Calendar and thematic planning of the week Winter fun

Plan for the “Week of Winter Games and Fun”

oksana prenz
Plan for the “Week of Winter Games and Fun”
Plan for the
Week of Winter Games and Fun From 01/15/2018 to 01/19/2018

Goal: creating conditions for physical development, increasing physical activity and broadening the horizons of children.

• providing children with adequate active rest during winter walks ; providing them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities:

• improving children's health;

• identifying the most rational methods for organizing entertaining and physical activities for children during walks in winter;

• enriching the content of walks in winter by expanding the list of sports games, fun and entertainment ;

• generalization and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience in the educational process of joint activities of children, teachers and parents.

Day of the week Type of activity Program content responsible


Opening of winter games and fun “Snowman Day”

Morning: Fantasy conversation
“Who is the Snowman?”
Application, modeling, drawing “Snowman”

(at the child's choice.

Watching cartoons about the Snowman, educational games with the Snowman.

Walk: Physical education Winter adventure with the Snowman”

Evening: Printed board games Winter sports

Winter pattern " . Develop coherent, oral speech, imagination;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, creative imagination;

To develop in children attention, the ability to act coherently in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence.

• improving children's health;

• identifying the most rational methods for organizing entertaining and physical activities for children during walks in winter;

To develop in children attention, the ability to act coherently in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence. Group teachers, instructor, music. head Salnikova L.V., for physical education Shunkova G.S.

«Winter Tales»

Morning: Reading the fairy tale
“Snow Maiden”

drawing "Snow Tales"

Walk; Sky observation. Games for the development of oral speech and attention. “Memorize as many items as possible”

“What has changed”
P\and “Geese-swans”

“Two Frosts”
“Snow Figure”
. Sledding, snow scootering, making a snow woman, playing snowballs. Individual games and exercises to develop spatial orientation.

Evening: Reading a fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, memorizing proverbs and riddles about winter. Introduce children to winter tales . Teach children to listen carefully and analyze fairy tales. Improve the ability to retell a fairy tale close to the text. Develop coherent speech, thinking, memory. Practice creative storytelling and changing the ending of a fairy tale. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Teach children to depict fairy tale characters in gouache. Practice conveying body proportions. Develop sensory perceptions, visual skills, motor skills of fingers and hands. Strengthen the technical skills of painting with gouache. Cultivate interest in drawing fairy-tale characters.

• improving children's health;

• identifying the most rational methods for organizing entertaining and physical activities for children during walks in winter;

Introduce children to the author's fairy tale, evoke compassion and an emotional response to the plot. Expand your knowledge and understanding of literary works. Develop children's memory Group teachers.

"Small Winter Olympic Games "

Morning: " Winter Sports "

Walk: sports competitions "Small Winter Olympic Games "

Evening: Watching videos Winter Olympics

Consolidating ideas about the Olympics and winter sports . Introduce children to winter sports : speed skating, skiing, biathlon, speed skating.
Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the differences and similarities of these species. To clarify knowledge about athletes’ uniforms, sports attributes, and equipment necessary for sports. Activate your vocabulary of verbs, adjectives, plural nouns. number. Develop vocabulary, thinking, speech, cognitive activity. Cultivate interest and desire for sports to improve health. • improving children's health;

• identifying the most rational methods for organizing entertaining and physical activities for children during walks in winter;

Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

Develop speed of motor reaction.

To develop in children attention, the ability to act coherently in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence.

Achieving a positive emotional attitude. Group teachers

"Magic Ice"

experimental activity, drawing
“Castle of the Snow Queen”
Joint games with children of the preparatory group. P\i " Winter fun "

“Sleigh Train”
, Competition Games,
“Slippery Slopes”

P\I "Slippery slopes"

“Snow sculptures”
, snowball fight, roller coaster ride

Evening: Role-playing game “Ice Sculpture Builders”

Introduce children to the solid state of water - ice, its properties and characteristics: transparency, hardness, causticity, refraction of light, smoothness. Teach children to experiment with snow, water, ice and make assumptions. Make judgments about what you see and draw logical conclusions. Expand your understanding of the importance of ice in nature.

