Long-term work plan for self-education on the topic “Formation of safe behavior skills in preschool children through familiarization with traffic rules” “

Self-education “Formation of road safety rules for preschool children”

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

Self-education topic:

«Formation of road safety rules for preschool children»


The problem of human safety in road traffic arose with the advent of the wheel and the creation of vehicles for transporting people and goods. The relationship between vehicle drivers and pedestrians has always been controlled by the state, which ensures their safety.

In modern conditions, due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the number of accidents and accidents involving people (especially children) on the roads has increased. Therefore, the problem of safe behavior on the roads has become relevant in our country. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the road situation, which is not even characteristic of all adults. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new and unusual, a child ends up in life-threatening situations on the street.

Today, the problem of child safety is being actively discussed in society, and employees of children's institutions, who, by the nature of their work, are responsible for their pupils, are especially concerned about young citizens.

It is at a young age that the foundation of life orientations in the world around us is laid, and everything that a child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, schools and other educational institutions. This problem seems so urgent that it served as the basis for me to choose this topic, the topic of self-education.


1. Improving your professional skills and competence.

2. Improving conditions for the development of sustainable safety skills in preschool children in the surrounding road and transport environment.



— Conduct training on concentration, observation, memory development, the ability to perceive spatial segments and spatial orientation;

— Expand children’s knowledge about the work of traffic police officers;

— Expand children’s vocabulary in road vocabulary;


— Continue to introduce the purpose of road signs;

— Systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules by playing out problem situations;

— Improving preschoolers’ knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street;

— Continue to form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment;

— Intensify interaction with parents to promote traffic rules and child safety.


— To unite the children's team.

— Continue to cultivate discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Expected results:

— Study the literature on this topic.

— Increase knowledge on this topic.

— Cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions to consolidate results in knowledge of traffic rules.

Form of self-education : individual.

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