Calendar plan of educational work for the week “Wintering Birds” in the senior group

Calendar plan of educational work for the week “Wintering Birds” in the senior group

Written Elena

Calendar plan of educational work for the week “Wintering Birds” in the senior group

Work plan from January 20 to 24

Topic: Wintering birds


— Form ideas about wintering birds (their living conditions, the role of humans in the life of wintering birds );

— Strengthen the ability to recognize a bird by its habits , appearance, songs;

— Foster a caring attitude and a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.

Day of the week , date Educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activity Interaction with parents

Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments

Group , subgroup individual

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cognitive development Knowledge of the surrounding world

Topic: “History of paper”

Program objectives: Introduce children to the history of paper creation; consolidate knowledge about different types of paper, their properties and qualities; activate children's vocabulary, develop attention and thinking.

Equipment: various types of paper (cardboard, tracing paper, corrugated paper, notebook sheet, napkin)

Dictionary: birch bark, parchment With Vika S., Arina S. D/I “Complete the object”

goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the shape of surrounding objects. Morning

-Morning exercises

— Finger gymnastics “Birds”

goal: to develop speech and fine motor skills.

— Examination of illustrations of wintering birds goal : to consolidate ideas about wintering birds .

-D/I “What’s ringing?”

goal: to develop phonemic hearing, to consolidate musical instruments.

-D/I “What sign is hidden?”

goal: to clarify knowledge about road signs, to develop attention.

— H/R “Kite”

goal: create a joyful mood, perform movements in accordance with the text.
Illustrations of wintering birds , musical instruments (tambourine, drum, rattle, metallophone, pipe, pictures of road signs, paper, felt-tip pens. Bring bird
Monday , January 20 Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development Drawing

Topic: “Bullfinches on a branch”

the image of birds - bullfinches - in drawings ; form, convey characteristic details, the relationship of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other; improve visual skills and abilities , develop artistic and creative abilities; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and goodwill.

Equipment: illustrations of bullfinches, paper, watercolors, brushes, glasses of water, oilcloths, napkins, a simple pencil.

Vocabulary: red-breasted, flock.

Physical education Walk

-Bird watching

— Work “Let’s feed the birds

— P/N “One, two, three – run”

Work before bed

Reading the work of E. Charushin “Sparrow”

goal: to consolidate the ability to listen and answer the teacher’s questions.
bird food .
Work by E. Charushin “Sparrow”

With Arina D., Maxim G. D/I “Which number is missing?”

goal: develop visual attention, consolidate numbers up to seven. Evening

-Gymnastics after sleep, hardening activities

-Work “Let’s wash the flowers”

goal: to cultivate hard work

— D/I “What birds you won’t see in winter

goal: to clarify knowledge about the characteristics of
wintering birds .
-S/R “Let’s treat the birds

goal: to consolidate the ability to unite the game with a common plot, to coordinate the actions of oneself and one’s comrades, to consolidate the profession of veterinarian.

-P/I “Owl - owl”

Goal: practice running.
Illustrations of wintering birds , a set of numbers, attributes for S/R, a basin of water, cotton wool, aprons, indoor flowers, an owl mask, plasticine, boards, stacks, hoops, sandbags. Consultation “Beware of the flu”
Cognitive development Mathematics

Program tasks: Show children the quantitative composition of the number 7 (from individual units)

; exercise children in counting to seven; consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 7; practice dividing a square, circle, triangle into two equal parts; develop in children voluntary attention, the ability to negotiate with their eyes, and find a partner in the game; practice distinguishing the shapes of surrounding objects.

Equipment: math sets, a set of magnetic numbers, small toys, paper blanks, scissors. With Sonya K., Dasha M. D/I “Highlight the sound”

goal: to consolidate the ability to isolate sounds in words. Morning

-Morning exercises

— Finger gymnastics “Bullfinch”

goal: to develop speech and fine motor skills.

-Conversation Birds in winter

goal: to consolidate ideas about
wintering birds (their living conditions, the role of humans in the life of wintering birds ).
-D/I “Curious Magpie”

goal: to improve children’s ability to use prepositions in speech.

— D/I “Guess the melody”

goal: to develop musical abilities.

