Introducing children to insects: ladybug and cockchafer

Why is the ladybug called that?

Why is a cute little red bug with little black dots on its wings called a “bug”? Where have you seen flying cows, and red ones at that?

It turns out that everything is not without reason. The cow gives milk, and so does the cow. At the slightest danger, droplets of orange liquid appear on the bends of the legs of this insect. But the “milk” tastes bad and smells bad.

Why is the ladybug called "ladybug"? The bug gives the impression of a kind and touching creature - apparently this is the reason.

Children love ladybugs. They are bright, friendly (they can crawl along your hand for a long time). BUT! In fact, this young lady in a bright dress is not so harmless.

Sandwiches “Ladybugs”

You will need:

Sliced ​​loaf Red fish (salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon) Butter Tomatoes Pitted olives Parsley


1. Separate red fish from bones and skin, cut into thin slices. 2. Take a loaf, cut each sliced ​​loaf in half. 3. Brush each half of the slice with butter. 4. Place a piece of red fish on top. 5. Take tomatoes and cut them in half. Cut each half halfway until you get ladybug wings. 6. Make the head of a ladybug using an olive cut in half. 7. Make spots for the ladybug using finely chopped pieces of olives.

8. Place the ladybugs on the red fish and garnish with a sprig of parsley! Tasty and beautiful!

What can you tell children about ladybugs?

  • The number of spots has nothing to do with the age of the ladybugs.
  • Not all ladybugs are red, there are many other species.
  • The liquid that the insect secretes and the bright color scare away enemies, warning that the hostess is “inedible”. If a lizard or bird does not take your word for it, it will receive proof of its mistake immediately!
  • Ladybug is a predator. Beware, aphids! Shoo, spider mite! There is no point in sucking the juices out of young plants! Red cows have a lot of work to do, but there is always plenty of food. So it’s not for nothing that gardeners love the ladybug so much.

  • As soon as the first greenery appears in the fields, the ladybug begins to work tirelessly. One ladybug destroys up to 200 insects per day. The larvae have an even better appetite.
  • Of course, you can’t kill a ladybug. You can read her a poem and let her go. According to ancient beliefs, the cow lives in the sky and only sometimes comes down to earth. You can find out from her what the weather will be like and whether the harvest will be successful.
  • In Germany it is called the St. Mary's beetle, in England - the Lady Bird. In fact, she is COCCINELLIDA. But she won’t pronounce this name herself. Let’s just call it “cow”, it’s more common.

After such an educational program, your baby will definitely not offend the ladybug and, most likely, will think about the benefits of other spider bugs that he meets on a walk.

Stories About Ladybug

You, of course, know, my friend, what kind animals cows are, how round their sides are and what cute horns. Imagine, cows live in the insect kingdom - and they have the same round sides, funny horns and good disposition. True, these cows are very small and therefore they are called cows, not cows; And such cows do not give milk, but, they say, they can bring bread - both white and black, whatever you want. Just ask nicely! And these cows, unlike ordinary cows, can fly, because each one has a couple of transparent wings hidden on its back! These are such wonderful cows. Do you recognize them? Right. You say they are red and have black spots on their backs. It is true, but before these cows were simple brown bugs. Until one of them became God's. And I’ll tell you some amazing stories about how this happened. So listen.

The story of how the little Cow was named God's Cow One day, on a sunny spring morning, and I must say that it was a special morning - Easter morning, Mother Cow had a daughter. You probably guess that not only we humans, but also animals, birds, fish and even insects know about God and love Him, and therefore they certainly celebrate the brightest Day of the year - Easter, and never meet each other on this day. they offend, do not bite, and are not harmful, but on the contrary, they try to please each other. So, on Easter, Mother Cow gave birth to a very pretty daughter. The daughter was round, with black horns, graceful paws and small crystal wings. “Oh, what a wonderful daughter I have!” - Mommy Cow was happy. - “I was born on Easter and definitely of God!” “Yes, yes, my God,” confirmed Papa Beetle, moving his mustache - after all, all dads must have a mustache. “Wonderful, like a Ladybug!” - Granny Bug babbled, adjusting her favorite round glasses. And Uncle Grasshopper began to play his silver violin with joy.

