Summary of a lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Summary of a lesson for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group.
Topic: My beloved mother” Goal: to improve speech as a means of communication, to develop love and respect for the dearest person - mother. Objectives: Educational:
• to intensify the cognitive activity of children;
• continue to teach children to understand the mood of another person; • enrich and activate children's vocabulary: affectionate, caring, gentle, kind, beautiful, loving, beloved; • continue to teach children to tell a story about mom • practice children in selecting adjectives for nouns • continue to develop fine and gross motor skills • consolidate knowledge of poems about mom, teach them to recite, emotionally conveying the meaning of the work. Developmental
: • develop logical thinking, the ability to generalize and classify;
• develop attention and thinking; • develop the ability to recognize emotional states in various situations; • develop creative imagination and imagination, aesthetic perception. Educational:
• to cultivate moral qualities - love for mother, the desire to take care of her, to bring joy;
• cultivate accuracy, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, respectful attitude towards each other; • education of an intellectual and spiritually rich developed personality, formation of emotional responsiveness. Educational technologies : conversation, gaming technologies, gaming tasks; questions; physical education, reading chants, poems Demonstration material : interactive board, cardboard heart, bag with secrets, cards, easel Handouts: hearts of different colors, plasticine, petals, napkins, pencils, sheets with numbers, cameras Preliminary work: Creating albums about mother with poems and stories.
Exhibition of children's drawings about mother. Listening and memorizing songs Memorizing poems about mom. Examination of reproductions of paintings and videos. Reading books, watching movies about moms. NOD “My Beloved Mommy”
Educator : Mashenka flies into the group in a balloon. (Music sounds. Hello, hello everyone. I heard about you that you know a lot. So I decided to check you. I’m giving you a bag, and there’s a whole cart of secrets in it. Educator: The bag just won’t come undone. Children: let’s read the chant: Marfusha went along the path And carried a basket in her hands. In this small basket there are various flowers: Rose, buttercup, forget-me-not, blue cornflowers. Anything for the soul? Teacher : slowly unties the bag and takes out a flash drive. There is a secret hidden in the flash drive, let’s find out what? Children : Children pass, sit on the chairs. Educator: turns on. Something incomprehensible on the screen. What is it? Children: an encrypted word. Educator : What word do you think this is? Children: mother Educator : we have solved the first secret. Let's talk about mom. Educator: Do you love your mothers? Children : yes Educator : Why do you love your mothers? Children: Mom always takes care of us, she will never hurt us, she will regret. Educator: You need to love her not only for what she is for she does something to you, and because she is your mother, she takes care of you and teaches you. Educator : Guys, is this why we love our mothers? Game “Guess the word” There is no dirt or rubbish in the apartment, I cleaned everything clean... (mom) The borscht in the plate is the most delicious, This is the only way to cook... (mom) Before going to bed, putting on pajamas, We’ll ask .. (mom) to read.. (mom) We’ll make a gift with our own hands For the holiday ... (to mom) When you kids with bruises, It's not you who hurts the most, but.. (to mom) They recognize everyone by their eyes, It's hard to deceive you... (mom) They don't put them in the corners in vain, Don't make the good ones angry... (mom) Shame on those kids and shame, Who offended their ... (mothers) Educator: Do you need to take care of your mother? But as? Children: help them in everything, be more attentive and careful towards them, you need to say a lot of good and affectionate words. Educator : Everyone in the world has one mother. Mom does everything to make her happy. You go to her with your joys and troubles. She will always understand everything and console you. Turn on the video, the image of mom's hands. Educator : They say mom’s hands are not simple, they say mom’s hands are golden. Why do they say about mother’s hands that they are “golden”? Children: mother’s hands gently stroke the head, wash and prepare food, sew, clean everything around. Educator: how much mothers do for you, it’s impossible to list everything. Children read poems about mother's hands.
Go around the whole world. Just know in advance. You won’t find warmer hands or more tender than your mother’s.
You won’t find eyes in the world more affectionate and stricter. Mom is dearer to each of us. All people are dearer. A hundred ways, roads around. Go around the world. Mom is the best friend. There is no better mother! Educator : Would you like your mothers to come to us now? Children : yes (children meet and hug mothers). Educator : takes out the secret, shows a heart. Children : heart, you need to call your mother affectionately. The game "Weasel" is played.
Children stand in the center of the circle, parents behind the circle.
Children hand over a heart in a chain, say the mother’s name and patronymic and say affectionate words, for example – affectionate. Then mothers call affectionately about children - bunny, etc. Educator : Guys, have you noticed how our group has become much warmer and more comfortable? Look, our mothers are all beaming with joy, how nice it is to hear kind words. The children are happy too. Always give mothers compliments. The first secret has been revealed. Educator: I take it out of the bag. I show a leaf, it shows a flower - a seven-flowered flower, a ladder. What do you think the secret is? Children : mothers need to make a magic flower and wish something good. Children are divided into subgroups, make a flower, mothers assemble a ladder, then the children attach a flower and each child says wishes). Educator: after such wishes, your mothers will always be healthy and never get sick. Physical education lesson All over the big planet (draw an invisible circle with our hands)
Wherever you look
(head: left - straight - right)
Both adults and children
(hands on the waist - stretch out; sit down - hands on the knees)
Dreaming of love
(both palms to the heart)
Everyone people are looking for a couple, (hug each other) to love her.
(draw a heart in the air with both hands)
To walk with her together
(walking in place)
Together, it’s more interesting
(jumping in place)
Giving each other joy
(raise your arms up and spin around)
Warmth and kindness.
(palm to the left, palm to the right) Teacher: I’ll go up to the bag and look quietly, music sounds - crackling, I dropped the cards in different places. Oh guys, what a shame. Look, what's the secret again? Children: you need to make up a word. Educator : can you? You need to split into groups. Look at your hearts, what color they are and match the hearts of the same color that you find on the floor. We have limited time. We work according to magic hours. When the children take their places, say: one, two, three, start. Educator: Well, our mothers will take pictures of something mysterious. Time's up, what word did you come up with? (comfort, home, harmony, light). What do you think these words are? Children : the house should always be cozy and light and well. Educator : when the house is cozy and light, people always get along. So we guessed another secret. And we still have a secret. You do not know? What did our mothers do? Children: took pictures Educator: what do we need to do? Children : look. Educator: Let’s go and sit on mothers’ laps. (working with the prez.) Oh, whose mom is this? Children's stories about mother. (3 children tell a short story). Educator : What a shame, again Mashenka made a secret. Children, don’t be upset, we’ll see about your mothers in the evening. Image of dots, numbers and question mark. Children: we need to connect the dots in order, we will find out what is shown there. Physical education lesson: I love my mother, (make a heart with my fingers) I will always help her: (clasp my hands on my chest I wash, (rub my fist on my fist) I rinse (clench and unclench my fists) I shake off the water from my hands (shake off the water from my fingers) The floor is clean I’m sweeping (stroke one palm with the other) And I’ll put away the toys. (knock on the palm of your free hand with your fist) Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep (put your palms together and put them under your cheek) I walk on tiptoe, (index and middle fingers walk across the palm of your free hand ), And not once, not once will I say a word. (index finger to lips). (walk to the table and circle, mothers draw) Teacher: What did you do? (list: cake, beads, perfume, necklace.. ) I show a slide where objects are depicted. What is the relationship between these objects? Children: mothers love these objects. Educator : Mothers need to give them. Never forget about this. In the evening, when you come home, whisper in dad’s ear: dad, our mother loves perfume, give it to her, please. Another secret has been revealed. Educator : They forgot the most important thing. What do you need to do now? Children : give mothers flowers. Children give mothers flowers. Result : children pass and sit on the mat. Who did you meet today? (Mashenka). What did she offer you? (unravel the secrets). What good deeds have you done today? (they told about their mother, called them affectionately, wished them well). That's how much good you have done. I am sure that after today's meeting, you will love your mothers even more. My deepest regards to mothers. Let us thank each other for a pleasant meeting. We’ll call Mashenka in the evening and make her happy that we’ve unraveled all the secrets. Mashenka has not forgotten about you, thanks you and gives you a gift. Invite mothers to have tea.

