Summary of educational activities on the social world in the middle group “A kind word is pleasant for the cat”
Summary of GCD in the middle group on familiarization with the social world on a winter theme Lesson
Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Trees. Birch sculpting. Abstract of GCD for modeling in the preparatory school group “Russian birch Birch from plasticine on cardboard
Print Thank you, great lesson +6 All children know what a beautiful birch tree looks like. This
Card file of conversations with children on moral education
Card file of conversations with children on moral education Alfiya Vasilyeva Card file of conversations with children on
Sample descriptive story about a toy for preschoolers
Notes on speech development “Composing a descriptive story about toys” for children 3–4 years old Lena
Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group “Polar Bear”
How to choose the right plasticine There are different types of plasticine. In order for the work process to deliver only
Long-term planning of construction games in the first junior group.
Construction games Construction games. Younger age. “Let’s build a doll shop.” Goal: To consolidate the skill
NNOD summary on speech development in a preparatory school group on the topic “Travel to the country of traffic rules”
Plan of a lesson plan on traffic rules for the preparatory group Plan of a lesson plan for complex thematic lessons “The Road and We”
Summary of a lesson on introducing the profession of a firefighter
THEMATIC MODULE “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Topic: “Profession firefighter” OBJECTIVES: Educational: —
Summary of the GCD “Where did the bread come from?” for children 6-7 years old
History of bread for children What was the first bread? Each product has its own history.
Lesson notes on TRIZ technology lesson plan (senior group)
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