Essay on the topic: “My family” sample essays for different classes

An essay on the topic “My Family” is very popular among schoolchildren of all ages, since the ability to provide a short story about your family is very important.

Starting with the simplest essays in the elementary grades, this topic can expand to serious discussions by older students.

In their essays, they need not only to describe their family, but also to reflect on problems and form an opinion about family values. However, such a simple topic sometimes misleads students, because it is very broad.

By following the simple tips below, anyone can complete the task with ease.

How to write an essay on the topic “My Family”

There are some specific tips:

  1. First, you need to make a description of your own family, highlight the most important characteristics of each member, and also remember the best family moments. You can write about your family’s traditions and habits, your favorite ways to have a good time.
  2. It is necessary to reflect on family values, the qualities of a happy and ideal family and compare them with your own.
  3. Think about what brings the greatest pleasure in family communication, and why we love our relatives.
  4. Summarize based on your own thoughts. Draw a general conclusion about what family means in a person’s life.

Stories for children on the topic “My Family”

Stories for children of senior preschool age


Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Grandma is resting

Little Galinka came home from school. She opened the door and wanted to say something cheerfully to her mother. But mom threatened Galinka with her finger and whispered:

- Quiet, Galinka, grandma is resting. I didn’t sleep the whole night, my heart hurt.

Galinka quietly walked up to the table and put down her briefcase. I had lunch and sat down to study homework. He reads the book quietly, to himself, so as not to wake up his grandmother.

The door opened and Olya, Galinka’s friend, came. She said loudly:

- Galinka, listen...

Galinka shook her finger at her, like a mother, and whispered:

- Quiet, Olya, grandma is resting. She didn’t sleep the whole night, her heart ached.

The girls sat down at the table and looked at the drawings.

And two tears rolled out from grandma’s closed eyes.

When the grandmother stood up, Galinka asked:

- Grandma, why did you cry in your sleep?

Grandmother smiled and kissed Galinka. Joy shone in her eyes.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

All good people are one family

In the second grade there was a drawing lesson. The children drew a swallow.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and saw a tear-stained woman - the mother of little white-braided, blue-eyed Natasha.

“I ask you,” the mother turned to the teacher, “to let Natasha go.” Grandmother died.

The teacher walked up to the table and said quietly:

- Children, great grief has come. Natasha's grandmother died. Natasha turned pale. Her eyes filled with tears. She leaned on her desk and cried quietly.

- Go home, Natasha. Mom came for you.

– While the girl was getting ready to go home, the teacher said:

“We won’t have lessons today either.” After all, there is great grief in our family.

– This is in Natasha’s family? – asked Kolya.

“No, in our human family,” the teacher explained. - All good people are one family. And if someone in our family died, we were orphaned.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Seventh daughter

Mother had seven daughters. One day a mother went to visit her son, but the son lived far, far away. Mother returned home a month later.

When she entered the hut, the daughters, one after another, began to say how much they missed their Mother.

“I missed you like a poppy misses a ray of sunshine,” said the first daughter.

“I was waiting for you, like dry earth waiting for a drop of water,” said the second daughter.

“I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird...” cooed the third daughter.

“It was difficult for me without you, like a bee without a flower,” said the fourth daughter, caressing her mother and looking into her eyes.

“I dreamed of you like a rose dreams of a drop of dew,” chirped the fifth daughter.

“I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” whispered the sixth daughter.

But the seventh daughter said nothing, although she had a lot to say. She took off Mother’s shoes and brought her water in a large basin to wash her feet.

Boris Ganagov

They forgot...

Family, homeland, relatives, darling... Alas, for some these words are an empty phrase. Seryozha lived with his parents, but were they really father and mother? They only thought about drinking. While getting drunk, the father became furious and beat his baby. The boy ran away from home and spent the night in the park in the summer and in doorways in the winter.

Having drunk everything, the parents sold the apartment, forgetting that they were father and mother. And they left somewhere without remembering their son.

Seryozha found himself alone, without a home, and he was only five years old. He looked for food in trash cans, sometimes starving for days.

