Tasks for parents to automate the sounds P, Pb

Tasks with the letter P for preschoolers and 1st grade students

Author: Daria Gerasimova “The ABC of Transformations”

Letter P in the form of a robot. Author https://ninapushkova.blogspot.com

The material on the page is arranged from simple to complex. First, there are tasks for learning the letter and sound R for the little ones. Basically, these are primers where the child is given associations with the letter and sound [P] . For example, this is the letter P, with which the word CANCER begins. Find the letter R in these words. Here the child, relying on the example (a large blue letter), looks for the same letter in the words.

Letter P cards with pictures for study (cheese, crocodile, backpack, radish, comb, corn, shorts, pen).

To better remember the letter P, we use all channels of perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic (we trace the letter with our finger). Next, the letters can be colored or shaded, thereby preparing the child’s hand for writing. We continue to work on the development of fine motor skills and memorization of the letter - we write the printed letters P according to the model.

Phonics analysis exercise prepares children for literacy learning. Below you need to determine the position of the sound [P] in words (picture, fish fence). An adult pronounces the sound R exaggeratedly (karrrrrtina), the child determines by ear the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning - the very first sound, in the middle, at the end - the very last sound) and graphically designates it in the diagram with a blue pencil (hard consonant sound).

Coloring page with the letter P

This is a favorite activity for children of all ages. You need to find all the P sounds in the picture and color them. The exercise is very motivating for children, even the laziest and most unwilling children do it with pleasure.

Next, you can ask the children to name all the objects shown in the picture with the sound P (tiger, trainer, top hat, wool, hands, mouth, pyramid, and so on). Then we determine the position of the sound in the words, make up sentences with these words, and use the picture to make a story.

Look at the drawing and name what you see. Find all the letters P in the picture and color them blue.

Oksana Gomzyak “I will write correctly. Album of exercises to prevent writing disorders in children of the preparatory group"

Colored ABC book for preschoolers. With its help, children will become familiar with the letter and sound [P], develop fine motor skills, attention, write and read syllables and words.

"A primer-copybook." Klimkina Yu.E., Solovyova S.A.


When correction is needed

The sound “R” is one of the most difficult sounds in a child’s speech development. It belongs to the category of sonorants, in which there are more vocal tones than noise.

Experts put “P” last, when all other sounds have already been correctly formed and consolidated. The production of “R” begins after 5.5-6 years. Until this time, a violation in his pronunciation is the age norm.

In some cases, it is worth contacting a speech therapist from the age of 4, when “R” appears in speech, but does not manifest itself correctly. In this variant, the child does not replace “R” with other sounds (“L”, “V”), but tries to pronounce “R”, but with disturbances in the articulatory apparatus.

Norm for pronunciation of “R”:

  • lips are relaxed;
  • distance between teeth 4-5 mm;
  • the tip of the tongue rises to the upper gums;
  • the tongue vibrates in the air stream;
  • the middle part of the back of the tongue arches;
  • the back of the tongue is directed back, pressed against the palate;
  • the side edges are pressed upward;
  • The vocal folds vibrate when speaking.

Violation of the pronunciation of hard “P” and soft “Pb” in defectology is called rhotacism or pararotacism. In Soviet times, these violations were called burrs.

The main types of rhotacism that require correction:

  1. Velar. The tip of the tongue is lowered down and does not participate in articulation. The tongue is tense and pushed back. There is little voice in pronunciation, a lot of air. The sound is guttural and loud.
  2. Uvular. The tongue vibrates in the air stream. The sound is soft, quiet, smooth.
  3. Nasal. The air is directed into the nose, there is no vibration.
  4. Bilabial. Only the lips, without the tongue, take part in articulation.
  5. Slotted. The tongue is directed upward and forms a gap with the soft palate. The sound changes to “Z” or “Zh”.
  6. Interdental. The tongue is between the teeth.

Stages of correction of violations:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Sound production.
  3. Automation.
  4. Differentiation.
  5. Consolidation in speech.

Reading tasks with the letter P for preschoolers and first grade students

Source: Lyudmila Odnovol “Soon to school. Reading from A to Z"

Tasks for teaching literacy pictures with the sound R for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. The work is carried out with words starting with the letter P at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words for children in pictures.

Author of the manual: Kosenko Yu. A. “Learning to read and write”

Developmental tasks with the letter P for preschoolers. Here children find similarities and differences (development of attention, thinking), find hidden letters P in the picture, name the crossed out letters (visual gnosis), color daisies with the letter P written correctly.

