Graphic dictations by cells download and print for free

How to complete the task

  1. Print out the proposed tasks for children on A4 or A5 sheets.
  2. There is a red dot on each sheet - the graphic dictation will begin from this place.
  3. Explain to your child that 1 step is one cell. 2 steps - 2 cells, and so on. Each step occurs from one corner of the cell to the next in a given direction.
  4. It is necessary to clarify the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down” and “diagonally”.
  5. You can perform graphic dictation directly under dictation, or independently using the arrows at the top of each sheet.
  6. Great concentration and attentiveness are required, since even 1 mistake will lead to the drawing not working out. When used in classes at home with mother, mother's supervision is recommended.

Symmetrical (mirror) drawing in cells

Graphic drawings in cells can be completed without an additional task - you need to rely not on numbers and arrows, but on the image itself.

In this case, presented below, the child sees a half-drawn house, which is made schematically. The cells will tell you in which direction you need to move, how many cells to complete in one direction or another.

Such activities are interesting for older children who already understand what specularity and symmetry are. That is, if the drawing is folded in half, you will get ½ of the entire image, which means you need to mirror the lines that are already on the sheet.

The drawings are different, and there is no point in indicating a diagram of the direction of hand movement. The child understands at what distance the square is removed, how to repeat it in mirror image, so that the end result is a symmetrical “analog” of what is in front of his eyes.

Graphic drawings should develop children's thinking and help them better master the school curriculum. It’s not for nothing that similar games can be found on the Internet and enjoyed by the whole family. If drawing in the squares does not work, perhaps the child will develop other interests - artistic interpretation, an attraction to music, or an interest in other sports/activities.

The main thing is that the school minimum does not cause a negative reaction, then mathematics will be a joy not only in the 1st grade, but also in the 10th grade.

Print easy graphic dictations

To download the picture you like, click on it to enlarge. After that, save the image to your device. This way you can print out graphic dictations for free for personal use.

Graphic dictations by cells free download

Graphic dictations on a gray field in PDF format

Graphic dictations on a yellow field in PDF format

Print oral graphic dictations with answers

They try to make tasks for oral dictation a little simpler than those tasks that are done “from sight”, since they require more preparation and concentration. There are no diagonal lines in them. They are also provided with a picture answer to quickly show children an image of the correct solution.

If you find it difficult to unravel abstract images, here is a hint: the following are encrypted: sailboat, dragon, snowflake, bear, lion, car, chair, ladybug, hippopotamus, ship, octopus, hare, snowman, boat, turtle.

Dictations for independent work

These tasks, where the dictation field and the “path” with arrows are located next to each other, are convenient to use for independent work.

Explain to your child that movement along the arrows begins with a dot. The signs should be read from left to right horizontally .

Reverse task

If your child confidently and happily completes tasks in the cells under dictation and independently, offer him the task in reverse . You give a sample drawing, and the child encodes the movements of the pencil from the starting point: 2 up, 3 to the left, 1 down, 2 to the right, etc...

You don’t need to know how to write - the direction can be indicated with arrows. But knowing the numbers is a must!

To get started, you can use the pictures below, and then go even further: offer not only to encrypt the picture yourself, but first draw it on checkered paper!


The formation of graphic skills is necessary for the development of writing, drawing, and number drawing skills. Kindergarten teachers and parents use different exercises and tasks. One of the most effective and interesting techniques is graphic dictations.

Parents and teachers in educational programs can dictate a simple drawing or instructions for the diagram, and children are indescribably delighted with the results obtained. Let's talk about this method of preparing for school in more detail.

What is graphic dictation

Preschoolers enjoy unusual didactic activities. They do not require deep knowledge or strong mental tension from the child. Such methods of work also include graphic dictations in cells.

This is a game in which the child draws lines and diagonals on a piece of paper and as a result gets a picture. It's easy to do. You just need to listen carefully to the teacher, draw lines with a pencil left, right, up or down. By developing motor skills, the baby learns to count, navigate in space, evaluate himself and enjoy the success of his classmates.

If a preschooler gapes and gets distracted, the picture won’t come together. The child realizes the importance of being attuned to the lesson, vigilance and seriousness in the process of future learning at school.

For graphic dictations, simple pictures are used. For example, a house, a dog, a car. The images should be familiar to children and not require a long execution time.

The benefits of mathematical dictations

Graphic dictation for preschoolers is a useful technique for diagnosing the level of development and preparing for school in kindergarten and at home. In preschool educational institutions, educators more often use manuals by the authors: D.B. Elkonina, O.A. Kholodova. K.V. Shevelev developed a whole course of step-by-step lessons for children 4–5 years old, 5–6 years old, as well as first-graders. Special notebooks develop the following skills and abilities in preschool children from the preparatory group:

  • coordination of movements;
  • attention;
  • memory;
  • perseverance;
  • imagination;
  • lexicon;
  • fine motor skills;
  • spelling vigilance.

