Methodological development for teachers “The work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with educators”

Methodological development for teachers “The work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with educators”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Novosibirsk district, Novosibirsk region - combined kindergarten “Luchik”, Sadovy village

Teacher-psychologist: Shvenk Ekaterina Valerievna

Methodological development for teachers

“The work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with educators”


increasing the competence of teachers in the field of understanding the work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with educators.


• introduce teachers to the theoretical foundations of the work of a preschool teacher-psychologist with educators;

• introduce teachers to the practical fundamentals of the work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution with educators;

• promote the development of interest in the interaction between the teacher and the teacher-psychologist.


music room


1h.20 min.

Necessary equipment:

tape recorder, recording: “Chinese traditional music for meditation.”


questionnaire “Style of pedagogical communication”, memos.

Preparatory work:

studying literature on the work of a teacher-psychologist with preschool educational institutions employees; selection of material and production of leaflets “Styles of pedagogical communication”; a selection of music for the practical exercise “The Sage from the Temple”.

Progress of the meeting:

To begin with, I would like to dispel what is probably the most common “myth” about psychologists

Most people believe that the word “psychologist”
is derived from the word
And this leads them to a completely wrong conclusion: “if a psychologist works with their child in the garden, then their son or daughter is mentally abnormal.”
I assure you this is not so
A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten works with normal
children and their individual
, not deviations. This, to my regret, happens with employees of preschool educational institutions, where a psychologist comes to work for the first time. As soon as it comes to carrying out any practice-oriented activities (be it diagnostics, a training session, etc.), teachers “fall into” a certain panic and are wary of this kind of meeting: what if something is wrong with them? or will they be subject to any experiments? Or the other extreme: some teachers perceive the psychologist as an examiner who can criticize their work. And such a concept greatly complicates the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process.

The main goal of the work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is to create conditions for the full development and strengthening of the psychological health of children.

But only in a healthy team can such conditions be created. This is where a psychologist “comes on stage”, helping educators in “improving” the team.

What does it mean? This is the provision of assistance in the form of providing the necessary information: diagnostics (individual), counseling (individual), recommendations (general, individual), reminders, round tables, trainings, seminars - workshops.

Today I would like to take you a little closer to the practical work that I plan to do this school year.

Interaction between teachers and psychologists occurs in 3 areas:

1. Diagnostics

2. Consulting

3. Psychoprophylaxis and education.

Diagnostics are carried out to identify: the psychological climate in the team, assess the burnout syndrome, the level of development of creative abilities, etc.

For clarity, I would like to offer you a questionnaire to identify the style of pedagogical communication that guides you in the educational process (see Appendix No. 1).

This will also be our first small acquaintance (a survey is conducted, the results are calculated). After the results are announced, teachers are given instructions: “Styles of pedagogical communication.”

In the format of group counseling this school year, you will be offered the topic: “How to help a child during the adaptation period” (September). Individually: “Consultations on the results of diagnostics of mental readiness for school” (April), as well as individual consultations throughout the year on issues that arise. The topics of questions for individual consultation can be varied: relationships between children in a group, assistance in building relationships with a “special” child, relationships with parents, teachers, etc.

What is meant by psychoprophylaxis and education?

As I have already said, the main goal of a psychologist’s work in a preschool educational institution is the development and strengthening of children’s psychological health. But the psychologist turns out to be powerless to help the child if the teachers’ attitude towards him does not change. Professional interaction, complementarity, mutual awareness in issues of pedagogy and psychology are necessary at all stages of work with the teaching staff. After all, it remains completely obvious that many educators do not attach due importance to theoretical knowledge about the age and individual capabilities of a preschool child and experience difficulties in working with children who have problems in mental development. Therefore, in order to increase the psychological competence of preschool teachers and create a need for psychological knowledge, the desire to use it in the interests of the child and their own development, a teacher-psychologist can use a variety of forms and methods of work (such as seminars - workshops, trainings, lectures, etc.) . This section of work also includes issuing leaflets and developing recommendations for educators. This will be psychoprophylaxis and education.

Now, given your long stay here, I would like to conduct one of the practical training exercises with you; this exercise will be aimed at relieving psycho-emotional tension and muscle relaxation. The exercise is called “Sage from the Temple” (see Appendix No. 2).

Dear teachers! Our meeting has come to an end for today. I hope that the information received has given you an idea of ​​our joint activities. If you have any questions, please contact us. My working days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Appendix No. 1

QUESTIONNAIRE “Style of pedagogical communication”

Dear Colleagues!

