Summary of entertainment on valeology for children of the preparatory group

Summary of entertainment on valeology for children of the preparatory group

Summary of entertainment on valeology for children 6-7 years old “Travel to the city of Zdorovyachkov”
Author . Arstanova Aliya Bataevna, teacher of the State Public Institution kindergarten No. 14 “Konzhyk”, Aktobe, Kazakhstan. Description . I offer a summary of entertainment on valeology “Journey to the city of Zdorovyachkov” for children of the preparatory group. This development will be of interest to preschool teachers. Goal : Application of health-saving technologies in the correctional educational process. Objectives : To consolidate children's knowledge about the impact of physical activity, proper nutrition, fresh air, and personal hygiene on improving health. Develop a cognitive interest in studying your health. Cultivate a desire to be healthy and take good care of yourself. Progress of the lesson . Communication game “Hello! " (in a circle). Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello my friends! I'm very glad to see you! Educator : When people say hello, they wish each other health. Who would you like to wish health to? Children's answers . -Where does health hide? You know? And in order to find out, we will go on a journey along the path of health and see. Where will it lead? The music sounds low. Children walk along the path and do exercises corresponding to the text. Let's go forward, Many discoveries await us. We walk one after another through the forest and green meadow. Normal walking. The bridge swayed to the sides, and underneath it the stream laughed. We'll walk on our toes and get to the other side. Walking on toes. We walk one after another. We will cross the barrier in an instant - And jump, jump, jump over the bumps. Jumping on two legs. -Children, here we are in a sunny spring meadow. I'll tell you a secret. Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays. These rays live in every cell of your body. The Sun appears in the clearing. -Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Look how many warm, gentle rays I have. They will help you on your journey. Here's your first ray of light. What do you think it means? The beam depicts an athlete. Children's answers. -That's right, this ray means strength. Educator : Which people do you consider strong? Where is your strength? (in muscles). -Let's check how much strength you have in your hands. What strong muscles you have, strong muscles. How did you achieve this? Children's answers . -Guys, now let’s show together how we train the muscles of our body. Whoever does exercises gains health! A complex of rhythmic gymnastics with musical accompaniment. Sun : to find out what my second ray means, let's conduct an experiment. Educator : try to take a deep breath, and now cover your mouth and nose with your palm. (Children do). -What did you feel? Why were you unable to stay without air for a long time? Children's answers . -Right! Every cell of your body has rebelled - please send us some air, otherwise we will die! You know that breathing can be healing. Let's do the Cleansing Breath exercise. The music turns on. (Music therapy) - Sit up straight, keep your back straight. Place your hands on your knees with your palms facing up. As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling a blue sky (shows a blue cloud: color therapy) and exhaling a white mist. Inhale-pause, exhale-pause. When the air is fresh and clean, you can breathe easily, feel cheerful, and improve your mood. Sun : here's another ray of mine. He will show you the way to an unusual tree. (Personal hygiene items hang on the tree). Educator : Children, what an unusual tree, have you ever seen such trees? What are these items needed for? Children's answers . Do you know the rules of personal hygiene? Tell us about them. The teacher asks about the purpose and rules for using this or that item, the children answer. Didactic game: “Quickly unfold.” Sun : guys. and what else is needed for you to grow strong. healthy, so that your teeth never hurt, your eyes see well? Children's answers . -Why are fruits and vegetables good for your health? (they contain a lot of vitamins). Sun : let's get to the vitamin clearing. (Children follow the sun to the music). Educator : Look, our vegetables and fruits are playing out again. They have so many vitamins that they never lose heart and frolic happily, hiding again. Guys, do you see them? Children : no. - Children, they hid in this sandbox. Let us find them in the sand and guess by touch what kind of vegetable or fruit it is. A game for the development of sensory and kinesthetic sensations “Find and name” . Children come out dressed as vegetables and fruits. -We are glad to meet you. Did you like it? We want to wish you that you always grow up healthy, cheerful, smart and beautiful. We also wish our guests (all together): Don’t get sick, don’t get old, get younger, get better! Fruits and vegetables : -Let the warmth of the sun make you happy! Thank you for your attention! Children : See you!