Somehow he became friends with the same homeless boy. It was better together. One day they settled down for the night in an old car in a junkyard and fell asleep. What did they dream about? Maybe a house, a plate of porridge with delicious steam coming from it, or a mother, a still sober mother, singing a lullaby?

Seryozha woke up from acrid smoke - the car was burning. The door was jammed, the fire was already burning my face and hands. Sergei pushed the door with all his might, jumped out, tried to pull his friend out, but the car exploded. The shock wave threw him aside. He lost consciousness; Having come to his senses and seeing his burnt face, he decided to go out only at night in search of food. The baby suffered from severe burns. It seemed to him that he was forgotten and abandoned by everyone.

One day - O inscrutable ways of the Lord! - Journalists found him in a landfill. Worried about the fate of homeless children, they talked about the boy on television.

The very next day, a man calling himself Nikolai called the studio. He said that he wants to find Seryozha and adopt him. Soon Nikolai took the boy to his village. Kind people collected money for the operation. Now the burns are no longer visible. Mental burns also heal. Serezha studies at school. He is the happiest man in the world - he has a home, he has a father.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

The Tale of the Goose

On a hot summer day, a goose took her little yellow geese for a walk. She showed the children the big world. This world was green and joyful - a huge meadow spread out in front of the goslings. The goose taught the children to pluck the tender stems of young grass. The stems were sweet, the sun was warm and gentle, the grass was soft, the world was green and singing with many voices of bugs, butterflies, and moths. The goslings were happy.

Suddenly dark clouds appeared and the first drops of rain fell to the ground. And then large hailstones, like sparrow eggs, began to fall. The goslings ran to their mother, she raised her wings and covered her children with them. It was warm and cozy under the wings, the goslings heard as if from somewhere far away came the roar of thunder, the howl of the wind and the sound of hailstones. They even began to have fun: something terrible was happening behind their mother’s wings, and they were warm and comfortable.

Then everything calmed down. The goslings wanted to quickly go to the green meadow, but the mother did not raise her wings. The goslings squealed demandingly: let us out, mom.

The mother quietly raised her wings. The goslings ran out onto the grass. They saw that the mother’s wings were wounded and many feathers were torn out. The mother was breathing heavily. But the world around was so joyful, the sun shone so brightly and tenderly, the bugs, bees, and bumblebees sang so beautifully that for some reason it never occurred to the goslings to ask: “Mom, what’s wrong with you?” And when one, the smallest and weakest gosling came up to his mother and asked: “Why are your wings wounded?” - She answered quietly: “Everything is fine, my son.”

The yellow goslings scattered on the grass, and the mother was happy.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

The Legend of Mother's Love

The mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing beauty. But the girl’s heart was black and unkind.

The son brought his young wife into the house. The daughter-in-law did not like the mother-in-law and told her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, let her live in the entryway.”

The son settled his mother in the entryway and forbade her to enter the hut... But even this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: “So that even the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house.”

The son moved his mother into the barn. Only at night did the mother come out for air. One evening a young beauty was resting under a blooming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn.

The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill my mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” The filial heart did not tremble; he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: “Come on, mom, let’s swim in the river.” They go to the river along a rocky bank. The mother tripped over a stone. The son got angry: “Look at your feet. So we will go to the river until evening.”

They came, undressed, and swam. The son killed his mother, took the heart out of her chest, put it on a maple leaf, and carried it. A mother's heart trembles.

The son tripped over a stone, fell, hit himself, the hot mother’s heart fell on a sharp cliff, bled, started and whispered: “Son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised area with your palm.”

The son began to sob, grabbed his mother’s heart in his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put the heart into his torn chest, and poured it with hot tears. He realized that no one loved and could love him as devotedly and unselfishly as his own mother.

So enormous was the mother's love, so deep and ever strong was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son happy, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's head to her chest. After this, the son could not return to his wife; she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. The two of them walked across the steppes and became two mounds. Every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of the mounds with its first rays...

