Calendar plan for educational work in the middle group of preschool educational institutions for November

Modular planning for November for children of the middle group. 1 part

Olga Sheludkova

Modular planning for November for children of the middle group. 1 part

Plan - project of educational activities in a middle-age group Time. Month: November Group : No. 8 “Fairy Tale”

Full name of the teacher responsible for the development: Sheludkova O. S. Topic No. 1: The country in which I live.
Day of National Unity (source of choice of topic: comprehensive - thematic planning ) Purpose: Fostering patriotic feelings. Getting to know the name of the country in which we live, the city, and the main attractions. Expanding ideas about national holidays. Forming an idea of ​​​​the importance of cohesion in the life of a person and an entire nation. Implementation period: 1 week (01.11-10.11)
Topic No. 2: The world of travel (source of choice of topic: comprehensive - thematic
planning ) Goal: Formation of knowledge about the diversity of transport, its components , distinctive features of passenger cars and trucks. Consolidating knowledge of basic knowledge of traffic rules. Cultivating interest in observing traffic rules. Implementation period: 1 week (11/13-11/17)
Topic No. 3 The world of games and toys (source of topic selection: comprehensive - thematic
planning ) Goal: Development of gaming activities in role-playing, active, theatrical games. Education of basic generally accepted norms and rules of interaction with peers and adults. Introduction to Russian folk games. Implementation period: 1 week (11/20-11/24)
Topic No. 4 Dad, mom, me - a friendly family.
Mother's Day (source of choice of topic: comprehensive - thematic planning ) Goal: Expanding ideas about your family. Formation of initial ideas about family relationships. Consolidating knowledge of one’s own and parents’ first, last, patronymic, age, and address. Getting to know the professions of parents. Fostering respect for the work of adults. Implementation period: 1 week (11.27-11.30)
Expected results: Topic No. 1.
Has basic knowledge of the name of his native country, city, and main attractions. Has an idea of ​​the cohesion and unity of the people, national holidays. Shows a desire to participate in the celebration of national holidays.
Topic No. 2. Shows curiosity. Knows the basic rules of safe behavior on the road, on the street, in transport, in public places. Can name some types of cars and trucks and can characterize them. Topic No. 3. Has an understanding of himself and his peers, basic rules of behavior and hygiene. He plays, trying to come to an agreement with his partner. Knows Russian folk games. Topic No. 4. Shows a friendly attitude towards close people, responds emotionally to everyday situations. Knows his and his family's first, last, patronymic, and age. Knows the parents' profession and its basic specifics. Understands the importance of the work of parents and adults for society. Module 1 . “Main directions for the implementation of educational areas of the program”

Educational areas Contents

Game activity The ability to use different methods and techniques for a fair distribution of roles, game materials (counting cards, drawing lots, taking turns, preliminary agreement)

Willingness to help those who are in difficulty, to share their knowledge and skills, to teach, to show fairness. Developing in children a sense of a “single family”
in kindergarten, interest in peers, a desire to better know each other’s personal characteristics. Mastering, with the support of the teacher, organizational skills: determining the overall plan,
planning work , being able to agree on the distribution of responsibilities in a small subgroup , assigning roles, materials, coordinate your actions with evaluate the result and relationships “We played together, and it turned out to be a beautiful palace
The ability to use different methods and peers, techniques for equitable distribution of roles, game materials (counting cards, drawing lots, taking turns, preliminary agreement)
. Willingness to help those who are in difficulty, to share their knowledge and skills, to teach, to show fairness.

"Socially -

communicative development" Continue to form ideas about autumn, notice the "good"

manifestations of autumn in people’s lives: a change of clothes, the transition from summer vacation to the work processes of people associated with harvesting. Perception of different moods of autumn in poetry, prose, painting. Understanding the consonance of emotional experiences with nature, music, poetry. A variety of forms and ways of demonstrating emotional responsiveness and empathy. Reflection of emotions in theatrical activities, drawing, games. Develop a humanistic orientation of behavior: social feelings, emotional responsiveness, goodwill. Develop habits of cultural behavior and communication with people, basic etiquette, rules of behavior in public places.