Then Grandfather Firefly lit his lantern and quietly said: “Of course, this is the Cow of God, but...” he fell silent and adjusted the wick in the lantern. Everyone looked at him carefully and waited for what he would tell them, because as you know, grandfathers always say the wisest things. “To be called God’s,” Firefly continued, “you must earn this glorious name.” “Yes, yes, you deserve to live,” Papa Beetle realized. He liked to agree with everyone. And all the insects immediately began to buzz: “You deserve it!” You deserve it!” “How can you earn it?” - a quiet voice was heard: it was Ladybug herself who spoke, approaching Firefly. Are you surprised that a newborn insect speaks? So know this - insects are not babies and as soon as they appear, they can already talk and move themselves - almost like adult insects. However, what are we talking about? Oh yes. Ladybug approached Firefly and asked: “How can I deserve to be God’s, Grandfather?” Grandfather Firefly smiled and said: “For this, dear child, you need to find the way to the Temple yourself.”

The story of how Ladybug receives three important pieces of advice. “The way to the Temple!” - Ladybug was surprised. “Most!” - Mother Cow gasped. “We have to find it, yes, yes!” - Papa Beetle confirmed. "Oh oh oh!" - Granny Bug wailed. And Uncle Grasshopper stopped playing his violin. The fact is that many insects heard that somewhere in the forest on the edge there is a temple of God - birds and even some butterflies talked about this. They said that the temple was very beautiful and whoever gets there will become not a simple insect, but one of God. But none of the insects dared to go on such a long and, they say, difficult journey. Moreover, they did not know the way... “Well, will you go to the Temple?” - asked Grandfather Firefly. "Certainly!" — the granddaughter simply agreed.

Then all the bugs got excited and ran around, collecting their little Ladybug for the trip. Mommy Cow ran to bake her daughter sweet cakes from flower pollen, Daddy Bug banged his hammer, making tiny shoes for the traveler, and Grandma Bug climbed into the attic of her house in a rotten tree trunk to find a spare pair of crystal wings. While everyone was fussing, Grandpa Firefly was giving his granddaughter the most important thing that someone older and wiser than you can give. What do you think this is? Of course, he gave her his advice. “Know, granddaughter, and remember three things: the road to the temple is never wide. To get where you need to go, and not fall into the abyss, you must not be afraid to ask for help. And finally, the more good you do, the faster your path will be, and the closer you will be to your goal.”

Ladybug listened attentively to Grandfather's instructions and nodded her head with her cute horns. Finally, all the preparations were completed, all the words were said, all the farewell sighs were heard, and the Ladybug went in search of the road to the Temple.

The story of how Ladybug gets her first friends and first choice. As soon as Ladybug left her house, she saw that the forest where her family lived was amazingly beautiful. Ladybug walked slowly and admired the forest. -And this forest is ours! – she was happy. -Our! Our! - echoed the herbs. -How beautiful! -Beautiful! Beautiful! - repeated the flowers. -And who are you? – Ladybug stopped. -We are herbs and flowers. And you? -And I am Ladybug. -God's? – the grass was surprised. -Well, yes.

Here one flower, apparently the bravest and most beautiful, coughed and said: “You say it’s from God, but... don’t be offended,... you’re so ordinary... you don’t look like it’s from God.” You're just a little brown cow. -No, no, I am God's! – the little insect began to convince. — I was born on Easter. And now I am looking for the way to the Temple. You did not see? -To the temple? – the grass and flowers rustled. - To the temple! To the temple! -Yes, to the temple. -Then – you’re great! - responded the brave flower. - You will be our friend. To find the temple, go straight towards the Sun! -Thank you! Who is the Sun? -Sun? - The grass and flowers were surprised by the question of the Cow and said enthusiastically - So-o-sun! Ooooh! You won't confuse him with anyone! It will find you soon! And then they fell silent.

Ladybug wanted to ask something else, but did not dare, and so she moved on, thinking about how she would recognize the Sun. Two roads appeared in front of her - one wide, strewn with flowers, and the second a narrow path going deep into the forest. Which one to choose? Ladybug really wanted to go along the wide, glorious road, but something stopped her. What was it? Do not you remember? Oh yes. Words from Grandfather Firefly. The road to the temple is never wide. Ladybug sighed and walked along the path deep into the forest.