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

I won't do it anymore

In the spring, fifth-graders helped collective farmers plant watermelons and melons. The work was supervised by two old men - grandfather Dmitry and grandfather Dementy. Both of them were gray-haired, both had wrinkled faces. They seemed the same age to the children. None of the children knew that grandfather Dementy was the father of grandfather Dmitry, one of them was ninety years old, and the other was over seventy.

And so it seemed to grandfather Dementiy that his son had incorrectly prepared the watermelon seeds for planting. The surprised children heard grandfather Dementy begin to teach grandfather Dmitry:

- How slow you are, son, how slow-witted... I’ve been teaching you for ages and I can’t teach you. Watermelon seeds need to be kept warm, but what did you do? They are cold... They will sit motionless in the ground for a week...

Grandfather Dmitry stood in front of grandfather Dementy, like a seven-year-old boy: straight, shifting from foot to foot, bowing his head... and whispered respectfully:

- Tattoo, this won’t happen again, sorry, tattoo...

The children thought. Each of them remembered their father.

Samples of essays, stories and compositions about family

The examples presented below will help students create their own story, highlighting the main components of any competent essay: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Essay on the topic “Family” for grades 1, 2, 3

I live in a large and friendly family. I love mom and dad very much. My mother works as a children's doctor in a clinic, and my father is a geography teacher. I also have an older sister, Lisa, and a younger brother, Kostya. Lisa always helps me with my homework. Kostya is still very young and goes to kindergarten. I like to play railroad games with him and build castles with blocks.

On weekends we all usually go to the cinema or to a cafe together. During the holidays we travel a lot, and we also make sure to visit our grandmother in the village. I love spending time there and walking through the forest. My parents never scold me, they understand and try to help. My family is very dear to me, and I cannot imagine my life without them. My family is the best!

“My Family” - a story by Vanya Krasovsky, 7 years old

Why we love competitions on Mom Blogs is the mass of creative discoveries and positive emotions that each new work of our participants brings with it. This competition is special, because this time, in addition to mothers, children are taking part “Me and My Family” Be sure to take part, too, along with your children! Works will be accepted until June 28.

Today's participants - the Krasovsky family - not only told and drew their family, but also created a picture-panel using “ingenuity, patience, sewing skills and imagination.” Amazing work, thanks to Elena and Vanya for participating in the competition.

Mom Elena says:

This story about the family was written by me from the words of my son Vanya. He is now seven years old. Sometimes he surprises me with his fantasies and almost adult thoughts, and sometimes with his childish spontaneity.

He loves small children very much, calling everyone smaller than him “lilyalka,” kissing hands and hugging almost everyone he meets on a walk.

In describing his family, he remembered his grandparents, as well as his cousins ​​and brother. So, my son’s story, I practically did not change the turns and word order.

Vanya says:

“My family is in my heart. Mom Lena and dad Dima live with me. I also have Baba Tanya, Grandpa Sasha, Baba Olya, Grandpa Tolya, Christina, Arina and Zhenya.

We live in a house, relax here and escape from the rain, read, play, watch TV. I love to take a bath and dive.

Dad and I play with cars, planes and computer games, and dad and I also work on the car in the garage.

Mom and I also play with dolls - “mother-daughter” and with cars, dance, sing songs. Mom takes me to the pool and to classes. Mom teaches me how to behave well, says that I am good. Mom loves me.

In summer we go to the garden. I play in the sand there, relax, and friends come to see me. I ride a bike.

Most of all I love Baba Tanya. She makes me laugh, we laugh, play, read, and then I play on the computer with grandfather Sasha. I love Grandfather Sasha.

I love dad and mom too, but less, because dad is not cheerful, and mom is sometimes angry with me.

I don't have pets, but I would like a small dog. I like dogs more than cats. You can be friends with them, the dog barks, protects the house, people and me so that they don’t get stolen.

I really love candy, ice cream, chocolate and gifts in general, especially different cars.

I like my family."

This is how the story about the family turned out. Sometimes it is useful to ask what a child thinks about his family; you will learn a lot of new things!

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