Teach children to depict unusual buildings - a castle with columns, towers and windows of an unusual angular shape. Improve the ability to mix colors to convey shades of ice and its transparency. Develop visual skills, motor skills of the hand and fingers, and orientation on a sheet of paper. Cultivate an interest in drawing, a desire to draw.

• improving children's health;

• identifying the most rational methods for organizing entertaining and physical activities for children during walks in winter;

Teach children to prepare a colored solution and pour it into rubber molds. Experimental activities.

Improve constructive skills and abilities in creating collective buildings. Develop thinking, logic, imagination, coherent speech, and interaction of children in the community. Group teachers

"Russian Winter"

reading works about Russian winter. Introduce children to the works of composers P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi. Learn to analyze musical sketches about winter, conveying the image of winter in the works of composers. Develop an ear for music and coherent speech. Cultivate a love of music and nature.

Creating a joyful emotional atmosphere, an atmosphere of competition during games and sports entertainment. Development of dexterity, attention, reaction speed, accuracy

Teach children to listen carefully to the work, convey the meaning and beauty of what they read. Group teachers,

Music head Salnikova L.V., physical education instructor Shunkova G.S.


1. Parent’s living room “Why does a child catch a cold or how to improve a child’s health in winter”

2. Consultation “Children’s clothes for a winter walk

3. Individual consultation “Don’t yawn in the cold and improve your health”

4. Folder Winter walk

5. Information sheet “For a walk with the whole family”

6. Involving parents in collecting photographs “We are young athletes”

7. Participation of parents in organizing and conducting outdoor games on the site.

8. Involving parents in the production of attributes for role-playing games in the kindergarten area.

9. Replenishing the cartoon collection with cartoons about winter.

A week of winter games and fun in the junior group “Winter's Tale” Time Joint activities of adults and children Independent activities of children Interaction with parents and social partners Group,.

Photo report on the week of “Winter Games and Fun” Photo report on the week of “Winter Games and Fun” at GBOU School No. 1454 “Timiryazevskaya”, Moscow The week of “Winter Games and Fun” was a great one.

Planning a Week of Winter Games and Fun (senior group) Monday. Morning. Conversation "Fun in winter." Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about winter fun games; expand your vocabulary with nouns.

Calendar-thematic plan “Week of winter games and fun” in the senior group Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter games. Introduce children to literary works, proverbs and sayings about winter activities.

A week of winter games and fun in the middle group (01/15/18–01/19/18) Goal: To develop children’s motor activity as one of the main factors that stimulate their physical and emotional.

Plan for the Week of Winter Games and Fun Monday: January 22 Sports Games Day I – half day: Conversation based on pictures “How children play in winter” Conversation about sports in winter.

Plan for the “Week of Winter Games and Fun” in the senior group Compiled and conducted by: teacher of GBOU school 51 Tynkova O. I. Monday In the group Theater “Tale after Tale” (based on Russian folk.

Creating conditions for winter walks, games and fun on the territory of the kindergarten. Issues of protecting the life and health of children while walking in the winter. When organizing walks in winter, the risk of injury increases.

Speech at the regional seminar “Week of Winter Games and Fun” “Week of Winter Games and Fun” Objectives: to attract the attention of teachers and preschool specialists, as well as parents (legal representatives) of pupils.


Program content.

Goal: to bring joy to children: to develop in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it. Develop children's motor skills, agility, speed, strength.

Educational field “Physical development”: continue to form ideas about the importance of physical activity in human life; develop the ability to maintain correct posture; develop interest in sports games; teach children to independently organize familiar sports games; maintain interest in physical education and sports; improve movement coordination.

Educational area “Social and communicative development”: cultivate friendly relationships between children; develop the ability to notice changes in the world around you; consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”: continue to develop a sustainable interest in visual arts; to cultivate independence, teach to actively and creatively use previously learned methods of representation in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop the ability to notice shortcomings in your work and correct them; develop fantasy and imagination.