— H/R “Bells – bells”

: create a joyful mood, perform movements in accordance with the text.
Illustrations of wintering birds , birds in winter bird melodies , ball, coloring pages, wax pencils, arcs, gymnastic sticks. bird feeders .
Tuesday January 21 Artistic and aesthetic development



Topic: “Magpie – white-sided”

Program objectives: To develop children’s ability to convey the image of a magpie using combined (constructive and sculptural)

by sculpting, to convey the features of the external appearance
(the structure of the body, the shape of the head, wings, tail, characteristic coloring)
; consolidate the techniques of rolling, flattening, coating, dividing into parts using stacks; develop composition skills.

Equipment: illustrations of wintering birds , plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins. Walk

-Wind observation

— Work “Let’s clear the path”

-P/I “Traps”

Work before bed

Reading the work of V. Sukhomlinsky “Red-breasted Bullfinches”

goal: to consolidate the ability to listen carefully and answer questions.
bird food .
The work of V. Sukhomlinsky “Red-breasted Bullfinches”


With Vika S., Darina Sh., D/I “Right, Left”

goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space. Evening

— Gymnastics after sleep, hardening activities.

— Observation of the houseplant “Zygocactus”

goal: to consolidate knowledge about indoor plants (structure, care, cultivate a love of nature.

— Theatrical activities on the river. n. With. “Winged, furry and oily”

goal: to create a joyful mood, remember a fairy tale, play simple roles.

— D/I “Finish the sentence”

goal: to consolidate knowledge about objects of the man-made world and the types of materials from which they are made.

- D/I “I know...”

goal: to consolidate the ability to classify objects and phenomena according to one criterion.

-P/I “Hunter and Ducks”

Goal: practice running.
Illustrations of wintering birds , houseplant, magnifying glass, theater paraphernalia, ball, soft toys, plasticine, boards, stacks, jump ropes, ring throw.
Talk to Lyosha S.’s mother. Fix the numbers to 7. Speech development Speech development

Topic: “Visiting wintering birds

Program objectives: Expand children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs; fix prepositions in speech (in, on, under, before, behind, above, etc.)

develop coherent speech, expand the scope of visual and auditory attention, memory; improve the grammatical structure of speech (
formation of complex adjectives) ;
form verbs using prefixes at, about, for, you, at, per;
develop logical thinking. Equipment: illustrations of wintering birds , feeders, trees.

Vocabulary: motley-winged, red-headed. With Arina U., Maxim G. D/I “One is many”

goal: to consolidate the concept of one, many. Morning

-Morning exercises

-Conversation “Vitamins are our friends”

goal: to consolidate the names of vitamins, their benefits and importance for health.

— D/I “Guess”

goal: to consolidate the ability to solve riddles and develop speech.

— Singing the song “Little Secret”

goal: to develop musical abilities.

-D/I “Find the missing number”

goal: to consolidate understanding of the relationships between adjacent numbers
(within 7)
X/R “Winter Carousel”

goal: to create a joyful mood, perform movements in accordance with the text Illustrations of
wintering birds , vegetables, fruits, a set of magnetic numbers, coloring books, colored pencils, a town, balls, hoops, Lego
“Let's feed
the birds in winter Wednesday, January 22 Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development Construction

Topic: Wonderful bird

Program tasks: To develop skills in folding a sheet of paper like an accordion, ironing the folds; improve the technique of cutting according to a template; improve the technique of gluing identical parts; develop imagination ; cultivate accuracy, hard work, and the ability to listen.

Equipment: pictures of birds , colored, white paper, templates, scissors, pencil, boards, glue, napkins

Outdoor exercise Walk

-Tree watching

-Work “Let’s Wrap the Trees”

- F/N “Don’t hurt me!”

Work before bed

Reading the work of Y. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter

goal: to consolidate the ability to listen carefully and answer questions.

Ice cubes, shovels, bird

Work by Y. Yashin “Feed the birds in winter

With Varya A., Roma M. D/I “Build a staircase”

goal: to consolidate the ability to build a serial row of five objects along the length in both directions. Evening

— Gymnastics after sleep, hardening activities

-Work “Let's treat books”

goal: to cultivate hard work and love of books.

-D/I “They fly away - they don’t fly away”

goal: to consolidate knowledge about
wintering and migratory birds , to develop visual and auditory attention.
— Multimedia “For children about wintering birds

goal: to create a joyful mood, consolidate knowledge about
wintering birds , recognize them by their habits and appearance.
-D/I “What does the traffic light say?”

goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior on the city street, the role of the traffic light signal.