The story is about how Ladybug finds the Sun and gets a Red Cloak. It was difficult to walk: the path was almost overgrown, and scary bushes and trees grew all around. Even the birds here, it seemed to the insect, were silent. She wanted to run home, but she overpowered herself, walked quickly along the path and sang songs she made up so that they would not be afraid. Suddenly something surprisingly light, transparent and at the same time golden flashed nearby. And Ladybug felt a gentle warm touch. She stopped in joyful conjecture.

-You are sun? – she asked the transparent stranger. -I am a ray of sunshine! – he smiled. - And who are you? -Solar? – the bug was happy. - And I am Ladybug. -God's? - asked the little ray. - Well, yes... That is, I’m going to the temple to become God’s... Only I don’t know the road. Are you familiar with the Sun? -Well, of course! - the beam was happy. -I need it. They say it knows the way to the temple. -Oh yeah! The sun knows everything! -So will you introduce me to him? -I? - the ray swirled merrily - the sun itself will come to you. -When? -Right now!

And indeed, suddenly the path on which Ladybug stood and talked to Ray became surprisingly white. And the grass instantly fell silent and bowed its heads. And the flowers, on the contrary, raised their buds to the top and smiled. -Sun!

The sun, large and round, rose high into the sky. The Sun had a red mane and a golden wise face. Ladybug wanted to look at it, but could not hold her gaze for long - it seemed so majestic to her. She also bowed her head and saluted the Sun. -Hello, Sun! -Hello, Ladybug! – the Sun’s voice was powerful and very pleasant. Do you know whose voice the voice of the Sun is similar to? To my mother's voice! -You know me? – Ladybug was surprised. “Of course, I know you!” the Sun calmly answered. -And you know where I'm going? -And I know this. -And will you help me find the way? “Of course, I’ll help,” then the Sun smiled and added, “if you ask me about it.” Ladybug remembered the words of Firefly: To get where you need to go, and not into the abyss, you must not be afraid to ask for help and quickly said: “Oh, yes, yes, I’m asking.” I really need to go to church to become God’s. -Yes, I know, you are a small but very brave insect. – the Sun smiled. - And I will help you. And for starters - accept my gift - with these words, the Sun cut off a piece of her red mane with golden scissors and put it on the Ladybug. – This Red Cloak will help you become God’s. Take care of it and never take it off. -Thank you! – Ladybug happily examined her cloak, which she really liked. – Will we see you again, Sun? “Oh, yes,” the Sun laughed. - We will meet again. Well - happy journey. And the Sun disappeared behind a fluffy cloud.

The story is about how Ladybug met Bee and she got her first spot. When the Sun disappeared, Ladybug remembered that it did not tell her where the road to the temple was. And she felt sad. “Well, here it is,” she thought. – I forgot to know the most important thing. What should I do now? - Why are you sitting idle? – she suddenly heard right above her head. A striped fluffy bee with a bucket in its paws was buzzing in the air. -I? - asked the Cow. -Well, who is it? All self-respecting insects work from morning to evening. Like us, for example. -And who is it – you? -And we are bees. By the way, I'm Mother Bee. -Hello, Mother Bee. “Hello...” the bee softened and sat down on a blade of grass next to the Ladybug. - And who are you? -And I am Ladybug. -Well, what a burn, says-God-g-zhia cow! -I'm looking for the way to the temple. Can you help me? If you want, let's go together. -The way to the temple? This is very interesting. You've started a good job. But I'm afraid I'm not your help. I heard that it’s a long way to the temple! And I have so much work - so much honey needs to be collected, so much pollen, and I can’t leave my bees alone... I have a whole hive of them! -So you don’t know the road either? – the little insect was sad. -I know that the temple is where the Sun rises. -Sun! I'm familiar with him. It gave me this cloak! - and Ladybug turned her back and showed the bee her cloak. -Yes? – the bee was surprised. - Wonderful cloak. It looks like a poppy flower... Listen, give me a piece of your cloak - we need to make an entrance to the hive, but I can’t find anything suitable. -A piece... - Ladybug felt sorry for her beautiful Cloak, especially since the Sun asked to take care of it, because it should help her become God's. But she remembered Grandfather Firefly's words. Can you remember which ones? That's right: the more good you do, the faster your path will be and the closer you will be to your goal. Can she disobey Grandfather Firefly? - Take it, of course... Just cut it off - in the middle, please, so that it’s not very noticeable. Mother Bee carefully cut a round piece from the middle of Ladybug's cloak. And she happily stung. -Well, that’s what it’s all about! When you return from the temple, come in, we will treat you with honey! The bee finally waved her paw to the Ladybug and flew away satisfied.

