Summary of the choreography lesson “Movement is Life”

Summary of the choreography lesson “Movement is Life”

(integration of educational areas: “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Music”) for middle preschool age



- develop correct posture and leg strength;

- strengthen the arch of the foot;

— develop muscle strength, endurance, speed and strength abilities.


— promote the ability of emotional expression, freedom and creativity in movements;

- contribute to the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge of the stylistic features of children's dance performance.


- develop coordination, flexibility, imagination, expressiveness in the execution of movements;

- develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music, attention, musical and motor memory.


— to cultivate interest in choreography classes through the use of game methods of presenting information;

- develop the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: Music center, audio recordings of the dance teacher show group, musical accompaniment for the dance, dog costume.

Progress of the lesson

- Hello children! My name is Maria Vladislavovna. Today we will try to conduct a choreography lesson together. First we'll warm up a little, then we'll learn a dance and play a little. First, let's learn how to bow, because... We have a dance class, so we should also say hello with a dance movement. Look at me and repeat after me (learning a bow).

- Okay, now put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Repeat after me.


to the soundtrack of the show group “Dance Teacher” (2.45 min)

1 verse

— Tilt your head to your shoulder left and right (8 times), back and forth (4 times);

— We lower our hands down and raise both shoulders up (8), one shoulder at a time (4);


- Hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean slightly from side to side (8);

— Feet together, we jump (8);

- Feet shoulder width apart. Hands up and wave from side to side (8);

— Tilts of the head to the shoulder at a slow pace (4);

Verse 2

- “Motors” - rotational movements of hands, clenched into fists, around each other: right - left (2), down - up (2);

Repeat the chorus.

Verse 3

- Turn your legs and body to the right. We perform the “Pinocchio” movement - arms in front of us, one arm straightens, the other bends, fingers widely spread (8). Repeat to the left.

Repeat the chorus.

Verse 4

— We jump: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides - legs together, hands clapping overhead (4 reps at a slow pace, 8 reps at a fast pace).

Repeat the chorus 2 times.


- Arms to the sides - clap above your head (8).

- And now I will tell you a fairy tale (5 minutes), and you will show it to me. Listen carefully and look at me.

— A beautiful flower grows in a clearing (children, squatting with their hands folded, palm to palm above their heads, depict a flower). Morning comes, the sun rises, and the flower wakes up and opens its petals (the children begin to slowly rise to their feet, stretch their arms up and open them to the sides). A light breeze blew (the children begin to swing their arms from side to side). And now a strong wind has blown, and the flower bends all the way to the ground (the children begin to sway strongly from side to side, trying to reach the floor with their hands). And suddenly the flower broke away and flew away (the children begin to spin around themselves, first in one direction, then in the other). And now the birds have flown to us (children stand on high half-toes and wave their arms up and down). The penguins have arrived (sink on their heels, hands behind their backs). Again birds (half-toes) and penguins (walking on their heels). And now the bees have flown into our clearing! And the bees are buzzing (children begin to run around the hall, pressing their elbows to their bodies, and quickly waving their arms up and down, imitating flying bees). Bees also sit on flowers and collect pollen (children squat down and pretend how bees “collect pollen in a basket”). What do bees give us? (children answer: honey). Okay, which animal loves to eat honey the most? (bear). So a bear came to our clearing! (children place their feet on the outer side of the foot and, reading the verse “Teddy Bear,” imitate it). And now frogs have jumped into our clearing! (children squat down and spread their knees to the sides, placing their hands on the floor between their knees). How do frogs talk? (croak). Who is our biggest frog? (children jump up and clap their hands above their heads). And suddenly cats came to our clearing (the children kneel down and, beautifully moving their hands, walk like cats). They pulled one back leg, then pulled the other back leg. And cats also love to scratch behind the ear with their paw (first with one hand, then with the other), and now who can reach the ear with their back paw?! (children sit on the floor, take their foot and try to touch their toes to their ear). Well done, let's get back on our feet.

- And now I suggest you learn the Dog Dance. But first we will learn the basic movements (No. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12). Look at me and repeat (movement study 2.00 min).

- Children, be quiet, be quiet. I think I hear something. I'll go and have a look. (A child dressed in a Puppy costume enters the hall.) Oh, look who came to us?! It's a dog! Look how funny she is! Let's dance the Dog Dance together with the Puppy.

Dance "Funny Dogs"

Musical accompaniment: Gummy Bear - Gummy Bear song (2.45 min).

1. Children, pressing their bent arms to their chest, with their hands down, run out onto the playground in lines and sit in their seats, on their knees, with their “tails” lowered onto their heels. Place your hands on the floor in front of you.

2. “They say hello” - they wave their heads up and down.

3. With the right “paw”, knock on the floor 8 times, repeat with the left “paw”.

4. Wave their head from side to side 16 times.

5. Scratch the right ear with the right hand 8 times, then scratch the left ear with the left hand.

6. Get on all fours and wag their tails.

7. At “one, two”, raise the “tail” high, straighten the legs, lower the head down; on “three, four” they fall back to their knees, “show your nose” (repeat 4 times).

