Abstract of a lesson on sound culture of speech “Journey to the magical world of sounds”

Card index of games for the development of sound culture of speech (preparatory group)

Exercises to consolidate correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds
Goals: to develop phonemic hearing, speech attention, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, to practice distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants.

Game “Be Attentive” (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher invites the children to pass the ball around in a circle for each word, but if the word has the sound “sh”, throw the ball to him.

All children take part in the game. It is carried out at a fast pace. Exercise “Name the same syllables in words”

The teacher displays pictures on a flannelgraph: raspberries, a car. Educator. Listen to me slowly name the berry: maaliinaa, and now I will divide the word into pieces-syllables: ma-li-na. I will clap for each syllable, and you count how many syllables there are in the word. What is the first syllable, second syllable, third syllable? (Children's answers.)

Listen to how many syllables are in the word “car”: ma-shi-na (the teacher claps for each syllable). (Children's answers.)

What are the same syllables in the words “car” and “raspberry”? (“Ma”, “na”.)

The teacher displays pictures on a flannelgraph: boat, spoon.

Educator. These words have two syllables: boat, spoon. What are the same syllables in the words? (“Ka.”)

Game "Find your house"

Children are given object pictures. They offer to determine the first sound in the word name. One child is given a blue circle, the other a green circle. The teacher says that those whose first sound in the word is big brother (hard consonant) should go to the blue circle, and those whose word begins with a soft consonant sound (little brother) should go to the green circle.

At the signal “Find your house,” the players stand near the children with the corresponding mugs. The teacher checks the correct execution and determines the winning team.

Children change pictures and the game is repeated.

Exercise “Find a friend”

Pictures are displayed on the flannelgraph. First row: drum, flag, chicken, pipe, dog, cone; second row: parrot, wolf, goose, tram, umbrella, beetle.

Educator. Above and below the pictures. Let's arrange them in pairs so that the first sounds of the words are comrades (voiced-voiced sounds). Children go out, name the object and the first sounds of words. Place the lower pictures under the upper ones so that the first sounds form a “voiced-voiceless consonant” pair.

Game “Continue the word” (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the first syllable; the child names a word that begins with this syllable and throws the ball to the teacher. All children take part in the game.

An approximate list of syllables: “ma”, “ra”, “ry”, “le”, “re”, “zha”, “schu”, “cha”, “shu”, “si”, “za”.

All children take part in the game.

Game "Find a Pair"

Children are given one picture each.

Educator. Each of you has a picture. Think about what sound your word title begins with. At the “Find a pair” signal, you must find a picture in which the name of the object begins with the same sound.

The teacher checks the correctness of the task. Each pair of children names their objects and the sound with which the words denoting them begin.

The teacher marks the children who got into pairs earlier than everyone else.

Game “Name a Friend” (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher names a voiced consonant sound, and the children name its pair. When half of the children take part in the game, the task changes: the teacher names a deaf consonant, and the children name its pair.

Exercise “Where will the hammer hit? »

- In a word, only one sound is pronounced for a long time, as if it is being “hit” by a hammer: lunaaa (makes a sharp movement with his hand from top to bottom on the impact sound); vaaza (repeats the previous movement). The sound the hammer hits is called percussion (children repeat the word). In our words the stressed sound is “a”.

- You have pictures. You will name objects and find the stressed sound in words.

The pictures should be selected so that all vowels are stressed: rose, goat, boat, fish, scales, duck, fur coat, spider, turnip, nut, squirrel, watch, sleigh, fox, skis, bag, socks.

Game “Name the impact sound” (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball, calls the word with emphasis on the stressed syllable; the child catches the ball, names the impact sound and throws the ball to the teacher.

Exercise “Guess the riddle”

The teacher puts pictures in a row: boat, duck, doll, bow (the last one with the reverse side).

Educator. What word will you get if you pronounce the first sounds of the name words and add them together? (Onion.)

The child not only names the word he received, but also explains how he composed it. After this, the teacher shows the guess word.

Another row is displayed: carrots, stork, chicken, poppy seeds (the latter with the reverse side). Children guess the word and explain how they did it.

Game "Say the word"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names any consonant sound; the child must name the word that begins with this sound. All children take part in the game.

Exercise “Guess the riddle”

There are pictures in a row on the board: melon, wasps, car; To the side is an inverted picture - a house. Children guess the word based on the first sounds and explain how they did it. There are pictures in a row on the board: spoon, iron, sock, watermelon; To the side is an inverted picture of the moon. The task is the same.