Educational area “Cognitive development”: continue to teach orientation in space; clarify children’s knowledge about the seasons, months, winter sports; continue to teach children to play various educational games; form ideas about the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa; develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Educational area “Speech development”: consolidate the ability to convey one’s attitude towards nature in stories and productive activities; develop the ability to maintain a conversation; improve the dialogical form of speech; learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Materials and equipment: card index of winter sports, laptop, paints, fairy tales, feeders, bird food, tape recorder, plasticine, consultations for parents, images of winter landscapes, illustrations of winter fun.

Monday (January 15)

“In the kingdom of winter-winter” (opening of the week)

Time Contents of work/event
The first half of the day 1. Exhibition of children's creativity "Winter - Winter"
2. Communicative activity: Conversation: “Fun in winter” Purpose: to expand children’s understanding of winter games and fun, to expand children’s vocabulary.
3. D/i “Who needs what.” Goal: to form ideas about winter sports.
4. Independent play activities for children in the art corner.
OD 1. Work in the creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”. Drawing "Winter's Tale"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Bird watching Purpose: to develop attentiveness, the ability to distinguish birds, and arouse interest in the environment.
2. P/i “Snow Carousel”. Goal: to develop attention and dexterity.
3. Experimental activity “Making colored ice floes” Purpose: to form children’s ideas about the property of water to freeze in the cold, taking the form of a container, to develop imagination.
4. Hanging ice figures. Goal: to develop imagination, to evoke a desire to make the site beautiful.
5. Independent activity of children.
Afternoon 1. Examination of illustrations about winter sports. Goal: to arouse interest in sports, expand children's vocabulary.
2. Reading I. Surikov “Childhood” Goal: to develop children’s ability to listen carefully, to maintain interest in poetry.
3. Acting out the fairy tale “Teremok”
4. Independent play activities for children with printed board games “Who spends the winter how?”

Tuesday (January 16)

“Whoever is having fun is not afraid of the frost!” (winter sports)

Time Contents of work/event
The first half of the day 1. Exhibition “What kind of winter tales are there?”
2. Communicative activity: Examination of illustrations R N S. Conversation on fairy tales Goal: remember winter fairy tales, brave and strong characters.
3. D/i. "Winter words" Goal: to develop attention and the ability to select words related to winter.
4. Independent play activities of children in the sports corner.
OD 1. Work in the creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”. Modeling "Bullfinch"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Conversation: “Winter is full of wonders and fun.” Observing the wind Goal: to develop observation skills, interest in inanimate natural phenomena, their features in winter.
2. Outdoor game “Two Frosts” Purpose: to develop dexterity, learn to distribute roles.
3. “Measuring water level” Purpose: to identify changes in the volume of liquid during freezing.
4. Labor in nature is to shovel snow into one pile.
5. Independent activity of children.
Making snow sculptures, buildings, decorating areas.
Afternoon 1. Examination of paintings depicting children’s winter games. Writing stories for children.
2. Reading and discussion of the story by A. Vvedensky “On Skis”
3. Listening to children's songs “If only there were no winter”, “Three white horses”. Goal: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love of music.
4. Independent play activities for children (board and printed games).

Wednesday (January 17)

Health Day “Winter has come and brought joy”

Time Contents of work/event
The first half of the day 1. Organization of RPPS (changes in development centers, exhibitions.).
2. Examination of the illustrations “Winter Landscapes”.
3. Game-situation “How we play in winter”
4. Independent play activities for children (name of the center).
OD 1. Work in the creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”. Drawing "Snowy forest"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk Sports leisure “Winter has come and brought fun” (outdoor games and relay races for children of younger, middle and older age).
Making snow sculptures, buildings, decorating areas.
Afternoon 1. Didactic game “Damaged Phone” Purpose: development of auditory attention
2. Viewing the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”
3. Acting out the fairy tale “Stutterer’s Hut.”
4. Sr game “We are athletes”

Thursday (January 18)

"Winter's Tale"

