Technological map for drawing on the topic “Carpet Decoration”

Summary of drawing lesson “Beautiful rug”

Olesya Poletaeva

Summary of drawing lesson “Beautiful rug”

Topic: "Beautiful rug."

Purpose: to teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; hold the brush correctly with three fingers; move the brush along the pile continuously; pick up paint on a brush, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar; rinse the brush thoroughly; paint carefully with another paint, without going into the places where it has already been painted. Continue to develop color perception; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop creative abilities. Cultivate accuracy when working with paint.

Vocabulary work: Horizontal lines, long, from left to right.

Materials : samples of rugs with a non-uniform surface, sheets of paper, red and yellow gouache, jars of water, brushes No. 6, napkins.

Preliminary work: looking at striped fabric rugs, looking at the album “Russian Izba”.

Organization of children : the lesson is held at the table

Progress of the lesson.

- Guys, look who came to visit us? (cockerel)

-Say hello to the cockerel.

Cockerel, the guys and I know a nursery rhyme about you.

(children tell a nursery rhyme about a cockerel with imitation movements)

- Guys, how does the cockerel sing? (children imitate the song of a cockerel)

Lesson notes on the application “Rug for a cat”

Ksenia Larionova

Lesson notes on the application “Rug for a cat”

"Striped rug for a cat "

Train children to make a beautiful rug from stripes alternating in color.

Reinforce the names of primary colors in children’s speech: red, blue, yellow, green.

Exercise to act in stages: lay out alternating colors on a square white sheet of album, glue, remove excess glue with a napkin, be careful in your work.

Preliminary work: talking about pets, looking at illustrations, playing with picture cubes, playing “hide and seek”

, finger game

Materials: 1/2 album sheet, 3 rectangles of different colors, scissors, glue, pictures of sleeping cats according to the number of children, a cat toy.

Before class, I place a toy cat on the windowsill.

– You saw a kitten ran into the group, where is it, help me find it.

(Children search for a kitten in a group; the child who finds it brings it)


– The cat sharpens its claws

In these paws for the time being

– The kitten played and wanted to sleep, but there was no rug . Let's help guys make him a sleeping mat . Do you agree to help the cat ?

- Let's make a beautiful rug for him from stripes .

rug we will make (I am posting 2-3 different samples)


— We lay out multi-colored strips on a sheet of paper.

– Then I smear the strip with glue and glue it to the edge of the album sheet, stepping back a little from the border, and so we spread and glue all the strips, alternating colors. You will get a beautiful rug . Work carefully and carefully.

I remind you about the sequence of work.

"Magic rug" Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity (drawing)

Elena Ishoeva

"Magic rug" Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity (drawing)

Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity ( drawing )

Topic: “ Magic rug

Goal: Develop children's imagination and creativity ;

Continue teaching children how to make a decorative pattern on a rectangular shape. Learn to express a person’s character through color, rhythm, elements of painting;

Encourage children to express their musical impressions in creative activities ; Cultivate interest in activities; interest in fairy tales.

Preliminary work: examination of carpet ; conversation about types of carpets ; listening to music; Exercises for painting napkins.

Materials: album sheet, gouache, brushes, jar of water, napkins, wax crayons; music.

P. I. Tchaikovsky “Baba Yaga”

, M. Mussorgsky
painting by V. Vasnetsov “Flying Carpet”

magic carpet illustrations ; painting elements (geometric shapes, straight stripes, stencils)

Appliqué lesson in the middle group “Striped rug for a cat”

Evgenia Anosova

Appliqué lesson in the middle group “Striped rug for a cat”

Lesson on appliqué in the middle group.

Topic: Striped rug for a cat .

— teach children to compose a harmonious composition Striped rug

from paper
strips alternating in color;
— continue to master the technique of straight cutting with scissors;

- introduce a new method - cutting paper along fold lines.

- develop a sense of color and rhythm.

— to cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts.

- examination of images of cats in different types of fine arts and crafts;

— acquaintance with carpet weaving as a type of folk arts and crafts;

— reading the story “Vaska”


— conversation on the content of the poem by V. Shipunova “The Siberian cat licks its paw”


Paper squares as a basis for an applicative mat , paper rectangles of different colors, four for each child, scissors for child labor, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths; three rugs prepared by the teacher to show children decor options.

Drawing a rug in the middle group sample

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Scheme recommendations, detailed photo description of how to knit rugs from... Skillful hands program. Lesson summary for non-traditional drawing for the middle entertainment group. The table shows that the control group at the ascertaining stage is at an average level. The tasks are to develop the imagination and creativity of children, continue to teach children how to make a decorative pattern on. The author is Sevil Guseinovna Boltova, I am looking for a sample drawing of a rug for the middle group. First, the leaves need to be washed and dried. Drawing class for middle group and mats

. Lesson in artistic design of a bear on a birch tree, junior-middle group, mat for mother, drawing with felt-tip pens, middle group. Drawing for the middle group, an autumn carpet, an unconventional drawing technique, printing with leaves, lesson notes for drawing for the middle group, butterflies, girlfriends. Next, iron the leaves. Drawing lesson for the middle group, mats

. Work program for fine arts iso class topic work program. First, I show the children samples of drawing prims with a brush, showing how they are then painted on horizontal surfaces with a brush. Full version of the scientific work. Organization of a developing subject-specific spatial environment for the senior group and. Lesson summary for non-traditional drawing for the middle group. Decoupage of bottles, decoupage of bottles with your own hands, decoupage of a champagne bottle. The text of the scientific work is posted without images of formulas. Drawing a rug for the middle group, a sample task for decorative drawing for the middle group, compositional tasks similar to gluing ready-made forms

The bank of abstracts contains more than 364 thousand abstracts of course theses, cheat sheets and. Didactic games, outdoor games, role-playing games for preschool children. Drawing a rug for the middle group sample » frameborder=»0″ allowfullscreen>

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “The Carpet of the Evil and the Good Wizard”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: to develop the need to see beauty in the world around us and empathize with what we see.