Biological hearing

From birth, a person has the ability to distinguish sound vibrations - this is called biological hearing or perception. In humans, sounds are detected using the outer ear, eardrum, auditory ossicles and inner ear. Sound vibrations excite nerve endings and transmit information to the brain. Auditory attention is a special characteristic of a person's perceptual capabilities that helps focus on sounds, activities, or objects. For example, when a child focuses his attention on a stimulus, he receives clarity of sound sensations. If auditory perception is impaired in children, this leads to a decrease in attention and curiosity. The child often cries, flinches from sounds and extraneous stimuli.

Training in the senior group

The sound culture of speech in the older group (age 6-7 years) continues to develop previously acquired skills. Teachers strive to improve the development of the child’s articulatory apparatus, monitor the pronunciation of sounds with the help of various exercises, develop phonemic awareness, teach how to identify sound places in a word, and correctly use intonation and tempo of speech. Speech therapists also eliminate deficiencies in sound pronunciation, improve acquired skills, and study examples of correct literary pronunciation of words in their native language. The sound culture of speech in the senior group should develop in children a good phonemic awareness, teach them to read words, sentences and small texts, understand the differences between terms, independently compose sentences and carry out Completing training in the senior group, children are able to distinguish between vowels and consonants, sounds, their designations. As a rule, teachers prepare preschoolers for the preparatory stage, which begins before entering school.

Education of sound speech in preschoolers

The sound culture of speech includes correct diction, sound pronunciation, intonation, tempo, gestures, facial expressions, tone of speech, posture, and motor skills during a child’s conversation. If you systematically educate the pronunciation of sounds, it will be easier for a preschooler to learn in the future. That is why the method of education consists in the teacher solving the following tasks:

  • Development of mobility of the tongue and lips during sound pronunciation.
  • Formation of the ability to maintain the lower jaw in the desired position.
  • Paying attention to breathing while speaking.

As a rule, preschoolers master sound speech without effort if they are educated in time. During this period, children borrow words and sounds using an imitative method. After all, phonetic hearing is developed at an early age. It is important not to miss the moment and direct the child’s development in the right direction.

How to choose the right speech therapist?

Finding a good specialist is not an easy task. Especially if the child has serious speech problems. When choosing a speech therapist, consider the following points:

  • Ask a speech therapist about qualifications and experience. Explore the portfolio.
  • Ask your speech therapist if he has solved a specific problem.
  • Find out the number and cost of classes.
  • Try to understand whether the person is at ease and whether the child is comfortable being around the speech therapist.
  • How high are the guarantees of a positive result?

Remember that the high price of classes with a speech therapist does not guarantee high-quality work done.

Secondary group training

The sound culture of speech in the middle group of preschoolers (age 4 to 5 years) consists of speech hearing and breathing, which are the beginning of the emergence of speech. Education in this group begins taking into account the knowledge that was acquired earlier. The primary task of the teacher is to teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of the Russian language. The specialist pays special attention to hissing and whistling sounds, teaches how to pronounce phrases and complex words correctly, and develops the skill of intonation expressiveness. In addition, a speech therapist instills in children a high level of development of speech hearing, which will help them independently change the tone of their voice and highlight words in sentences with intonation. The sound culture of speech in the middle group is also aimed at the development of speech breathing, phonemic perception, vocal and articulatory apparatus.

What problems exist in the development of sound speech?

Modern children much more often suffer from problems with the formation of sound pronunciation and speech. The reason for this is computerization and lack of communication with peers and parents. Often parents leave the child to his own devices, as well as toys, TV, and gadgets. Experts advise reading books with children, learning poems, counting rhymes, and tongue twisters. The formation of sound culture of speech is associated with the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. In order to captivate and involve the child in learning, it is necessary to give the child as often as possible tasks to build a house from cubes, assemble a mosaic and a colored pyramid. It is necessary to constantly develop sound speech in a child. In kindergarten, during games, walks in the park. Talk to your baby, pay attention to interesting details, for example, the color of leaves and plants, count birds, look at flowers. Without an integrated approach, the formation of correctly delivered speech is impossible. Both parents and preschool teachers should be involved in this.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Kindergarten "Rainbow" r.p. Bazarny Karabulak, Saratov region" SYNOPSIS of direct educational activities in the preparatory group Educational field "Communication" Topic: Sound culture of speech. Preparing for literacy