Time Contents of work/event
The first half of the day 1. Exhibition of books with winter tales.
2. Communication activity: Conversation “Winter Games” Purpose: to introduce winter sports, winter fun, entertainment.
3. Board-printed game quiz “First Grader”
4. Independent play activities for children in the art corner
OD 1. Work in creative workshops “Zimushka-winter” Application “Zayushkina’s hut”
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Observation of trees in winter. Goal: to promote knowledge about preserving trees during the cold season.
2. Outdoor game “Kite and hen”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to act together, develop speed and agility.
3. Experimentation “Ice is a strongman” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the top with water, invite them to make a proposal about what will happen to the water if it freezes.
4. Rake the snow into a pile
5. Independent activity of children.
Making snow sculptures, buildings, decorating areas.
Afternoon 1. Communicative activity: Conversation “On the slide in winter” Purpose: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding down the slide. Develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait your turn.
2. Reading G. Skrebitsky “How a squirrel spends the winter.” Purpose: answer questions about the content of the text listened to.
3. Watching the cartoon “The Snow Queen”
4. S-r game: “Family” (Plot: “Getting ready for a winter walk”) Didactic game: “Find your match” Purpose: to consolidate geometric shapes. Finger gymnastics: “Who has what kind of fur coat?”

Friday (January 19)

“Merry Christmas Carols” (closing of the week)

Time Contents of work/event
The first half of the day 1. Listening to the song “White Snowflakes” Story “Old names of our months”
2. Ecological game “Seasons” Goal: to develop logical thinking and enrich children’s horizons with the concept of seasonal changes in nature.
3. D/i “Winter safety rule” Purpose: to know the winter safety rule; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures. Printed board games: “What month” sr game: “Builders”
4. Independent play activities for children in the drawing corner “Christmas Coloring Books”
Musical entertainment “Merry Christmas carols” (folk fun games, music and dance numbers)
Walk 1. Observation of snow. Goal: consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow.
2. Outdoor game “Brave Guys” Purpose: to practice walking and running in different directions, to develop dexterity.
3. Conducting experiments with snow. Practice the ability to conduct simple experiments with snow and ice on your own.
4. Playing with snowballs
5. Independent activity of children.
Review-competition of ice buildings and decorations “Secrets of the Ice Mosaic”
Afternoon 1. Conversation “How the curious tongue was punished.” Goal: to give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that you should not touch them with your tongue, lips or bare hands.
2. Reading the story by V. Suteev “Christmas tree”
3. Exhibition of drawings: “Kaleidoscope of winter games and fun”
4. Independent play activities of children.

Working with parents:

1. Recommendation: “How to spend a day off with your child.”

2. Exhibition of drawings “Kaleidoscope of winter games and fun.”

3. Take part in the environmental campaign: “Take care of birds in winter” (making bird feeders).

4. Consultation: “How to properly dress a child in winter.”

5. Parents’ participation in preparing the area for winter games and decorating the area with ice buildings.

6. Preparation of information for parents: “Winter safety rules.”

Planning for the theme of the week “Winter fun”

Theme: “Winter fun”

Sokolova S.D. first junior gr.

Goal: Formation of elementary ideas about winter, about winter phenomena in living and inanimate nature, about winter entertainment. Introduce winter games: sledding, snowball fights.

Final event: exhibition of children's creativity.

Expand your understanding of winter and seasonal changes in nature.

Form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

Introduce winter games: sledding, snowball fights.

To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.

Place books on the topic of the week in the book corner

Replenish albums on the topic of the week

Replenish the corner with material for working in coloring books on the topic.

Final event:

Entertainment. Visit the Snowman.

Planning of educational work on January 20, 2022. (Monday)

Topic: "Winter fun."

Educator: Sokolova S. D.

Individual work of the teacher with pupils Joint activities of the teacher and pupils Organization of independent activities of children

Morning Individual conversation on the development of coherent speech “My favorite winter activities.” Monika, Yana, Matvey M.

Finger gymnastics: “Snowflakes”

Let's clench our hands into fists

And let's wait a little

We'll blow on our palms

We will blow all the snowflakes off them.

Lera, Yaroslav, Kira. Conversation with children on the topic “Fun in winter.” Clarify children’s ideas about winter fun games; expand the vocabulary using nouns (sledge, skis, skates, skiers, figure skater, skating rink).

