before starting work; keep toys in order, wash them, dry them, wipe them and put them in place.

Task No. 35 “Let’s arrange the chairs in a certain order.” Goal: continue to develop work skills; carry out the assignment carefully, quickly, diligently.

Task No. 36 “Repairing boxes for waste material.” Goal: to consolidate technical skills in working with scissors and glue, cultivate frugality, and the ability to work collectively.

Task No. 37

"Work in the book corner."

(restoration of books).

Goal: to teach children to select books that need repair, carefully glue them (use glue and scissors correctly, use napkins). Cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a desire to work, and maintain order.

Task No. 38

“Work in the book corner: we help repair books from the library of the junior group.”

Goal: invite children to help repair children's books. Cultivate a caring attitude toward books and mutual assistance. Develop and teach how to use book repair skills.

Task No. 39 “We have order in our closet.” Goal: to teach children to be careful when folding things in a coat closet.

Task No. 40

“General cleaning in the group room.”

Goal: invite children to carefully examine the group room and determine what needs to be done to put things in order; Together with the teacher, outline a work plan. Learn to organize joint work. Create responsibility for carrying out assignments.

Lesson summary "Organization of duty in the preparatory group"

Natasha Maralina

Lesson summary "Organization of duty in the preparatory group"

Goal: continue to teach children to independently perform the duties of a dining room attendant : setting the table.

Educational areas: "Labor"

, in integration with



1) cultivate a positive attitude towards duty ;

2) to form in children responsibility for the assigned task.


1) develop logic, memory, thought processes;

2) develop accuracy and the habit of labor effort.


1) improve skills in performing sequential work actions in accordance with the task;

2) develop the ability to evaluate the results of your work.

Equipment: Napkin holders with napkins, bread bins, salad bowls, deep plates, small plates, glasses, forks, spoons, teaspoons for compote berries, trays.

Preliminary work: Conversation about table setting, designing a duty , introducing children to it, developing an algorithm diagram. D/i “What from the beginning, what then”


Educator: Who are we on duty in the dining room ?

Lera and Danila: We are on duty

Educator: Very good. Guys, guests came to us to see how you work. They want to see how well you are doing and write a note about your duty in our newspaper “Goroshinki”

. Do you want a note written about you and your parents read it?

The attendants agree.

Educator: Then you need to try to be on duty conscientiously , harmoniously and kindly towards each other. Agreed?

Attendants : Yes

Educator: Guys, how do you distribute the work?

Danila: We agree among ourselves.

Lera: Danila and I decided that I would put up napkin holders with napkins and bread bins. And Danila will lay out spoons and forks, and together we will lay out napkins, put glasses, plates and salad bowls.

Educator: Lera, tell me, what is table setting?

Lera: Table setting is the ability to set the table correctly, beautifully and tastefully.

Educator: In what order do we set the table?

Children answer

Danila: First you need to put napkin holders and bread bins on each table. Then lay down napkins.

Lera: Then put glasses, salad bowls, deep plates, spoons and forks.

Educator: Tell me, please, why do you need to be on duty ?

Answer from those on duty : To help Marina Yuryevna. We need to learn to help adults.

Educator: Marina Yuryevna will be very happy if you help her.

Marina Yuryevna expresses words of gratitude: “Yes, it’s easier to work with the help of those on duty.


Educator: Please, duty officers , begin your duties. ( The attendants wash their hands , put on aprons and hats)


The teacher observes the children's work activities. Children lay out cutlery.

The teacher conducts a conversation with the duty officers .

Educator: Who can tell me what the plate is for?

Danila: They put food on plates. We eat from them.

Lera: Bread bins are designed for bread. Soup, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, and rassolnik are poured into deep plates. Small plates are needed for main courses.

Educator: And what applies to them?

Lera: Second courses include meat, fish, sausages, cutlets; various side dishes: rice, vegetables, pasta, potatoes.

Educator: What are the glasses for?

Danila: Tea, milk, compote, jelly are poured into glasses.

Educator: On which side are spoons, knives, and forks laid out?

Danila: Spoons and knives are laid out on the right side, forks on the left.

The nanny comes from the catering department. The attendants help Marina Yuryevna distribute bread and put it in bread bins.

After preparing for lunch, those on duty sit down at the table to have lunch.

At this time, children come in from a walk: they undress, go wash their hands and sit down at the tables.

Educator: Children, bon appetit. (During a meal, the teacher praises the food, asks what the first dish was cooked from, recalls proverbs and sayings about food “Shchi and porridge are our food, etc.”

, riddles, if children do not eat well, then you can turn on the competitive aspect).

The attendants, having had lunch , take the trays and take the dishes away from their table.

The children eat first.

Educator: Children, I remind you that we eat the rest of the soup by tilting the plate away from us. When the children eat the first dish, the attendants take the plates on trays to the washing room, and there the assistant teacher, taking the empty plate, puts the second dish out for delivery. After lunch, the children thank them and take away the napkin and personal napkin they used to wipe their mouth. They go to rinse their mouth. The rest of the dishes are removed by the attendants . The plates are carried away on trays; glasses, napkin holders with napkins in hands.

Educator: Now, duty officers , what will you do?

Lera: First, we’ll sweep away all the crumbs from the tables, and then we’ll wipe the tables with a cloth.


Educator: Our duty guys did a great job , they tried very hard. They coped with their responsibilities and skillfully distributed the work.

Lera and Danila were on duty quickly and carefully. Thank you for being on duty . How pleasant it was for the children to sit down at such a beautiful, properly set table. No wonder they say: “The master’s work is afraid!”


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