Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “Introduction to the nursery rhyme “Like our cat””

Nursery rhymes for children. Falling asleep with nursery rhymes

In addition to lullabies, folklore has many nursery rhymes to prepare a child for sleep and calm him down if he is overexcited.
You can recite them or sing them. Ay, bye, bye, bye, you're a dog, don't bark! You, cow, don't moo! You rooster, don't crow! And our boy will sleep, and will close his eyes.

Oh, little lyulenki and lyulenki, a deer is walking through the mountains. He carries slumber on his horns, and brings it into every house. He puts the nap in the cradle, quietly sings a song: (we repeat the nursery rhyme)

Oh, you are my darling, White Pillow! If we live together with you, then we don’t need to go to the cinema! Lay down and fall asleep, watch a movie, After all, they will show it anyway! Oh, you are my darling, White Pillow!

Bye-bye, bye-bye, salmon fish, come! Salmon fish, come and wait for Alexei. Alexeyka will grow up and go to the sea with her dad. He will begin to catch salmon, he will begin to feed his mother.

Bye-bye, bye-bye, Grandfather Mamai came to us, Grandfather Mamai came to us, Asks: “Give me back Mashenka!” But we won’t give Masha, it will be useful to us ourselves.

Bye-bye, fall asleep, Katyushka, My merry little bunny, Close your eyes little bunny, Bye-bye-bye-bye.

Bye-bye-bye, There are little bunnies in the garden. Bunnies eat grass, Little children are told to sleep.

Bye-bye-bye, the seagulls have arrived. They began to flap their wings, putting our Katya to sleep.

Bye, bye, bye, bye, You little dog, don’t bark. Whitepaw don't whine, don't wake up our daughter. It’s a dark night, we can’t sleep, our daughter is afraid.

Bye-bye-bye-bye, You've already drunk tea, You've eaten porridge and played enough, You've been naughty, you've been chatting, So now go to sleep, Bye-bye-bye-bye. Here the Talkative Magpie sat down on the gate: Kra-kra-kra-kra! It’s time for the little one to sleep!” The pigeons looked out the windows: “Guli-guli - guli-guli, The little one needs to sleep, so as not to oversleep in the morning.” I bay, bay, bay, how I love my child!

Bye-bye-bye-bye, Don’t lie down on the edge - A little gray top will come, He will grab you by the barrel, He will grab you by the barrel, And drag you into the woods, And drag you into the woods, Under the broom bush. You, little top, don’t come to us, don’t wake up our Katya!

Here are the Pink Heels lying in the crib. Whose heels are these - soft and sweet? The goslings will come running and pinch your heels. Hide quickly, don’t yawn, cover with a blanket!

The distant forest stands like a wall, And in the forest, in the depths of the forest, an owl sits on a branch, Sleepy grass grows there. They say sleepy grass knows sleepy words. As soon as he whispers his words, his head immediately hangs. Today I will ask the owl for such grass. Let the grass tell you sleepy words.

It’s evening outside the window, And there’s a month in the sky... The baby is sleeping in the crib, The horse is sleeping in the stall, The squirrel is in the hollow, The dog is in the kennel. Well, the sun will wake up, the baby will smile at his mother. It will be a fun day. Grow your baby healthy.

Go to sleep, sleep, my Katyushka. Sleep, my little pig, close your eyes, bye-bye-bye.

Like in our den there are Three barrels of honey, Like our children have Sweet paws... The first dream is buckwheat, And the second is flowery, And when the month comes out - I will dream of Linden. For sleepyheads and those with a sweet tooth, for spoiled bullies, for bear children - Blessings in the ear!

Nursery rhymes for the second younger group.

Butterfly-box, Fly to a cloud, There are your children - On a birch branch.

Butterfly-box, Fly away under the cloud! Your children are in the meadow bending the bird cherry tree into an arc, waiting for you, chasing bunnies!

Butterfly box, Fly to the sky! There your children eat sweets.

ladybug, Where are your children: Are they in a deep hole, Are they on a high mountain?

ladybug, fly up deftly. Bring us from the sky: A replacement for bread, A replacement for mushrooms, Growth for berries, A long tail for radishes.

Little cow, Fly to the patch, Bring us from the sky, So that it will be in summer: There are beans in the garden, There are berries and mushrooms in the forest, There is water in the spring, There is wheat in the field.

ladybug, Fly to the sky, Bring us bread, Black and white, Just not burnt.

ladybug, black head, fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt.