"Cognitive Development"

Identification of favorable and unfavorable states of plants
(withered, yellowed, etc.)
and selection of appropriate methods of assistance.
Development of ideas about the life of plants and animals in their habitat , about the variety of signs of adaptation to the environment in different climatic conditions (in hot climates, in desert conditions, cold climates)
Establishing the cyclical nature of seasonal changes in nature (the cycle of the year, as a successive change of seasons)
Ideas about the growth, development and reproduction of animals and plants as a sign of life. The sequence of stages of growth and development, its cyclicity using specific examples. Generalization of ideas about living nature (plants, animals, humans)
based on essential features (move, eat, breathe, grow and develop, reproduce, feel).
Disclosure of the diversity of nature's values ​​for human life and the satisfaction of its various needs (aesthetic value, practical, health-improving, educational, ethical). An elementary understanding of the intrinsic value of nature (plants and animals do not live for humans, every living creature has the right to life). Making assumptions about the causes of natural phenomena, reasoning about the beauty of nature, the meaning of nature for humans, composing creative stories, fairy tales on environmental topics. Mastering the ability to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction. Demonstration of the ability to practically establish connections and dependencies, simple patterns of transformation, changes (including cause-and-effect in rows and columns)
; solving logical problems.

"Speech development"

Mastering skills: independently compose various types of creative stories: on a topic proposed by the teacher, modeling a story, fairy tales, riddles;
inventing filmstrips, stories based on “blotography”

according to proverbs, using TRIZ techniques; Mastering skills: determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence; compose sentences with a given number of words; orientation on the sheet, performing graphic dictations; performing shading in different directions, outlining; reading simple words and phrases; solving children's crosswords and solving puzzles; composing narrative stories based on a picture, from personal and collective experience, based on a set of toys; build your story, following the structure of the narrative. Talk about the labor processes of people associated with harvesting, about agricultural machinery and its importance for humans. They are able to write riddles, tell proverbs and sayings on a given topic.

"Artistically -

aesthetic development" Improve artistic and aesthetic perception, artistic and aesthetic abilities, continue to master the language of fine arts and artistic activity, and on this basis contribute to the enrichment and initial generalization of ideas about art. Support children's interests , aesthetic preferences, desire to learn art and master visual activities in the process of visiting museums, exhibitions, stimulating collecting, creative leisure, handicrafts, and project activities.

"Physical development"

Develop the ability to accurately, energetically and expressively perform physical exercises, exercise self-control, self-esteem, control and evaluation of the movements of other
children , and perform basic planning of motor activity. Develop and consolidate motor skills and knowledge of the rules in sports games and sports exercises. Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games and exercises with peers. Develop creativity and initiative, achieving expressive and variable execution of movements. Develop physical qualities (strength, flexibility, endurance, especially - speed and agility, which are leading at this age - coordination of movements. Form a conscious need for physical activity and physical improvement. Form ideas about certain sports, develop interest in physical culture and sports. Foster value children's attitude their health and the health of those around them. Develop independence in the use of cultural and hygienic skills, enrich their understanding of hygienic culture.
Module 2. “Interaction of the teacher with children"

2.1. Direct educational activities


implementation Form of implementation Contents

"Motor activity"

Physical education lesson To develop children’s to start walking when given a signal. Develop balance - walking on a limited surface (between two lines)

. Cultivate interest in physical education.

Physical education lesson To develop children’s to follow the indicated direction while walking and running, to run in different directions without interfering with each other. Develop attention when walking and running. Cultivate dexterity in children .

Physical education lesson Reinforce walking with the children on a signal. Develop balance - walking on a limited surface (between two lines)


Physical education lesson To strengthen the ability with children to follow the indicated direction while walking and running, to run in different directions without interfering with each other. Develop attention when walking and running. Cultivate dexterity in children .

Physical education lesson Continue to educate children in the ability to start walking when given a signal. Develop balance - walking on a limited surface. Cultivate interest in physical education.

Physical education lesson To develop children’s ability to walk and run , changing directions at a certain signal. Develop the ability to crawl. Cultivate courage.

