Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten using ICT on the topic: Sports

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten using ICT on the topic: Sports

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic: “Experts in sports”
Author: Elena Valerievna Sozonova, teacher of MBOU Secondary School No. 95, Arkhangelsk. Description of work: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children in the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) on the topic: “Sports Experts.” This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This summary of an educational lesson is aimed at cultivating interest in winter sports and developing the horizons of older preschool children.

Goal: expanding ideas about the surrounding reality by introducing children to winter sports. Objectives: Educational:
- give children an idea about the features of ice skates;
— to concretize children’s ideas about winter sports; — teach children to recognize and name sports, the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for a given sport; select appropriate equipment for athletes. Developmental:
- promote the development of involuntary memory, logical thinking, attention, memory;
-develop sports terminology, the ability to use it in speech. Educational:
- formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle;
— promotion of sports activities; Methodological techniques and methods: -verbal (reading and listening, active dialogue, questions, riddles); - visual (displaying a set of pictures depicting winter sports, multimedia presentation “Winter sports experts”); -game (games to develop logical thinking; sedentary games: “Winter fun” and “We are athletes”). Equipment and material: multimedia equipment, ball, pictures depicting sports, equipment (skis, 2 pairs of skates, stick, sled, racket), 2 hoops.
Progress of the lesson.
Introductory part: The teacher invites the children to the music room: Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today I propose to play an intellectual game called “Sports Experts”. Do you know who the experts are? (Children's answers). Now we will check. You are ready? The teacher draws attention to the sports equipment located on the table: skis, skates, racket, hockey stick, doll sled. Name what you see and how can these objects be called in one word? Children's answers: inventory. Educator: What equipment do you think is superfluous here? Why? Children's answers: Racket. Because we can use all the equipment except the racket in winter. Educator: Let's show how we like to have fun in winter. Physical education teacher: (movements according to the text) What do we like to do in winter? Playing snowballs, skiing, skating on ice, racing down the mountain on a sled. Main part: Educator: We have already talked about the fact that people actively spend time outside in winter. And this pastime has become for some people something more than just walking. Of course, I’m talking now about people who don’t just skate or ski, but compete, showing skill, achieve high results, and strive to win. Educator: What are these people called? Children's answers: Athletes. Educator: Each athlete has his own name. I invite you to play the game “Name the Athlete”. Children are asked to stand in a circle. Throwing the ball to you, I will name the sport, and you return it to me and name the athlete who plays it. - hockey - hockey player; - figure skating - figure skater; - skiing - skier; - speed skating - speed skater; - biathlon-biathlete. Children are asked to sit down and complete tasks. Educator: There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all. We will now play, name sports. Demonstration of the presentation “Winter Sports Experts”. 1. Riddle-guess “Type of sport” (on the slide) And the athlete shoots at a target, And he races on skis. And the sport is called very simply…..(biathlon) I’ve heard a lot about this sport: Aerial acrobat On skis…(freestyle) There’s a game in the yard in the morning, The kids are playing around. Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” - So there is a game there - .... (hockey) Look: the skier rushes, And then flies like a bird, Having made a jump from the peaks. And the springboard helped him... (ski jumping) How huge it is, Our ice stadium. And the treadmill sparkles like a mirror. I won’t fall on it, I’ll be the first to reach the finish line!... (speed skating) Our artist is dancing on the ice, He’s not wearing a fur coat, he’s lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. The sport is called... (figure skating) 2. Name the equipment (on the slide) - Helmet, stick, puck, skates. 3.Whose equipment? (on the slide) - Overalls, gloves, goggles, skis with poles and boots (biathlete). 