Lesson notes for the senior group. “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Implementation of the program content in educational areas: “Cognitive development”; “Speech development.”

Types of children's activities: Cognitive and research, perception of fiction, communicative.

Goals: expand ideas about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow; introduce them to its sights, teach them to talk about what they learned and saw, and cultivate love for their native land and country.

Target guidelines for preschool education: knows and names the capital of Russia and the region, can tell about the sights of Moscow.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: What is the name of the country in which we live? What language do you and I speak? What is a country?

Children: “These are forests, seas, rivers, mountains, villages, cities...”

Educator: This is the place where we live, where your parents, grandparents, your acquaintances and friends lived. We call Russia our Motherland because we were born and raised. Everything here is dear to us. You and I have a small Motherland - your family, our kindergarten and our city - Bogotol. (The child recites a poem about the Motherland or family.)

Russia is a huge country and many people live in it. In order for there to be peace and order in the country, fair laws are needed that all people of the country would obey. The basic law of our state is the Constitution. The Constitution protects the rights of citizens and young citizens.

Every state has a main city - the capital. The capital of our Motherland is Moscow (I show it on the screen), and the capital of our Krasnoyarsk Territory is the city of Krasnoyarsk (I show it on the screen).

Educator: The main government institutions are located in Moscow - the parliament, where there is a State Duma and the Federation Council (I show the corresponding pictures on the screen), our president and the government of our country work in the Kremlin (ministers are assistants to the president, I show pictures).

The president is the head of state elected by the people. He and the government lead the country, decide important state issues, and approve laws.

Educator: Who knows the name of our president? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Moscow is the largest city in Russia. More than 8 million people live here. Now we will take an excursion to an exhibition of paintings in Moscow. It’s called “I’m Walking Around Moscow.”

Showing a picture (Moscow River and the Kremlin) Pay attention to the battlements and towers, they are made of red brick. One of the towers is Spasskaya, where the largest clock is located. We use them to check our time. There are many educational institutions in Moscow: universities, institutes, academies, where students from all over the world study and use the services of the central library (I show a picture of the central library).

I turn on the song “I am walking around Moscow” and do several exercises with the children (physical minute).

Educator: There are many churches in Moscow: the Annunciation Cathedral, the Archangel Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (I show the corresponding images on the screen).

There are many theaters in Moscow: the Academic Bolshoi Theater, the Maly Theater, and the Sergei Obraztsov Puppet Theater. There are also many squares (I show the corresponding images on the screen). There are also monuments to famous people who lived in this city: Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Tchaikovsky. There are many other attractions here: the Tsar Cannon, the fountain (I show the corresponding images on the screen).

Educator: There are many songs and poems about Moscow. Our children have prepared poems and sayings about Moscow (we listen to the children).

The history of Moscow, its centuries-old traditions, are reflected in the coat of arms of Moscow (I show the coat of arms), the flag, the anthem (I tell you what the flag is and what it means, and the anthem). If you have time left, you can draw the Russian flag.

Reflection: What new did you learn in class today? What did you like? (Children answer.)

Summary of the lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”

Cognitive development. Summary of an integrated lesson on the environment and speech development in the senior group

Topic: “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.” Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the capital of our Motherland, Russian symbols. Objectives: 1. Expand ideas about the capital of our Motherland, introduce children to the sights of the capital. 2. Develop coherent speech, learn to give a complete answer to questions 3. Cultivate in children love and interest in their country, responsibility and pride for their country.


: portrait of the President of Russia, flag, coat of arms, audio recording of the anthem, slide show (Moscow Kremlin, Red Square, metro, Moscow Circus, Spasskaya Tower, Archangel Cathedral, etc.),
Methods and techniques
. Gaming technique; problematic situation; questions; excursion – exhibition; musical accompaniment; physical minute; teacher's story; vocabulary work; poems about Moscow; self-analysis of children. Progress of the lesson. (a song about Moscow sounds) 1. Org. moment: - Hello, guys. Today the postman brought a letter to our group. This letter came from distant India. Let's read it: “The Indian boy Raj is writing to you. “Recently in kindergarten there was a lesson about the countries of the world. The guys and I learned a lot of interesting things about Russia, its people, traditions and customs. We would like to learn even more about Russia and make friends with Russian children. We also want to learn about Moscow, the capital of Russia. Help us please". - Guys, can we help help Bill?