  • Learn to express a person’s character through color, rhythm, decor;
  • Help children expressively convey the image of male fairy-tale heroes;
  • Activate and consolidate children's vocabulary; use verbs and adjectives in speech;
  • Develop children's imagination and creativity;
  • Encourage children to express their musical impressions in creative activities;
  • Cultivate interest in activities;
  • Ability to work individually.

Musical series:

  • P.I. Tchaikovsky “Baba Yaga”
  • M. Mussorgsky “Gnome”;
  • R. Schumann "Father Frost";
  • S. Maykapar “Clouds are floating”;
  • L. Timofeev “The Breeze”.

Visual range:

  • Reproduction of the painting “Flying Carpet” by V. Vasnetsov;
  • castle illustrations";
  • magic carpet illustration.

Didactic material: didactic game “Magic Pebbles”.

Material for work:

  • carpet stencils for each child;
  • gouache or watercolor;
  • brushes

Progress of the lesson

Music is playing.

Children take pillows and sit on the rug.

- Guys, today we will visit a fairyland. But to get there, you need to go on something. On what? (List).

- Guys. Since we want to get to a fairyland, then let’s choose a fairytale transport.

Of course, you and I will fly on a magic carpet (music sounds). Let's fly. The magic carpet rises high, hold on tight! We've arrived!

- Look, guys, what is shown in this picture? (Carpet plane).

Often in fairy tales, heroes travel on a magical flying carpet.

Guys, what fairy tales have flying carpets in their titles? (...)

Who flew them, what heroes? (...)

Let's imagine that we find ourselves in a fairyland and in front of us are two identical carpets. (I show that the color of one is darker than the other).

But we know that one of them belongs to a good wizard, and the other to an evil wizard. Which? Why? (Children determine).

– Let’s make up a fairy tale about why the carpets seem the same and how they can be distinguished. Listen to the music. Which piece of music is more suitable for a good wizard's carpet, and which for an evil one? (Music sounds).

– Why is the first music suitable for the good wizard’s carpet? (Cheerful, joyful...)

What about the second music? (Loud, rude...)

That's right, well done!

- Let's write a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there were two brothers of a wizard. One of them was evil and the other was good.

Why was the first one evil? (...)

Why is the second one kind? (...)

Yes, the first one was angry at the whole world around him and therefore was angry and envious. And the second tried to help everyone.

– The evil wizard’s name was Sherkhen, and the good one was Milan. Why were they called that? (...)

Pay attention to how the name can convey the character of the hero. Listen to how the names sound (...)

“Sherkhan and Milan each settled in their own country and built themselves a castle. Let's imagine what the castles of one and another fairy-tale hero might be like. And music will help us with this (...) (Then illustrations are posted).

- Guys, look at Sherkhan’s fortress? (...) Where is she standing? (...) (Children describe or one child.)

A castle with high walls and pointed towers, on which flags with terrifying images flutter. What's around the castle? (...) A deep ditch with muddy water, with a narrow bridge across it.

– Now look at the Milan castle. Where is he standing? (...) On the shore of a beautiful lake, it is light, as if made of sunny stones. What is growing around the castle? (...) Lots of greenery and flowers. And fabulous birds sit on the roof. Beautiful flags flutter on the towers and balloons sway.

- So, guys, what can we say about castles? (...) Sherkhan's castle is gloomy, dark, scary, and Milan's castle is light, beautiful...

– There is a path to each castle, and you can guess which one it is!

FISMINUTKA: (d/i “Magic Pebbles”)

Guys, place magic pebbles at the castles of Sherkhan and Milan.

What pebbles are suitable for Sherkhan's castle (dark, sharp...)

And for the castle of Milan? (bright, round...)

(Children post).

Well done! (children sit at tables)

- Sherkhan was terribly angry with his brother because he had many friends and he himself was cheerful all the time and everything worked out for him. And one day he decided to lure Milan’s friends by cunning. The brothers had magic carpets that could fly - identical in size and pattern, but very different in color. Whose carpets are these? (Determine).

– The carpet of Milan always saved from trouble, carried the needy to a bright land, where they all became happy and kind. Sherkhan's carpet could only be taken to a dark country, where people were constantly angry and did various dirty tricks to each other. Shere Khan took out some ominous mixture and sprinkled it on both carpets. And from the action of this mixture, the carpets became completely identical, it turned out to be completely impossible to distinguish them. And now everyone could make a mistake, sit, for example, on Shere Khan’s carpet and fly away to his dark country.

But we don’t want this, do we? (...)

- Let's try to help good Milan and his friends - let's paint the carpets so that no one makes a mistake. (Children color.)

- Well done!

Dima, how did you paint your carpet? Whose? (...)

And Yana, who owns your carpet? Why? (...)

- Well done! Now no one will make a mistake and end up in a dark land. We helped Milan and his friends a lot.

Class is over, well done!

At the end of the lesson, you can assemble two large carpets by gluing together children's work.


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