4.Who and what is this? Lost and Found (on slide) -Goalkeeper, protection, gloves - trap, stick, puck (goal). 5.Who needs what? (on the slide) -Figure skater (ice and skates); -Skier (snow, skis); -Hockey player (helmet, stick, puck). The game “Who is doing what” (children are asked to tell, based on pictures depicting sports, what the athletes do). Children's answers: - Biathletes run on skis to the target, shoot at them with a rifle; -Skaters perform a dance on ice on skates; -Skaters run a race, covering a certain distance on an ice stadium in a closed circle; -Hockey players on the court try to score as many pucks as possible into the opponent’s goal by hitting it with their stick. Riddle game “Pretend to be an athlete.” The teacher invites the children to show the athlete’s movements, and for the rest of the children to learn and name the sport. The music “Come on Russia” is playing. 1. "Hockey". The hockey player performs sliding movements with holding the stick and hitting the puck, trying to hit the goal; the goalie hits the puck; 2. "Ski jumping." The child runs and long jumps. 3. "Biathlon" A child skis to the start, stops and pretends to shoot with a rifle; 4. “Figure skating.” Children perform sliding movements, depicting different figures (pair and single skating). Educator: Skiing requires snow and ... (skis), and what is needed for skating sports? (ice and skates). Educator: “Who needs what kind of skates?” For a hockey player - hockey; For a skater - figure skaters; For a speed skater - speed skating. Children are invited to sit down and pay attention to ice skates, demonstrating their different types (figure skates, hockey skates). Teacher's story: “Such different ice skates.” Each sport has its own shoe. Depending on the type of load, different blades are used, sharpening methods, even the appearance of the boot is different. There are 3 main types of skates: hockey, figure skating and speed skating. -Figure skates have a high boot with a heel and laces that rigidly fix the ankle. The tip of the blade has four teeth. These features help to draw figures on the ice. — In hockey skates, the boot is high, quite hard, and has hard inserts in the most open places. The toe of the boot is reinforced (it is made of plastic). This type of boot saves your feet from impact. The blades of the skates are curved, wide, and have no teeth. This allows you not to cling to the ice even during very sharp turns. -(on the slide) Speed ​​skating shoes have low boots with laces. The blades have a lateral curvature. These features help you take turns faster on a small circle. Educator: Let's check if you remember which skates are needed. Game exercise “Dress up an athlete” (on the slide) 2 children invited to the screen on the slide show their choice of solving the issue (children see the effect of a positive result). Final part: Educator: You showed good results, like real athletes in the fight for victory. Now let's summarize our game. “Find and name an extra sport” (on the slide). -Skating, figure skating, hockey, cross-country skiing (cross-country skiing, since this sport requires skis, not skates). -Freestyle, cross-country skiing, ski jumping (ski racing, since sports such as freestyle and ski jumping require a springboard and do not require ski poles). Educator: All winter sports can be divided into two groups. Game "Don't make a mistake." Children are asked to assign pictures to sports based on the given sports equipment. (There are 2 hoops on the floor, one of them contains skates, and the other contains skis). Educator: Why did you make this choice? (children's answers). Educator: Name the types of skiing? Children's answers: cross-country skiing, biathlon, freestyle, ski jumping. Educator: Name skating sports? Children's answers: figure skating, speed skating, hockey. Educator: What does sport give to a person? Children's answers: sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health. Educator: What do you need to do to become an athlete? Children's answers: we need to do exercises and exercise. Fizkul We run with you on skis, The cold snow licks the skis. (children pretend to be skiing) And then we were on ice skates (they pretend to be skating) And then we were on a sleigh, (squat down) And then we made snowballs (they make snowballs) And they bombed the fortress. (imitate throws) We played enough, rode (jumping) And we gained health. (show strength) Educator: Well done!
You know winter sports well. I hope that you will be real athletes, experts in your field. The teacher gives the children “Sports Experts” medals. Presentation on the topic: Winter sports connoisseurs

