Conversation with children of the senior group on the topic “My Family.”

Class hour in elementary school. My family

Class hour for younger schoolchildren “My Family”
Author: Terentyeva Natalya Sergeevna teacher of fine arts at the Municipal Educational Institution “Sheragulskaya Secondary School”.
The classroom scenario is suitable for use in primary grades.

Class hour for grades 1-4 “My family”
Objectives: 1. Define the concept of “family”, form the concept of “happy family”. 2. Perform the family amulet “God’s Eye.” Objectives: 1. Expand the concepts of “family” and “happy family”, identify its features.
2. To promote in children a sense of love and respect for loved ones. 3. Contribute to the formation of the right attitude towards the family, its members, and their relationships. 4. Contribute to the unity and development of the class team. 5. Create a comfortable situation for students’ creative self-expression and manifestation of their activity. Progress of the lesson:

Guys, I am very glad to see you so beautiful and joyful today. I hope you will maintain this positive mood until the end of our lesson. So, guys, have we greeted each other? Now everyone greet your neighbor. Let's hold hands, close our eyes, feel the warmth of our hands, and now open our eyes and smile at each other. Well done! Sit down guys. Tell me, are you comfortable in your seats? So, can you and I start a conversation? Guys, look at the board. There is a rebus on it, let's guess it together. What word is hidden in it? (students’ answers)

That's right, this word is "FAMILY". What do you think we will talk about today? That's right, guys. Today we will talk about family, what family is, what family means in the life of every person and why family should be protected. Guys, who does the family consist of? Let's guess the riddles: Who is the cutest in the world? Who do children love very much? I’ll answer the question directly: - Our dearest... (mother) Who will teach you how to hammer a nail, Let you steer the car, And tell you how to be brave, Strong, dexterous and skillful? You all know, guys, - This is our beloved... (dad) Who never gets tired of loving, Bakes pies for us, Delicious pancakes? This is our... (grandmother) Who worked all her life, Surrounded her grandchildren, grandmother, children with care, Respected ordinary people? And he is already many years old Our ageless... (grandfather) Who is the cheerful little one - Crawling quickly on his belly? Amazing boy - This is my youngest... (brother) Who loves both me and his brother, But loves to dress up more? - A very fashionable girl - My eldest... (sister) (the sun and rays appear on the board in turn)

Look at the board, we have a sun, and each family member is a ray of light.
It’s not for nothing that the word family consists of seven selves, that is, seven people just like me; it’s not for nothing that sometimes members of some family members are similar to each other, both in appearance and in character. Families are different, in some families there is only one parent, it doesn’t matter, this does not make such a family worse, it can become the best if mutual understanding and care reign in it. Who else is fashionable to call a relative (aunt, uncle, etc.). Family is as warm a word as the sun. Do you agree with me? Guys, what is a family, as you understand it? If we turn to the dictionary, we find out this: A family is a group of people consisting of husband, wife, children and other close relatives living together. Do you agree with this statement? I want to tell you a parable: “Once upon a time, a long time ago, God blinded a man from clay, but he still had a small piece of it left. Then God asked the man: “What should you make from the remaining clay?” The man thought and answered: “Make me happy.” God thought for a moment, then smiled and handed the clay to the man and brought it: “You can do it yourself.” What is the moral of this parable? Right. The moral of this parable is that each person is the creator of his own happiness, and it is born in the family. What does a happy family mean, what do you think it is? (student responses) You are not quite adults yet, but this does not make your role in the family less, you can become a support and hope for your family. What do you think you can do for your family? (students' answers) That's right, helping parents, treating them with respect, caring for your younger ones, this is exactly what will become your irreplaceable contribution to strengthening the family, its protection and preservation. You too can create your own family happiness. Guys, let's turn to the history of our people. At all times, the family was the greatest asset; it was protected and valued. They respected the elderly and took care of the younger ones. There are quite a few proverbs and sayings about family and parents. Do you know any of them? (student responses) Work in groups: Let's divide into groups, each of which will receive three sayings and proverbs. Your goal is to discuss them and explain their meaning. Let's look at the screen, each group will express their opinion on the meaning of the proverbs. Gold and silver do not age; father and mother have no price. There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family. There will be no good if there is enmity in the family. When the family is together, the soul is in its place. There is discord in the family - I’m not happy at home either. A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud. (Children explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings) Man has long tried to protect his family from troubles, prayed to God to care and protect his family. Many needlewomen dedicated their work to their family; various ancient amulets have come down to us, the purpose of which was to protect the family from troubles and the evil eye. One of these amulets is called “God’s Eye”, its purpose is to protect the family. By making such a talisman, our ancestors believed that it was he who would save the family from troubles and adversity. Guys, do you want to learn how to make such a talisman? Performing a talisman. Guys, we have completed the amulet, now let each of you tell us what you would like to protect your family from. Guys, I am very glad that you were able to realize and understand the value of family, and how important it is to protect it. After all, only in a family we are loved not for anything, but just like that. And it is very important for a person to be loved. They loved you for no particular reason. For the fact that you are a grandson, For the fact that you are a son, For the fact that you are a baby, For the fact that you are growing up, For the fact that you look like mom and dad. And this love will remain your secret support until the end of your days. Our lesson has come to an end. Tell me, do you still feel cozy and comfortable in your seats? Did you enjoy our conversation? Well guys, I really liked it too. I want to thank you very much for your active participation and for your answers. I hope there are many more interesting things ahead for you and me.

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