Summary of educational activities for speech development on the topic: “We compose a fairy tale ourselves”

You asked: “Help me write a fairy tale?” Because you want to learn how to write a fairy tale yourself.

  • Your children are 4-7 years old
  • Are you new to writing fairy tales?
  • Do you need a simple technique for composing fairy tales?
  • Do you want to enjoy the development process of your children?

The good news is that by following my tips, you will learn how to write little fairy tales for your children. You will definitely succeed if you follow simple rules. If you go step by step.

So, let's go!

Do you need a fairy tale hero or heroine?

Write a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, a teapot, a spoon, a light bulb, a table, a tablet. About everything that catches your eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals most often act as the main characters in fairy tales.

What do you think is most important for a hero?

Of course, his character and appearance.

Think about what your hero is like

He's funny? Smart? Brave? Beautiful?

Also don't forget to come up with small flaws

It is small? Shy? Are you often lazy? Stubborn?

Creating a character in a little fairy tale can take some time. But if you get a convincing hero or heroine who evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, an invented character can be made the hero of a variety of stories.

Use these building blocks to create the character of the hero of your fairy tale.

  • Name
  • age
  • what does he do
  • appearance
  • pets, friends
  • hobbies
  • favorite color
  • favorite dish
  • temperament
  • what is he afraid of?
  • who is he friends with?
  • what he doesn't like
  • secrets
  • what he remembers
  • what do you dream about
  • what does he dream about

As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

Where to begin

You can compose fairy tales casually, on the go. After all, when your hands are busy with housework, your head is free for creativity. The child will be happy to participate in the development of a fairy tale plot and in the game, quietly expand his vocabulary, consolidate the grammatical structure of speech, and, most importantly, practice the art of storytelling (oral monologue speech).

You can write fairy tales about anything, even about vegetables and household utensils, but first practice on “simple” material. There are different “recipes” for organizing such creative training. How you use them depends on the age of the child. A child over 4 years old can compose together with an adult, and a 5-6 year old can already compose quite freely on his own, and the adult’s task is to give impetus to composing. Much depends on his and your creative capabilities, the conditions in which you will start writing (whether it will be in a specially allotted time or you will have to write while doing other things, or maybe while on the road).

Place the hero of your short fairy tale in a specific time and space

Consider whether your story takes place in a real or fictional world.

Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

How long will it take the hero to overcome all difficulties and achieve his goal?

A day, a few years, a century?

Place your character in a familiar or, conversely, unusual environment.

Keep it simple. You can, for example, place the hero in your apartment and imagine a living room filled with cozy armchairs and sofas with cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a nursery. Or a yard.

Remember to include all your senses. And to do this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

  • What do you see: a key, a strange object, a piece of paper, a letter, an inscription from the clouds?
  • What do you hear: the ticking of a wall clock, the movement of cars on the street, barely audible steps?
  • What smell bothers you: a strange aroma, a burning smell, a sweet aroma of cookies?
  • What do you feel: a breath of wind, chills, goosebumps, the warm touch of a ray of sunshine?
  • Maybe the taste of hot milk or the metallic taste of fear appeared in your mouth?

Excursion into the history of TRIZ

TRIZ stands for “the theory of inventive problem solving.” It was invented by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller (1926-1998), known not only as an inventor, but also as a science fiction writer. He published his literally and figuratively fantastic works under the pseudonym Genrikh Altov. His “Alpha Eridani” was dearly loved by our mothers and grandmothers, and in general the annals of Russian science fiction were replenished with several dozen of his works [G. Altov, 1960].

Work on the theory of solving inventive problems began after the Second World War. Soon, Rafael Borisovich Shapiro (1926-1993) joined the research activities, who also gained fame not only as an inventor, but also as a writer, writing under the pseudonym Rafail Bakhtamov. His adventure story “The Lord of the Oxy-World” [R. Bakhtamov, 1965].

This symbiosis of writing and invention in working on TRIZ led to an interesting result. First of all, the authors of TRIZ considered it necessary to change the psychology of invention, and only then talk about the technological side of the process. They outlined their views in the work “On the Psychology of Inventive Creativity” [G. Altshuller, R. Shapiro, 1956]. And only later the book “Introduction to TRIZ. Basic concepts and approaches", which went through several reprints [G. Altshuller, 2011].