Labor activity. Cleaning the designer. Encourage children to fold the construction set carefully. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

KGN “Fluffy towel”. To promote the formation of CGN in children, use an individual towel correctly, and hang it in place. Create conditions for independent artistic and speech activity of children (books, pictures)

Lay out plastic materials for free use, paper, pencils.

Games with building materials. Continue to develop the ability to experiment with details, create sustainable buildings, and play with them.

OOD 2 OOD 1 Familiarization with the outside world. “Help Tanya” Form a generalized concept of clothing, differentiate by purpose.

Means: doll, winter clothes.

Methods: verbal, practical, visual, viewing, showing, answering questions, telling.

Physical education Planning for every day according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. N.E.Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva December-February first junior group. Page 364.

Exercise children in throwing into the distance with their right and left hands, walking on an inclined board, making sure that the children are attentive and play together.

1 hour Walk and run after each other (do not rush, do not overtake the person in front). Walking and running alternate. Take the tape

and stand scattered, turning to face the teacher.

OVD: Walking up and down on an inclined board. Make sure that children do not rush and do not push each other. If necessary, the teacher supports the children by the hand.

Throwing sandbags into the distance with the right and left hands

Outdoor game “Birds in nests”.

Walking with a stop at the teacher’s signal.

Walk Individual work on movement development with Klim, Kira, Yana

“Who has more hits?”

Exercise children in throwing snowballs at a horizontal target. Weather observation. Continue to form an idea of ​​the seasonal phenomenon - ice; develop observation skills.

Labor activity Clearing paths from snow. Cultivate hard work.

P/N “We are funny guys.” Increase physical activity; act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Research activities. Viewing, conducting and discussing the experience: let’s put our face under the snow. Why is there no snowdrift on my face?

Evening D/I "Arrange the New Year's toys by color." Encourage children to classify toys by color. Strengthen children's knowledge about primary colors. Gymnastics after sleep (Educational process: planning for every day according to the program “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Reading fiction: I. Demyanov’s poem “The Snow Woman.” Inspire the joy of reading.

Looking at illustrations with children depicting children's winter fun. A conversation about the rules of behavior important for protecting the health and safety of children while walking during winter activities. Child-initiated games and activities in activity centers.

Game situation “Put it in its place.” Continue to introduce children to safety rules at home.

Planning educational work for “
January 21 2019 ( Tuesday )
Topic: “Winter fun”

Sokolova S.D. first junior gr.

Educational activities in special moments

Independent activities of children

Matvey, Nikita, Sasha G.


group cleaning. Involve children in restoring order in the group after games, putting all toys back in their places

KGN. We eat the bread carefully. Goals:

Show how to handle bread: bite off a portioned piece of bread into small pieces. cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

Morning exercises (p. 365 3-4 weeks
Educational process: planning for every day according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. First junior group. December -February))
Speech activation - “What do you know about winter clothing and shoes?”

Coloring pictures on a winter theme.

Speech development. V.V. Gerbova Lesson 5. Repetition of familiar fairy tales. Reading the nursery rhyme “Cucumber, cucumber...”

Target. Recall familiar fairy tales with children, help children dramatize excerpts from works; help you remember a new nursery rhyme.

Means: dog, beret or hat, any wind-up toy

Methods: verbal, visual; observation, examination, showing, questions.

According to the music director's plan

Game for developing fine motor skills “Snowball”.

Induce a joyful mood in children and a desire to repeat the game several times.

Observation of bird behavior. Note the behavior of birds in different weather; expand your understanding of wintering birds.

Artistic word. ask riddles:

A bully and a thief, Wears a gray coat, Snatches crumbs on the fly And is only afraid of cats. (sparrow). Who is wearing a bright red beret, In a black satin cap? He doesn't look at me. Everything is knocking, knocking, knocking. (woodpecker).

Black-winged, red-breasted, And in winter he will find shelter: He is not afraid of colds - Right there with the first snow. (bullfinch)

How do birds behave? How to help them survive in winter conditions? Examine the beaks of birds. Mark what it eats based on the shape of its beak.

P/I "Day and Night".

To promote the development of attention and the ability to act on a signal.