To determine your style of communication with students, we suggest answering the questions in this questionnaire. Select the answer option that suits you best.

1. Do you think that a child should:

A) shares his thoughts and feelings with you

B) tells you only what he wants

C) keeps his thoughts and experiences to himself.

2. If a child took a toy or pencil from another child without asking, then you:

A) talk to him confidentially and give him the opportunity to make his own decision

B) children will figure out their problems themselves

C) notify all children about this and force them to return what they took with an apology

3. An active, fussy, sometimes undisciplined child during the lesson was focused, careful and completed the task well, as you would do:

A) praise and show all the children his work

B) show interest, find out why it turned out so well today

C) tell him “I would always do this.”

4. The child did not say hello upon entering the group. What you will do:

A) make him say hello

B) don't pay attention to him

C) immediately enter into communication with him, without mentioning his mistake.

5. Children study quietly. You have a free minute. What would you rather do:

A) calmly, without interfering, observe how they communicate and work

B) help, suggest, make a comment

C) mind your own business (recordings, preparation)

6. Which point of view seems correct to you:

A) the child’s feelings and experiences are still superficial, passing quickly, and you should not pay attention to them

B) the child’s emotions, his experiences are important factors, with their help you can effectively teach and educate

C) the child’s feelings are amazing, his experiences are significant, they need to be treated with care, with great tact

7. Your starting position in working with children:

A) the child is weak, unreasonable, inexperienced, and only an adult can and should teach and educate him

B) the child has many opportunities for self-development, the adult should maximize the activity of the child himself

C) the child develops uncontrollably, is influenced by heredity and family, so the main task is for him to be healthy, fed, and not violate discipline.

8. How do you feel about your child’s activity:

A) positive – without it, full development is impossible

B) negatively - it often interferes with purposeful and planned training and education

C) positively, but only when the activity is controlled by the teacher.

9. The child did not want to complete the task under the pretext that he had already done it at home, your actions:

A) they would say “well, no need”

B) they would force you to do the work

B) would offer to complete the task

10. Which position do you think is correct:

A) the child should be grateful to adults for taking care of him

B) if a child does not realize the care of adults for him, does not appreciate him, then that is his business, he will regret it someday

C) the teacher should be grateful to the children for their trust and love

Key to processing:

Answer Number of points by number of questions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2
B 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 1
IN 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 3


25 – 30 points

– gravitates towards a democratic style.

It is characterized by broad contact with pupils, the manifestation of trust and respect for them, the teacher strives to establish emotional contact with the child, and does not suppress with severity and punishment; Positive assessments predominate in interactions with children. A democratic teacher feels the need for feedback from children on how they perceive certain forms of joint activity; knows how to admit mistakes made. In his work, such a teacher stimulates mental activity and motivation to achieve cognitive activity. In groups of educators whose communication is characterized by democratic tendencies, optimal conditions are created for the formation of children's relationships and a positive emotional climate of the group. The democratic style ensures friendly mutual understanding between teacher and student, evokes positive emotions and self-confidence in children, and gives an understanding of the value of cooperation in joint activities.

20 – 24 points

– authoritarian style predominates.

Teachers with an authoritarian communication style, on the contrary, display pronounced attitudes and selectivity towards children, they are much more likely to use prohibitions and restrictions in relation to children, and abuse negative assessments; severity and punishment are the main pedagogical means. An authoritarian educator expects only obedience; it is distinguished by a large number of educational influences with their uniformity. A teacher’s communication with authoritarian tendencies leads to conflict and hostility in children’s relationships, thereby creating unfavorable conditions for the upbringing of preschoolers. The teacher’s authoritarianism is often a consequence of an insufficient level of psychological culture, on the one hand, and a desire to accelerate the pace of children’s development, despite their individual characteristics, on the other. Moreover, teachers resort to authoritarian methods with the best intentions: they are convinced that by breaking children and achieving maximum results from them here and now, they can more quickly achieve their desired goals. A pronounced authoritarian style puts the teacher in a position of alienation from the students; every child experiences a state of insecurity and anxiety, tension and self-doubt. This happens because such teachers, underestimating the development of such qualities in children as initiative and independence, exaggerate their qualities such as indiscipline, laziness and irresponsibility.

10 – 19 points

– characterized by a liberal style.

