Summary of a drawing lesson on the topic: “Umbrella for Aibolit”

Summary of the drawing lesson “Multi-colored umbrellas” in the middle group

Elena Chuvilina
Summary of the drawing lesson “Multi-colored umbrellas” in the middle group

Theme: “Colorful umbrellas”

Educational areas: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, speech.

Objectives: to consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about late autumn, to notice that it often rains; learn to paint with pencils without going beyond the outline; develop the ability to choose your own color; develop an interest in drawing.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction.

Materials: plot picture “Late Autumn”, children’s umbrella, sample of a painted umbrella, coloring books (for each child, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Picture “Late Autumn”.

The teacher reads a quatrain.

The rain keeps pouring down

2. Main part. Looking at an umbrella.

Educator. It gets cold in late autumn. The sun rarely shines and does not warm. The sky is gray and gloomy. It rains frequently. And today the rain keeps coming and going. And I really want to go for a walk! But if we take umbrellas, then we won’t be afraid of the rain. Here I have, look what a beautiful umbrella! Why do I need an umbrella? (Children's answers). Do you want to have such umbrellas too? (Children's answers).

3. Physical education.

The rain clouds floated: “Pray, rain, pour!”

The raindrops are dancing as if alive: “Drink, earth, drink!”

And the tree, bending down, drinks, drinks, drinks!

And the relentless rain pours, pours, pours.

(Children wave their arms left and right, up and down, and bend over).

4. Productive activity. Coloring an umbrella.

Children go to the tables. They independently select colored pencils for coloring the umbrella. The teacher, in the process of drawing, reminds that umbrellas should be multi-colored.

5. Reflection.

What did we color today? (Umbrellas.)

What color are the umbrellas? (Multi-colored.)

What beautiful umbrellas! Well done!

This is such wonderful work we have done!

Application with drawing elements “Multi-colored umbrellas” Application with drawing elements “Multi-colored umbrellas” Goals: to develop interest in different types of application, fine motor skills, creativity.

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Photo report on the drawing lesson “Multi-colored umbrellas in the rain” in the middle group Summary of the drawing lesson in the middle group “Multi-colored umbrellas in the rain” Purpose: to teach children to draw an umbrella, rain. Tasks: consolidate. Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Multi-colored balls” Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the geometric shape of a circle Objectives: 1. Form the correct posture when drawing; 2. Consolidate knowledge about color; 3.

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Master class on 3D appliqué on an autumn theme “Multi-colored umbrellas” in the preparatory group. What would autumn be without cloudy rainy days? But even such seemingly very sad days can be painted with bright colors and energized.

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Professional competition for educators
ALL-RUSSIAN INTERNET COMPETITION OF PEDAGOGICAL CREATIVITY (2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR) Competition nomination: Pedagogical ideas and technologies: preschool education Title of work: Notes on drawing “The umbrella clicked and opened, I took cover from the rain under it” in the middle group Author: Dvoenos Taisiya Semyonovna
, teacher at MBDOU combined kindergarten No. 318,
Nizhny Novgorod, 2013 Objectives:
consolidate the ability to draw round objects, paint over a drawing with a pencil without going beyond the outline, position a sheet of paper taking into account the proportions of the object being drawn;
develop the desire to independently choose a pattern to decorate the depicted object. Equipment:
umbrellas of different colors or patterns of umbrellas;
pencils or markers; paper; easel; box. Preliminary preparation:
observing passersby walking during the rain;
examining the structure of the umbrella. Progress of the lesson.

  1. Creating gaming motivation.

Do you guys remember how heavy it rained recently?
All passersby were in a hurry to go home because they were wet. And only those people who had this beautiful object (shows the box in which the object is located) went home without fear of the rain. After all, this item... (The teacher shows an umbrella)
It saves people from the heat,

Spreading a shadow over my head,

And if it suddenly starts to rain,

I will hide under it with you. Educator.

Can you guess what item is in my box?
(Children's answers) Of course, it's an umbrella. (The teacher takes an umbrella out of the box.) Teacher.
What a big umbrella we have, isn't it?
Let's see how many kids can hide from the rain under it? (Children stand under an umbrella.) Educator.
That's how many children an umbrella can save!
It is painted in bright yellow, red and blue colors. But the other umbrella is still decorated with patterns, and Mashenka has an umbrella with ears. What does an umbrella look like? (Children's answers) Educator.
I think an umbrella is like a big mushroom. Let's draw the kind of umbrella you would like to have.

  1. Demonstration of working methods.

For example, I dream of such an umbrella for my daughter.

The teacher shows techniques for depicting an umbrella and coloring it, drawing the children's attention to the fact that the lines and strokes when coloring are done in the same direction.
This is the funny umbrella I got. It will hide you from the rain and from the sun, and will also make you laugh.

Now draw the umbrella you dream of.
Children complete the task.

  1. Results of the lesson. Exhibition of drawings on the stand.

Oh, what wonderful umbrellas you drew! Multi-colored, with and without patterns, large and small. I really like them. How fun it is to walk in the rain with these umbrellas!

— It’s raining, maybe pouring water.

You won't scare me.

They decided to buy me an umbrella -
you don’t get wet under it.

Photo report on the drawing lesson “Multi-colored umbrellas in the rain” in the middle group

Elena Timoshenko

Photo report on the drawing lesson “Multi-colored umbrellas in the rain” in the middle group

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group Multi-colored umbrellas in the rain

Goal: teach children to draw an umbrella , rain .

Tasks: to consolidate the techniques of painting with a brush , the ability to hold it correctly, rinse it in water, dry it on a napkin; do the work carefully. To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena. Teach beautifully, place the image on the entire sheet. Develop a sense of rhythm and aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy and interest in visual arts.

Material and equipment: illustrations selected on the topic: “Natural changes in autumn”

umbrella , paints, leaves, rags for brushes.

Stages of work:

Photo 1.

Using a simple pencil, draw an inclined line, the end of which will be directed to the left. This line will serve as the center for the umbrella and the handle. From above we retreat the same distance to the left and right, and draw a second line. We draw an ellipse around it - an elongated oval shape. We make a notch on top of the oval to determine the top of the umbrella:

Photo 2.

From the top of the ellipse we define the upper part of the umbrella and connect them. Add a sharp tip on top in the middle:

Photo 3.

We move on to dividing the umbrella into compartments. Let's start from the top. Let's divide them into three parts. The middle will differ from the sides in that its size will be slightly reduced in width, and the top line will be curved downwards. If you compare the height, the middle will be higher. Following the laws of perspective:

Photo 4.

Now let's divide the inside. Let's depict the divisions with curved lines - upwards. The side parts will have the smallest size:

Photo 5.

Next, draw dividing lines. Toward the top they will converge to the center line, or in other words, to the handle. From its upper part to the sides we will draw horizontal lines that will hold the entire structure of the open umbrella:

Photo 6.

We erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and begin to create a shadow. We apply strokes evenly, starting from the bends. The direction of the strokes can be changed, this will help create volume:

Photo 7.

We continue to shade the inside. For now, the top and bottom will match in tone, but later you need to make the shadow darker inside:

Photo 8.

Let's make a thickening on the handle and add stripes at the bottom:

Photo 9.

The umbrella will cast a shadow. The light source is on the right, so the shadow will be on the left:

Photo 10.

Using a soft pencil, add contrast and carefully, trying not to darken it, draw the contours. Job completed:

So we learned how to draw an umbrella step by step using a simple pencil. It turns out it's not difficult at all

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