The story of how Ladybug learned to fly. Ladybug sadly looked at the hole in her cloak, through which her black back was visible. -Eh! I never recognized the road, and the cloak that the Sun itself gave me became full of holes. -What a beautiful outfit you have! – it was the Butterfly that flew up to the Ladybug. -Beautiful? -Yes, I have never seen such a red cloak on anyone before. But I’m the most fashionable in the forest. – The butterfly opened its silk wings and showed off its painted patterns in front of the Ladybug. -You have a wonderful dress! – the little insect sincerely exclaimed. -Do you honestly think so? -Honestly! -And it seems to me that one red spot is missing... -A red spot? -Well, yes. Just like your cloak. Ladybug was embarrassed. She was silent for a while, and then sighed: “If you want, take a piece of my cloak...” The butterfly was very happy and quickly cut off a round piece from the side of the Ladybug’s Cloak. And she sewed this spot onto her wing. Now she was even more beautiful. -What is your name? – she asked. -Ladybug. – the bug answered quietly, now she already had two holes in her Cloak. -God's? Oh yes, you are not greedy at all, you are generous. You can be God's. It seemed that Ladybug did not even hear the butterfly’s words. - I'm going to the temple. Don't you know the way? - To the temple! Of course I know. Come fly with me. - But I can't fly. - I will teach you. - the Butterfly was inspired - Do you have wings? -Eat. – and Ladybug showed her pair of crystal wings. -Darlings! - exclaimed the butterfly. And then she opened her silk wings. -Learning to fly is not difficult. Just remember: when you are on earth, look at the sky, and when in heaven, do not forget about the earth. The butterfly flapped its wings lightly and fluttered away.

The ladybug also flapped its wings. Once and twice. She looked at the sky and quickly flapped her wings and suddenly began to rise. The butterfly smiled - Well done! Now follow me. Just don't fall behind!

Ladybug was flying. It was an amazing feeling of flight, lightness and joy. Do you ever fly in your dreams? If so, then you can understand a little why the Ladybug soon completely forgot about the butterfly and about her path and flew higher and higher. The Little Cow flew so high and it had been so long since she had looked at the ground that when she suddenly felt something strong and invisible fly at her, she immediately got scared and stopped flapping her wings. And even more - Ladybug closed her eyes from fear. She was falling rapidly.

The story is about how Ladybug met the Mole, who had never seen Heaven. Boo-boo-boo. Ladybug opened her eyes. Is the cloak still there? Yes. Are the sides intact? They seem to be intact. I counted the holes on the cloak - two. Everything is fine. Ugh. Where is she? It was dark and damp all around, only a piece of blue Sky could be seen from above. Well, of course, you already guessed that the Ladybug fell into a hole. How can she get out of there now? And while the Cow herself was thinking about this, a hand appeared from a dark hole in the center of the hole, then another, and then a sad face. -Who is it here? – asked the muzzle, scolding. “I, I, I am the Ladybug,” answered the little insect, trembling with fear. -A cow, and even a cow from God – I’ve never seen anything like it. - the muzzle said to itself. - Maybe I’m already dead... - No, no, you’re alive. – Ladybug reassured him and came closer. - I'm sorry, I don't know your name. -Oh, yes, I’ve become quite an old man - and I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mole. But you can call me Grandfather Mole. -Very nice, Grandfather Mole. You have a very cozy hole. - Yes, I'm not complaining. How did you get here? - And I fell from Heaven. - From the sky? – Grandfather Mole suddenly sighed. - from Heaven... You know, little bug, you say that you are God’s, that you fell from Heaven... But is it really Heaven... I’ve lived all my life in this hole - it’s deep for me - I can’t count the moves. Here underground, I know everything as I know myself - here is my world, my kingdom. I put all my effort into this. And I don't regret it. Well, yes, sometimes I met eccentric beetles who said that besides the earth there is Heaven, and that it is beautiful. I thought it was all nonsense. And the worms also say - nonsense. And I have never seen this Heaven. But now, I have become old... I don’t tell anyone about this, but you are God’s, I’ll tell you, I sometimes think - what if: after all, this Heaven exists. What if there is, huh? Yes, but for some reason I don’t see it. What do you think? -Yes, yes, of course. And the sky is very beautiful - clean, blue. You can also fly across the sky. It's wonderful to fly. The Sun lives in the Sky. It is large, round and has a red mane. -Sun, you say? With a red mane? - Old Mole was touched. - It must be good... How I would like to believe you. -Trust me, Grandfather Mole. I will give you a piece of Sunny mane. - And Ladybug tore off another round piece from her Cloak and put it into the Mole’s hand. - Here you are. -A piece of the Solar Mane! – the mole smiled, gently stroking the piece that the insect gave him.