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A set of lessons on thematic blocks “Valeology” for the preparatory group

Block 1: “My body”

Goals: to develop cognitive interest in knowledge about the structure of the human body. To form ideas about the structure and functions of some organs of our body (skeleton, muscles, skin, heart, respiratory organs, circulatory system, digestive system, brain).

Lesson 1.

Plot: Dunno comes to visit and says that in an argument with Znayka, he blurted out that there was nothing inside the body. Now Znayka and the other short guys laugh at him and tease him because he doesn’t know how his body works. Would the guys help him figure it out?

Warm-up game: “The soldier and the rag doll” (First we tense up like soldiers, and then relax like rag dolls).

A conversation about the skeleton, muscles, skin and their functions. The conversation is structured in such a way that first the children answer the teacher’s questions (this way the children’s awareness of the topic is diagnosed), and then the teacher corrects and supplements the children’s answers.

Consolidating the material covered: children collect puzzles “Skeleton”, “Muscles”, “Skin”, which are then superimposed on each other.

Lesson 2.

Plot: Dunno thanks the guys for the previous meeting, says that now he understands everything and tells what he learned last time. He tells the story with mistakes, the teacher invites the children to correct the mistakes. Then Dunno says that he was wondering if there was anything else in the body? Where does food go, for example? Or air?

Conversation about internal organs. The conversation is structured in such a way that first the children answer the teacher’s questions (this way the children’s awareness of the topic is diagnosed), and then the teacher corrects and supplements the children’s answers.

Game “Show me how...” (children are invited to fantasize and depict, for example, how the heart pumps blood, how the stomach digests food, etc.)

Reinforcing the material covered: children assemble a puzzle figure of a person with images of internal organs, put it into the figure from the previous lesson.

Lesson 3.

Plot: Dunno says that he now understands everything for sure, but the teacher invites the children to ask him a few questions about the previous lesson to make sure of this. After the questions and answers on the previous topic, Dunno says that he thought for a long time and never came up with an idea - what does a person think about? And how does he manage to cope with such a complex body?

Warm-up game: children are invited to hold hands, close their eyes and try to stand in the shape of a square or triangle. In the second attempt, propose to choose one person who will command. (To summarize, you need some way to coordinate your actions, and this could be someone who is in command, for example).

A conversation about the brain and its functions.

Reinforcing the material covered: the teacher, together with the children, draws a poster showing how the brain commands other organs and organ systems. (You can draw organs in the form of funny characters, or find drawings in advance and simply stick them on; it is important that the poster turns out interesting and evokes positive emotions)

Block 2. “Rules of hygiene and hardening”

Objectives: To form a conscious attitude towards the implementation of basic hygiene skills. Develop skills and abilities to maintain personal hygiene. To develop in children an understanding of the meaning and necessity of hardening, information about hardening methods.

Lesson 1.

Plot: Dunno brings her friend Pachkulya to visit, he is also called Motley. He received his nickname from a traveling short man named Compass, who, noticing him in the crowd, did not want to humiliate him with the word “dirty” and called him Motley. Shorty talks about all sorts of troubles that happen to him (and are clearly related to the fact that he does not observe the rules of personal hygiene). Pachkulya asks the guys for advice and help.

Warm-up game: “I woke up and...” (Each child in turn says “I woke up” and adds what he did next - washed his face, brushed his teeth, did exercises, etc. - using gestures to depict how he did it. The rest repeat gestures)

A conversation about what hygiene procedures exist and why they are needed. The conversation is structured in such a way that first the children answer the teacher’s questions (this way the children’s awareness of the topic is diagnosed), and then the teacher corrects and supplements the children’s answers.

Warm-up game: the plot is the same as the first game, only you are asked to name the actions that you do before going to bed.

Reinforcing the material covered: so that Pachkula does not forget what and how to do, children are asked to choose a hygiene procedure (all children are different) and draw a picture on this topic, and then give it to Pachkula.

Lesson 2.

Plot: Dunno says that he wanted to invite his friend Gunka to visit him today, but he got sick. And in general, he is weak and often sneezes, coughs and catches a cold at the slightest breath of wind, and if his feet get wet... Do the guys know a way to help him get sick less often? Children offer options; if the option about hardening is not named, the teacher offers it.

Warm-up game: “Sick-healthy” (you need to depict any action that a person does when he is sick/an action when a person is healthy).