2. Main part. Conversation on the topic "Motherland".

- Every person has a native land, the place where he was born.
There is a mother who gave birth to him - this is the dearest and closest person to him. And every person also has the most precious thing - this is the Motherland, the native country. — What is the name of our country? (children's answers) - Each country has its own coat of arms, anthem, and flag. - And now I suggest you listen to one piece of music. Listening to the anthem. -
Who knows what it’s called? (answers) - That’s right - this is the anthem - the main musical work of our country. It is performed on the most solemn occasions and all people stand as a sign of respect and pride for their country. — What is the name of our country? (Russia) - Who knows what the capital of Russia is called? (Moscow)

— Look at the Russian flag. It consists of three horizontal stripes. Please name the colors of these stripes. (Children's answers). — People have revered these colors for a long time, and each color has its own symbolic meaning. Do you know the meaning of these flowers? White - nobility. Blue - honesty. Red is courage. The Russian people considered these colors to be the most beautiful. — Now look at the coat of arms of Russia. A golden double-headed eagle is depicted on a dark red shield. Guys, what do you know about the eagle? What kind of bird is this? (Children's answers). And it is golden on the coat of arms because the Russian people compared the eagle with the sun, which they worshiped. Physical exercise. Marching to the text.

We learned a song, And in the song the words: Hello, our Motherland, Our City... (Moscow). What kind of square is there in Moscow Where the Spasskaya Tower is? Everyone knows this square, This is the square... (Red).

Conversation about Moscow.

— Guys, every country has its own main city, the capital.
Do you know the capital of our Motherland? (children's answers). Have you been to Moscow? — Let us go on a tour of the main attractions of Moscow. What is a landmark? (Children's answers). A landmark is what distinguishes one city from another, what visitors to the city remember most. What type of transport will we take to Moscow? (Children's suggestions). Go! Virtual tour of Moscow. — The first stop is the Moscow Kremlin. (Looking at illustrations). Moscow began to be built with the Moscow Kremlin. The Kremlin means a fortress. — Examination of illustrations depicting Red Square. Military parades take place on Red Square on holidays. — Examination of illustrations depicting the Spasskaya Tower. The main clock of the country hangs on it. This watch is the most accurate; time is always checked using it. Have you heard the chimes? I suggest you listen. (Hearing). “And now I suggest you move on.” Go! — There are many wonderful churches, museums, and monuments in Moscow, but all tourists are sure to rush to see two wonderful monuments—the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon. I suggest that you be your own guide and tell us about these wonderful architectural monuments. (Children's story). — Russian people love Moscow not only for its sights, they love it because it is the main city of our state. There are a lot of poems, proverbs and sayings about Moscow. Listen to the warm words A.S. Pushkin spoke about Moscow: How often in sorrowful separation, In my wandering fate - Moscow, I thought about you! Moscow! How much in this sound - For the Russian heart merged - How much echoed in it! Guys, do you know proverbs and poems about Moscow? Reading poems and proverbs about Moscow. Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty All roads lead to Moscow Summing up. - Where have we been? What did you like most? — Today we remembered that Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. We learned what a coat of arms is. At home, together with your parents, try to come up with your family’s coat of arms and draw it. Remember that the coat of arms needs to depict something that is most important to your family. The coat of arms must be depicted on the Literature shield.
N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova “We live in Russia” p. 62, V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Lesson notes in the senior group of kindergartens (cognitive development)” p. 118; T.I. Podrezova “Planning and notes of classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions” p.8.

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