Labor activity: help collect fallen snow with a shovel.

Independent activity with external material at the request of the children. Encourage children to choose a game based on their interest and form a group. Pay attention to the relationships between children and ways out of conflict situations.

D/I “Find out and name.” Continue teaching children to find familiar birds and name them. with Matvey L, Klim, Monika.

Gymnastics complex after sleep:

raise the mood and muscle tone of children with the help of contrasting air baths and physical exercises.

Create conditions for children to play with construction sets and building materials.


Approximate planning of educational work in the first junior group on the topic “Winter”

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week 01/09-01/12/2018)


I junior group No. 2
Topic: “Winter”
Purpose: to introduce children to the characteristic signs of winter, the properties of snow, changes in the life of birds and wild animals; learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships; develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the dictionary; learn to answer questions. to cultivate an interest in learning about nature and reflecting one’s impressions in visual arts.

Final event:

photo exhibition “Winter Fun”
Date of the final event: 01/12/2018
Responsible for the final event:

teachers, children, parents.

Day of the week Main part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: Morning exercises. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. Conversation “Hello winter, winter” - to form an idea of ​​​​winter as a season; activate the words snow, winter, frost, cold “Assemble a pyramid” - develop children’s ability to use the ability to navigate homogeneous objects in the game, picking them up in a certain sequence. Involve Ralina and Nikita. Washing. Goal: to create conditions for the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap, and use their own towel. Provide children with gaming and didactic material (subject pictures “Seasons”) to develop the ability to distinguish the signs of the seasons.

Games in activity centers of the children's choice. Learn to play together, use toys, share with friends.

Tuesday 01/09/2018


GCD: 1. Music. class According to the specialist's plan.
2. Cognition (FCCM and IC). Topic: “Tanya is not afraid of frost”

Goal: to teach to carefully examine the picture, understand its content, and answer questions. Reinforce your knowledge of the names of winter clothing items. Reinforce knowledge of the nursery rhyme “Our Mashenka is small”

N. Golitsyna p.65

I :
Watching the winter sky.

Goal: creating conditions for enriching the vocabulary (clearly,

cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Labor: shoveling snow. Goal: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, to create a desire to come to the aid of others. Under. game “Horses” - coordinate the gallop steps with the rhythm of the song.

Individual work: “Who will throw the snowball next?”

Goal: to teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object. Involve Leva, Nicole, Misha.

Remind children of winter safety rules on the site. The goal is to update and supplement children’s ideas about the rules of conduct during a winter walk, to consider potentially dangerous situations, and to teach them to avoid them. Using external material, create conditions for the development of independent play activities.
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Goals: develop motor activity, create a positive emotional mood. Walking along massage paths. Remind Nikita, Misha, Masha of the dressing sequence. Continue to teach children how to put on tights and socks and fasten their shoes independently. CHHL: learning the finger game “Snowman” Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.
NOD: Musical development “The little animals came to visit us”

Goal: learn to imitate the movements of animals (hare, bear, fox). Give children the joy of playing together.

II :
Continue observing the evening sky, teach children to name which sky (clear, cloudy, blue). Develop observation skills and the ability to compare. Under. game "Sparrows and the cat". Goal: exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate in space. Independent play activity. Masha and Vika practice jumping in place on two legs. Game situation “Do you like winter” Goal: come up with a short story about winter using plot pictures. Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. Promote the ability to play together.
Evening: Role-playing game “Hospital” Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the profession of a doctor and his responsibilities. Individual drawing work with Kolya and Roma. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw round objects. Conversation about order in the group and in the play corners. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and the products and things they produce. Games for developing fine motor skills “Buttons”, mosaic, “Colorful clothespins”
Working with parents: Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.
Day of the week Main part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: Morning exercises in a group to create a positive emotional mood in the group

“What do I like about winter?” — to develop children’s ability to convey in speech their ideas about winter, impressions, and to refer to personal experience.

D/i “Collect a picture (cut pictures) - develop logic and thinking. Involve Vika, Nicole. KGN: strengthen the ability to hold a spoon correctly.

And we have spoons

a little magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food,

not a trace remained.