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Information and educational project
for children of the preparatory group “Winter sports for preschoolers”

Authors-developers: teacher of the highest qualification category Bedenko A.I. Physical education instructor of the 1st qualification category Anokhina E.V.

Gubkinsky 2016

“The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else.
Without the correct use of hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation.” Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky
Protecting the health of the younger generation in our society is of great national and social importance.
Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed, and the solid foundations of physical, mental and socio-moral health are laid. Project type:
Informational and educational.
Project implementation period:
Project participants:
Children 6-7 years old, teachers, physical education instructor.
Project goal:
Expanding children's understanding of winter sports.

  • introducing children to the most popular winter sports;
  • development of positive motivation for sports and a healthy lifestyle;
  • broadening one's horizons, increasing mental and speech development.

Planned results of the project:

  • develop interest in winter sports;
  • expand your vocabulary with sports terms;
  • increase knowledge about winter sports;
  • increase the level of motivation for physical education.

Forms of implementation:

  • conversation “What winter sports do you know?”; “Getting to know winter sports”;
  • artistic activities: exhibition “Winter Sports”; photo collage; production of a stucco book on the theme “Sochi – 2014”;
  • GCD "Winter Sports";
  • sports festival on the street “Our Favorite Hockey”;
  • sports festival in the hall “We are future Olympians”;
  • enrichment of the subject-development environment;
  • sports entertainment “Fun starts with the champion”

The main stage of the project implementation is January 11 to February 5.

Event times Regime moments Contents of the activity Responsible
daily Morning exercises (application No. 1) Goal: increasing the degree of resistance of the body to the effects of adverse environmental factors Instructor about physical education
daily Breathing exercises (application No. 2) Goal: developing the ability to listen to your breathing, prevention of broncho-pulmonary diseases. Educator
12 .01.16 Conversation “What winter sports do you know?” (Appendix No. 3) Goal: familiarize children with winter sports, expand knowledge about winter sports. Educator
13.01.16 GCD “Winter Sports” (Appendix No. 4) Goal: expanding and consolidating children’s knowledge about winter sports. Educator
On request Dynamic pause “Guess the sport” Purpose: with the help of pantomime, children depict a sport and develop their imagination. Educator
15.01.16 Speech development “Proverbs, riddles about winter sports” (Appendix No. 5) Goal: expanding and clarifying children’s knowledge about the environment. Cultivating resourcefulness and imagination. Educator
Walk 01/14/16 Sports festival “Our Favorite Hockey”. Participants group No. 10 (Appendix No. 6) Goal: to show children the attractiveness of the winter months of the year, to develop interest in winter sports through relay races and competitions. Physical education instructor
20.01.16 Sports quiz “Sports Experts” (presentation) Goal: developing in children a sustainable interest in winter sports, learning to correctly name the sports specialty and describe the actions depicted on the slide. Educator
25.01.16 Artistic and aesthetic development, drawing, making a stucco book “Winter Sports - Olympics in Sochi 2014” (Appendix No. 7) Goal: to consolidate the ability to convey in a drawing your attitude to the sport. Educator
27.01.16 Sports festival in the hall “We are future Olympians” Goal: to develop children's interest in sports competitions, to practice agility, speed, and to increase their ability to perform. children Physical education instructor
Date to be agreed “Sports entertainment “Fun starts with a champion” Goal: getting to know the champion with his achievements in sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Physical education instructor

Appendix No. 1
Morning exercises Complex No. 1.
1. Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running;
walking and running in all directions. Exercises without objects
2. I. p. - basic stance, arms along the body.
1-2 - arch your arms upward, rise onto your toes; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times). 3. I. p. - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - squatting, spread your knees to the sides, arms forward; 3-4 - straighten up, starting position (6-7 times). 4. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward - down, touch your toes with your toes; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times). 5. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 - turn the body to the right, right hand with the palm up; 2 — starting position; 3-4 - the same in the other direction (6 times). 6. I. p. - basic stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs in place for a count of 1-8, repeat 3-4 times in alternation with a short pause. 7. Walking in a column one at a time. Complex No. 2.
1. Game exercise “Quickly in the column!”
Formation in three columns, in front of each landmark there is a cube (pin) of a different color. At the signal, all the players scatter in different directions of the site (hall), after 20-25 seconds the teacher says: “Quickly, get into the column!”, and everyone must take their place in the column. The column that forms quickly and correctly wins. The exercise game is repeated 2-3 times. Exercises with a small ball
2. I. p. - basic stance, ball in left hand. 1-2 - arms up from the sides, transfer the ball to the right hand; 3-4 - lower your arms down to the starting position. The same, transferring the ball from the right hand to the left (8 times). 3. I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ball in left hand. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward - down, transfer the ball to your right hand; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position. The same, transferring the ball from the right hand to the left (6 times). 4. I. p. - basic stance, ball in the right hand below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - sit down, transfer the ball to your left hand; 3 - stand up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position. The same, the ball in the left hand (5-6 times). 5. I. p. - stand on your knees, ball in your right hand. 1-8 - roll the ball to the right (left), turning and watching the ball. The same, the ball in the left hand (6 times each). 6.I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise your right straight leg, touch the toe of your foot with the ball; 3-4 - lower your leg. Do the same with the other leg (6-8 times). 7. Game "Owl".