Physical education lesson Continue to develop children’s to follow the indicated direction while walking and running, teach them to run in different directions without interfering with each other. Develop attention when walking and running. Cultivate dexterity in children .

Physical education activity To develop children’s to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance. Develop the ability to run in a certain direction. Cultivate a desire to play sports.

Physical education lesson Continue to develop children’s ability to walk and run , changing directions at a certain signal. Develop the ability to crawl. Cultivate courage.

Physical education lesson: Exercise children in jumping over obstacles and crawling under an arc on low all fours.

Physical education lesson To develop children’s ability to walk and run , changing directions at a certain signal. Develop the ability to crawl. Cultivate courage.

Physical education lesson Develop balance - walk on a limited surface (between two lines)

. Cultivate interest in physical education.

"Communicative activity"

Educational developmental situation (speech development)

Compiling a story on the topic:
“The country in which I live”
using visual support. Creative storytelling on the topic “What attractions in our city did I like the most?” Examining illustrations about the sights of the city Compiling a story-argument “National Unity Day.

Educational developmental situation (speech development)

Compiling a story using reference pictures
“Types of transport.
Rules of the road” , Let’s make up a fairy tale together:
“How the fox taught the rules of the road”
Making riddles about transport

Educational developmental situation (speech development)

A journey through the book of fairy tales of the peoples of the world" (search for missing pages with images of fairy-tale characters, reproducing the meaning of fairy tales, reciting dialogues). Introduction to Russian folk games"

Preparing for literacy training Acting out the sketch-communication “Polite conversation. Let's get acquainted"

Compiling the story
“My friendly family: dad, mom, me”
“Professions of my parents”
“Cognitive and research activities”

Educational developmental situation (study of objects of living and inanimate nature)
“The natural world in fairy tales”
- features of the image of representatives of the natural world
“Animals are preparing for winter”
(summarizing knowledge learned in the process of reading stories about nature, looking at pictures, conversations) Weather observation late autumn
(characteristic signs)
Observation of rowan
(berries turn red)
Educational development situation (study of objects of living and inanimate nature Excursion to the autumn park “How plants prepare for winter”

“The natural world in fairy tales”
- features of the image of representatives of the natural world
“Bird watching”
(consolidating knowledge about migratory and wintering birds, conversations
“Bird’s dining room”
Observation of the spruce tree
Observation of the work of the postman (the importance of the work of the postman: delivery of receipts, letters, parcels, magazines.)

Educational developmental situation (knowledge of the objective and social world)
“People’s work in winter before and now” (examination of reproductions of paintings by Russian artists) “Nature in winter”
Features of the life of animals and plants in winter “Fairy-tale animals” “Day of the Elderly”
(respect for the older generation, the desire to help them, care for them; show the role of grandparents in the life of the family,
children , grandchildren; consolidate the concepts of “young”
" Human)

Educational developmental situation (knowledge of the subject and social world)
“What kind of people live on Earth?”
(show the similarities and differences between people of different races and nationalities, their culture, language, activities and way of life).
“The work of people in our city in the fall
.” (Schematize
children’s about the work of people in the city in the fall, establishing the reasons for the change of work, comparing them with the work of people in the summer.) “Traffic light”
(the significance of the traffic light for
road users
Educational developmental situation (mathematical and sensory development)

Quantity and counting.
Introducing the number 3. The relationship between the number and the number of objects. Time orientation. Seasons (autumn)
Educational development Number and counting. Consolidating knowledge about numbers 1,2,3. Magnitude. High Low. Logical task. Development of attention.

situation (mathematical and sensory development)

Educational developmental situation (mathematical and sensory development)

Quantity and counting.
Correlation of items. Comparison of numbers 3 and 4. Magnitude. Wide narrow. Geometric figures. Rectangle (find
among many shapes ) Educational developmental situation (mathematical and sensory development)

Quantity and counting. Independence of number from the spatial position of objects. Counting by pattern, comparing adjacent numbers, establishing equality. Orientation in space. The position of objects in relation to oneself. Logical task. Development of attention. Geometric figures. Circle, oval.