The swan floats along the river for a long time, and carries its little head above the bank. He waves his white wing and shakes water onto the flowers.

The cat crawled out from under the bed, arched its back, its tail arched. An eye like a crack in a soda fountain.

The lions said to the tigers: - Hey, friends, have you heard that a rhinoceros cannot scratch its nose on its horn?

oops! Hop! The horse is alive, with both a tail and a mane. He shakes his head, That's how handsome he is!

you geese, red paws! Where have you been, what have you seen? - We saw a wolf: The wolf carried away the gosling, Yes, the best, Yes, the greatest! - You geese, geese, Red Paws! You pinch the wolf - Save the gosling!

ariki-dariki! Dariki-dariki! Evil mosquitoes! They twisted, circled, and grabbed your ear! Kus!

- girl, girl, go get some water! - I'm afraid of cancer! Crayfish in the swamp pounding on the board: Fuck-fuck-fuck! Fear, fear, fear!

hurray, zhura, crane, I went to the mill, I went to the mill, I saw a curiosity, Ay lyuli, ah lyuli, I saw a curiosity. The goat grinds flour, the goat pours flour, and the little goats scoop out the flour. And the little lambs play the pipe, play the pipe, and blink their eyes. And the white-sided magpies went dancing. And the crows are guarded. Let's take notice.

long-legged ravel went to the mill, saw a wonder: a goat grinds flour, a goat falls asleep, little goats walk in the barns, sprinkle flour, rake them themselves, and lambs with cool horns walk along the street, play the pipe, and guarded crows go dancing, and magpies - white-sided Let's go take notice, With our feet, stomp, and With our eyes, clap-clap.

Ainkas run across the meadow, then the forest. The strawberries are being picked, hop and hop! Jump and jump! Here the clearing is softer than silk, Look around, look around! Beware of the dashing wolf, Beware, beware! The bunnies fell asleep sweetly, the forest is noisy! The forest is singing! - Run away without looking back: The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!

Ainka, take a walk along the senichki, take a walk. Gray, new, take a walk, take a walk! There is nowhere for the bunny to jump out, nowhere for the gray one to jump out. All the gates are firmly locked, At all the gates there are three watchmen, Three watchmen are standing, Three girls are sitting. Little Bunny, if you jump, you’ll jump out! Gray, if you dance, they’ll let you out!

Gray little Aika sits and wiggles his ears. That's how, that's how He moves his ears! It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. That's it, that's it. We need to warm our little paws! It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Like this, like this The bunny needs to jump! The wolf scared the bunny! The bunny immediately ran away!


Hello, dear kumanek!
Hello! - Where have you been? - In the basket. - What did you buy? - Pork. - How much was it? - Seven from eight. - Is there any left? - None.

Little kitty from the kitchen, Her little eyes are swollen. - What are you crying about, little kitty? What are you crying about, little little girl? - How can I, little kitty, not cry, How can a sick person not grieve: Someone licked the foam and said it to the little kitty.

The cat is walking along the bench Leading the cat by the paws Tops and tops along the bench Tackles and tacks by the paws.

So in our meadow there is a cup of cottage cheese. Two grouse flew in, pecked, and flew away.

Ikirigu is not at home. At the mowing he makes hay. They smear the shangi - They don’t show us, If they want to eat, they don’t give us. (kikirigu is a rooster)

oza-dereza, peeled on the side, bought for three pennies.

The horned ozonka, the butted little goat ran away behind the fence, danced all day. Goat legs Top-top! Goat eyes Clap-clap!

Ozushka-white-legged woman walked through the forest, teasing the wolf: - But I’m not afraid of the wolf, I’m not afraid of the gray one: I’ll hide from the gray one from the wolf Under a birch tree.

cuckoo, cuckoo, gray belly, crow for me: ku, ku - How many years to live forever. little cuckoo, gray hazel grouse, cuckoo in the forest: ku, ku - How many years will I live!

My lesson, my clever girl, Here is the millet, some water! Give me an egg, my good girl!

The little pied little bird walks around the yard, hatches chicks, inflates its tuft, and amuses the little children.

- little grouse, where did you go? - To the river. - Little hen, why did you go? - For some water. - Little hen, why do you need some water? - Water the chickens. - Little hen, how do chickens ask for water? - Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!

Usha, kusha, kusha... Where is my cuckoo? The cuckoo is sad - Lost a feather: Gray, And white, And speckled.

ear, kusha, kusha, Don’t worry, little cuckoo, Forget about the grief, We will find a feather: Gray, And white, And speckled.

