Entertainment for environmental education in the senior group

There is an initial autumn... (Environmental lesson senior group)

MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 8, Volodarsk, Nizhny Novgorod region


Link to the article, when indicated in the bibliography (according to GOST R 7.0.5–2008):

Kurepova E.V. There is an initial autumn... (Environmental activity senior group) // Owl. 2016.№1. URL: https://kssovushka.ru/e-sovushka.2016.n1-a/ZP15120013.html (access date: 01/25/2022).

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognition,
  • communication,
  • socialization,
  • Physical Culture,
  • music.

Types of children's activities:

  • gaming,
  • speech,
  • musical,
  • productive,
  • educational,
  • communicative,
  • motor.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of early autumn and autumn phenomena. Tasks:

  • Develop the ability to identify the characteristic features of a given time of year, establish basic cause-and-effect relationships, and compose stories based on plot pictures.
  • Enrich your vocabulary with definitions.
  • Develop children's speech, memory, attention, environmental and creative thinking.
  • To form feelings of emotional closeness with nature, the ability to see its beauty.
  • Foster love and respect for our native nature.

Methodical techniques:

  • Visual: looking at illustrations, showing.
  • Verbal: teacher's story, children's stories, conversation, word games, poetry reading.
  • Practical: games.


  • Pinocchio doll,
  • multimedia installation,
  • music tape recorder,
  • baskets,
  • real leaves from trees, maple leaves from cardboard,
  • cards: summer and autumn garden flowers, trees, signs of autumn, plot pictures “People’s work in autumn”


  • Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology"; long-term work plan.
  • Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology"; children's environmental projects from work experience. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2014.
  • Bondarenko T.M. Environmental education of children 5-6 years old: a practical guide. Voronezh, 2012.
  • From autumn to summer: for children about nature and the seasons in poems, riddles, proverbs / Compiled by L.A. Vladimirskaya. Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Contents of educational activities. Educator: Guys, today our old friend Buratino came to visit us. I see that he is worried about something. Let's find out what happened? Pinocchio: Hello, guys! Children: Hello, Pinocchio! Pinocchio: Guys, I visited you in the summer. It was very warm, flowers were blooming all around, trees and bushes were green. We walked on the lawn and you told me a lot about plants. Today I had difficulty recognizing familiar places. Everything has changed around: there are very few flowers in the flower beds, the leaves on the trees change color, and a breeze blows and they fall to the ground, covering it with a multi-colored carpet. The days have become shorter, the nights have become longer. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? Children: Such changes in nature occur in the fall. Buratino: I don’t know anything about this at all. Educator: Guys, let's introduce Pinocchio to this wonderful time of year. Autumn has three months. They are not alike. What autumn months do you know? Children: September, October, November. Educator: Autumn can be different: the first months are warm, and the last months are cold. The sun warms the earth less, the air cools, especially at night. We are seeing two different autumns. One is early. It is joyful, lushly decorated with flowers, colorful foliage, and rich in harvest. The poet I. Bunin said about it: “The forest is like a painted tower: Lilac, gold, crimson. A cheerful, motley wall stands above a bright clearing...” Another autumn – late: sad, with rain and snow, with heavy clouds, short days. What kind of autumn are we seeing now? Children: Early, cheerful. Educator: Look at the screen how artists depicted early autumn. (Paintings by artists are used: I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn” and A. I. Kuindzhi “Autumn”. An excerpt from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s work “The Seasons” is played.) Let’s select many beautiful words - definitions for early autumn. Children: Cheerful, colorful, rich, joyful, golden, lush, generous, etc. Educator: Guys, why didn’t Pinocchio see the flowers that grew in the summer in our flower beds? Children: The summer flowers have already faded, and now there are autumn flowers in the flower beds. Educator: Guys, let's play a little. (Didactic game “Summer and Autumn Flowers”). The typesetting canvas contains cards of various garden flowers. Name and remove those that bloomed in summer. What flowers decorate our flower beds now? Children: Marigolds, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums. Educator: These are the flowers, Pinocchio, you saw in our flower beds. And now, let's introduce Pinocchio to the main signs of autumn. (Didactic game “Signs of Autumn”). (Children talk about the signs of autumn based on clarity). Also, our guys learned a poem about the signs of autumn. Children: “Signs of autumn.” 1st child: Autumn will approach silently, Quietly stand at the gate. In the garden, a cherry leaf will fall on the road. This is the first sign that summer is leaving us. 2nd child: And the second one is a raspberry bush, In the threads of a white cobweb. The day will become a little shorter, the clouds will darken, as if a shadow will cover them, the river will become cloudy. 3rd child: The third true sign: Autumn is wandering nearby somewhere. Early in the morning, white fogs will fall across the clearings. And then wait, don’t wait The drizzling rains will cover the blues with a shroud, So autumn has come. Educator: Well done, you know a lot of autumn signs! Guys, I invite you to take a walk in the rain. (Physical training. Game “Coordination of speech with movement”).