At the same time as physical skills, the child increases self-esteem. He is aware of the need to listen to instructions. Does the job clearly and quickly, without being distracted by a bird in the window or the laughter of a neighbor at his desk.

Another goal of graphical mathematics is to broaden one's horizons. You need to select pictures according to the age and level of development of the children, but this is only at first. Later, draw pictures that are unfamiliar to preschoolers. After drawing such an arithmetic problem on a piece of paper, tell a story about an unusual animal, introduce it to its habitat, and show a photograph.

Numerical dictation assignments are a good way to adapt kindergarteners to school. They teach six-year-olds independence and orientation in a new space. This will help in mastering the elementary school curriculum, when meeting a new team and teacher.

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The ability to hold a pencil, follow oral instructions, decipher text, and write is an excellent foundation for preparing for first grade. You can ask your child to print out sheets, templates, and help interpret instructions. This helps to introduce the future preschooler to office equipment and instill respect for elders.

Execution Rules

Graphic dictations are best used in math lessons, for example in 1st grade. Execution is related to the coordinate system, counting, and geometric shapes. The methodology consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a piece of squared paper for the student. Keep a ready-made version of the dictation with you.
  2. Place a dot on the student paper. This will be the start of the countdown. Or have your preschooler do it themselves, explaining how much space to give.
  3. For a child just beginning to learn, draw arrows on paper that indicate the directions of the sides. This makes it easier to get the correct result. In subsequent lessons, hints will no longer be needed.
  4. Explain that step 1 is a cage. If we take 2 steps, the line goes 2 cells.
  5. The teacher dictates the working conditions step by step.

On the finished sheet for the teacher there is a drawing, a coordinate plane consisting of arrows and numbers. For example, to draw a Christmas tree, draw a line horizontally in 1 cell, vertically - 3 cells, diagonally - 3 cells, and so on. More often it’s just arrows and numbers without words.

The teacher explains which lines, where, and at what distance the preschoolers draw. Instructions are given one after another, without rushing.

After completing the written assignments and obtaining the results, draw conclusions about the lesson and the efforts of the preschoolers. Scold him for inattention if the child was distracted by trifles, or praise him for his achievements.

Important! There's no need to rush. If your preschooler doesn’t keep up, usually in the first lessons, wait for him. Skipping even one step or writing incorrectly will ruin the finished result. Set the time frame gradually, speeding up the process by a couple of seconds from lesson to lesson.

Required Instructions

To conduct developmental classes with young children and older preschoolers you will need:

  1. a squared notebook for each child. For younger preschoolers it is better to choose a large cage, for older and first-graders - a small one;
  2. simple and multi-colored pencils;
  3. eraser;
  4. form with a sample picture;
  5. instructions for the teacher;
  6. ruler if the lines are long or diagonal;
  7. card file with drawings.

The first lesson will be a trial lesson. On it you need to explain to the kids the principle of operation, the goals and objectives of the exercise. Try to make the lesson fun and exciting so that the young student is interested.

  • Give verbal instructions clearly and clearly. Talk to your children about all the stages of work:
  • Let's create a magical picture from different dashes. These will be enchanted figures. You need to decipher them by making notes on a piece of paper.
  • If you follow my instructions and requests correctly, do not confuse right and left, and carefully count the cells, you will get an amazing result.
  • I will say: “Draw a line on the form to the left by 2 cells, to the right by 4 cells.” You draw a nice, even line without lifting your hand from the paper.
  • Let's practice together on the board. As an example, let’s draw a very simple drawing from dictation. And then you will make another option without prompting.

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After completing a simple logical task, offer preschoolers more complex schemes for independent work. When you receive the correct answer, be sure to praise the guys. Print out certificates of commendation, stars, make a personal growth board for each student.

If children have many difficulties with such exercises, the teacher should analyze the methodology and common mistakes. It is advisable to keep a lesson protocol and record the final result for each lesson. Thus, the dynamics of the development of skills and abilities of preschool children can be traced.

Perhaps the level of complexity of the pictures is not suitable for age, development of skills. Use simpler templates, increase the time to complete the task. There is no need to independently develop or compose descriptions for pictures for dictations.

Methods of execution

There are several methods for conducting dictations:

Auditory. The child draws a graph or a picture from dictation. The teacher gives verbal instructions about how many cells and in which direction the line should be drawn. After finishing the work, compare the result with the sample. This technology develops attention, brain concentration when performing complex tasks, and child concentration.

Drawing from a sample. Print the finished template. Place it on the table in front of your child. Let him copy it into his notebook. It is important to look carefully at the direction of the line and count the cells. Get your baby interested in figures and diagrams. The girl will be happy to copy a small pattern, flowers; boy – geometric shapes, cars, animals. For 4-5 year old preschoolers, choose a simple pattern with approximately the same lines; for six year olds, choose a more complex one, where there are diagonal lines, long and short. The technology involves the development of visual attention, its stability, and perseverance.