A liberal educator is characterized by: lack of initiative, irresponsibility, inconsistency in decisions and actions, and indecisiveness in difficult situations. Such a teacher “forgets” about his previous requirements and after a certain time is able to present completely opposite requirements to the ones he himself previously gave. Tends to let things take their course and overestimate the capabilities of children. Does not check whether its requirements are met. A liberal teacher's assessment of children depends on their mood: in a good mood, positive assessments predominate, and in a bad mood, negative assessments predominate. All this can lead to a decline in the authority of the teacher in the eyes of children. However, such a teacher strives not to spoil relations with anyone; his behavior is affectionate and friendly with everyone. She perceives her students as proactive, independent, sociable, and truthful.

Appendix No. 2

Sage from the Temple


relieving psycho-emotional tension, muscle relaxation and diagnosing the current mental state.

Time needed:

40 minutes.


soft music.


No special training required

“...Sit down more comfortably. You feel your arms... legs relax. It’s like a warmth appears somewhere in your chest... It passes throughout your whole body... Imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Thick grass rises to your knees and flower petals touch your feet. There are trees around, their leaves rustling in a warm breeze. The sun's rays create a bizarre mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the whistling of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the crackling of branches. You enjoy the aroma of herbs and flowers. Curly lambs in the blue summer sky foretell excellent weather.

You cross the clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. She is barely noticeable in the grass. Apparently, it is not often walked on. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly see through the treetops the roof of a building of unusual architecture. You are heading towards this building. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of an amazing structure. This is a temple. He stands far from the bustle of cities and street crowds, from the pursuit of illusory happiness. This temple is a place of peace and tranquility, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. Several wide steps lead up to a heavy oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilded patterns decorating the door. You go up the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is semi-darkness and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are ancient paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere, on which there are many books, strange tomes, scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, behind which sits an old man in snow-white clothes. His kind and wise eyes are fixed on you. A candle is burning in a candlestick right in front of him.

Come closer to the old man. This is a sage who knows all the innermost secrets of the world, events of the past and future. You can ask him about what worries you, and perhaps you will get the answer you have been looking for for so long... The sage points you to the candle. Look into this living flame, into its magical core. Look at him... Inside the flame, first a blurry, and now increasingly clear image appears... Turn your gaze to the sage. He is holding a calendar in his hands. The date is clearly highlighted on the calendar sheet, remember it...

Temple visiting hours are ending. Thank the sage for meeting you...

You leave the temple and close the door behind you. It's still a sunny day here outside. You go down the steps and again emerge onto the forest path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, take one last look at the landscape around you... and are transported again here, to this room..."


1. Wenger L.A., Agaeva E.L., Bardina R.I., Brofman V.V., Bulycheva A.I., Burlakova I.A., Wenger N.B., Dyachenko O.M., Lavrentyeva T.V., Rudovskaya I.A., Kholmovskaya V.V., Tsekhanskaya L.I. Psychologist in kindergarten. Guide for the work of a practical psychologist. // Preschool education. No. 5 (101), March 1-15, 2003.

2. Evtikhov O. V. Practice of psychological training. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Rech", 2005. - 256 p.

3. Miklyaeva N.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V. “The work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution,” - M.: Iris-press, 2005

4. Electronic resource:

A preschool educational psychologist is a specialist who carries out complex psychological work with a child: educational, developmental, correctional. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of his work is close cooperation with educators, since coherence of work, unity of requirements and approaches, sincere interest in the harmonious development of the child of both specialists is the basis for the effectiveness of not only their joint activities, but also the educational process as a whole.

It is a well-known fact that the main goal of the preschool level of education is to prepare children for school, and this process acquires particular significance in senior and preparatory groups.

Psychological readiness for school is an integrative characteristic, the components of which are: intellectual, personal, emotional-volitional and socio-psychological (communicative) readiness. And if the development of the first three is given enough attention within the educational activities of preschool educational institutions, then the formation of communicative competence of preschoolers often remains a spontaneous process. Although the child’s adaptation to school and the success of his education largely depend on the level of its development.

The complexity of the formation and development of communicative competence in kindergarten is due, in our opinion, to the fact that it requires the teacher to continuously work in a given direction. Since communication is a constant companion to any child’s activity: routine moments, activities, playing together, interaction with others. Consequently, professional activities to develop the child’s communication skills occur throughout the teacher’s entire working day.

By communicative competence of preschoolers we understand the integrative personality quality being formed, which includes flexible mastery of ways to establish and maintain relationships, the development of the need for communication, and the ability to act together. The realities of our time (fast pace of life, busy parents, high level of technocratization of society) have a negative impact on the development of children's communication skills. By becoming dependent on computer games, watching TV shows and cartoons that are not age appropriate and have no educational potential, the child ceases to need live communication not only with peers, but also with adults.