- asphalt, swallow, dear killer whale, where were you, what did you come with? - I’ve been overseas, I’ve found spring, I bring, I bring the beauty of spring!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Pedagogical project “Rhymes” (junior group) Topic: “Development of cognitive and research activity of children”

Educator of MADOU "TsRR-Kindergarten No. 21" Kashapova E.M. Lysva, Perm region

Project name: "Rhymes"

Project developer – Kashapova E.M., teacher of the younger group

Project manager – Kashapova E.M., teacher of the junior group

Type of project – educational and gaming

The project implementation period is 09.01. 17-30. 01.17.

Place of implementation of the project - junior group of MADOU

CRR "Kindergarten No. 21"

Project participants: group teacher, children, parents.

Brief description of the project:

This project is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children. The goal of the project is to introduce children to nursery rhymes, develop the child’s speech skills, memory, imagination, thinking; activate cognitive and mental development.

The goal is expected to be achieved through solving the following tasks.

  • Increase interest in Russian folk nursery rhymes.
  • Encourage children to actively participate in play activities, using messages of different form and content.
  • Develop monologue and dialogic speech of children.
  • To develop thinking, the ability to pick up and read familiar lines of nursery rhymes, to convey the content of nursery rhymes and songs with gestures and actions. —
  • Evoke an emotional response to a work of art in children.

The project participants are children and parents of the junior group of preschool educational institutions.

The project is designed for 3 weeks.

The expected result at the end of the project is

  • Creating favorable conditions for the child’s self-development.
  • The child shows interest in playing with rhyme and words.

Based on the results of observations, as well as conversations with children in their group, we can conclude that children do not know nursery rhymes well enough and do not know how to act out and stage nursery rhymes.

One of the ways to solve this problem could be the development of a set of activities aimed at developing children’s knowledge of nursery rhymes and the ability to stage them, as well as close interaction between the teacher, children and parents in working in this direction.


In preschool childhood, a very important process of mastering the native language, unique for the development of the child, occurs. During the period of early preschool age, folklore acquires special significance and helps to develop coherent speech. I based my work on the principles of carefully selecting literary texts for children and integrating folklore works into various types of children's activities.

That is why this project “Rhymes” will expand the vocabulary of children and activate cognitive and mental development.

Getting to know folklore develops interest and attention to the world around us and teaches us a lot.

The sonority, rhythm, melodiousness, and entertaining nature of nursery rhymes attracts children, makes them want to repeat and remember, which in turn promotes conversational speech. They are easily remembered by children, these works are easy to play and combine with any kind of movements.

Memorizing poetic texts and nursery rhymes with the participation of hands and fingers leads to the fact that the child remembers better, the imagination develops and the baby’s mental activity is activated.

Nursery rhymes are of great importance for instilling friendliness, goodwill, and a sense of empathy in children.

Analysis of the situation in the junior group:

From conversations with parents, it became clear: in most families in our group, parents practically do not use small forms of folklore with their children.

Families know these works of oral folk art less and less; now they remember only a few riddles and sayings, and among the nursery rhymes they call one “Magpie - white-sided...” .

Thus, I found out that the work on the use of small forms of folklore is not sufficiently organized. Parents do not fully use their developmental potential, including for speech development.

So, I was once again convinced that the use of various forms of folklore for preschool children is simply necessary.

Problem: cognitive interest is poorly developed.

Purpose: to introduce children to nursery rhymes, to develop the child’s speech skills, memory, imagination, thinking; activate cognitive and mental development.


  • Increase interest in Russian folk nursery rhymes.
  • Encourage children to actively participate in play activities, using messages of different form and content.
  • Develop monologue and dialogic speech of children.
  • To develop thinking, the ability to pick up and read familiar lines of nursery rhymes, to convey the content of nursery rhymes and songs with gestures and actions. —
  • Evoke an emotional response to a work of art in children.

Possible risks:

  • parents' reluctance to participate in joint activities with children
  • lack of financial resources
  • morbidity among children during the project implementation period.

Project product:

  • Exhibition of drawings
  • Album “My favorite nursery rhyme”
  • Baby books, picture books
  • Card index of nursery rhymes and games
  • Collage “Favorite nursery rhyme characters”
  • Mini-museum "Poteshki"

Expected result:

A high level of knowledge development in children of nursery rhymes (based on the results of observations and conversations with children).

Project implementation plan:

Events Date responsible

Stage 1. Introductory.

Goal: Create conditions for the implementation of the project.