Drawing symmetry. The blank is an unfinished drawing made on one side. The kindergartener needs to complete half the picture on his own, maintaining symmetry.

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The technique develops spatial orientation and thinking.

Time frame

The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the preschool children. Consider their readiness for serious activities and their level of perseverance. If you plan too long lessons with your children, they will get tired, you will lose time and energy, and if they are too short, you will not have time to complete the required work. It is better for teachers and parents to focus on the time frames established by psychologists:

  • For kindergarteners aged 5, do written work for no more than 15 minutes.
  • With six-year-olds – 15–20 minutes.
  • Keep first-graders at their desks for no more than half an hour, at least 20 minutes.

Graphic exercises seem to be straightforward tasks for preschoolers, simple and sometimes unnecessary. This is a misconception. Such lessons help children grow up confident, with adequate self-esteem, developed attention and perseverance. And this will be useful for adapting to school.

Useful tips

In the process of mastering mathematical science and new concepts, the baby and mother encounter some difficulties. Advice from experienced teachers will help you overcome them.

  • Before starting classes, clearly and clearly explain to your child what you want to get in the end, why these lessons are needed, what knowledge the preschooler will receive. This information is necessary for the future first-grader to motivate actions and interest in the learning process.
  • Don't rush to blame for mistakes. Take them apart and fix them. Create a friendly atmosphere.
  • Do not overload your child with complex schemes from the first lessons. Some time must pass for the kindergartener to firmly grasp the concepts of left - right, up - down. Select pictures taking into account the individual characteristics of intellectual development and the speed of drawing. Give preference to symmetrical patterns for slow kids, repeat the instructions for them several times.
  • Sloping lines are difficult for young students. Explain in advance what a diagonal is, how it is laid, and allow you to use a ruler.
  • Watch your posture and hand position. The piece of paper should lie straight on the table, the back should not bend while writing.
  • Keep it quiet if kindergarteners have trouble concentrating. For children with hyperactivity, absent-mindedness, or mental retardation, it is better to have individual lessons and print diagrams for additional exercises at home.
  • Be happy about the positive outcome. Even if the result of the work is average, be sure to praise the preschooler for his efforts.
  • Make changes. In between exercises, read funny poems to warm up your fingers, jump, play.

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If it’s difficult for a child...

If it is difficult for a child to complete tasks on cells with arrows, perhaps you have simply not yet worked out the meaning of the arrows, the concepts of “right, left, top, bottom.” Start with simple arrow exercises like these to get the vocabulary right.

Drawing by cells for children 5-7 years old

Drawing by cells is an effective tool for developing children's attentiveness. You can practice this format of activity from the age of five to six, gradually complicating the tasks. Most often, such graphic dictations are tasks in mathematics of the preparatory group “by cells” - one of the favorite activities of children. Thanks to it, children develop fine motor skills and spatial imagination. And all this is done in a playful way. Children, without noticing it themselves, learn something new and actively develop.

Graphic dictations

Such exercises are performed not only in kindergarten, but also in elementary school. This helps with the learning process and gives you some rest, especially when learning new, difficult topics.

Graphic dictations for school preparation

If the presented tasks did not seem enough to you, do not waste time searching for pictures in Yandex or Google.

Printing materials on various sites are often of poor quality, and there are errors in the dictation text, which completely kills the child’s desire to study further.

Here: print out assignments to prepare for school.

Ready-made manuals with graphic dictations are inexpensive and interesting . Here are examples.

Dictations from the book 5+ “Funny Cells. Graphic dictations. To prepare for school."

A very interesting set of tasks in Elena Uleva’s manual “Super developmental tasks for first graders. Graphic dictations for first graders"

Scans of tasks from the series “Waco. On the way to school. Graphic dictations"

Spreads of the notebook “Graphic dictations. Attention training. 1 class":

From the manual “Graphic dictations. From simple to the most complex. Guidelines for activities with children aged 5-7 years:

Time frame

The duration of the lesson “Drawing by cells” depends on the age of the preschool children. Consider their readiness for serious activities and their level of perseverance. If you plan too long lessons with your children, they will get tired, you will lose time and energy, and if they are too short, you will not have time to complete the required work. It is better for teachers and parents to focus on the time frames established by psychologists:

  • For kindergarteners aged 5, do written work for no more than 15 minutes.
  • With six-year-olds – 15–20 minutes.
  • Keep first-graders at their desks for no more than half an hour, at least 20 minutes.

Graphic exercises seem to be straightforward tasks for preschoolers, simple and sometimes unnecessary. This is a misconception. Such lessons help children grow up confident, with adequate self-esteem, developed attention and perseverance. And this will be useful for adapting to school.

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