"Visual activity"

Educational developmental situation (drawing)
“Rowan sprig”
(drawing rowan berries with cotton swabs)
“Traffic light” “Dress for mom” “My family”
Educational developmental situation (drawing)
“Russian tricolor” “Service signs” “My favorite toy” “ The house you live in"
Educational developmental situation (modelling)
"Basket for granny" "Treat for dolls" "Truck" "Service signs. Medical aid station" (plasticine)
Educational development situation (modeling)
"Pyramid" "Dumbbells" "Colored umbrellas" (plasticine)
Educational development "My Motherland - Russia!"

Joint application
“National Unity Day” “Gift for my family”
situation (application)
“Sundress for mom” “Boats float on the river” “Birdhouse”
Educational development situation (construction)
“Teremok with a fence” “House for a puppy” “Strong house three little pigs" "Parking"
"Musical activity"

Musical activity Replenish the stock of aesthetic samples of folk music. Develop ideas about musical genres and folk musical instruments. Learn to play rattles and tambourines rhythmically. Recognize the song played on the metallophone, name it, show it in the picture. Learn to sing with a natural sound, without straining. Develop a breathing rhythm.

Musical lesson Learn to convey the character of cheerful, lively, lively music with light spring jumps. Enrich children's musical experiences through Russian folk games. Encourage children to expressively convey the play image in folk games. Learn to change movements with changing parts of music . Improve running Learn to navigate in space.

Musical lesson Introduce children to musical folklore. Teach children to listen to vocal music and understand what the song is about. Give children the concept of “cradle”

. Draw their attention to the affectionate, warm, gentle nature of the song. Encourage pure intonation of sounds of different pitches and expand the range of the voice. Learn to sing at a moderate tempo, smoothly, without straining

Musical lesson Develop breathing based on the diaphragm. Learn to expressively depict the image of animals in motion: a bear, a bunny, a squirrel, a fox. Practice jumping on two legs. Learn to walk with a soft, creeping step. Learn to convey game images given in music.

Musical lesson Continue to introduce children to musical folklore, listen to vocal music and understand what the song is about. Give children the concept of “cradle”

. Draw their attention to the affectionate, warm, gentle nature of the song. Encourage pure intonation of sounds of different pitches and expand the range of the voice. Learn to sing at a moderate tempo, smoothly, without straining. Develop breathing based on the diaphragm

Musical lesson Learn to expressively depict in motion the image of animals: a bear, a bunny, a squirrel, a fox. Practice jumping on two legs. Teach to walk with a soft, creeping step. Introduce musical and playful folklore. Learn to convey game images given in music.

Musical lesson Teach children to listen to music and respond emotionally to it. Describe the nature of the piece of music. Pay attention to the timbre coloring of the music, the abruptness of the sound. Ask the children what types of transport they know. Learn to convey the cheerful, perky character of the song in singing, and come up with movements to the lyrics of the song. Evoke an emotional response in children , a desire to sing along. Develop diction. Sing loudly, quietly, in a whisper. Develop a breathing rhythm.

Musical lesson Teach children to start and end movements with music. Learn to move at a straight gallop, bringing your right leg forward all the time. Learn to walk in pairs in a circle, build a circle, find your place, stand opposite each other

friend. Learn to place your feet on your heels alternately. Develop aesthetic sensitivity based on Russian folk culture. Introduce samples of play folk songs.

"Reading fiction"

Educational development situation Retelling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat”

Narration based on the picture:
“Cockerel with his family”
Inventing a fairy tale on the topic:
“How a hedgehog rescued a hare”
Fantasizing on the topic:
“How a fox studied road signs” “Meet me, this is me, this is my whole family” “Family traditions” “Dear home, forever beloved” “Houses of my city”
Educational developmental situation “Peculiarities of work of adults in the city”
“I can’t find my toy” “The family is friends, they don’t bother living!” “Family Traditions” “Everywhere is good, but at home it’s better!”
2.2. Joint educational activities and cultural practices of the teacher and children in sensitive moments

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