We recommend watching:

Mothers Day. Scenario for a preparatory group A scenario for sharing fun with parents for Mother's Day. Senior - preparatory group Sports festival for Mother's Day. Preparatory group Mother's Day. Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group

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Drawing “Portrait of Mom” (preparatory group of preschool educational institution)

Drawing lessons are an important component of the educational process. Visual arts should be carried out at least once a week.

Children's knowledge of the world begins with the mother; her image is predominant. Therefore, an attempt to convey her appearance would be an organic topic for the lesson.

Ready portrait of mother

Example of drawing lesson notes

The content is based on the material that needs to be conveyed in the drawing.

Goal: teach kids to draw mother, the most important person in their life.

Objectives: development of aesthetic perception.

Children should learn to draw an oval, a circle, draw lines in different directions, depicting individual elements of a portrait.

The outline may also include the use of thematic music, poetry (songs and works about mother) for maximum immersion in the topic.

Additional Information! A lesson for preschool children should last 15 minutes, since long tasks at this age lead to loss of attention and fatigue.

What event can the lesson be timed to coincide with?

Drawing a portrait of a mother in the preparatory group will be an excellent choice for the Eighth of March, Mother's Day, and Teacher's Day. Mother's Day can also be Teacher's Day.

Art lessons in a preschool group

Materials and equipment needed for the lesson

Art lessons include the preparation of certain materials.

Note! On the one hand, they must demonstrate role models, and on the other, they must include tools for creating creative works.

Demo material

Reproductions of paintings by artists in the portrait genre, illustrations, the most successful drawings of other children.


Sheets of A4 paper with images of facial ovals, simple pencils, erasers, colored pencils, crayons. For portraits in the form of appliqué, you need to prepare templates for facial details from colored paper and glue.

The application can be created using plasticine. You will need small cardboard sheets (A5 format), sets of colored plasticine, stacks, plastic boards for sculpting individual elements.

Example of an applique portrait

Additional Information! The drawing can also be depicted in watercolor and gouache. To do this, in addition to sheets (A4) and sets of paints, there should be brushes and cups of water on the tables. Watercolors will require thicker paper, since regular drawing pages will leave uneven spots and indentations after drying. Toddlers also like to rub paint on paper, which can cause the thin sheet to tear.

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In any case, watercolors are quite difficult to use for a preschooler's age. The most preferred are crayons and pencils.

Important! Whatever technique the teacher chooses, care should be taken to have a sufficient number of napkins on the tables, as children may get dirty while drawing.

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