Deadline: 01/09/17. -13. 01.17.

Creating conditions for working with children and parents:

  • choose illustrated material for nursery rhymes
  • select folklore material appropriate to the age of the children
  • make a card index of nursery rhymes
  • selection of games and other material on the topic; 01/09/17. -13. 01. 17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.

Work with children

Observations of children, conversations with them (identifying the level of knowledge about folklore) 01/09/17. -13. 01. 17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.

Interaction with parents

  • familiarize parents with the goals and objectives of the project
  • consultations for parents “Games with nursery rhymes at home” , “Developing fine motor skills” , section in the corner for parents “What we teach” ); 10. 01. 17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.

Stage 2. Basic.

Goal: Organizing work with children and parents

Deadline: 01/16/17. -27. 01.17.

Work with children

  • Reading and playing out the nursery rhyme “Like our cat” .
  • P/i "Mousetrap"
  • Round dance games “Cap” , “Bubble”
  • Drawing “Fluffy kitten” 01/16/17.

Teacher Kashapova E.M.

  • Reading and acting out nursery rhymes “Pussy, pussy scat” , “Gloves”
  • Drawing “Cockerel” (with your palm)
  • P/n “The chicken went out for a walk”
  • Round dance game “A goat walked through the forest...” 01/19/17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.
  • Reading and playing out the nursery rhyme “Kitsonka-murysonka”
  • Round dance game “Mice dance in a circle”
  • Modeling “Let's bake gingerbread cookies” 01/23/17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.
  • Dramatization game “Cat House”
  • Round dance game “Vanya Walks”
  • Construction “House for a cat” 01/25/17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.
  • Reading and dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”
  • Reading nursery rhymes, calls about the sun.
  • Modeling “Rays for the Sun” , 01/27/17. Educator Kashapova E.M.

Interaction with parents

Design of the traveling folder “Rhymes our friends” During the second stage Educator Kashapova E.M.

Take part together with the child in drawing “My nursery rhyme” During the second stage Educator Kashapova E.M.

Homework: collage “Favorite characters of nursery rhymes” 01/16/17 – 01/27/17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.

Individual consultations, conversations During the second stage Educator Kashapova E.M.

Stage 3. Final.

Goal: Evaluation and presentation of project results

Deadline: 01/23/17. -27. 01.17

  • Exhibition of drawings 26.01.17. Educator Kashapova E.M.
  • Creation of the mini-museum “Poteshki” 01/23/17. -27. 01. 17. Teacher Kashapova E.M.
  • Speech at the teachers' council work experience During the third stage Educator Kashapova E.M.

Analysis of resources required to support the project:

  • Temporary: 3 weeks
  • Scientific and methodological: M.Yu. Kartushina “Logorhythmics for kids” , Kuprina L.S., Budarina T.A. “Introducing children to Russian folk art” magazines, Internet.
  • Organizational: project implementation plan, conversations with children and parents, individual conversations, observations.
  • Motivational: agitation and motivation of parents, interest of children.

Project management scheme:

Functions of educator, project manager:

  • Development and implementation of the project in a group of preschool educational institutions
  • Creating conditions for project implementation
  • Organization and coordination of relationships between project participants
  • Monitoring project implementation
  • Carrying out analysis of results
  • Organization of events provided for by the project
  • Resolving issues that arose during the project implementation.

Parental functions

  • Help in purchasing books and toys
  • Interaction with project participants.

Children's functions:

  • Attendance at all events provided for by the project
  • Interaction with project participants.


  1. Bondarenko A.K. “Didactic games in kindergarten” - M.: Education, 1991.
  2. Kuprina L.S., Budarina T.A. “Introducing children to Russian folk art” SP.: Detstvo-press, 2001.
  3. Gerbova V.V. “Introducing children to fiction” - M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2010.
  4. Evdokimova E.S. “Design technology in preschool educational institutions” - M.: TC Sfera, 2008
Next >

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Rhymes about Animals”


instilling a love for Russian folk art, emotional responsiveness to reading nursery rhymes.
Educational: help remember nursery rhymes learned earlier, teach to read loudly, expressively, pronouncing words. Teach children to answer questions and form diminutive nouns. Developmental: develop the expressiveness of speech, contribute to the formation of a sound culture of speech, develop memory, activate adjectives in children’s vocabulary that describe the external characteristics of animals. Develop communicative communication using folklore. Educational: to cultivate respect for the living, apt folk word, for the creativity of the Russian people. Arouse a feeling of sympathy for familiar characters, create a joyful mood from meeting them. Foster love and respect for animals. Preliminary work:

Reading nursery rhymes, memorizing them, playing out nursery rhymes, poems, excerpts from fairy tales, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations and paintings, replenishing vocabulary, and activating it.
Materials and equipment:
Toys: cockerel cat, basket, hare; hats – bunny masks, decorated areas (clearing, bushes), pictures of animals “Moms and Babies”.