-P/I “Birds in nests”

goal: to practice running, the ability to respond to a signal.
Illustrations of wintering birds , traffic lights, laptop, books, scissors, paper, glue, colored strips of paper of different lengths, hoops, coloring books, colored pencils.
Bring garlic and onions. Artistic and aesthetic development


Topic: “Bullfinches on a branch”

Program tasks: To develop the ability to convey in an application the image of a bullfinch , the features of the shape of the head and body, tail (cutting out in parts from colored paper, observing the relative size, to convey the color of the bullfinch; to develop the ability to beautifully arrange images on a sheet ; to consolidate the ability to take part in team work , find a place for your image in the overall composition ; develop aesthetic perception.

Equipment: Whatman paper, blanks of colored paper, scissors, glue, boards, napkins, illustrations of bullfinches. With Zhenya Ts., Darina Sh. D/I “Don’t be mistaken”

goal: navigate in space, develop quantitative concepts. Morning

— Morning exercises

— Finger gymnastics “Woodpecker”

goal: to develop speech and fine motor skills.

-Conversation “When adults talk”

goal: to consolidate the skills of politely
addressing adults , not interrupting them, not interfering in the conversation of adults.
— Consideration of the children's encyclopedia Birds

goal: to expand ideas about
wintering birds , the role of humans in the life of wintering birds .
— Singing the song “Antoshka”

goal: to develop musical abilities.

-D/I “Say in one word”

goal: to practice
the formation of complex adjectives.
-H/R “The Blizzard Has Blizzled”

goal: create a joyful mood, perform movements in accordance with the text.
Illustrations of wintering birds , the Birds
encyclopedia a town, hoops, sandbags.
Conversation “What books do your children like”
Thursday, January 23 Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development Music

Perception of fiction

Topic: M. Gorky “Sparrow”

Program objectives: Expand children's understanding of the genre features of a fairy tale; develop moral qualities: honesty, admitting one's mistakes; conduct a basic analysis of a fairy tale: beginning, content and end; cultivate a love of literature.

Equipment: M. Gorky’s work “Sparrow”


-Observation of snowdrifts

-Work “Let’s rake the path”

-P/N “Don’t hurt me”

Work before bed

Reading the work of I. Tokmakova “Pigeons”

goal: to consolidate the ability to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.
food Work by I. Tokmakova “Pigeons”

With Arina U., Darina Sh.

D/I “Collect a fairy tale”

goal: to consolidate the ability to compose 12 parts. Evening

— Gymnastics after sleep, hardening activities

— D/I “Water is not water”

goal: to consolidate knowledge about inanimate nature - water
(in various states)

—D/I “Settled into houses”

goal: to consolidate the ability to decode and identify blocks based on three characteristics.

— Watching the educational cartoon “Where the Birds Winter

goal: to create a joyful mood, consolidate knowledge about
wintering birds .
— D/I “Count the birds

goal: to coordinate numerals with nouns.

-P/I “Sparrows and the car”

goal: to exercise loose running.
Illustrations of wintering birds , water in different states, Dienesh blocks, laptop, hoops, colored paper, scissors. Consultation “How to make a feeder at home”
Cognitive development Nature

Topic: Bird life

Program objectives: To form children's ideas about the life of wintering birds , to form a desire to help them; show the interdependence of living and inanimate nature; cultivate a good attitude towards nature.

Equipment: illustrations of wintering birds bird food , ball. With Roma M, Andrey R. D/I “Arms - Legs”

goal: to develop attention and coordination of movements while counting.


-Morning exercises

— Finger gymnastics “Crow”

goal: to develop speech and fine motor skills.

-Conversation “What can you feed the birds

goal: to consolidate knowledge about
birds bird
food - singing “Smile”

goal: to develop musical abilities.

-D/I “What a sign”

goal: to consolidate knowledge about road signs.

-D/I Form

goal: expand and activate vocabulary.
Practice forming active present participles.
-H/R “Burn, burn – clear”

goal: create a joyful mood, perform movements in accordance with the text.
Illustrations of wintering birds , feeders, road signs, scarf, plasticine, boards, stacks, balls, baskets. Conversation “How do you spend your weekend”
Friday, January 24 Physical development

Speech development Physical education

Speech development

Topic: “We are storytellers”

Program objectives: To develop children’s ability to reproduce short stories close to the text; develop auditory perception, intonation expressiveness; clearly and correctly identify the sound z in words and phrases, select words with a given sound; compose sentences with words that contain a given sound z; find the place of the sound in a word: the beginning, middle or end of the word.

