Summary of a lesson on developing spatial orientation in the senior group

Summary of GCD on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: “Orientation in space”


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 56 “Sparkle” Summary of the educational activity on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: “Orientation in space” Prepared by: Educator Bagautdinova A.R. Surgut, 2022

2 Summary of educational activities on FEMP in the senior group on the topic: “Orientation in space” Topic: “Orientation in space” Educational area: cognitive development Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to navigate in space. Objectives: Educational: improve understanding of spatial relationships (above, below, in front, behind, left, right, between, the ability to indicate in speech the relative positions of objects; to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; to consolidate children’s ideas about the days of the week, the coming season, the ability compose a descriptive story based on a mnemonic table; improve counting skills within 10, consolidate knowledge about the relationships between numbers in the natural series, the ability to lay out an image of an object from several parts. Developmental: develop cognitive interest, attention, memory, logical thinking; promote the development of communication skills, grammatically correct dialogue speech, skills of free communication with adults.Educational: support students' interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, show persistence and determination; cultivate manifestations of a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Preliminary work: games aimed at developing cognitive processes, solving riddles; viewing posters and illustrations “Geometric Shapes”, “Counting to 10”; didactic games “Pick a figure”, “Name and count”, etc.; exercises for orientation in the surrounding space and on the plane “Name your neighbors”, “Labyrinth”; learning physical education lessons, geometric design on a plane. Materials and equipment: a set of geometric shapes, a square sheet of paper, emoticons (sad and happy) for each child; a set of numbers, a key (from component parts) for each child; toys: squirrel, fox, hedgehog, bear; laptop, projector.

3 GCD move: Slide 1. Journey through a fairy tale. Educator: Children, I know that you love fairy tales very much. And today I invite you on an unusual journey through a fairy tale. And to get into a fairy tale, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words “1, 2, 3, turn around, find yourself in a fairy tale.” We open our eyes. The fairy tale begins. Slide 2. Once upon a time there was a king. Slide 3. And he had a beautiful daughter. Once the king left on very important business, but his daughter remained at home. Slide 4. She went out into the garden for a walk, and then the wind came, picked up the princess and carried her away to a distant kingdom. Slide 5. Ivan Tsarevich became sad and went to look for the princess. Slide 6. It takes a day, it takes two. Approaches the hut on chicken legs. Slide 7. And Baba Yaga lives there. Slide 8. Ivan Tsarevich told about his misfortune. Baba Yaga promised to help if Ivan Tsarevich answered her questions correctly. Slide 9. And Ivan Tsarevich doubts whether he can cope with difficult tasks. Ivan Tsarevich turns to you for help. And children who can not only count, know geometric shapes, but also have good spatial awareness will be able to help Ivan Tsarevich. Well, are you ready to help Ivan Tsarevich? Then listen carefully to Baba Yaga’s questions: Slide 10. What day of the week is it today? What day of the week was yesterday? What day of the week will be tomorrow?

4 What seasons do you know? Name it. What time of year is it? Slide 11. Children compiling a story about spring based on a mnemonic table. Slide 12. Educator: So we helped Ivan Tsarevich cope with Baba Yaga’s task. Baba Yaga gave a ball and sent the Tsarevich to Kikimora. She has a map. The ball rolled, and the Tsarevich followed it. Slide 13. The ball rolled into the swamp. And Kikimora appeared in front of the Tsarevich. Slide 14. She listened to the Tsarevich and decided to help, and in order to get the card, she must complete her task. Educator: Let's help Ivan Tsarevich. Prepare geometric shapes. Let's call them (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval). Get ready to listen to the task and correctly place geometric shapes on a sheet of paper. (Graphic dictation): in the center of the sheet, place a yellow circle to the right of the circle, place a green square to the left of the circle, place a red triangle above the circle, place a blue rectangle under the circle, place a black oval Teacher: Addresses 2-3 children with questions Where did you place the circle? (in the center of the sheet) What figure is to the right of the circle? What figure is located under the circle? Now let's check. If you completed the task correctly, the geometric shapes on your sheet should be located as shown on the slide. Slide 15. If you made a mistake, correct it yourself.

5 Slide We completed the task, and Kikimora gave the map to Ivan Tsarevich. The ball rolled further and brought Ivan Tsarevich into the fairy-tale forest. In the forest, Ivan Tsarevich met animals. And you will find out which ones if you guess the riddles: There are needles on his back. And they are long, and the pegs. That’s why (the hedgehog) boldly walks along the paths with them. Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel) Although the girl is beautiful in appearance, she is a master at tricks, who would want to be friends with her? There is no more cunning beast in the forest (Fox) He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree. And when spring comes, He wakes up from sleep. (Bear) Educator: -Look at how the animals are located in the forest clearing. -Who is between the squirrel and the fox? (hedgehog)

