Progress of the lesson
— Guys, look at these photo illustrations, at the pictures. I want to draw your attention to something that we previously paid little attention to - the various symbols on the streets of our city.
Various road signs hang along the streets . Some you know.
For example, what do these signs ? (show children familiar signs - “Pedestrian crossing”
“Underground passage”
“Beware of children”
“Traffic prohibited”
and others).
See why all these signs are different in shape and color. There are round, triangular, square, on blue and white backgrounds. Do you know why they are so different? (children's answers)
These signs in red circles are prohibitive. Look: “Traffic prohibited”
“Bicycle traffic is prohibited”
“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”
“turn is prohibited”
These are the strictest signs .
But these ones - in red triangles - are warning ones. They warn the driver about some kind of danger: “slippery road ”
Road ” ,
“Dangerous Turn”
These signs on the blue circles are prescriptive. The driver must do what is shown on them.
Signs on square blue plates are informational or directional: “Pedestrian Crossing” sign
“Bus Stop”
and others.
(after display all
signs are removed ) .
Today I invite you to think and draw your own road sign . First, figure out what it will mean. Perhaps your sign will be very serious, strict, and perhaps humorous.
I suggest you first draw your sign with a pencil and only then work with color. (making drawings)
Website for kindergarten teachers
Author Kuzyukova Daria Sergeevna has not indicated anything about herself yet.
10/14/2022 “Road Safety” Drawing “Traffic Light” Objectives: - to introduce children to the rules of the road; — help children understand road symbols and its specifics (using the example of road signs); - develop independence, reaction speed, and ingenuity in children; - to cultivate attention and concentration in children.
- introduce the meaning of a traffic light and its signals. Fix the name of red, yellow, green colors, fix to draw round objects.
Materials: - traffic light model, drawings depicting road signs.
Progress of the lesson: The teacher reads to the children the story “Why are road signs needed?” Ants are creatures, although small, but smart and hard-working. They run along ant paths all day long. Some - with luggage to the house, to the anthill. Others - away, with trash and light. Nobody quarrels with anyone, doesn’t collide.
Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Cars on the Road”
Shamsutdinova Flyura Rafailovna
Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Cars on the Road”
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic “ Cars on the road ”
Program content: Learn to depict various types of transport, their shape, structure, proportions (ratio of parts in size, consolidate the ability to easily depict an outline with a simple pencil and paint over it with pencils, develop the ability to complement the drawing with characteristic details, bring the idea to completion, evaluate your work, work carefully .
Equipment: pictures with different types of transport, roadways, wax crayons, a simple pencil.
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes
Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us.
Topic: “Travel to the country of traffic rules.”
Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten. Topic: “Travel to the country of traffic rules.”
PROGRAM CONTENT: Purpose of the lesson. Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking and visual attention.
Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the senior group of a kindergarten. Topic: “Travel to the country of traffic rules.
Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us. Playback
Summary of GCD on traffic rules for children of the senior group “Traffic Light”
Fomichenko Olga Abstract of the GCD in the senior group on the topic “Traffic Light”.
● Foster a caring attitude towards health.
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules. Objectives: Educational: learn to draw a traffic light, convey in the drawing the structure, shape and relative position of parts of an object; consolidate your neat painting skills. Developmental: develop observation skills, visual memory; ability to answer questions in complete sentences.
Educational: to raise disciplined pedestrians in preschoolers.
Integration of OO: “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Speech”, “Physical education”, “Social and communicative development”, “Reading fiction”.
Materials: landscape sheet, simple pencil, gouache, napkins, brushes, a glass of water, templates: rectangle (traffic light body, circles (lids from jars, circles of different colors for the game “Broken Traffic Light”. Contents of GCD. Organizational moment: children and teacher standing in a circle, greeting: Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
The warmth will run in a circle. We are very glad to each other.
Educator: How are you feeling? Are you ready to travel with our new friend?
Children: Yes. Educator: Where is he? Where, Traffic light? The children and the teacher examine the group and other rooms, but do not find him anywhere. Surprise moment: The teacher notices a letter on a balloon. Educator: Guys, look at the letter. Reads: “Dear guys! I was kidnapped by the evil wizard Jurgen.
And now there is complete chaos in the Land of Traffic Lights.
But you can help me if you complete the tasks. Hurry up and I can get back to you. Your friend Traffic Light" Educator: Well, guys, let’s help Traffic Light?
We recommend reading: 6 7 15 federal law on operational intelligence activities
1. Tell us why a traffic light is needed on the street?
Children's answers. (To regulate traffic on the street.)
Lesson notes. Artistic creativity. Drawing. senior group Topic: “ROAD SIGNS”
Artistic creativity.
Drawing. senior group Topic: “ROAD SIGNS” Program content: Purpose: To familiarize children with warning and prohibition signs, service signs and special instruction signs. Objectives: Educational objectives: ● Reinforce with children the names of road signs and their meanings. ● Exercise your ability to draw road signs using different visual materials (colored pencils, wax crayons).
● To develop spatial orientation skills and conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life. ● Develop attention and creative imagination of children. Educational objectives: ● Develop skills for safe behavior on the road.
● Foster a desire to comply with traffic rules. ● Cultivate responsiveness (the desire to come to the rescue in difficult times by completing a task).
Methods and techniques: Surprise