Offer children books on the topic of the week. Learn to look at books and illustrations with winter landscapes, precipitation - fix the names of the seasons, learn to admire the world around you.
Wednesday 01/10/18 GCD: 1.CHHL. Topic: Russian folk tale "Kolobok".

P/N: help understand the content of the fairy tale. Encourage them to pronounce the words in the Kolobok song. N. Golitsyna p.67

I :
Crow observation.

Goal: expand the understanding of wintering birds, teach to notice how birds move, and develop observation skills.

Exercise Misha, Masha and Roma to jump on two legs, moving forward - to develop agility and self-confidence. Labor: prepare and place bird food in bird feeders. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. During the walk, create conditions for independent play activities using portable materials: spatulas, buckets, molds.
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds. The round dance game “Zainka” is to enrich children’s motor experience and develop coordination of words with movements. Involve all children. CHHL: A. Paroshina “Oh, you winter-winter” Learn to listen carefully to the poem and answer the teacher’s questions. To form in children the habit of independently finding interesting activities for themselves; teach to freely use toys and aids.
GCD: Physical education class. Target:

repeat walking on the board, practice crawling, crawling under a stick.
Learn to throw a ball with one hand, develop independence. Laizane p.36

II :
Continue bird watching. Note which birds fly to the site. Under. game “Once. Two, three, run towards something.” Goal: to train children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. Games with external material. Sedentary game “Train” Purpose: to teach children to walk and run after each other in small groups. First holding each other, then not holding each other. Action on signal. Involve everyone. Sources of danger - to consolidate knowledge about objects that may be objects of danger, to develop the ability to select pictures of objects according to the described situation, to cultivate a sense of camaraderie. Using outdoor material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.
Evening: The role-playing game “Shop” is to arouse children’s interest in the profession of a salesperson, to develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, and to cultivate friendly relationships. Exercise “Fold a picture” - improving visual perception. Involve Nikita, Leva. Conversation about order in the group and in the play corners. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and the products and things they produce. Games for developing fine motor skills: puzzles, mosaics.
Working with parents: Suggest to parents on the way home to pay attention to changes in nature.
Day of the week
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: Morning exercises in a group. Goal: to develop motor activity in children. Conversation “How our nanny works” Consolidate knowledge about the work of a junior teacher Exercise “Whose snowball will fly farther” - develop the respiratory system Didactic exercise “Let’s teach the bear cub to say hello.” Teach culture of behavior in a group (say hello when meeting). Games with a construction set at tables “Benches for nesting dolls” - learn how to build buildings, name the details of the construction set. Conversation “How our nanny works” Consolidate knowledge about the work of a junior teacher
Thursday 01/11/18 GOD: 1. Modeling. Theme: "Snowman"

P/N: learn to sculpt a round shape. Learn to make a snowman figurine from two balls and additional material. Develop speech activity. N. Golitsyna p.68

I :
Watching the wind. (The wind is strong, cold, shaking the trees). Develop children's observation and speech skills. Under. game "At the Bear's Forest".

Goal: to develop the skill of running without bumping into each other.

Individual work on ATS: exercise “On a Level Path” with Nicole, Masha, Maxim. - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text. Labor: shoveling snow with shovels to build a slide. Learn to use shovels and buckets for snow removal. Cultivate hard work. Independent activity of children in the area with external materials. Goal: to cultivate independence in organizing joint activities.
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths. Hardening procedures. Didactic game “Match by color” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of colors, to develop the ability to find several objects of the same color. Involve Vika, Ralina. CHHL: Russian folk tale “The Gray Wolf and the Fox” Learn to listen carefully to the end of the work, follow the development of the plot. Games for developing fine motor skills “Mosaic”, “Multi-colored clothespins”, “Buttons”
GCD: Musical lesson Target:

continue to develop emotional responsiveness to songs of a cheerful, playful nature; encourage arbitrarily, find intonations built on several sounds; develop expressive movement skills (gathering in a circle in games, holding hands).

