Summary of direct educational activities on reading fiction on the topic: “Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” for children of middle preschool age.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson on fairy tale therapy in the senior group. Topic: Along the roads of the fairy tale “Geese -
Master class Methodology for composing riddles using TRIZ technology methodological development
Master class Methodology for composing riddles using TRIZ technology methodological development Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Week of Friendship and Politeness”
Calendar plan. "Friendship. Day of National Unity" Monday Transcript 1 Calendar plan "Friendship. National Day
Summary of an open lesson on healthy lifestyle in the senior group “Travel to the country “Healthy””
Summary of a healthy lifestyle lesson in kindergarten Topic “Take care of yourself, baby” Goal and objectives: to familiarize
Lesson summary in the middle group topic: “Autumn” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic
Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group on the topic: Autumn Summary of direct educational activities “Gives
Summary of OOD on sensory development in the middle group on the topic: “In search of Kolobok”
Summary of OOD on sensory development in the middle group on the topic: “In search of Kolobok” Municipal
Summary of educational activities for introducing adults to work “All work is good” (senior speech therapy group 10) Compiled and conducted by: teacher Bysheva E.V.
Modeling work program for children of the middle group - educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development”
MODELING IN THE MIDDLE GROUP Detsky sad.Ru >> Electronic library >> Family and children >>
Long-term planning “Social and communicative development” in the senior group
Long-term plan for the development of communication skills in children of the senior preparatory group Long-term plan
Thematic week to familiarize preschoolers with the rules of the road (middle group)
Long-term planning of work on traffic rules in the middle group. Transcript 1 Long-term planning of work on
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