A conversation about hardening, why it is needed, and methods of hardening. The conversation is structured in such a way that first the children answer the teacher’s questions (this way the children’s awareness of the topic is diagnosed), and then the teacher corrects and supplements the children’s answers.

Reinforcing the material covered: children are asked to draw instructions for Gunka on how to harden himself. Dunno promises to give Gunka the drawings.

Block 3. “Day routine”

Objectives: To form an idea of ​​the daily routine. Convince of the need to follow a daily routine to maintain and strengthen health.

Lesson 1.

Plot: A short guy runs in, out of breath. The teacher questions him and it turns out that this is Toropyzhka, and he runs and hurries all the time because he doesn’t have time to do anything and is late everywhere. Maybe the guys can help him with something? Children offer options.

Warm-up game: “When to do what” (the teacher names the actions, the children depict these actions. For example, woke up, washed, did exercises, went to the garden, etc.)

Conversation about the daily routine, discussion with children about why it is needed and how it is useful.

Reinforcing the material covered: children are asked to draw a poster with the daily routine for Toropyzhka. The teacher signs the time and actions, and the children draw illustrations.

Block 4. “Security”

Objectives: To form ideas about safe behavior at home and on the street. Convince the need to follow the rules of behavior.

Lesson 1.

Plot: Dunno's friends are visiting - brothers Avoska and Neboska. Avoska says that they really don’t like all sorts of stupid rules and don’t follow them, maybe it will work out that way. Neboska supports her brother and tells him that they are crossing the road at a red light, for example. The teacher asks the children if this is correct?

Warm-up game: “Red light-green light” (after the “green light” command you can move, when you respond to the “red light” command you need to freeze)

Game exercise “What if...”: Children are shown cards with different potentially dangerous situations that can happen on the street and asked what to do in this situation and why. The teacher corrects and supplements the answers if necessary.

Reinforcing the material covered: children are divided into 2-3 groups and, with the help of a teacher, they come up with and act out a “commercial video” advertising safe behavior in any specific situation.

Lesson 2.

Plot: Avoska and Neboska say that last time the guys convinced them that they needed to be careful on the street. But at home there is nothing dangerous, at home you can behave as you want, says Neboska. The teacher asks the children if this is true? Children name what could be dangerous at home, the teacher can add or correct the answers.

Warm-up game: “At home and on the street” (the guys take turns depicting the actions they do at home and the actions they do on the street, the rest must guess)

Game exercise: “What if...” Children are shown cards with different potentially dangerous situations that can happen at home and asked what to do in this situation and why. The teacher corrects and supplements the answers if necessary.

Reinforcing the material covered: each child in turn, in the role of an adult, must explain to the other child one of the rules of behavior.

Block 5. “Sports and health”

Goals: Show children the importance of movement for health, the benefits of outdoor games and sports. Form a conscious desire to engage in physical education.

Lesson 1.

Plot: Today Dunno brought to us two debaters - Doctor Pilyulkin, who believes that healing should be not only therapeutic, but also instructive. And therefore he uses only castor oil (internally) and iodine (externally). And the doctor Medunitsa, his friend, who believes that there are still many different ways to be treated, and it is better not to get sick at all, and for this you can harden yourself, play sports, eat vitamins and eat right.

Warm-up game: “Like-dislike” (As in edible-inedible, only instead of inedible there are unpleasant things, like bitter pills and mustard plasters, and instead of edible things there are sports events, vegetables, hardening).

A conversation about the benefits of physical education, outdoor games - how they are useful, what they are, etc.

Children are invited to do a special exercise that Dr. Medunitsa came up with for Dunno when he was going to fly to the moon (he had to be in good physical shape)

Lesson 2.

Plot: Dr. Pilyulkin still doubts whether to advise his patients to exercise, or to treat them with castor oil and iodine the old fashioned way. Is sport really that beneficial? Or maybe all sorts of pills are healthier? (asks these and other questions to repeat the previous topic)

Warm-up game: “Come up with a movement for exercise”

Reinforcing the material covered: the children are invited to take a “photo” of how they do exercises and give it to their parents or friends (“the photo” is taken on thick cardboard with plasticine or appliqué)

The teacher and the children recall the outdoor games that the children know. They play 1-2 games that the guys will remember.