Appendix No. 2
Breathing exercises
Exercise 1. “Palms.”

Starting position: stand straight, raise your palms to face level, lower your elbows.
Take a short, noisy, active breath through your nose and at the same time clench your fists. Exhale smoothly, freely through the nose or through the mouth, unclench your fingers, relax your hands. Exercise 2. “Belt”
Starting position: stand straight, clench your fists, press them to your belt.
At the moment of a short noisy inhalation through your nose, forcefully push your fists towards the floor, as if throwing something off your hands. During the push, unclench your fists and spread your fingers. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Exercise 3. “Bow”
Starting position: stand straight, arms down.
Lean forward slightly, round your back, lower your head and arms. Take a short, noisy breath at the end point of the bow (“smell the floor”). Then smoothly, exhaling freely through your nose or mouth, return to the starting position. Exercise 4 “Cat”
Starting position: stand straight, hands at waist level, elbows slightly bent.
Do light, springy squats, turning your torso to the right and then to the left. When turning, with a simultaneous short noisy inhalation, make a “throwing” movement to the side with your hands (as if the cat wants to grab the bird). As you exhale, return to the starting position. Exercise 5 “Hug your shoulders”
Starting position: stand straight, arms bent at elbows at shoulder level, hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy inhalation, hug yourself by the shoulders with your nose (arms should move in parallel). As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Appendix No. 3
Conversation “What types of winter sports do you know?”
Educator: - Guys, look at these objects and answer my question, what are we going to talk about today? (children’s answers are about sports) - Yes, today we’ll talk about sports and sports. — What is sport? (children's answers - Sport is physical exercise, regular training, sports competitions). —What do people who play sports call? (athletes). — What do you need to do to become an athlete? (you need to do exercises every morning, do physical exercise, and toughen up). — Why do you think people play sports? What do you think sport gives a person? (children's answers). - You said it right. Sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health. If you regularly engage in sports and physical exercise, you will get sick less, you will be strong and agile. — What winter sports do you know? (children's answers) - Well done, you know a lot of sports, and now I suggest you draw them. (children draw winter sports) At the end, the teacher invites the children to look at the drawings. - Well done guys, you really know winter sports, but not all of them, but would you like me to introduce you to others? (children's answers) - Very good, I will definitely introduce you to them.

Appendix No. 4
Summary of the educational activity “Winter sports” in the preparatory group for school. Educational field
"Cognitive development".
Program content
: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about winter sports.
Reinforce the idea that sport improves human health. To develop in children an interest in various sports and a desire to engage in them. To instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Material for the lesson
: album “Winter Sports”.
Preliminary work
: looking at an album about sports, talking about sports competitions. Reading fiction. Educator: Children, let's talk about sports and sports competitions today. Tell me, what sports do you know? Do you play sports yourself? Which one? (Children's answers) Educator: Why do you think people go in for sports? What do you think sport gives a person? (Children's answers) Educator: What you said is correct. Sport makes a person strong, resilient, and improves health. If you regularly engage in sports and exercise, you will get sick less. Educator: Children, what sports do you think can be done in winter? (Answers). Let's imagine that we went outside and played sports. (Physical training is held) So, are you ready? Listen to the poem and picture what it says. In the morning we ate quickly and put skates on our feet. They ran, rolled, jumped and spun. And the ice sparkles. We are athletes - figure skaters. After having lunch very friendly, we decided that we needed to go down the hill in the park. We quickly got into the sled, and the sled rolled down. “Hey, get out of the way! Beware! “In the evening, going home, we agreed among ourselves, Early in the morning, without fail, to go on skis and have a great ride In the snow among the hills Along the spreading bushes. Educator: Great! We are recharged with energy and good mood. Now let's continue our conversation. Children, you named many winter sports, but not all. Look at our album and listen to what I tell you. Next comes the teacher’s story, accompanied by illustrations in the album. Educator: All winter sports are divided into two groups: sports played on snow and sports played on ice. Sports played on snow include cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, biathlon and ski jumping. Ice sports include ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating, luge and bobsleigh. Educator: Children, guess my riddles. There's a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing out. Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "hit! “So there’s a game there -…. (Hockey)

