Lesson summary topic: “Introduction to the medical profession” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group)

How much do doctors earn

A doctor's earnings are influenced by many factors:

  • whether you work in a private or public clinic;
  • specialization;
  • professionalism.

On average, doctors' income ranges from $390 to $780 . However, in metropolitan cities with prestigious clinics, this figure can be much higher.

The highest paying medical professions

Among the profitable and most popular specialties are dentistry and cosmetology .

Obstetricians , urologists , and gynecologists earn slightly less .

Surgeons also have a decent income, but their earnings are inferior to the above categories.

People who became therapists and pediatricians . They are constantly in demand.

Today there is a demand for the profession of a doctor - psychologist , nutritionist . They are also on the list of the highest paid.

Features of the profession

If you have firmly decided to become a doctor, but do not yet know what specialization to choose, you can analyze your physical data.

Surgeons tend to have thin and long fingers. This will make it easier to carry out operations.

Orthopedists need strength. After all, realigning joints and vertebrae is not an easy task.

The main feature of the profession is that a doctor should not “harm the patient.”

Etiquette of a medical practitioner

  • Medical ethics begins with the Hippocratic Oath. After all, it contains the basic principles of behavior.
  • Appearance should inspire confidence in the patient.
  • Well delivered speech. The specialist cannot complain to the patient about personal problems, lack of money or poor working conditions.
  • Gestures should help position the patient for open communication.
  • The doctor is prohibited from showing the patient that you are hesitating in making a decision.
  • Respect for colleagues
  • The doctor is prohibited from disclosing personal information about the person who sought help to third parties.

Required professional skills and knowledge

Every doctor must have a good understanding of the structure of the human body, and highly specialized doctors must have a thorough understanding of the issues they deal with.

He needs to know everything about the organs that he is entrusted with treating and that are nearby.

The doctor is required to have excellent knowledge about basic medications: what they are for, how to use them, contraindications. You need to be aware of a huge number of new products.

In order to establish contact with the patient, you need to know psychology. The ability to create a trusting atmosphere is highly valued in medical practice. Such knowledge especially helps dentists, gynecologists, and proctologists. With the help of simple methods, an appointment with a doctor will not turn into hard labor for the patient, and will have a beneficial effect on health.

Personal qualities of a doctor

It is recommended for people who have developed the following qualities to devote their lives to medical practice:

  • intelligence;
  • intuition;
  • observation;
  • patience;
  • sociability;
  • self confidence;
  • determination;
  • emotional resistance to stressful situations.

It is important that doctors become those who care about the people around them; those who are merciful to the grief of others and want to change the world for the better.

How to become a doctor

The profession of a doctor is taught in medical colleges and institutes. This requires a lot of preparation. Studying a specialty at a medical school lasts a minimum of 6 years, after which students are required to practice for 1-2 years in their specialization under the supervision of a professional (residency or internship). Upon completion of the internship, the student receives the right to work independently.

Studying to become a doctor is difficult from the first year. To become a good doctor, you need an analytical mind, excellent memory and efficiency.

Medical professions after 9th grade

You can get any medical specialty after 9th grade:

  • nursing (nurse/brother is the most common and least paid profession);
  • medical practice (paramedic - first aid, specialists work in pediatrics, surgery, ambulance, etc.);
  • orthopedic dentistry (dental technician, dental assistant - a sought-after, highly paid profession);
  • laboratory diagnostics (medical laboratory technician - biochemical, clinical studies, analyses, studies using computer technology, etc.);
  • obstetrics (gynecologist assistant - monitoring a woman during pregnancy and during childbirth);
  • pharmaceuticals (work in a pharmacy).

Where to study to become a doctor

Almost every city in Russia has colleges and institutes where you can get a medical education. You can study to specialize as doctors in the following colleges in Moscow:

  1. Medical College of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  2. St. Demetrius School of Sisters of Mercy.
  3. Medical College No. 1.
  4. Medical College No. 2.
  5. Medical College No. 5.
  6. Medical College No. 7.

You can get higher education in the field of medicine at the following universities in Russia:

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (MSMU).
  2. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova (PSPbSMU).
  3. Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov (RNIMU).
  4. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimov.
  5. Kazan State Medical University.
  6. Ural State Medical University.
  7. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Where are doctors needed?

The profession of a doctor is in great demand. Doctors of various specialties work in clinics and hospitals, private and public medical centers. As a rule, medical workers are present in kindergartens, schools and health institutions to provide timely assistance in case it is suddenly needed.

Ambulance workers and so-called “disaster medicine” deserve special mention. These are doctors who immediately arrive on the first call in particularly severe cases when there is a threat to human life and health. Sometimes these doctors themselves find themselves in life-threatening situations, as they are called to fires, accidents and other dangerous incidents. A special unit of very experienced and qualified doctors, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, can even urgently fly to other cities and countries when their help is needed.

Specialties of doctors: list and description, doctors of narrow specialties

There are various specialties of doctors, so to avoid the need to retrain, a medical student should find out what areas of this profession there are, make an informed choice: assess his abilities, personal qualities, understand what he wants to do in life, etc.

Allergist immunologist

An allergist-immunologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions in the body and studies the immune system. A specialist in this profile must be able to provide emergency assistance to a patient who has severe manifestations of allergies (edema, anaphylactic shock, etc.).


An andrologist is a specialist who treats pathological processes and diseases of the male reproductive system. The main area is male reproductive health. An andrologist deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases such as impotence, erectile dysfunction, etc.