Block 6. “Vitamins and proper nutrition”

Objectives: To form the idea that health directly depends on proper nutrition. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health.

Lesson 1.

Plot: Syrup and Sorreltail arrive. The syrup boy gasps and groans and complains that his stomach hurts. Lungwort says this is because he eats a lot of unhealthy foods and few healthy ones. Syrup is surprised, he didn’t know that there were harmful products. Lungwort tells you which foods are healthy and which are not.

Warm-up game: “Useful-unhealthy” (similar to the game “edible-inedible”)

Conversation about proper nutrition (daily routine, healthy foods).

Game "Cooking Lunch". Children are invited to prepare a healthy lunch (from toy foods or cards with drawn foods).

Lesson 2.

Plot: Lungwort and Pilyulkin. Doctor Pilyulkin says that last time he was busy and couldn’t come, and Siropchik told him that it was very interesting. Pilyulkin asks the children to tell us what they learned at the last meeting. After the children’s story, Medunitsa adds that it is also important to eat vitamins. Pilyulkin perks up and says that he always prescribes vitamin tablets to his patients, but Medunitsa says that vitamins come not only in tablets, but also in foods, and eating them that way is even healthier.

Warm-up game: “Magic pill” (children fantasize about what kind of magic pill they would create if they were wizards - for example, a pill that makes everyone good)

A conversation about vitamins, how they are useful, what foods they are found in (you can include riddles about healthy foods)

Reinforcing the material covered: children are invited to draw or mold vitamins from plasticine in the form of some fictional creatures or characters.

Block 7. “My mood”

Objectives: to form an idea of ​​mood, emotions and feelings, their impact on human health. To develop in children the ability to regulate their behavior and emotional state.

Lesson 1.

Plot: Dunno comes to visit with his friend Grumpy. A grumpy person is always dissatisfied with everything and complains about everything. Dunno says that he heard somewhere that grumbling is harmful, but laughing, on the contrary, is useful. But he doesn’t know why. The teacher asks children about their ideas, why this is so and what else is harmful and what is useful to do.

Warm-up game: The child thinks of an emotion and depicts it with facial expressions and gestures - the other children must guess, so everyone takes turns.

A conversation about mood, emotions and feelings, and their impact on a person’s health. About the fact that a person can learn to manage his feelings and ways to do this.

Relaxation exercise.

Author: Kuzina Tatyana Alekseevna, teacher-psychologist, preschool department of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2071 building 1, Moscow, Filimonkovskoe settlement, village. Filimonki, Russia.

The article is published in the author's edition

Long-term plan for valeology in the preparatory group “Me and my body”

Irina Lavrishina

Long-term plan for valeology in the preparatory group “Me and my body”

Good morning, dear colleagues. I would like to present you with a long-term plan for valeology in the preparatory group “Me and My Body”


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “That’s who I am!”

- D/game “I can - I can’t” (according to the “Edible-inedible” type

-Reading fiction: S. Marshak “About Boys and Girls”, asking riddles, reading poetry.

— Performing practical exercises.

-View the presentation.

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

To acquaint children with the external structure of the body, with the capabilities of the body (organism): I can jump, sing, watch, listen, eat, endure hunger, endure pain, breathe, think, help people. Cultivate a sense of pride that “I am a man.” Arouse interest in further knowledge of yourself. Introduce the cellular structure of the body, the variety of cells, and their functions.


The content of the work:

— Conversations: “What are microbes? Why are they dangerous?”, “Rules of hygiene”, “Prevention of colds”

- Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, “The Adventures of Stobed”, “The ABC of Health”, G. Oster “Petka Microbe”, S. Mikhalkov “About Mimosa”, “Son Got Sick”.

— Examination of dirty hands through a magnifying glass.

— Develop “Cleanliness Rules” with children

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

Teach children to take care of their health, observe basic hygiene rules: washing hands when they become dirty, gargling, gargling, brushing teeth, washing, using a handkerchief, your own comb. Cultivate a desire for cleanliness and healing of your body. Introduce children to viral diseases.


The content of the work:

Conversation: “Sense Organs”

-Develop with children “Rules for healthy vision, hearing, nose”

-Conversation about the rules of oral hygiene.