The rain is bouncing down the path towards us on a long thin leg.(jumping on one leg in a circle)
In a puddle - look, look! - He blows bubbles. (children stand facing in a circle, rhythmic squats)
The bushes became wet, the flowers became wet.(tilt, hands to the floor, shaking hands)
Wet gray sparrow Dries its feathers quickly.(stand up, arms along the body, shaking hands)

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the most beautiful time of autumn? Children: Golden autumn. Educator: At this time, all the trees and bushes show off in the brightest colorful outfits. Listen to a poem about this. Child: “Autumn spread paint at the edges, quietly brushed across the leaves: The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed. Even the oak is green in autumn purple. Autumn consoles: “Don’t regret summer! Look - the grove is dressed in gold." Z. Fedovskaya Pinocchio: And I brought you autumn gifts in a basket. Guess the riddle. “Coins are falling from the trees from the heavy rain and wind. I'll pick up ten coins and make a big bouquet." Children: Autumn leaves. Pinocchio: (Shows colorful leaves from different trees) Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall off in the fall? Children: The sun shines less, the days become shorter, and sap flow stops. Educator: This phenomenon only happens in the fall. The trees dress up in colorful dresses and then shed their leaves. What is this phenomenon? Children: Leaf fall. Educator: It’s a very beautiful sight when, in dry sunny weather, circling in the air, as if dancing, the leaves smoothly fall to the ground, covering it with a multi-colored carpet. Maxim wants to read V. Virovich’s poem “Falling Leaves” about this. Child: “Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, Yellow leaves are flying. Yellow maple, yellow beech, Yellow circle of the sun in the sky. Yellow yard, yellow house. The whole earth is yellow all around. Yellowness, yellowness, So autumn is not spring.” Pinocchio: Do ​​leaves fall from all trees? Children: No, spruce and pine are always green. Educator: What are these trees called? And why? Children: Conifers. They have needles instead of leaves. Pinocchio: And I saw a coniferous tree that was completely yellow. What kind of tree is this? Children: This is larch. Its needles are soft like leaves. This tree sheds its needles for the winter. Educator: You and I know that every tree and shrub has its own leaves. I suggest you play the round dance game “Fly, leaf, to my box.” (The children have leaves from different trees in their hands. The children start a round dance and sing.)

Autumn has come to visit us, bringing rain and wind. Children hold hands and walk in a circle.
The wind blows, blows, blows leaves from the branches. Raise your arms up and swing them from side to side.
The leaves are spinning in the wind and falling under our feet. The guys run in different directions, spin and squat.
Well, we’ll go for a walk and collect some leaves. The guys gather in a circle again.

(The selected leader goes to the middle of the circle with a basket and a picture of a certain tree and says: “A leaf from such a tree, fly into my box.” The guys, in whose hands the leaves from this tree, run up and put them in the basket. The one who is the first leads I recognized the tree without error and put my leaf in the basket.) Educator: Well done guys, you know trees and their leaves well! Pinocchio: You told me that in the summer people have a lot of trouble. What do they do in the fall? (Children's stories based on the plot paintings “People's Labor in Autumn” (3-4 stories). Educator: And now I suggest you play an interesting game. You will have to depict the autumn weather with facial expressions, gestures, movements. (Children gather in a circle). Assignment 1. Show that it has become cold (children shiver, warm their hands, put on hats and scarves with gestures). Task 2. Show that it is cold rain (children “open umbrellas”, raise their collars, hide under the roof). Task 3. Show that the sun is shining again (children are jumping, running, having fun) Task 4. Show that a strong wind is blowing (children raise their arms up, swing them like branches) Task 5. Depict leaf fall (children are running, spinning, squatting) Educator : Well done, you depicted everything very accurately. Educator: The autumn weather is very changeable. This time of year gives us many joyful and not very joyful surprises. Pinocchio: Let's play the game “Good - Bad”. In front of you are autumn leaves. You you will collect them in baskets. In yellow - with the words: “Autumn is good...” (because there are beautiful colorful trees, fallen leaves rustle underfoot, we go to the forest to pick mushrooms, it’s my birthday, etc.), and in blue - “Autumn is bad...” (because there are many gloomy days, cold rains, you can’t walk for a long time, you can get your feet wet and get sick, etc.). (Children fold the leaves according to the words.) Educator: We see that there are equal numbers of leaves in both baskets. The autumn season has both good and bad. But we love this time for its beauty and generous gifts.

Pinocchio: I see that you know a lot about autumn, and now I want to know how attentive you are. Let's play the game “What did the artist mix up?” (A multimedia installation is used.) Look at the screen (there is a picture with an autumn plot on the screen, but mistakes were made). Name what can't happen in autumn? Well done, you are very attentive! Thanks guys. I learned a lot of interesting things about the most beautiful period of autumn. Now I know why other flowers bloom in flower beds and what happens to the leaves on trees and shrubs. By the fallen leaves, I can find the tree from which the wind blew them. I learned what changes occur in nature in autumn and how many worries people have at this time of year. Now, at the school of funny people, I can tell my friends a lot of interesting things about autumn. Goodbye! Teacher and children: Goodbye, Pinocchio!