Equipment: pictures with sound, ball. Walk

— Watching snowfall

-Work “Collecting snow into a pile for construction”

— P/N “Hit the target”

Work before bed

Reading the work of L. Voronkova “Bird Feeders”

goal: to consolidate the ability to listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.
food Work by L. Voronkova “Bird feeders”

With Lesha S, Darina Sh. D/I “Our Day”

goal: to consolidate ideas about the parts of the day Evening

— Gymnastics after sleep, hardening activities

-Work “Let’s water the flowers”

goal: to cultivate hard work

— Memorizing the poem by N. N. Sozonova “Winter is cold”

goal: to develop memory, the ability to remember, to consolidate knowledge about
wintering birds .
- D/I “What, where?”

goal: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space.

-Final product Physical education “Friendly guys”

goal: to create a joyful mood, instill a love of sports, to train children in running, jumping, throwing.

wintering birds coloring pages : to consolidate the ability to color without going beyond the outline, to consolidate wintering birds . Illustrations of wintering birds , parts of the day, a watering can with water, soft toys, balls, hoops, gymnastic sticks, coloring books, colored pencils. Conversation “how to harden children”

Calendar and thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard, topic “Wintering birds” senior group

Topic of the week: “Wintering birds” (from 20.01 to 24.01.19)


Systematization of knowledge about wintering birds. Broadening your horizons, enriching your vocabulary.


Clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Wintering birds”; expand your understanding of what birds eat in winter; form a general concept of “wintering birds”; teach children to write descriptive stories about wintering birds; develop voluntary attention, memory, logical thinking; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to feed them in winter.

Final activity: Making a bird feeder.
Hanging feeders on the territory of the kindergarten.

Day of the week Joint activities between adults and children Organizational development environment for self-sufficiency. Active Children
Educational activities in special moments GCD Individual work
Morning Walk Evening
January 20 (Monday) Morning exercises.


"Our feathered friends." Goal: to give children an idea of ​​birds (appearance, habitat, etc.), their diversity.

Book reading

G. Snegireva “About Birds”. Goal: introducing children to fiction, consolidating knowledge about animals and birds.

D/i "Cut pictures".

Goal: practice adding images of birds.

CARD INDEX Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.


on the topic “What birds can you see in the city now?”

Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about birds.

Staging a nursery rhyme

“Crows” using a tabletop theater: Goal: to continue to introduce children to Russian folklore.

D/i “Describe the bird.”

Goal: to develop children's speech.

1.Familiarization with the surroundings peace

"Feed the birds in winter." Goal: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​wintering birds; develop cognitive interest in the life of wintering birds; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.


“Bullfinch on a rowan branch” Purpose:

Continue to acquaint children with the features of the winter season, wintering birds, consolidate appearance features, and develop fine motor skills.


(according to the plan of the music worker)

Repeat the learned poems about winter with the children. Develop the ability to expressively recite poetry. Contribute: Books with illustrations of birds.

Nursery rhyme


“Near the green Christmas tree, crows are jumping and cawing, carr-carr, carr-carr! They fought over the crust, shouted at the top of their lungs, karr-karr, karr-karr! The dogs come running and the crows fly away.” -develop the ability to select action words for a noun (crow).

Day of the week Joint activities between adults and children Organizational development environment for self-sufficiency. Active Children

Winter and wintering birds. Comprehensive thematic plan senior group

Comprehensive thematic plan.

Senior group topic of the week: “Winter and wintering birds” DAY NOT






Topic of the day: Characteristic signs of winter.
Integration O.O.:
Speech development Cognitive r.
: Summarize and clarify the characteristic signs of winter. Develop logical thinking and enrich children's vocabulary through solving riddles. Form an active vocabulary in accordance with the lexical topic. Develop readiness for joint activities with peers.

Topic of the day: Wintering birds.
Integration O.O.:
Speech development Cognitive r.
Artistic - Aesthetic r. Objectives
: To form the concept of “wintering birds”; cultivate a desire to take care of birds and feed them in winter.

Topic of the day: Winter.
Integration O.O.:
Speech development Cognitive r.
: To form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in living and non-living nature. Promote the development of cognitive interest. Encourage active participation in outdoor play.

Topic of the day: What is winter without?
Integration O.O.:
Speech development Cognitive r.
Artistic - Aesthetic r. Objectives
: To form an idea of ​​the objects of the surrounding world. Summarize and clarify the idea of ​​wintering birds. Enrich children's vocabulary by solving riddles.