Here are skaters practicing jumping. And the ice sparkles. Those athletes - (skaters)

Two new maple Soles, two meters high: I put two feet on them - And run through the big snow. (Skis)

Educator: Children, you are great, you answered all the questions correctly and guessed all the riddles. I would like to end our conversation with a short poem. What is sport? Sport is life. This is ease of movement. Sports command respect from everyone. Sport moves everyone upward and forward. It gives vivacity and health to everyone. Anyone who is active and who is not lazy can easily make friends with sports.

Appendix No. 5

Proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle

Temper your body for good. Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist. Anyone who plays sports gains strength. The sun, air and water always help us. Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important. In a healthy body healthy mind. The athlete is in control of the sails and tackle. You'll be toughened up from a young age, and you'll be good for the rest of your life. The sun, air and water are our faithful friends. Start a new life not on Monday, but with morning exercises. Strong in body - rich in business. If you’re not friends with sports, you’ll worry about it more than once. Walking means living long. Give your time to sports and get health in return.

Riddles about sports and a healthy lifestyle

If you hit anyone, he gets angry and cries. And if you hit this one, he jumps for joy! Now higher, now lower, Now low, now jump. Who is he, guess? Rubber... (Ball)

I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman: “Tell me about this, how did you become a strongman?” He smiled in response: “Very simple.” For many years, Every day, getting out of bed, I lift... (Dumbbells) Green meadow, A hundred benches around, People run briskly from gate to gate. At the gate of these fishermen's nets. (Stadium) Wooden horses gallop through the snow, but don’t fall into the snow. (Skis) There are two stripes on the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone was running here... (Skis) Who rushes quickly through the snow and isn’t afraid of falling through? (Skier) I can’t feel my legs with joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill. Sports have become dearer and closer to me. Who helped me, children? (Skis)

It looks like one board, But it’s proud of its name, It’s called... (Snowboard) I have guys, Two silver horses. I ride both at once. What kind of horses do I have? (Skates) Who will catch me on the ice? We are running a race. And it’s not horses that carry me, But shiny ones... (Skates) A ​​stick in the shape of a comma Drives the puck in front of it. (Stick) This horse doesn’t eat oats, Instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. (Bicycle) I don’t look like a horse, Even though I have a saddle. There are knitting needles. I must admit, they are not suitable for knitting. Not an alarm clock, not a tram, But I can make calls, you know! (Bicycle) The Kings built shelves on squares of boards. The regiments have no cartridges or bayonets for battle. (Chess)