The authors pay a lot of attention to the need to correctly formulate the problem in order to immediately eliminate solutions that are not very effective and promising. In general, TRIZ is based on several dozen techniques and standard solution templates suitable for a wide range of tasks. All that remains is to choose the most suitable ones. How to choose? But for this you need to work on developing thinking using the TRIZ method, and from early childhood.

Since we are talking about children, and the youngest ones at that, we can’t do without fairy tales. How are fairy tales for children used in TRIZ? In the TRIZ methodology, fairy tales are not only listened to and told. Children themselves become authors, because in TRIZ, writing fairy tales is the same natural process as memorizing poems, letters and numbers in traditional education, only more interesting. How does composing a fairy tale take place in TRIZ?

This, of course, creative process is divided into components understandable to children, from which, like a wall of bricks, a real fairy tale grows. Of course, young writers cannot do without the help of adults. And the most interesting thing about this is that using TRIZ technology, absolutely any child can compose fairy tales!

What happened to the Hero or Heroine?

Please note that most fairy tales of all times use the idea of ​​"a lady in trouble" or "a boy in trouble." These ideas always work!

Write what happened to the main character

  • unusual phenomenon
  • the villain conjured something,
  • some action shifted the balance,
  • disease,
  • stealing something vital,
  • a loss,
  • poverty and the need to survive,
  • a task to save or protect someone, perhaps the whole world.

Come up with goals

  • What goal does the hero set for himself?
  • what actions does he need to take to achieve his goal?
  • What makes him go towards his goal: love? justice? Liberty? compassion? looking for adventure? Security and fear? self-realization?

Author's "New-old fairy tales"

Irina Zotova

Author's "New-old fairy tales"

We offer you fairy tales, our own compositions and those invented by parents and children.

New adventures of Kolobok.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, a woman, Zhuchka, Murka and a chicken Ryaba. Everything was fine with them: they worked, sang songs, danced. The grandfather and woman were sad here; they had not seen Little Red Riding Hood’s granddaughter for a long time. And they decided to bake her pies and write a letter. They scraped flour down the bottom of the barrel, asked the chicken to lay an egg, and baked a Kolobok. They gave him a basket of pies and a letter and told him to give it all to his granddaughter.

Kolobok rolled along the path and suddenly met a sly fox. The fox began to ask Kolobok where he was going and what he was carrying in the basket. But that was not the case. The cheat promised that she would help Kolobok get there faster. In the forest there was a signpost stone on which it was written: “If you go to the right, you will get to Teremok, if you go to the left, you will get to the Three Bears, and if you go straight, you will find Little Red Riding Hood.

Kolobok could not read and he trusted the fox, who showed him the wrong road and directed him to Teremok. Kolobok rolled up to the house, knocked, and the little mouse opened the door for him. The mouse invited him into the house, fed him, gave him something to drink, asked him questions, and put him to bed. In the morning all the animals gathered and told Kolobok where to go. And to help they gave him a magic ball. But then the fox appeared again. She decided to eat Kolobok. She hid behind a bush and opened her mouth, but instead of Kolobok, a ball fell into it. The fox was happy and ran away. And Kolobok, without the magic ball, got lost and became sad. Suddenly Kolobok sees a raven sitting on a tree. He asked him for directions on how to get to Little Red Riding Hood. The smart bird told him where to go next, and he rolled further along the path. Kolobok rolled to the sea and again does not know where to roll next. He sees a small child lying on the shore, and asks him to be lowered into the water. Kolobok helped, and for this the fish showed him the way. Kolobok set off to travel further. And finally, he saw in front of him a neat house, in which his granddaughter Little Red Riding Hood lived. The door opened and a girl ran out. She saw Kolobok, brought him into the house, read the letter and was very happy. She gave Kolobok some tea and pies and put Kolobok on the windowsill to rest and warm his side.

And so ended Kolobok’s adventure. That's the end of the fairy tales, and well done to those who listened!

(author: Dasha Trubetskoy’s family)

Gingerbread house.

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister. Their names were Vanya and Masha. One day Vanya and Masha took baskets and went into the distant forest across the river to pick berries. They walked through the forest, walked, and got lost. And the forest is dense, dark, the trees are intertwined with their roots.

Vanya and Masha walked and walked and came out into a clearing. And in the clearing there is a gingerbread hut. Its walls are made of gingerbread cookies, and its roof is made of colorful candies. Vanya and Masha put baskets of berries under the spruce and ran to the hut. They broke off a gingerbread and reached for the candy. Suddenly they hear someone making a noise and roaring in the hut: “Who is breaking my hut?” The children got scared, threw the gingerbread cookies and ran into the forest. And in that hut there lived a bear. How he will jump out of the hut, and how he will rush after them! He runs and growls: “I’ll catch up anyway!”