It's no secret that in almost every kindergarten group there are children with communication disorders. These may be: inability to establish contact, avoidance of communication, conflicts, unwillingness to take into account the opinions and needs of others. A child who cannot communicate adequately is not interesting to others, feels wounded and rejected, which can lead to two polar groups of consequences: anxiety, shyness, isolation or aggressiveness.

What is the algorithm for the joint activities of a teacher-psychologist and a teacher to develop communicative competence?

1. Joint compilation of psychological characteristics of children in the group, based on the diagnosis of a psychologist and the daily pedagogical observation of the teacher. This stage contributes to the expedient design of classes and the optimal distribution of participants during exercises, harmonizing the relationship between the teacher and children based on an individual approach.

2. Joint participation in classes, based on unconditional acceptance of the child as he is (Remember that there are no difficult children, there are children with whom it is difficult).

3. The teacher’s control over children in the group’s compliance with the rules, skills and abilities developed in classes, facilitating their faster consolidation.

Classes to develop communication skills should contribute to:

  • formation of the need for communication;
  • strengthening the skills of establishing and maintaining contacts,
  • developing qualities that help in communication and eliminating those that interfere,
  • formation of skills for joint activities, which is possible only if the rules are followed and respectful towards other children.

Examples of exercises aimed at developing communication skills can be: “Say hello with different parts of the body”, “How we are alike”, “Rules of friendship”, “Locomotive “I am good””, Joint drawing.”

Good luck to you in such a difficult but exciting task - raising the younger generation!

Psychological mirror

Forms of interaction between
a teacher and a psychologist and speech therapist:
– joint diagnosis of children at different age stages;

– creation of a development environment;

– building individual development routes for children;

– participation in the “Psychology Week”;

– participation in workshops, trainings, consultations and other events conducted by a psychologist and speech therapist in kindergarten;

– organization of joint exhibitions, competitions for children and parents;

– planning and carrying out joint work with parents.

Forms of interaction between teacher and nurse:

– analysis of children’s medical records;

– taking into account the individual health characteristics of children when organizing classes;

– organization of space in groups of preschool educational institutions;

– joint maintenance of a health journal;

– organization of physical activity of children during the day.

Forms of interaction between the teacher and the music director:

– joint preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure activities;

– studying the repertoire for conducting classes;

– joint organization of work with parents;

– work planning;

– joint scientific and practical activities to introduce the regional component into the educational process;

– creation of a development environment

When providing assistance to a special child, coordination of the activities of all specialized specialists of the educational organization is required. Interaction should be carried out both in work with the child himself and with his parents. Interaction can be carried out within the framework of PMPC or ongoing work.

Also, the types and forms of interaction must be recorded, for example in such tables.

Journal of interaction between a teacher-psychologist and specialized preschool educational institutions specialists in the 20___–20___ academic year.

Deadlines Interaction with a speech therapist Interaction with a physical education instructor. Interaction with music directors Notes and progress marks.
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
Summer wellness period

Journal of interaction between a teacher-psychologist and educators in the 20___ – 20____ academic year.

Groups1st quarter2nd quarter3rd quarterSummer wellness period
Psychologist for teacherTeacher to psychologistPsychologist for teacherTeacher to psychologistPsychologist for teacherTeacher to psychologistPsychologist for teacherTeacher to psychologist

This table presents other interaction options.