II :
Continue observing the wind and use the tape to determine the direction of the wind. Develop experimentation skills. Under. game “Catch up” - practice running and dodging. Ind. Work with a subgroup of children: “What kind of wind?” strong, cold. “How does the wind sing?” children imitate the hum of the wind. Goal: expanding vocabulary. Strengthen washing skills: be careful; do not wet clothes, do not splash water, carefully soap your hands. Outdoor materials for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.
Evening: Role-playing game: “I am a driver.” Goal: To activate and develop children’s speech, to reveal the game’s intent. Form initial skills of role behavior. Individual work on speech development “Repeat after me” with Misha, Roma, Ralina. D/i “Put it in its place”

Goal: to consolidate the understanding of the rules of safe behavior, to develop the knowledge that for safety, all objects must be put back in their place.

Board games. Develop perseverance and the ability to see the game through to the end.
Working with parents: Information at the stand for parents: “Winter Games”.
Day of the week Main part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: Morning exercises Goals: development of physical qualities;

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Conversation “How do we play outside in winter?” Goal: to learn to name games and objects that children encounter while playing while walking, to expand their passive vocabulary.

Games with toys: assembling a pyramid. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, teach children to distinguish rings by size, and string them in a certain sequence. Game situation “Show me how to behave at the table.” Strengthen the ability to eat carefully, independently, to swallow food without leaving it behind the cheek. Encourage the use of a napkin. Independent activity in activity centers. Improve your ability to play together.
Friday 01/12/18 GCD: 1.Drawing. Topic: “It’s white all around in winter”

P/N: reinforce the idea of ​​the signs of winter: it’s snowing, it’s lying on the ground, on the trees. Learn to draw snow using the technique of dipping and circular movements. Encourage an emotional response to your drawing.

N. Golitsyna p.68

I :
Observing the clothes of passersby. Purpose: To draw children's attention to the fact that winter has come, it has become cold, people are wearing warm hats, coats, boots. In such clothes people are not cold, but warm. Invite the children to talk about their clothes, what they are wearing. Under. game “Bubble” Purpose: to strengthen in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it. Exercise “Cockerel” with Vika, Nikita, Nicole - practice walking with a high knee lift. Labor: collect toys in a basket, clear snow. Cultivate a desire to work. Creating conditions for gaming activities. Goal: to encourage children to organize games, find activities of interest, and develop their imagination.
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics. Goal: promote quick awakening after sleep, improve health.

Hardening procedures. Walking along the massage path. Goal: to create a desire in children to improve their health.

Breathing exercises

"Snowfall" with all the children. Goal: development of smooth, long inhalation and exhalation.

Make snowflakes from paper or cotton wool (loose lumps). Explain to the child what snowfall is and invite the child to blow “snowflakes” from the palm of his hand.

CHHL: S. Marshak “A Quiet Fairy Tale”. Goal: to introduce children to poetry, to develop interest in books, to teach them to listen carefully to poetry, to monitor the development of action, to teach them to distinguish by ear the smoothness and expressiveness of poetic speech. Games with building materials.

Organize children's games with large building materials, help build a garage, play with buildings. Use children's skills in working with construction sets, develop imagination and creativity.

ECD: Physical entertainment "Winter Fun"


consolidate the ability to walk in a column one at a time, maintain balance while walking trail after trail, perform throwing skills at a target, and develop the eye.

II :
Continue observing the clothes of passersby. Develop observation skills. Under. The game “Fox and Hares” is to develop children’s motor activity. Independent play activity with external material. Individual. work with a subgroup of boys “Who will throw the snowball further” - practice throwing with your right hand into the distance. Labor activity: we will clear the path to the veranda from snow. Goal: to teach correctly, use a shovel, and finish what you start. Independent activity during a walk. Role-playing games at the request of children.
Evening: S/r game “Doll Katya got sick” Purpose: to develop gaming skills; learn to play interdependent roles in the plot; interact with your partner. Playing musical instruments with Ralina, Maxim, Kolya - strengthen the ability to play musical instruments. Household work. Teach children to put their toys back in their place.

Foster hard work and a desire to help elders.

Board games. Develop perseverance and the ability to see the game through to the end.
Working with parents: Individual conversations at the request of parents.
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