Progress of the lesson


- Guys, today we will go on a trip to a sunny meadow. Let's harness the horse to the cart, hold the reins tightly and let's go!

Children sit on chairs imitating movement, swaying back and forth.

We go and ride on a cart, singing nursery rhymes in the forest, The brook gurgles: glug-glug-glug, together: glug-glug-glug, It runs into the river: glug-glug-glug, loudly: glug-glug-glug. We go and ride on a cart, singing nursery rhymes in the forest. A squirrel on a branch gnaws nuts: Clack-clack-clack, clearly: clink-clack-clack. The red fox is guarding the hare: Wow! (loudly: wow!) We drove for a long, long time, finally we arrived! In the hole-uh. And there......a rooster!


- Guys, look how smart and important the cockerel is. What's this about the cockerel? (...comb...)

- Christina, tell me the full answer.
(This is the cockerel's comb.)
- Let's say it all together.
( In chorus: This is a comb.)
- What color is the comb?
( comb...)
- Who knows what this is?
(I know that the cockerel has a beard.)
- People also say “silk beard” - Girls, tell the cockerel.
( Girls: “Cockerel, you have a silken beard.”)
- Look, what’s so beautiful?
(This is the cockerel's tail.)
- What can you say about him?
(Children say that they know about the tail, the teacher monitors the correct construction of sentences.)
- Do you hear, cockerel, you have a multi-colored tail.
Now will the boys tell the cockerel what kind of tail he has? ( Boys: Cockerel, you have a multi-colored tail).
- Girls, tell the cockerel about the tail yourself, without me.
- Guys, how does the cockerel crow? ( In chorus: ku-ka-re-ku!)
- Do you think that in the morning, when he wakes everyone up, he sings quietly, or loudly?
(Children's answers.)
- Let's all sing loudly together.
“And they also say: he sings “vocally.” Pasha, how does the cockerel crow? (Vocally)
, Misha..., Sasha... Say this new word to each other.
(Children pronounce the word “vocal” in each other’s ears.)

Project: “Introducing illustrations for nursery rhymes to young children. 2nd junior group


1 Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution d/s "Beryozka" Project: "Introducing young children to illustrations for nursery rhymes by the artist Yu. Vasnetsov" 2nd junior group Compiled by: teacher Senina L.V.

2 Project passport. Project participants: Children 2-4 years old, teachers, parents. Type of project: Informational - gaming, group, short-term. Implementation timeframe: within a month. The main question of the project: Continue to introduce young children to oral folk art with nursery rhymes. Arouse interest in book graphics. Hypothesis: Yu. Vasnetsov is considered one of the most outstanding artists; his illustrations are used to introduce preschoolers to book graphics. Problematic questions: Why do books need pictures? Are you familiar with the nursery rhymes voiced in the presentation? What animals? Guys, do you know how to draw fairy-tale animals? Do you know Yu. Vasnetsov, who is he? How does an artist paint animals? Is it clear from their expression what mood they are in? How does Yu. Vasnetsov paint the forest, flowers, etc.? Did you like the presentation, what did you like most? Goals and objectives: To introduce children to the works of Yu. Vasnetsov through illustrations for nursery rhymes. Learn to notice the means of expression used by the artist in his drawings: fabulousness, decorativeness, depiction of movement, animal facial expressions. To develop interest in book illustration and children's creative abilities. To cultivate aesthetic taste and interest in art. To teach a child to see through nursery rhymes what is unusual in an ordinary word, to cultivate respect for the results of the activities of many generations. Promote the child’s physical activity and the development of fine motor skills. Support

3 children desire to listen to music, nursery rhymes, desire to speak out. Develop children's artistic and creative abilities. Expected results: Enriching and expanding children's knowledge about oral folk art nursery rhymes through various types of activities. Increasing interest in the work of illustrators, forming an initial understanding of the means of expression. Parents will learn to creatively approach their children's interest in books. Teachers will be interested in new types of books: presentation filmstrips and videos voiced by children. Improve my professional level. Forms of work: Studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the named topic, conducting various didactic, outdoor games, pedagogical observation, conversation, classes in speech and visual activity, studying the product of children's creativity; organization of an exhibition of postcards by Yu. Vasnetsov; organizing a consultation for parents about the artist’s work. 1. Organizational preparatory Justification of the relevance of the topic, determination of the goals and objectives of the project, selection of literature, manuals, illustrations, music. Discussion with the children’s parents on issues related to the project. Drawing up thematic planning. Studying methodological literature; postcards, books with illustrations were selected, a multi-artistic presentation was created; a thematic plan has been drawn up. 2. Analytical Activities in accordance with thematic planning. The work is carried out in accordance with plan 3. Final Creation of a presentation based on children's works, a video film voiced by children.