Teacher - psychologistTeacher speech therapistPhysical education teacherMusical directorMedical staffEducator
  • creating conditions conducive to protecting the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, and the free and effective development of the abilities of each child. Main activities:
  • diagnostic work;
  • advisory work;
  • correctional and developmental work;
  • expert activity;
  • educational activities;
  • organizational and methodological work.
  • Correctional and developmental work is aimed at developing the child’s cognitive processes, as well as correcting the formation of interpersonal communication, the child’s emotional and personal development, and correcting aggressiveness, shyness, and anxiety.
  • creating conditions that promote the full speech development of children and providing assistance to children with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual capabilities in mastering the Program.
  • Main activities:
  • diagnoses the level of impressive and expressive speech (lexical, grammatical, syllabic, phonemic, sound pronunciation structure);
  • draws up individual development plans, plans for specially organized classes;
  • carries out in individual lessons the setting of diaphragmatic-speech breathing, correction of defective sounds, their automation, introduction to independent speech;
  • introduces games and exercises during routine moments aimed at practical mastery of the skills of word formation, inflection, and coherent speech;
  • advises teachers and parents on the use of speech therapy methods and technologies for correctional and developmental work.
  • informs parents about the diagnostic results and the individual development plan;
  • participates in methodological events, is an active member of the PMPC;
  • organizes correctional, developmental and speech space, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.
  • assessment of children's physical fitness;
  • drawing up and implementing long-term planning for promoting the health, physical and motor development of children;
  • development and implementation of a plan - a system of physical education and health activities in the group;
  • carrying out physical classes and holidays;
  • participation in corrective gymnastics after daytime sleep, morning exercises, hardening;
  • monitoring the health of children, their performance, fatigue, physical and mental stress;
  • Conducting thematic parent meetings, conversations, individual and group consultations, seminars and workshops, using visual information.
  • carries out musical and aesthetic education of children;
  • takes into account the psycho-speech and physical development of children when selecting a musical and song repertoire;
  • When working with children, she uses elements of psycho-gymnastics, music therapy, corrective rhythm, plastic studies, etc.
  • organizes preventive and health measures;
  • exercises control over compliance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules;
  • exercises control over compliance with the diet and quality of nutrition;
  • assesses the physical development of children based on anthrometric indicators;
  • assesses the health status of children through regular examinations.
  • organizes specially organized classes in all areas of development of pupils, joint and independent activities of children;
  • organizes work on the education of cultural and hygienic skills, the development of fine motor skills of the hands through manual labor and design, the development of general motor skills through outdoor games and play exercises;
  • organizes the implementation of specialists’ recommendations when carrying out individual work with children;
  • actively uses health-saving technologies when working with children;
  • advises parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the individual characteristics of children, the level of development of fine motor skills;
  • together with a teacher-speech therapist participates in the correction of speech disorders, together with a teacher-psychologist participates in the development of mental processes.

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Interaction between a teacher-psychologist and a kindergarten teacher “Use of ICT and multimedia in the work of a psychologist”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 386 of the Samara city district

Compiled by: educational psychologist Vyazovtseva E.I. teacher Zhukova G.N.

Interaction between a teacher-psychologist and a teacher in direct educational activities with preschool children (4-6 years old) “I observe, I feel, I imagine”

The world is full of colors and sounds. The richer and more varied the child’s life experiences, the brighter and more extraordinary his imagination, the more interesting the associations. Children already have everything from birth:

  • they know how to see what others cannot see
  • hear strange magical sounds
  • paint the world your favorite color.

And the interaction between a teacher and a teacher-psychologist helps children take their first steps into the individual world of creativity and fantasy, taking into account their individual characteristics, desires and interests: the child plays with unformed material, turning objects into characters with a certain character. Immersing in the world of nature, enjoying its harmony, different moods are born in the child’s soul. He is given the opportunity to realize his sensations, feelings and images using various visual means. The principle of working with children is “I observe, I feel, I imagine”

We present to your attention an integrated lesson in the senior group on the topic “How we looked for colors for Spring ,” which is conducted jointly by the teacher of this group and a teacher-psychologist. This is a lesson from a series of lessons on the seasons.


  1. To develop children's cognitive interest in the natural world.
  2. Develop perception, memory, attention, thinking and imagination of pupils.
  3. Activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Spring” , promote the development of coherent speech.
  4. Strengthen the ability to draw objects, conveying the features of color and structure.
  5. Develop creative abilities (lead children to create a simple plot composition, arrange images throughout the sheet).
  6. Establish positive psycho-emotional contact with children (emotional liberation of children).
  7. To develop aesthetic taste in students through color, shape, words, music.

Preliminary work. (using an interactive whiteboard)

  • Listening to music. (F. Chopin, G. Sviridov, P. Tchaikovsky)
  • Examination of reproductions of famous artists on the theme of spring.
  • Observing spring phenomena while walking with children.
  • Reading fiction on the theme “Spring” .
  • Conducting games to develop perception and thinking in children.

Music series.

  1. G. Sviridov “Blizzard. Part 3 Spring"
  2. Children's song "Clouds are white-winged horses .


  • Tinted sheets of paper (A 4 format)
  • Gouache, brushes.
  • Material for imitation of “cloud” , “stream” .

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Children, what time of year is it now? (Children's answers).

Spring has come to us. In spring, nature wakes up and delicate spring colors appear.