8. “Spring” - sitting on your knees, bounce slightly on your heels, playing with your “paws” - 16 times.

9. Place your hands on your knees. The legs do not move, and the “tail” sits on the floor, alternately on one side of the legs, then on the other - 8 times.

10. Take the “Butterfly” pose - sit on your buttocks, bend your legs at the knees, press your feet to your feet, press your heels as close to you as possible. Try to touch your knees to the floor, keeping your back straight. Next, take your right foot and touch your right ear with your toe - “scratch” it, then repeat everything from your left foot.

11. Lie on your back and “play with your paws,” that is, wave your legs and arms in the air.

12. Stand on your feet, “paws” - arms pressed to your chest, hands down. On “one, two” jump with your left side towards the audience (to the right), on “three, four” - “wag your tail”, repeat in the other direction (repeat 4 times).

13. They bowed and ran away.

- Fine! Now let's play a little game of "Wet Puppies" (2 min).

Target. The ability to relieve tension alternately from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, and body; move scattered around the hall.

Progress of the game. Children move around the hall in all directions, like dogs (legs and arms on the floor, knees straight). At the command “rain”, children squat down and curl into a ball, tensing all their muscles. At the command of the “sun”, they slowly stand up and shake off the “raindrops” in turn from each of the four “legs”, from the “head” and “tail”, respectively removing the clamps from all muscles.

— They took their places to bow. Well done! I really liked how you diligently worked and completed everything. What did you like about our lesson? (children's answers) Well done! Thanks for the activity! I really enjoyed working with you. Goodbye (bow)!

Outline of a choreography lesson: “Introduction to the educational program “Through the Looking Glass””


Municipal budgetary educational institution

middle School of General education

with in-depth study of computer science No. 68, Penza

(MBOU secondary school with in-depth study of computer science No. 68)

Outline of a choreography lesson


“Introduction to the educational program “Through the Looking Glass””

Developed by:

additional education teacher

Kudryashova I.V.

Penza, 2022

Outline of a choreography lesson


“Introduction to the educational program “Through the Looking Glass””

Developed by:

additional education teacher

MBOU secondary school with in-depth study of computer science No. 68 Kudryashova I.V.


choreography class.


1st year of study, age 7-8 years

Lesson duration:

45 minutes


: Creating conditions for identifying children’s initial dancing abilities.


  • to interest children by introducing them to the specifics of choreographic art;
  • determine the inclinations of each student for dance classes;

I. Educational

To help students improve their sense of rhythm, memory, attention, ability to express their feelings, understanding of music, and technique of performing movements.

II. Developmental

To promote the development of dance technique, strength, agility, flexibility, accuracy of movement, the entire motor system, mobility in joints, strengthening muscle elasticity.

III. Educational.

Promote the development of artistic, aesthetic and cultural skills, artistry.

Methods and techniques for activating children:

  1. Verbal.
  2. Visual-auditory.
  3. Gaming.
  4. Practical.
  5. Motivational.

Material and equipment:

choreographic hall, music center, flash.

Expected result:

  1. There will be an interest in choreography classes.
  2. They will acquire the ability to move rhythmically to music.
  3. Learn to interact with each other.
  4. They will receive a positive charge of emotions.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part.

(5 minutes.).

Motivating children, positive emotional attitude, leading up to the main part of the lesson.


Main part.
(35 min.)

Warm-up, game stretching (games to develop coordination of movements, development of memory, attention, dance ability).

3. Final part.

(5 minutes.)

Reflection, summing up the lesson, evaluation.

Progress of the lesson:

1 Organizing time

(5 minutes.)

The guys enter the hall one after another and stand in a line.


: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you so bright, cheerful, smiling. I hope that my lesson will be interesting and educational for you, and that we will have time to get to know each other and make friends.

— My name is Inna Viktorovna! I am the director of the creative workshop “Small town” and I want to invite you to the wonderful world of dance. Guys, now I would like to know your names, try to each say your name at the same time (children answer).

Thank you! Now I also know the name of each of you. Very nice!

(teacher bows)


Do you know what this movement is?
This is a bow. This way, instead of the usual “Hello!” It is customary to greet each other in the magical world of dance. Let us perform it with you ( bow).
- Tell me, do you like to dance? ( Children's answers


— Do any of you attend dance clubs or studios? ( Not really

Comment on the answers.
— Guys, do you think dancing is useful? ( Children's answers


— What are the benefits of dancing? ( Good for health, develops flexibility, confidence, etc.


- Great! You answered all my questions.


Dance is a magical world of silent art, where performers “speak with their bodies” and the choreographer creates a choreographic text so that it is “read” by the viewer. CHOREOGRAPHY (from the Greek choreia - dancing and grapho - writing).

2. Main part.

Guys, do you like to travel? (Yes)

then I invite you to go on an exciting journey to the country of Danceland!
Are you ready (yes)
then close your eyes and count to 10. Are you ready
Then stand in a circle and get ready to hit the road.