Environmental entertainment in the senior group “Save the Forest”

Goal: to continue environmental education of children.

Objectives: - repeat the rules of behavior in the forest, - develop a sense of responsibility for nature, a sense of friendship and mutual assistance, - educate children’s environmental culture.

Progress of the entertainment Children sit in the hall on chairs.

Presenter : Guys, we have gathered here today for the forest festival. But first we need to repeat the rules of conduct. I will tell you how children behave in the forest, and if you shout loudly: “Yes” correctly, but if it is not correct, then you shout: “No”!

1. We sat in the clearing, Everyone drank and ate, And then we went home - We took the trash with us! Right? 2. Can you walk through the forest? Break branches from a tree? 3. The girls picked flowers and braided them into wreaths. And the clearing is all empty - Not a flower left! Right? 4. Can I take my hedgehog with me when I go home? 5. The children walked through the forest, didn’t make noise, didn’t shout, picked berries, didn’t break the bush! Right? Host : Well done, what is that noise there? (Lesovichok runs in) Lesovichok: Help! Help!

Host: What happened, Lesovichok?

Lesovichok: Trouble happened in the forest, Everything around has changed: Birds don’t sing, Flowers don’t bloom, The wind doesn’t make noise, The river doesn’t gurgle….

Host: Guys, let's help the forester save the forest! Do you agree? Then let's go! (Children get up from their chairs and march around the hall and sing the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”). Host: Here we are in the forest. Look at this dirty clearing, what happened here?

Lesovichok: People scattered garbage, They didn’t clean up after themselves, All the flowers withered, The butterflies disappeared...

Host: Guys, let's clean up the trash in the clearing, and then the clearing will bloom again, and beautiful butterflies will fly to it! A competition game is being held “Who can collect the most?” “Garbage” is scattered on the floor: cubes, bags, sticks, etc. Children are divided into 2 teams, and each team, at the leader’s signal, collects “garbage” in its basket. Lesovichok: Thank you, guys. Now relax and look at what beautiful butterflies have flown into the clear clearing. (Children sit on chairs, girls perform a butterfly dance) (2 ants run in) 1st ant: We worked all day and we are not too lazy to work. They built a big house and accommodated the whole family!

2ant: But the guys came into the forest - our anthill disappeared!

Host: Let's help the ants build new houses!

(The game-competition “Build a house” is being played.) Children line up in two teams, next to each team there is a set of floor constructors. On command, children take one cube and run to a landmark, placing the cube. You need to move all the cubes and build a house out of them. The team that does it quickly and beautifully wins. Presenter: Well done, they turned out beautiful houses. Now let's please our ant friends with a song. (The song “Don’t hurt the ant” is performed) (a magpie appears) Magpie: A curious magpie, It flew in from afar, I’m spreading news through the forest, I can’t sit still! Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble! Everyone get together here! Oh, Oh, Oh, what a nightmare, A fire is starting! The fire was not put out, All the rules were forgotten!

Host: Guys, let's help put out the fire in the forest. How can you put out a fire? That's right, water. (A game-competition “Bring Water” is being played. Children line up in two teams. Each player must scoop up a glass of water, carry it to a landmark and pour it into a bucket. The team that does everything quickly and without spilling the water wins. Lesovichok: Well done, good job. Let’s listen how the birds began to sing in our forest! (Children sit on chairs, the audio recording “Voices of Birds” is turned on.) Lesovichok : Our journey through the forest is coming to an end, you did a good job, helped the forest inhabitants, and now let’s repeat the rules of behavior in the forest .

Child 1: The order in the forest is this: If you sit, clean up after yourself!

Child 2: Don’t touch the anthills, go on your way!

Child 3: Don’t break trees and don’t pick flowers in vain!

4 child: You can’t make noise in the forest, shout, or take animals out of the forest!

5 child: I’ve decided to start a fire, Don’t forget to put everything out, Trouble is not far away here, It’s not easy to put out fires!

Lesovichok : Well done, you know the rules of behavior in the forest, just don’t forget to follow them! And then there is a reward for you - Birds, animals - everyone is happy to see you! Butterflies are fluttering, flowers are blooming, berries are ripening for you, come in good time!

Host: Now it’s time to say goodbye to Lesovichok, we need to return to kindergarten, and so that we don’t get bored on the way, let’s sing a song about friendship! (Children march around the hall and sing a song about friendship)

Title: Environmental entertainment in the senior group “Save the forest” Author: Tatyana Viktorovna Bobyleva Position: 1st category teacher Place of work: Preschool educational institution No. 19 “Beryozka” Location: Kozmodemyask village, Yaroslavl district, Yaroslavl region

Date modified: 08/31/2015 Date of publication: 08/01/2014

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