Program content

: - develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
— to train children in the ability to isolate the sound [h'] against the background of a whole word, to determine its place in the word; - develop the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence. — improve auditory attention and perception of children; — develop children’s phonemic hearing and fine motor skills; - develop the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other, to work throughout the lesson. Equipment: Demonstration material
: circuit cards, chips, magnetic board, sentence diagrams.
: cards with numbers from 1 to 5, scheme cards, chips;
emoticons. Progress: 1. Greeting.
Checking readiness for class. - Hello guys!
Check that everything you need for the lesson is on your desk. 2. Psychological attitude, motivation for upcoming activities.
“Today we will have a lot of interesting work, we will learn new things, enjoy successes, and cope with failures together.”
— Each of you has emoticons on your desks, please show your mood with them (the teacher also shows an emoticon). I think that you will not be bored during the lesson, and by the end of our work your mood will only improve. - So, guys, let's get to work! 3. Work on the topic of the lesson.
-Guys, I will now pronounce the words, and if you hear words with the sound Ch, clap your hands once.
Teapot, heron, crane, swing, stove, hare, clock, beetle, bee, hoop, daughter, night, vase, cup, river.
The teacher takes note of those children who make mistakes or respond to a word late, focusing on the response of their peers.
Additional work needs to be done with these preschoolers later. But this can also be done in class, asking only these children to complete a new task (explaining the reason): He is green, bouncy, completely non-thorny, and chirps in the meadow all day. -Now come up with words with the sound h. -Great, you did it! I suggest you listen to the tongue twister and think about which sound occurs more often than others. Titmouse, titmouse - sister to the sparrow.
— Let’s practice: we all repeat the tongue twister together slowly, now quickly.
-Listen to the riddle: What kind of miracle? Here's a miracle: A dish on top, a dish below. A miracle walks along the road, its head sticks out and its legs stick out. (turtle)
-Guys, determine how many words with the sound C in the text of the riddle. (5)
4. Physical exercise
If I say the sound C, you imitate washing your hands.
If I pronounce the sound Z you imitate the flight of a bee. If I pronounce the sound Ж you are imitating the flight of a beetle. 5. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.
Independent work. -Guys, please take the maps and diagrams.
I will read to you words with the sound h, and you must determine the place of the sound in the words: Watch, key, pen, roll, tea, dacha, seagull, rook.
Children, using a chip, mark the position of the sound in the word. One child does work at the board. -Guys, in the last lesson we got acquainted with the concept of a sentence. What is a proposal? — A sentence is several words connected to each other.

Today we will continue working on this topic and get acquainted with the structure of a sentence diagram. A sentence consists of words, at the end of each sentence there is a period, an exclamation mark if the sentence is full of appeal, an exclamation, a question mark if the sentence contains a question and an ellipsis if the sentence is not complete. Every sentence has a basis and in writing it is marked like this

Each word is marked with a separate strip ____ ____. This pattern means that in this sentence, three words end with a period. Now guys, let’s try to come up with a sentence using a scheme (schemes with three, four, five words are given). Well done boys. 6. Work in a notebook.

(if there is time)
7. Summary of the lesson.
Reflection. — What did you find most interesting in the lesson? What task did you find difficult to complete? — Please show me your emoticons: what mood are you in now? “I’m glad that your mood and mine have improved too!” — The lesson is over. You all did a very good job today! Well done!

Evgenia Kravchenko

Summary of a lesson for children of the preparatory group on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Preparing for literacy training"


The lesson on the sound culture of speech is aimed at teaching preschool children to articulate clearly and correctly. The sound “u” is taught to be pronounced smoothly and for a long time while exhaling. Teachers make sure that children pronounce it with different volumes and intonations. Sound training classes take the form of games and special exercises that help you learn how to correctly pronounce the sound “u”. Exercise - folding your lips like a pipe and pulling them forward prepares articulation for pronunciation. In addition, teachers sing songs with the children, perform choral repetitions of sounds and much more.

Sound "z". Its development also occurs in the form of games and songs. It is studied after preschoolers learn to cope with the sound “s”. The peculiarity of its study is that, in addition to articulation, the vocal cords are included in the work. Usually, the sound “z” requires training in front of a mirror. While working, the teacher pronounces tongue twisters with the children and makes up sentences. The development of sound culture is closely related to phonemic hearing.

What is a didactic game?

Didactic games in kindergarten are educational activities that help preschoolers gain new knowledge through exciting games. They are distinguished by the presence of rules, a clear structure and an evaluation system. solve a number of problems set by the teacher. There is a whole technique that allows you to develop a child’s phonetic hearing in this form. The didactic method gradually develops the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the Russian language and the ability to listen. All games have certain tasks, which boil down to highlighting sounds at the beginning, middle and end of the required word. For example, the game "Sound Hide and Seek" is intended for children under the age of six. This is an independent game for a group, supervised by a teacher. The goal of the game is to develop attention and phonetic hearing. A ball is used as an auxiliary object. The presenter needs to think of a word that has a certain sound, for example “z”. Then he throws the ball to the guys in turn, pronouncing different words in which this sound is present. The children's task is to catch the ball with words of the desired sound, and beat off the remaining “words”.

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