-Hey, hey, hey, you’re there in the hole, don’t you need help?

The story of how the Ladybug ended up in the Anthill. Grandfather Mole and Ladybug raised their heads. -Who needs help? – someone shouted again. And then a straw fell down, and an Ant slid down it. “I don’t need help,” said the Mole. - I'm at home. “And I need it,” Ladybug realized. - I'm looking for the way to the temple. -Here? – the Mole and the Ant asked at the same time in surprise. - No, I was flying with a butterfly to the temple, and then the wind rose and I fell into this hole. But I need to go further. I definitely need to get to the temple. Can you help me? “You’re an interesting little bug...” said the Ant. - What is your name? -Ladybug. -Nice! And I am Ant. Okay, let's do this - now, I'll pull you out of the hole, and then we'll go to my brothers, to the anthill, and ask them. Surely one of the elders knows the way. -Thank you! – Ladybug was delighted. And then I remembered Grandfather Mole. She was sorry to leave him, she liked him very much. - Grandfather Mole. I have to go. I'm sorry. I hope we meet again. -Nothing, nothing. I'm not upset. I knew that you would leave, because this is not the place for Ladybugs that fly across the Sky. And I will keep a piece of the Solar Mane. After all, there probably is Heaven...Farewell! -See you!

“Well, grab onto me,” the Ant commanded and, together with Ladybug, climbed up the straw. Ladybug closed her eyes - it seemed so bright to her upstairs. She looked around herself. Three holes were already visible on the Cloak. Once again she looked into the hole and shouted to the Mole, “Goodbye.”

The ant shook himself off, pulled out a straw from the hole and again commanded: “Follow me!” At-two. They walked quickly, the Ladybug had never walked so fast. She tried to keep up, but it was very difficult. Moreover, it was very interesting all around - amazing flowers were blooming, the grass was rustling and the trees were whispering about something. -Ant, will we be there soon? -Soon! While walking, do not chat.

Ladybug fell silent, barely keeping up with her fast companion. Whether they walked for a long time or not, because you know that when you really want to talk, but you have to remain silent, time flies by very slowly, so that a minute seems like an eternity, when suddenly the little insect saw something extraordinary - a huge mountain that was moving and even moved a little. -What is this ahead? – she couldn’t resist asking. -This is an anthill. Our house. And only then did Ladybug discern that it was not the mountain that was moving, but many ants scurrying around at the will of the mountain - each busy with something of their own.

-Here we come. - said the Ant. “Wait here - I’ll run to our elders and ask them about the way.” Ladybug stopped, looking in amazement at the work of the ants.