Topic of the day: Crystal winter.
Integration O.O.:
Speech development Cognitive r.
Artistic - Aesthetic r. Objectives
: To consolidate children's knowledge about the winter months and the signs of winter. Learn to invent fairy tales using frames - plans! Continue to resolve contradictions. Develop children's speech, memory, creative imagination and logical thinking. Foster a love of nature.




D/game “Repeat, don’t make a mistake.”
Making riddles - signs of winter. Imitation game "Winter fun." D/i "The fourth wheel." (winter clothes) Walk.
Observing seasonal changes.
Labor - filling tree roots with snow. P/games “Hit the hoop!” "Pair running." Evening.
D/game “Find out the month of winter from the description.”
Word game “Place the pictures in order and make up a story on the theme “Winter.” D/i “Highlighting the superfluous.” Reading poems about winter. Walk.
Observing the state of nature. Labor - filling buildings on the site with colored water. P/games "Don't stay on the fence." "Counter dashes."


Making riddles on the topic: “Birds.”
P/game "Sparrows and Woodpeckers." D/game “Call me kindly.” "Find the extra bird." Walk.
Bird watching in winter.
Reading poems. “There are no paths visible in the forest.” Labor - clearing the area of ​​younger preschoolers from snow. P/games "A clever couple." "Hit the target." Evening.
Writing a story - description of a wintering bird.
Board game . "Wintering birds." Reading poems about wintering birds. Drawing on the topic: “Dining room for birds.” Walk.
Monitoring the work of the janitor. Labor - collecting snow to build a slide for a doll. P/games "Two frosts." "We are funny guys."


Sectional pictures: “Winter sports - equipment.”
Comic aerobics “Visiting the Crow.” The game is a dramatization of “Who spends the winter how.” D/game “Find the mistake.” "Call me kindly." Walk.
Tit watching.
Reading the poem "Tit Schedule." Labor - cleaning paths from ice and snow. P/games "Traps with a ball." "Run to the target." Evening.
Reading of O. Vysotskaya’s poems “Winter Craftswoman.”
Theatrical game "Bird Bazaar." Word game “What happens?” Game - experimentation "Ice and snow, ice and glass." Walk.
Watching pets in winter. Labor - clearing the path to the feeder. P/games "Bears and Bees." "Owl."


Word game “We will show you pictures.”
D/i “What is there no winter without?” Speech game "Let's warm ourselves up." "In winter." Ball game "Counting - snowfall." Let's draw a snowman. Walk.
Snowfall observation.
Labor - cleaning the area from snow. P/games "Geese - swans." "Who will jump better?" The game is an imitation of “Hockey.” Evening.
Reading of A. Yashin’s poems “Feed the birds.”
Word game “We play with pictures.” ( birds) . Speech games "Crow." "Woodpecker." D/game “Who has what?” Game – improvisation “Owl.” Walk.
Watching wintering birds.
Labor - collecting snow to build a winter town. P/games “Who is faster on the track?” "Jumpers." Morning.
D/game “What time of year?”
Sedentary game "The little gray bunny is sitting." Simulation game “Seasons.” Word game "Finish the sentence." Walk.
Snow and Ice Observation.
Labor - cleaning the area from snow. P/games "Entertainers." "We are funny guys." Game – experimentation “Ice and Mirror.” "Snow and cotton wool." Evening.
Learning poems about winter with children.
S.r. game "Snowman - postman." D/game “Find the mistake.” Listening to songs about winter. Modeling from plasticine on the theme: “Snowmen and snowmen.” Walk.
Crow observation. Labor - feeding birds in the kindergarten area. P/games “Counter dashes.” "Homeless hare."

Subject pictures - signs of winter, winter clothes. Scene pictures on the theme “Winter fun.” Shovels, hoops.

Subject pictures – birds. subject picture “Dining room for birds.” Landscape sheets, paints, brushes, water glasses, palette.

Cut-out pictures "Sports equipment." Attributes for dramatization. Masks of wintering birds. Dishes for experimentation, glass.

Subject pictures – winter objects, birds. Ball, toy - snowman. Landscape sheets, gouache, brushes, palette.

Cards: trees, tree branches at different times of the year, birds, animals, people in different clothes, envelopes with geometric shapes. Attributes for s.r. games . Audio recording of songs. Plasticine, boards for modeling.


Consultation “Observation while walking with a child.”

Competition on the topic: “Feeder for wintering birds.”

Children's book competition on the theme: "Winter's Tale."

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