A venereologist specializes in sexually transmitted diseases. General characteristics of the profession: treatment of sexual diseases and their consequences (infertility, pathologies during pregnancy, etc.). The most common diseases: syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, vaginosis, genital herpes, prostatitis, etc.


A gastroenterologist is a specialist whose responsibilities include treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are diseases associated with the stomach (ulcer, gastritis, etc.), gall bladder, pancreas (pancreatitis), spleen (tumors, cysts, etc.), and intestines.


The task of a hepatologist is to diagnose and treat liver diseases. These include: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, cholelithiasis, etc.


A gynecologist is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents various abnormalities and diseases of the female reproductive system. A specialist in this profile observes a woman during pregnancy, delivers babies, etc.


A dermatologist specializes in studying the physiological functions and diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. The doctor’s work concerns skin lesions of infectious, viral, parasitic types, dermatitis caused by allergies, psoriasis, various rashes, etc.


A nutritionist deals with the issue of nutrition: develops proper meal plans for people suffering from excess weight. Healthy people also turn to a specialist in this profile in order to organize their diet in such a way as not to have health problems in the future.


A cardiologist diagnoses and treats various diseases of the cardiovascular system. These include: coronary heart disease, heart defects, heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc.

Physiotherapy doctor

A physical therapy doctor offers patients a treatment method based on physical exercise. The main task of the specialist is to help the patient regain lost physical skills (rehabilitation and preventive measures).

Expert in narcology

A narcologist treats people for addiction (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism). In addition to therapeutic measures, the doctor bears responsibility for the psychological state of the patient.


A neurologist treats diseases of the nervous system. Its task is to establish the cause of the disease and determine which organs are negatively affected. In some cases, the neurologist works in tandem with another doctor.

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

An otolaryngologist specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. These include: difficulty breathing through the nose, hearing loss, etc.


A pediatrician is a doctor for children who observes them from birth, analyzes the child’s neuropsychic and physical development. He gives mothers advice on breastfeeding, child care, etc. His competence includes the treatment of some childhood and general diseases (ARVI, etc.). If necessary, the pediatrician refers the patient to another specialist.


The psychotherapist provides support to the patient in difficult life situations and teaches them to overcome psychological difficulties. A specialist in this field treats psychosomatic diseases caused by physiological and mental factors during conversations.


The dentist specializes in problems with the maxillofacial area, deals with the treatment and removal of teeth, and prosthetics. His task is to explain to patients preventive oral care measures.


The profession of a general practitioner involves studying the cause-and-effect relationship of the mechanisms of disease of internal organs and systems (diagnosis, treatment, prevention). Consultation with a therapist is the first thing a patient needs in the presence of any disease. The accuracy of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depend on the competence and experience of the specialist.


A urologist studies and treats pathologies of the reproductive and genitourinary systems. His clients are men and women. The male part of the population turns to a urologist with the following diseases: infertility, problems with urination, potency, inflammatory, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, etc. Women turn to a urologist if they have cystitis, urolithiasis, renal failure, urinary incontinence, etc.

Who is a doctor: profession or vocation

Medicine is the science of the structure of the human body, which is studied by all future doctors. It is divided into specializations for a more detailed study of each individual area.

The story about the doctor’s profession should begin with a description of his activities. The daily responsibilities of a specialist in this profile is making decisions on which the lives and health of people depend. Therefore, he must have deep theoretical and practical knowledge in medicine in order to make a correct diagnosis.

What is a doctor? This is a general professional who examines the patient, determines the symptoms of the disease and prescribes treatment based on this. The doctor's specialty is in demand: he is engaged in saving the most precious thing a person has - life.

Mastering medicine requires patience, diligence, and a desire to help people. Learning science begins from the bench of an educational institution and ends when a person stops practicing medicine.

The great philosopher of Ancient Greece, Socrates, said: “All professions are from people, and only three are from God: teacher, judge and doctor.” Not everyone can become a valuable and good doctor. Being a doctor is a calling.


There are different areas of activity of a doctor:

  • In the therapeutic field, specialists are involved who examine patients and prescribe them the necessary medications, the use of which will contribute to the patient’s recovery. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes an examination or gives a referral to the surgical department;
  • Surgery is always associated with surgical intervention in order to eliminate pathological areas and processes that occur in the human body. People in this profession have saved many lives;
  • pathological anatomical focus is necessary to determine the cause of death of the deceased;
  • psychological specialization allows you to control and manage emotions, both standard and pathological.

If we talk about the classification of medical activities, we can highlight:

  • pharmacists, pharmacists, pharmacists, paramedics;
  • cosmetologist, massage therapist, proctologist;
  • nurses, nurses, psychotherapists;
  • phthisiatricians, veterinarians, virologists;
  • toxicologists, bacteriologists, ophthalmologists;
  • gynecologists, obstetricians, dermatologists;
  • ophthalmologists, therapists, cardiologists;
  • radiologists, psychoneurologists.

Pediatricians deserve special attention. These people treat children from birth to adulthood. After all, you should monitor the psychomotor development, correct posture, weight and growth of the children.

The dentist profession is considered to be quite in demand - this area is a separate direction in medicine. Toothache or caries occurs to everyone sooner or later, and here you simply cannot do without the help of a doctor. To prevent problems, patients need to see a specialist after a certain period.

Among dentists you can also find doctors with narrower specializations: surgeons, therapists, orthodontists, orthopedists, periodontists. A pediatric dentist takes care of the baby’s correct bite, fills teeth, and for adults, the doctor performs gum surgery and restores teeth.

The health of the patient is the main task of the doctor, no matter what type of medical activity he is engaged in.

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