Soon the Ant appeared with the big tall and thin Grandfather Ant. They stopped near Ladybug, and Ant introduced Grandfather to the bug. -Grandfather Ant, this is Ladybug. She is looking for the way to the temple. You can help her. Old Ant looked with wise eyes at the Ladybug. -You are looking for a temple. It is commendable. Yes, I was there once. It was a long time ago...But I will never forget that day. -And do you remember the road? -The way? The road to the temple opens itself to those who are worthy of it. No one can find it for you. -How so? – Ladybug was upset. – So I’ll never find her? -From what? - because...Grandfather, I realized that I am not completely God’s... I can’t call it that - I felt sorry for my cloak when a bee asked for a piece of it, I didn’t listen to the butterfly and fell during the flight, I was scared in the hole mole, and I didn’t save the Sun’s gift...Grandfather, grandfather, that means I’ll never get to the temple, right?

And Ladybug burst into tears.

Grandfather Ant patted Ladybug on the back. -Do not Cry. It's good that you understood all these things. Now you can quickly find your way. Or she will find you herself...

The last story is about how the Ladybug became God's. When the Ants left, Ladybug wiped away her tears and sat down on a leaf to rest and collect her thoughts. And from the impressions of such a long, very first day of her life, she did not even notice how she fell asleep. She dreamed of the Sunbeam and the Golden Sun. And she smiled in her sleep. She slept so soundly that she didn’t even hear people appear in the forest - a grandmother with her little granddaughter. And she didn’t feel it when the girl, seeing a funny red bug with black spots, carefully took it off the leaf and showed it to her grandmother. -Look, bah! Who is this? -Wow, how beautiful. This is Ladybug. 0 answered the grandmother. After all, grandmothers always know everything. -Let's take her to the temple! - Of course, honey, we’ll take it. – The caring hand of the grandmother put the Ladybug into her basket with painted red eggs.

Ladybug woke up from a bright light. The sun looked tenderly at the little insect. -Well, here you are in the temple! - it said. - and now you, truly, are God’s.

These stories were told to me by the Candle Box. He himself is familiar with Ladybug, who, as you understand, remained to live in the temple. Now she has even more black spots on her cloak and each of them is silent about some good deed of hers.


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Origin of the species and description

Photo: Ladybug

The ladybug is a very common ancient arthropod insect all over the world, a representative of the order Coleoptera and the ladybird family. This insect received its scientific name Coccinellidae due to its scarlet color. The bug lives almost everywhere. It was popularly nicknamed the ladybug because of the poisonous white liquid or “milk” that the insect secretes to scare away predators, and the ladybug because it helped in the fight against aphids and other pests to preserve the harvest, had a gentle disposition, and did not cause any harm to humans. .

Video: Ladybug

In Germany and Switzerland, the tiny insect is called St. Mary's bug, in South America - St. Anthony's ladybug. There were many legends about this little bug; it was said to have the ability to influence the weather.

Interesting fact: Even in ancient times, the Slavs considered the ladybug to be a heavenly creature, a messenger of the sun. That is why she was often called “Sunny”. It was forbidden to drive away the insect, so as not to incur bad luck. A bright bug that flew into a home brought blessings.

There are a huge number of varieties of ladybugs: the entire family has more than four thousand species, which in turn are divided into 7 subfamilies and 360 genera. The ladybug differs from other representatives of the family Coccinellidae in the structure of its legs. In the structure of each of them there are three visible and one hidden segment, so they seem to be three-component.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Ladybugs

All ladybugs are solitary. Only during the mating season do males use a specific smell to look for a female to mate with. This usually happens in early spring and soon the female lays up to 400 eggs on the lower surface of the leaves. They are oval in shape and can be yellow or orange. The female chooses a place for laying closer to the aphid colony so that the offspring are provided with food. This is the only manifestation of caring for their offspring. Most often, she dies after this.

After a couple of weeks, the larvae appear. Their body is covered with hairs and has a variegated color; the pattern combines yellow and brown spots. In the first days, the larvae eat the remaining egg shells and unfertilized eggs, then go in search of aphids. The stage lasts from 4 to 7 weeks, after which the formation of a pupa occurs, which then attaches to the edge of the leaflet, where its further transformation occurs.

At the end of it, after 8-10 days, the skin peels off from the pupa like a stocking to the end of the abdomen. A full-fledged individual ladybug appears, which gradually acquires its usual bright color. At first, its elytra are pale in color; by this feature one can easily distinguish an adult from a young one. Young bugs are ready to reproduce at 3 months of life, some only at six months - it all depends on the quality of nutrition and environmental conditions.

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