6 -Who is to the right of the hedgehog? -Who is to the left of the hedgehog? -Is the hedgehog located behind (behind)? Slide 17. Cheerful gnome And Ivan Tsarevich met a gnome in the forest, who asked him to solve problems: 1. Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits. How many birds flew over the river? (Three) 2. Six cheerful cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries, but one of them is tired and, of course, falls behind. Now find the answer: how many bears are there ahead? (five) The cheerful gnome invites you to play the game “Don’t say anything, just show with your hands” Physical Education Minute. High! Low! Left! On right! Far! Close! Wide! Narrowly! Educator. Children, while we were playing, Ivan Tsarevich reached the castle. Slide 18. Here is the entrance to the castle. The door behind which the Princess is located is littered with stones. To enter the castle you need to dismantle the stones. They will take 2 children on the board, and we will help them at the tables. You need to arrange the numbers in direct order from 1 to 10 (work in pairs. - Name the smallest number. - Name the largest number. - There is a number between the numbers 4 and 6. (5) - Name the numbers that are greater than the number 8. Where are they located? (right) - Name the numbers that are less than 4. Where are they located? (left) Thanks to your help, Ivan Tsarevich found himself in front of the door leading to the castle.

7 Slide 19. But the crystal key with which to open the door broke. Slide 20. Let's help Ivan Tsarevich assemble a key from parts. Slide 21. V.: Thanks to your help, Ivan Tsarevich was able to open the door to the castle and free the Princess. Ivan Tsarevich and the beautiful Princess are very grateful to you. Slide 22. V.: And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and say with me: 1,2,3,4,5 Here we are in kindergarten again. We visited a fairy tale with you, learned a lot, we returned back, the kindergarten is very happy to see us. 3. Reflection - Children, who did we help today? (To Ivan Tsarevich) - Which task did you find most interesting? — Which task did you find most difficult? - How did you manage to complete all the tasks? (because we already know and can do a lot; we worked together and were a real team)

Consistent formation of spatial orientation in preschool age

The formation of spatial orientation is several successive stages of a child’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

  1. Self-orientation. The baby acquires knowledge about the location of parts of his own body.
  2. Orientation "from yourself". The child develops visual-motor coordination and distinguishes between the main groups of directions (forward-backward, up-down, right-left).
  3. Orientation “from the subject”. The ability to determine in words the position of one or another object in relation to another.
  4. The ability to navigate in three-dimensional space while moving.
  5. Ability to navigate on a plane (in two-dimensional space).

Each of the stages is another step, the ascent of which depends on the age of the baby and previously acquired knowledge.

Child's awareness of his own body

The formation of skills to navigate in space begins with ideas about one’s own body.

It is this knowledge that subsequently serves as the basis for understanding information about spatial landmarks. Therefore, by the age of 3, a child should show and name parts of the body and face.

At this age, children are led to understand that there is a right and a left hand. The baby is able to remember and show the right hand if he is asked about left or right. But he perceives these words as the name of a hand; the essence of the concept is not yet available to him.

Orientation "from yourself"

Having mastered the parts of his own body, the baby begins to use them as a guide. For example, a child learns that the position of the head is up and the legs are below. Accordingly, you can ask questions:

  • “Look what’s up there?” (sun, tree branches, etc.);
  • "What's down there?" (path, grass, etc.).
  • Let's see what objects are located to your right.

Thus, the child’s own body is the main point of reference.

The child places objects in a new position and receives novelty of orientation signals. The ball just lay in front on the right. A small movement, and it already needs to be said that he is on the left or behind. For a child this is a real discovery.

Children 3-4 years old first learn only one concept in paired spatial notations: under, above, to the right, behind. Obviously, each of the listed words has its own pair. But the child’s awareness of “above”, “below”, etc. occurs later.

It is useful to teach a child to describe in words the position of objects in relation to him. For example, “The closet with toys in the back” or “The box with blocks in front of me.” You can play a game with your child: “Where is the window from you?” An adult asks the question: “Where is the window from you? (floor, chair, picture, etc.). The correct answers will not be given right away, but after several attempts and explanations from an adult, the child will increasingly answer correctly and consciously.

Orientation from a third-party reference point

Having moved to the next stage, the child begins to perceive another person or object as an object of orientation. At this time, it is necessary to reinforce the basic concepts of directions: left, right, forward, backward, up, down, behind, between, under, etc.

It is recommended to use pictures for this. When considering them, you need to ask questions: “Who is drawn in front of the fence?”, “Who is standing under the bridge?” or “What bird is flying over the tree? Which one is sitting on the tree? Which one is under the tree?”, “Who (what) is far away?”; “Who (what) is close?” etc. Similar questions can be asked, for example, while walking, taking any object or person as a guide.

It is especially difficult for preschoolers to determine the left and right sides (hands) of another person. Having firmly learned which hand is his right, the child is at a loss as to which hand is considered right for the people or dolls standing in front of him.

An experiment with a ribbon helps to understand such a difficult issue for a child. You need to place the doll with its back to the child, tie bright identical ribbons on the child’s right arm and on the same hand of the doll. Having discussed the placement of the marks with the child, turn the doll to face him and trace where the doll’s marked hand is.

It may be necessary to perform exercises of this kind several times with different toys before the preschooler develops an understanding of the orientation of the sides.

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