4 Reading Russian folk songs and nursery rhymes to children, illustrated by Yu.A. Vasnetsov, “Like our cat”, “A horse walks along the bank”, “Our Grishenka’s”, “Rabushka the hen”, “Finger boy”, “The prickly hedgehog”, “A turnip was born”, “Lullaby of the bayushka-bayu”, “A teddy bear walks through the forest”, “A white-sided magpie”, “Golden comb cockerel”, “A squirrel sits on a cart”, “Donut cake”, “A goat walked through the forest”, “Fox”, “Like our cat’s fur coat is very good ", "Bunny dance." Consultation for parents: “Introducing young children to illustrations for nursery rhymes by artist Yu. Vasnetsov.” 1st week - nursery rhymes: “The cat walked along the path”, “At our Grishenka’s”, “Like our cat”, “A horse walks along the bank”, “Finger boy”. 2. week - nursery rhymes: “Hen grouse”, “For sleep”, “Golden comb cockerel”, “Magpie-white-sided”, “Teddy bear” 3. week - nursery rhymes: “Bayushki-bayu”, “The turnip is born”, “ Prickly hedgehog”, “Dance the little bunny”, “Like our cat’s fur coat is very good.” 4. week - nursery rhymes: “Fox”, “A goat was walking through the forest”, “A white-sided magpie”, “Pumpkin cake”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”. Progress of the conversation: The teacher brings a toy, the character chooses depending on who the nursery rhyme will be about (about a fox-fox, about a hare-hare, etc.) For every day, the teacher takes a new nursery rhyme, and repeats the one he has learned before. Introductory questions: Who came to visit us? How can he/she speak? Educator: Guys, let's watch a presentation about this animal. Did you like the illustration? (the teacher tells what the famous illustrator Yu. A. Vasnitsov wrote) Who is shown in the illustration? What does (are they doing)?

5 Who is the nursery rhyme about? After the children have answered the questions, you need to watch the nursery rhyme one more time. Explain to children the meaning of new words; It’s good when children have already formed an idea of ​​the animal being told in a nursery rhyme: “pussy”, “horse”, “goat”, “chicken”, “cat”, etc. What mood do you think the illustrator wanted to convey through the picture? Educator: let's play with the character. Getting active: 1. Game activity: organize didactic games with children “Guess the nursery rhyme” (from the picture, remember the nursery rhyme). You need to play the word game “Gifts” - children give nursery rhymes to each other. Didactic exercises “recognize and name” - take out toys or pictures from a box based on familiar nursery rhymes). Printed board games based on the same works (“paired pictures”, “find the same picture”, “lotto”, “cut pictures”). You can conduct dramatization games using various types of theater: finger theater, bibabo, shadow theater, theater on flannelgraph, theater of spoons, etc. You can play “Living Pictures” - when reading the nursery rhyme “magpie-white-sided” - all children are put together follow a friend and give them porridge; but the very last one doesn’t! “Wait, here’s an empty pot for you!”, i.e. accompany nursery rhymes with action. After viewing the presentation slides, it is recommended to play the psychological game “Guess the Emotion”; children show what mood the character is in and why. 2. Artistic and aesthetic activities: drawing: “Draw the hero of the nursery rhyme”, “draw needles for the hedgehog”, “stars and the moon for the baby to fall asleep”, “A turnip was born” application: “Mushrooms for the squirrel”, “Decorate the tail of the cockerel”, “ Leaves for trees”, “Grass of a horse” modeling: “The bunny is dancing”, “A bowl of milk for the cat”, “A spoon for a magpie - white-sided”, “We will bake pies for the dogs”, “Pine cones for a bear”. Reflection: the character will shake everyone’s hand, and you tell him: what exercise did you like best today? Which game is full?

6 The lesson is over, see you soon. Let's say to all our friends and adults: “Goodbye!”

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