Educational psychologist. And new spring sounds wake up. It all starts with a sound (the sound of a triangle), when he gets tired of wandering alone, he finds another sound, Sasha is your sound, (... all the children take turns hitting the triangle). These sounds join hands, just like we do, and a musical round dance results.

(Children join hands and stand in a circle or semicircle)

In the same way, in a musical round dance, composer G. Sviridov collected all the sounds of spring in his musical work. (You can invite children to sit on a carpet or special pillows)

In it we will hear the sounds of spring nature. Let's listen to him.

(A musical work by G. Sviridov sounds)

Music told us about Spring, what did you hear in it? (Children’s answers and teacher’s help: “And I heard...” )

Educator. Let's try to paint the music in different colors. What colors do you think live in this music?

(Children's answers)

How many colors did you name? When all the colors join hands, a picture is born.

Educational psychologist. I have already started painting a picture of spring. But I don’t know what colors to paint it with.

Educator. Guys, let's help Elena Iskhakovna and find colors for spring, but for this we need to go on an exciting journey into the spring forest.

Educational psychologist. Guys, what would you like to travel with?

(Children's answers)

Educational psychologist. I suggest flying on an airy spring cloud (white or blue material spread on the floor).

(Children sit on a cloud, the children's song “Clouds are white-maned horses” )

Educational psychologist. So we landed. Tell me, what was the spring cloud like? (airy, fluffy, white, etc.) What colors can a spring cloud give us?

(Children's answers) are “taken” from the “cloud” .

Educator. Guys, come to me, the cloud has left you a riddle.

The sun laughs tenderly, Shines brighter, bitterer, And the talkative one meets us from the hill... (children - stream)

Educational psychologist. And here is our stream, come closer to it. Let's release our palms into the stream. What do you feel? What stream? (ringing, sparkling, murmuring, cheerful...)

(Children's answers). Why is the stream so cool (Because the sun warms and the snow melts under its hot rays, the snow is cold and the stream is cold.)

Educator. The stream will give us cold colors. Name them.

(Children's answers).

Educational psychologist. Let's wash ourselves with cool water from the stream.

(Children play with a stream)

Educational psychologist. I wonder where our spring stream runs?

Educator. Let's go with the stream too. Maybe we can find paints for a spring painting there. And here is our stream, it led us to the spring forest (the forest is presented on the interactive board and the voices of birds are heard)

Educational psychologist. The forest greets us warmly. Let’s enter it and imagine that we, too, are turning into trees, our legs are long and thick tree roots, they go deep into the ground, feel how firmly they stand on the ground. Our hands turn into beautiful branches that stretch high, high into the sky. And then a warm spring breeze blew, it played with the branches of the trees and began to swing them quietly, after playing, the breeze flew on, and the trees fell silent, listening to the sounds in the forest.

(Children perform a relaxation exercise to relieve psycho-emotional pressures)

The forest is so kind that it will also give us its colors. What colors will he give us? (Children's answers).

Educator. And now the sun illuminated our forest with its rays, and new colors appeared in the forest - warm, sunny. Name them.

(Children answer)

Let's take them for our picture.

Educational psychologist. Looking around, we saw a lot of interesting things; it turns out that a cloud, a stream, a forest, and the sun have their own colors. And with the help of all the colors that were given to us, we can already paint our spring picture. Guys, paint your own picture of Spring. Let's remember what we saw today (children's answers: stream, forest, cloud, sun)

Educator. And we all observed this on our walk and know how to draw it.

(how many ways to draw with your hand, imitation, etc.).

Educator. Guys, today let’s try to depict a spring landscape. The colors are already waiting for us. Let us remember that paints love to mix, and this is how new paint is obtained.

The children do the work. Teachers provide individual assistance. At the end of the work, the children lay out their drawings on a “cloud” (or a specially designated place), the works are examined and a conversation is held on the content.

Educator. Today we visited Vesna and painted a picture about her.


  • Children, tell me what paints you used for your painting? (children's answers). Are they all different?
  • What if everything in the world were the same color?
  • Would that make you angry or happy?

People are used to seeing the world in white, yellow, blue, red. Let everything around us be Amazing and different!

Educational psychologist. Next time we will learn that each color has its own mood. Let's admire our paintings again.


  1. I.A. Morozova, M.A. Pushkarev “Acquaintance with the surrounding world”
  2. T.A. Koptseva “Nature and the Artist”
  3. N. Basina “With a brush and music in the palm”
  4. Alyabyeva “Psycho-gymnastics classes for preschoolers”
Next >
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