Vanya and Masha hear, a bear is already stomping very close. They ran to the walnut bush and asked: “Walnut bush, hide us! The bear is chasing us!” The bush answers them: “Sit on my branches. I'll cover you." The children hid in the branches of a walnut bush, and the bear ran past. “Now,” said the bush, “go along that path. And take my nuts on the trail, they’re delicious!” Masha and Vanya thanked the nut bush, picked some delicious nuts and walked along the path that the bush showed them. But the bear saw them again and ran after them.

The children hear, the bear is catching up with them. Where to hide? They look - there is a hole, and a fox looks out of it. “Fox, hide us quickly,” Vanya and Masha shouted, “The bear is chasing us!” The fox answered them: “Is the bear chasing? Well, hurry up and crawl into my hole!” The children climbed into the fox hole and hid there. The bear did not see them and ran past. “Now get out,” says the fox. “I’ll show you another way.” She showed Vanya and Masha the way to the river. “Thank you, fox,” said the children. “Take these nuts, they are very tasty.”

The children moved on. The bear saw them again, growled and rushed after them. Vanya and Masha reached the river and didn’t know how to get across it as quickly as possible. They see two ducks swimming along the river. “Ducks,” the children shouted, “take us to the other side. The bear is chasing us!” The ducks answer: “Hurry up and sit on our backs, we will transport you to the other side in no time.” The children sat on the ducks and swam across the river. They climbed out onto the shore and began to thank them: “Thank you, ducks, you saved us! Here are some nuts for you, help yourself. They are very tasty."

And the bear ran to the river, saw that the children were already on the other bank and the village was not far away, and shouted: “Don’t come to my hut for gingerbread again!” Vanya and Masha realized that the bear was no longer chasing them, and decided to ask him for forgiveness. They stopped and said: “Please forgive us, bear, for breaking your hut. We just wanted honey gingerbread cookies and multi-colored candies to try. We didn’t know you lived in a gingerbread house.”

The bear thought and answered: “Okay, since you asked for forgiveness, so be it, I forgive you. Just don't destroy my hut anymore! When you go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, come to me. I’ll bake you some delicious honey gingerbreads myself, and I’ll also treat you to delicious candies!”

(author: Vanya Malykhin family)

The Tale of Princess Anne.

In one kingdom lived a beautiful princess Anna. Her kingdom was very large. Fruit orchards and flowers grew in her kingdom. Princess Anne watered the fruit trees and beautiful roses every day.

But one day she said: “I don’t want to do anything.” She sat down on a bench and sat there for a whole year. Her courtiers did everything for her: they washed her, combed her hair, watered the garden. They were so tired that they decided to leave Princess Anne. They left to plant their orchards and take care of their children.

Princess Anne was left completely alone. She stopped washing and combing her hair, and even cats and dogs began to be afraid of her. Anna lost her crown, the orchards no longer bloomed and there was no fruit either. “We have to do something,” Anna thought. Anna looked and realized that she was left completely alone and she went to water her fruit trees and flowers herself. Finally Anna looked at herself in the mirror and was horrified by her appearance. “Is it really me?” - Anna screamed, “How dirty I am!” - and went to wash myself. Combing her hair, Anna found the crown, washed it and it shone gold again. Fruit appeared on the trees, the servants returned to Anna, and the sun shone again over the kingdom.

Princess Anna understood that she must always take care of herself and work. After all, a neat appearance suits any person, and work gives respect to others. (author: Vlad Priklonsky family)

The tale of how a bear raised a turnip


Remember the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”. So, for a long time the bear was still angry with the man. He kept remembering how the man, the bear, deceived him. It used to come at night to a man’s house and growl all night so that the walls shook. The man decided to appease the bear. He gave him several seeds and said: “Here are some turnip seeds for you, bear. Plant them in the spring, and look, when the turnip grows, collect not the tops, but the roots.” The bear took the seeds and ran home to wait for spring. Spring came. The earth has warmed up. The bear went to the field, dug a hole and poured all the seeds into it. Every day the bear went to the field, watering the turnips. And then the first leaves appeared, and then the turnip itself began to grow. And every day it grew more and more. Animals began to come running from the forest to look at the turnip. Day and night the bear guarded his turnip so that no one would steal it. And the turnip grew and grew. She has grown even more than the woman and grandfather. The time had come to pull the turnip, but the bear had no strength at all. He can barely stand on his feet, where else can he pull a turnip?

