TECHNOLOGICAL MAP of the Integrated lesson on the topic: “MIRACLES IN A BACKPACK”
TECHNOLOGICAL MAP of the Integrated Lesson on the topic: “MIRACLES IN A BACKPACK” Transcript 1 TECHNOLOGICAL MAP of the Integrated
Literacy program for children 6-7 years old work program for teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic
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Federal State Educational Standard Abstract OOD Construction “Building a fence” (junior preschool age)
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“Where do vitamins live?” GCD with children of the younger group Compiled by: Andreeva Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher of the MADO
Summary of a class on drawing a boat, senior group
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Progress of the lesson: V. Guys, today a package was brought to our kindergarten, and inside
Features of the formation of ideas about the work of adults in preschool children - the importance of labor education for the development of children
The importance of labor education for the development of children There are also objective problems that complicate the education of hard work in children.
Lesson notes for a pre-school group. “Journey into the world of art”
Getting to know the work of illustrators. in the preparatory group. Summary of Organized – educational activities
Long-term work plan for self-education on the topic “Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children through familiarization with traffic rules” “
Self-education “Formation of road safety rules for preschool children” Self-education topic: “Formation of rules
Lesson summary on the topic: “Gifts of Autumn” in the senior group lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
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