Appendix No. 6

Sports festival “We are future Olympians!”
For children of the preparatory group. Goal:
to clarify and expand ideas about the Winter Olympics, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the history of the Olympics, its symbols, and winter sports.
1. Promote the importance of physical culture and sports in human life;
2. Develop motor skills, physical qualities, spatial orientation; 3. To develop strong-willed qualities in outdoor games and relay races. Equipment:
gymnastic balls with handle – 3 pcs.;
large balls – 5 pcs.; small hoops – 15 pcs. clubs – 5 pcs.; Venue:
sports hall.
January 27.
The progress of the holiday. Cheerful music sounds.
At the signal from the physical instructor. In culture, children line up in one column and march into the music room with the words: The champions of the kindergarten are coming, squads that have not yet opened records.
We will increase the glory of sports, Happy change of our country! Instructor:
Dear guys, dear teachers!
We are happy to greet you! Today we have a sports festival “We are future Olympians!” Here we will compete in agility, strength and speed. Team captains get ready to greet! (The team captain introduces his team: team name, motto, emblem). Host:
In Ancient Greece, a long time ago, eight centuries BC, the Olympic Games were held for the first time.
According to legend, Iphit, the king of Elis, turned to the sage, the Delphic oracle, with the question: “What should be done to protect the people from war and robbery?” And the sage advised him to hold sports games that would make all the Greeks friends. People in Greece loved sports and were happy about this decision. Once every four years, “between the harvest and the grape harvest,” ambassadors were sent along the roads of the country in all directions, carrying the news of the upcoming Olympic holiday. From their very inception, the Olympic Games brought peace and unity to the people. Participants in the Ancient Olympic Games took an oath before the start of the competition. Let us also take an oath before the start of our competition: Who can compare with the agile wind? All together: We, Olympians! Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles? All together: We, Olympians! Who in the world is proud of sports? All together: We, Olympians! We swear to be honest and strive for victory. We vow to achieve high records! All together:
We swear!
We swear! We swear! Presenter:
The Olympic Games of ancient and modern times always began with the lighting of the Olympic flame.
The Olympic flame travels a long way. It is lit near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. We will light our flame - a symbol of peace and friendship between the teams. The honor of lighting the Olympic flame is given to the pupil of our group who participated in all types of preschool sports competitions and took 1st place. The ceremonial lighting of the Olympic flame. Are the teams ready for the relay race? All together:
Instructor: 1. Relay race “Running with a torch in your hands.”
The captain holds a torch in his hands, his task: he needs to run around the chip and pass the ball to another participant.
The team that completes this task the fastest wins. On your marks! Attention! March! 2. “Basketball” relay race. Instructor: 3. Relay race with hoops. Stage 1.
Children take turns jumping through hoops.
Run back. Child:
May you become a champion, tempered by struggle, The task is not at all easy.
But you need to become dexterous, gain dexterity, become healthy and strong. Becoming is a beauty! (Zh. Firilyova, E. Saikina) Presenter:
There was a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids played out. Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! So there’s a game there –…. (Hockey) 4. Relay race “Hit the goal!”
Each team lines up opposite their goal at a distance of 5m.
The first player has a stick in his hands and a ball on the floor. The player moves the puck with his stick, brings it to the line, swings and shoots into the goal. The team that completes the task faster and scores the most goals wins. 6. “Riders” relay race.
Children line up in columns in front of the starting line.
Each team has a fit ball (a large ball with two handles).
At the signal, children sit astride the ball and jump on it to the flag and back.
The team whose members complete the relay first wins. Reade set Go! Presenter:
We live the best life, Because with us there is laughter!
We never part with him, Wherever we are, we laugh. Young, perky laughter, It’s not a sin to laugh, isn’t it?! Instructor: 7. “Dressing up” competition .
The next competition looks like this: each team is given a sweater and sweatpants.
Your task is that the captain quickly puts on a jacket and sweatpants and runs around the chip, runs to his team, quickly takes off all these things and hands them to another participant, the next participant does the same action. The team that runs to their team first wins. Host:
In ancient times, when there were no railways, no cars, no airplanes, letters and other urgent papers were delivered by relay mail.
A coachman drove three horses from one post station to another. At the stations the horses were re-harnessed, and the new postal troika raced on. Instructor: 8. Relay race “Pass the baton” Instructor:
While the jury members are summing up the results of the competition.
We will play with the fans. Low mobility game “Tell and show” Text Children pronounce and perform
How are you living?
Like this! Show thumbs up.
How are you swimming?
Like this! Simulates swimming.
How are you going?
Like this! Walking in place.
Are you looking into the distance?
Like this! Place your palm to your forehead.
Are you waving after me?
Like this! They wave their hand.
How are you being naughty?
Like this! They pull back their ears and stick out their tongues. Presenter:
Attention - a crucial moment!
Who became the winner of our today's competition: The floor is given to a member of the jury. Instructor:
Attention, the most enjoyable moment is rewarding the teams!
Congratulations to our champions.
Applause! Our holiday has come to an end. Instructor:
And our goal is to raise a healthy, worthy generation that will represent our Great Russia.
The song “Anthem of the Sochi Olympics” is played. Host:
Thank you, teams!
Thank you, guests! See you again! To the music, the teams leave the hall. Used literature
1. Kozhukhova N. N., Ryzhkova L. A., Samodurova M. M. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions: Textbook.
A manual for students. Higher And Wednesday Pedagogical education Institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 320 p. 2. Varenik E. N. Physical education and recreation activities with children 5-7 years old. -M.: TC Sfera, 2006.- 128 p. 3. Kudin A. N. Physical education and sports. Small encyclopedia. M.: "Rainbow", 1982 - 245 p.

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