The bear fell down and got sick. The animals took pity on the bear. A wolf came running, grabbed the turnip, pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. The wolf shouted, “Hey, my dear fox, you run around the forest with me everywhere, help me pull the turnip. The fox came running, grabbed the wolf, they pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t pull it out. Then the fox calls: “Hey, scythe, run here quickly, help us pull the turnip. If you help me, I won’t chase you through the forest anymore.” The hare came running, grabbed the fox's tail, the three of them pulled, but could not pull it out. Here the animals remembered about the little mouse. After all, it was she who once helped pull out a turnip. They searched for her through the forest for a long time. After all, she is small, cowardly, and afraid of everyone. We barely found her hole.

They told their misfortune to the mouse. She agreed to help this time too. All the animals grabbed hold of it at once. They pull and pull and pull out the turnip. They made porridge from the turnip, fed the bear, and the bear recovered. The heroic strength returned to the bear again. The bear divided the turnip into smaller pieces and treated all the animals.

Since then, all the animals lived in harmony and joy in this forest. After all, they knew that if trouble came, they would all be able to come to each other’s aid.

(author: teacher-speech therapist Zotova Irina Valerievna)

What obstacles must the Hero of the written fairy tale overcome?

  • solve a small or big problem,
  • reach some destination as a result of travel,
  • help yourself, a family member or simply save a person,
  • fulfill the dream,
  • get an answer to a question
  • break the spell
  • to cure or to be cured?
  • find a friend or loved one.

Group essay

Why not have fun at a children's party or during family gatherings?
Several children participate at once. Children propose a theme, heroes of a fairy tale, an adult deals with the plot, involving the children in its development. The presence of several participants at once makes the composition of a fairy tale more diverse, interesting, and its content complete and deep. Involving other adults will only enrich the game. In the process of joint activity, the child gets a clear idea of ​​what it means to come up with a fairy tale step by step. The game teaches him to compose phrases more clearly and thoughtfully, because the other participant must understand him in order to come up with his own continuation. First, offer to come up with a name for the fairy tale, characters, tell what they will be like, describe their appearance, mood. Then the fairy tale is “assembled” from the children’s answers to your questions: “Where does the fairy tale begin? How will events develop? (what happens next?) What will be the most poignant moment? Which one is the most interesting, funniest? How will the fairy tale end? Participants express their continuation answers in a chain, one after another. Changing questions during the process of composing a story activates children's attention. If children confidently cope with composing a fairy tale according to the proposed plan, you can offer additional questions, suggesting new directions for imagination. Invite the children to retell what they have already written, and involve them in discussing what others have written. The fairy tale you have written is worth writing down to read it the next day or when you meet friends again. You can invite children to compose a fairy-tale “series”.

Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending

Even though we don't always get what we want in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that anything is possible.

Try these ideas:

  • the main character of the fairy tale saves himself, his family or someone else,
  • the hero solves the puzzle and reveals the secret,
  • the main character overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
  • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he has friends.


Invite your child to “revive” the fairy tale: come up with costumes, develop the behavior of the characters in accordance with their personalities, think through the facial expressions, gestures, and intonation of each character. The purpose of such a task is to activate a creative attitude towards words. Creative comprehension should manifest itself in the ability to transform a verbal fairy-tale image into a dramatic one.

Collective creativity is also assumed here. Not only children, but also toys and dolls can play roles. Puppet theater characters can become irreplaceable helpers (such toys are sold in stores, but if you wish, you can create them yourself). The fairy tale chosen for dramatization can be composed or read earlier - in this case, creativity lies not in the creation, but in the embodiment of the plot. When assigning roles, the individual characteristics and capabilities of the children, as well as the toys used, are taken into account, and the characters’ personalities are discussed. All participants in the performance are involved in the rehearsal, even those who are not involved in a specific scene (they monitor whether the performance corresponds to the text of the role, help to find the most successful embodiment of the image, and participate in its “elaboration”). An important stage of preparation will be the production of scenery, which will attract the attention of little participants to those details that most often elude children's attention: the location of the action and its change, means of conveying the atmosphere of a fairy tale, mood (scary, dark or light, fun). The participation of adults in dramatization allows children to develop the ability to emotionally immerse themselves in a fairy tale, to creatively comprehend it, and the ability to create facial expressions and intonation (based on the embodiment of a verbal fairy tale image).

Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you composed is appropriate for the child’s age.

For children ages 3 to 5, use simple themes.

The hero did not know something and thanks to simple actions he found out. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

For children aged 5 to 7 years, you can make the topics more complex.

Add villains, let the hero overcome three, not one, difficult situations. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, include the hero’s rebellious actions: disobedience, running away from home for adventure, committing a forbidden act. Weave morality into the story, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

And before we move on to the examples, get your GIFT!

A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

The Tale of Toys

Choose toys for the fairy tale, for example, a cat and a mouse, and start telling the story, accompanying the words with a display of actions: “Once upon a time there was a fluffy cat (you must stroke the pussy, showing its fluffy fur), the cat found out that the mouse had made a hole for itself in her house ( show an imaginary house of a cat and a mouse in a hole). So she began to watch over her. The cat steps quietly with its fluffy paws, you can’t hear her at all. The mouse ran out for a walk and ran far from the hole. And suddenly I saw a cat. The cat wanted to grab her. No such luck! The clever mouse darted into its hole.” Then invite your child to think about what toys he would like to talk about. In the process of performing such a task, the child’s vocabulary is activated (he more actively uses those words that he already knows, but does not yet use in his speech), coherent speech develops: the child selects the necessary definitions, forming the appropriate grammatical form of the adjective, and from this vocabulary material constructs a coherent statement. When answering questions, he pays attention to the characteristic features of the appearance of toys (color, shape, material), selects comparisons and definitions. Subsequently, encourage this type of creativity in your child’s play. Offer to make a drawing for a fairy tale, ask to tell (show) a fairy tale about toys to grandma or friends who come to visit.

Examples of how to write a fairy tale yourself

And now - examples of magical stories and pictures for visual warm-up. Start with a small fairy tale. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, look at photographs and pictures. Let your imagination run wild.

My favourite dog

This story was written by a mother together with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother took dictation.

A Tale of Butterflies

- Mommy, where did butterflies come from? - I ask.

And she tells me.

One day in the fall, a Wizard watched children playing on the lawn. The children laughed and had fun, but the wizard was sad. I was sad because I saw how time was passing, taking with it people, flowers and all the beauty of the world to other worlds.

“We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for people,” thought the Wizard. He took out a magic box and began to put sunbeams, the blue of the sky, the glare of flowers, children's laughter, and the breath of wind into it. When the children went to bed and the clearing was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light rhythmic rustling filled the air, and beautiful butterflies fluttered everywhere where the gaze penetrated.

“Fly to a magical land to your Queen,” said the wizard. - Now your purpose is to give people beauty.

The butterfly kingdom is hidden among the impenetrable jungle and high rocks. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, clear lakes and crystal waterfalls. It's summer all the time here and the sun shines all year round. This wonderful country is ruled by the beautiful and kind Queen of Butterflies. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

This is where the most skilled artists and the most beautiful butterflies in the world live. Every morning, artists draw colorful patterns on their wings and every spring they send them to earth to delight people with their beauty and tenderness.


Take a look at these pictures. Get into their mood and characters. And they will give you the idea of ​​your own magical story.

Fairy tale on a free theme

This genre is the pinnacle of a child’s verbal creativity. He must independently come up with the name of the fairy tale, the characters, the conditions for the action of the heroes, the action itself: the beginning, the climax, the ending. The child learns to use his life experience and convey it in a coherent narrative. He develops the ability to clearly, clearly, and consistently express his thoughts. The mother’s task is to create an emotional mood and give impetus to the creative imagination. It is important that the child strives to make the plot entertaining, not forgetting about the verbal presentation of the fairy tale.

Create, invent, try! Children's fairy tales have always been a very special genre of folk tales and served not only as a means of amusement for children who write them, but also as one of the most important means of developing children's thinking and mastering the experience of previous generations.

Ekaterina Asonova teacher, philologist

Why learn to write fairy tales yourself?

  • You have to be able to, because at school they give tasks - “compose a short fairy tale about an animal, compose a fairy tale about...”
  • To get the most pleasure and to develop the child’s thinking
  • To receive sincere emotions and a great mood

Author: Natalia Rozanova-Tesakova, coach, trainer, author of creative techniques and books

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