— Game exercises: “Guess by smell”, “Identify food by taste”, “Identify by taste”, “Determine where the bell rings”, “Let's talk without words”, “Know my mood by my eyes”

— Conducting an experiment: “How germs are transmitted from person to person”, “Microbes are afraid of soap”, “I hear - I don’t hear”, “The reaction of the pupils to different degrees of illumination”

-Practical exercise: “Wound treatment”

-Poems, solving riddles.

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

To promote children's awareness of the need for each sense organ separately and all together when perceiving the world around them, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Strengthen knowledge about the senses. Clarify the importance of hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch for a person in understanding the world. Develop the ability to emotionally process cognitive material and develop self-confidence. Cultivate the need to be healthy.


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “Skeleton and muscles”

— Develop “Rules of safe behavior on the street, at home, during games”

— Preparation of exercises for training the muscles of the back, arms, legs, abdomen, fingers, neck.

— Reading the excerpt “The Seven-Flower Flower” by V. Kataev.

— Conversation about people with physical disabilities.

- Reading poetry.

— D/game “Dangerous-not dangerous”

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

Give children the idea that every person has bones inside, which represent a movable structure - the skeleton of our body. The skeleton protects our internal organs from various damages. The bones are movably connected to each other, and their muscles move them. Muscles are our strength and beauty. Cultivate a feeling of love for your body.


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “The Great Worker and the Magic Rivers”

— Develop “Rules for a healthy heart”

-Plot-role-playing game “Hospital”

— Reading fiction: G. H. Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”, poetry, guessing riddles

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

To acquaint children with the purpose and work of the heart, its location, to show the importance of the heart and blood for human life

Strengthen the idea of ​​how to take care of your health and avoid situations that cause harm.

Foster a sense of responsibility for your health.


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “The Journey of the Air Men”, “On the Cleanliness of the Environment”, “On the Benefits of Green Spaces for Clean Air”

— Labor landing: wash all the plants in the group.

— Develop “Rules for healthy lungs”

— Practical exercise “Inhale-exhale”

-Reading poetry, guessing riddles.

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

Give children an idea that breathing is one of the most important functions of the body. Show the role of breathing for human life. Familiarize yourself with the respiratory tract (lungs, the breathing mechanism (inhalation-exhalation), develop the need for your own actions to strengthen the respiratory muscles.


The content of the work:

— Conversations: “About the amazing transformations of food inside us” “Healthy food” “About teeth and rules for caring for them”

— Develop “Rules for healthy eating”, “Rules for healthy teeth”

— Game “Healthy and unhealthy food.”

-Reading fiction: O. Driz “About a Merry Pie”, poetry, guessing riddles.

— “Journey for Vitamins”

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

Formation of children's knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods. Systematize children's ideas about the work of the digestive tract. Develop healthy eating principles. Create an optimistic mood and an atmosphere of trust in the group. Clarify your understanding of the health benefits of vegetables.


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “About the Tsar in the Head, or Super Adviser-Super Answerer”

-Conversation about the dangers of brain and back injuries, a story about people with disabilities.

— Develop “Rules of behavior for maintaining the health of the nervous system”

-Reading fiction: S. Marshak “Vanka-Vstanka”, A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (excerpts about the Scarecrow and the brain)

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

To give an idea that the brain is the most important organ of the human body; introduce its structure and location. Make children aware that a spinal injury can lead to complete immobility, and a head injury can lead to mental retardation. To cultivate a sense of compassion for people with disabilities, to create a desire to help them.


The content of the work:

— Conversation: “About boys and girls”, “Tell about your family”

— Role-playing game “Family”

-Reading fiction: Y. Yakovlev “Mother”, E. Uspensky “If I was a girl”

— Sports festival “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”

— Generalization on the topic: “What I want to be”

— Targeted observation of children’s behavior in a group and on a walk, during routine processes, classes and free activities.

-Analysis of children's statements and judgments.

Goals and objectives of the work being carried out:

To introduce the fact that everyone is born, that a man and a woman are needed to give birth to a child. Give an idea of ​​the feeling of love and how families are created. Introduce the main differences between a girl and a boy - the presence of organs. Cultivate a feeling of love and gratitude for your parents.

Summarize, systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge about the human structure, a healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of colds.

Cultivate a desire to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Find out how conscious the ideas received by children are, and whether they rely on them in everyday life.


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