Music is playing . (Warm up in a circle)

- March in place, hands on your belt. We are moving in a circle, the guys have large puddles on our way ( the guys stand on high
half-toes and continue walking two circles),
and now there are sharp stones on the way that we must step over (
walking with high knees for two circles
Very good, now imagine that you have springs on your legs and you jump high ( jumps).
We continue moving in a circle in steps. Restore your breathing, turn your hands into wings! (children raise and lower their arms from the sides, inhale through their nose, exhale through their mouth).
We stand in a circle.

The guys stand in a circle, the teacher is in the middle.


Well done, you made it through the magical road.
You are in the dance hall. What do you think the hall we are in is intended for? ( Children's answers


Look carefully and tell me what objects in the hall help the dancers?
What do you see here? ( Children's answers
Teacher: A barre or choreographic stick
is a long horizontal beam in a choreographic hall, which dancers hold onto during classes and are used as a support for their legs and arms when practicing various dance exercises.
What do mirrors
for dancers? The ability to observe your movements from the side; evaluate the movements in a couple and work out inaccuracies, telling the partner at what point in the dance it is better to change steps; see the whole picture of the dance as a whole, looking at the group with one single look.


Let's continue our journey!
(music sounds, children move in a circle and, with the help of the teacher, line up in two lines)
Before us is the enchanted entrance to the country of “Danceland”, and in order to disenchant it we must undergo training and then the path will open. Are you guys ready to get trained? (Yes).
(Warm up in the middle of the hall.)

Exercises to tense and relax the muscles of the body.

  • “Tadpoles”
    (turns and tilts of the head)

Body position - basic stance. Turn your head left and right (4 times), try to turn it as far as possible. Smoothly tilt your head forward, then return it to a vertical position (4 times). Shake your head left and right (4 times).

  • “Dunno”
    (shoulder work)

Main stand. Raise your shoulders up and down (4 times), make circular movements with your shoulders forward (4 times) and back (4 times).


Well done guys, our next test is called “Balloon”.

  • “Balloon” (exercises to strengthen hand positions)

The teacher explains the rules of the test and shows hand movements. Pupils show hand positions in the test

(carried out 2-3 times).

— Imagine that we take a balloon in a preparatory position, raise it to the first position, showing the ball, open our hands to the second position, inflating the balloon, and raise our hands to the third position.

- Well done, you did your best and showed a beautiful balloon!

  • The next exercise is called “Spring”.

Children half-squat and rise on their toes, like a spring.
Preparing the position of the legs.
Work on turnout (preparation for exercise elements: plie, relevé). — Feet together in sixth position, then the toes quarreled and look in different directions in first position. ( Children squat and rise to high half-toes).


Guys, you have prepared well, now you can move on! The path to the country “Danceland” is open!

Dance game.


In the magical land of Danceland, I dance everything!
Guys, imagine if you were birds, how would you dance? Any music (of the teacher's choice) is played

Now, dance like bears, hares, dragonflies, snakes, monkeys ( children perform movements imitating animals, the teacher praises each child).


: Guys, you did a very interesting dance!
What name can you come up with for this dance? (children offer different options).

Guys, as you already understand, dance is the art of movement.
Tell me, what parts of the body can participate in the dance? (children answer).
Friends, I suggest you change into a semicircle. Each of you can now create and perform your own dance! We will improvise!

(Children stand or sit (at the teacher’s discretion), positioned in a semicircle. The teacher gives the task: “the right hand is dancing,” “the left leg is dancing,” “the head is dancing,” “the shoulders are dancing,” etc. - the participants improvise. On command “everyone dances” - all parts of the body are involved in the work (repeated 3-4 times). Music: any rhythmic, medium tempo).


Guys! You danced great! And I see that you are in a good mood! And when the mood is good, there is a smile on your face! Give each other a smile!

Mime - minute “ Smile for your neighbor.”

Pupils squat on their legs, their back is straight, cover their eyes with their hands, stand up, open their eyes, spread their arms to the sides, turn to each other and smile. (4 times)


Great, guys! Look: your smiles have made everything around you even brighter and more joyful.


: - Closed your eyes and started counting to 10, opened them.

— Guys, our journey has come to an end, but the magical country of “Danceland” is always waiting for you!

3. Summing up the lesson


Let's remember what we met today.
( Children's answers.) (We got acquainted with various exercises that are responsible for certain muscle groups, improvised, dreamed and of course danced.)
- Who were you today?

- Where have you been?

- What new did you learn?

— What did you like most?

-Thank each other with applause.

— Look at what an interesting creative process it turns out to be: your warm-up, ability to improvise, repeat movements after me, fantasies and imagination led to the birth of a dance etude! A little more effort and diligence and you will be real artists on a real stage!!!

— I would like to thank you for your work. I hope you understand that the art of dance requires some work and creativity. Thank you all, see you again!!! The lesson is over.

Performing a bow.

Everyone leaves the hall to the music.


1. Baryshnikova T. ABC of choreography. - M., 1999.

2. Nazarova A.G. “Everyone can dance!” Printing house OFT. St. Petersburg, 2005

3. Obraztsova T. N. “Musical games for children” M. Lada 2005

4. Malkina-Pykh I.G. "Psychosomatics" M. Eksmo 2004

5. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in elementary school. M.: VAKO, 2004.

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