Svetlana Yakovleva “I recognize letters - 1”

Why does mispronunciation occur?

The sound R is sonorant, voiced, consonant, and is one of the most complex in the Russian language. Children begin to pronounce it later than others. Sometimes pathology drags on for many years due to the wrong approach to the problem. Long-term inactivity leads to a worsening of the situation; with age, a person gets used to saying “burly”; it is more difficult to relearn than to correct at an early age.

Incorrect articulation may result from:

  • ingrained habits of incorrect pronunciation since childhood;
  • speech apparatus defect: short frenulum, long or thick tongue, malocclusion, high palate;
  • hypodynamia of the articulatory organs, when the muscles work weakly, a person is unable to put them in the desired position;
  • incorrect speech perception, hearing loss;
  • speech therapy disorders (dyslalia, alalia, rotacism, etc.);
  • incorrect position of teeth.

It is necessary to determine the causes of incorrect speaking from childhood in order to facilitate correction. Problems of speech apparatus defects are dealt with by an orthodontist and a dentist. Physical inactivity can be corrected by a speech therapist, or in severe cases, together with a neurologist. When there is a problem with hearing, an audiologist and an otolaryngologist are involved in the work.

Cursive writing with capital and small letter P

Cursive writing with capital letter R

Copybook with lowercase letter P

Preparation of the articulatory apparatus

In correctional classes, the preparatory stage is devoted to working with the articulatory apparatus. Exercises are performed to stretch the hyoid ligament, lift the tongue upward, and warm up the lips and jaw.

Tasks for preparing the articulatory apparatus for work:

  1. “Swing” - open your mouth, stretch your tongue alternately to your nose and chin.
  2. “Horse” - click your tongue slowly and forcefully, imitating the sound of a horse’s hooves, while the lower jaw remains motionless.
  3. “Chatter” - use the wide tip of your tongue to run back and forth along your upper lip, without lifting your tongue. Simultaneously say “BL-BL-BL”.

Let's learn letters in action!: Letter P

The letter P is the 17th letter of the Russian alphabet.
Indicates a consonant unvoiced sound: hard “P” and soft “Pb”. Words starting with the letter P: penguin, dumpling, scarecrow, mail, pasta, train, steam locomotive, parrot, plantain, spider, dust, stove, raft, port, puree, desk, sail, palm tree, pajamas, dress, cook, tomato, mail , gun, spot, Letter P in the middle of words: hat, axe, graduation, smell, cabbage, hoof, paw, linden, shovel, burdock, magnifying glass, experience, launch, murmur, boot, soups, axe, cotton, hollow, dispute , sport, crowd,

Words ending with the letter P: stop, creaking, snoring, wheezing, soup, ladder, Ostap, stamp, ketchup, horoscope, logo, overhead projector, telescope,

Several letters P in a word: flood, flu, bishop

Poems about the letter P (here) The letter P in the gym was called the Crossbar. - Come on, darling, don’t be lazy, come and pull yourself up.

In hockey and football, the letter P is the gate to the field.

At home we will find the letter P by looking into the doorway.

P - a nimble bee brought honey to Mishka. He thanked the bee and gave him some sweet tea.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel, gets acquainted with the letter P, In order for DAD to read, everyone needs to know the letter P.

The cat is used to doing exercises with the letter P, because P is a horizontal bar!

Riddles about the letter P (here) Parrot, parrot, don’t scare Mom and Dad. Don’t look for a bug in the cereal, but find us a letter...

Pure sayings (here, here)

Up-up-up - snoring is heard. Yip-ip-ip - wheezing is heard somewhere. Oop-op-op - very thick floor. Po-po-po, po-po-po - our tram is heading to the depot. Whoop-whoop-whoop - eat your soup, kids. Yap-yap-yap, yap-yap-yap - don’t do everything like a jerk.

Pa-pa-pa - the hat fell. Po-po-po - I'm going to Limpopo. Pu-pu-pu - sort through the cereal. Py-p-p-p - there are sheaves on the field. Pee-pee-pee - give way. Pe-pe-pe - a wound on the foot. Five-five-five - you say sniffling. Pew-pew-pew - I’ll buy a doll.

Tongue twisters about the letter P (here) Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.

Peter baked pies for Peter.

The Victory Parade was a joy after the victory. After the victory we welcome the Victory Parade.

Pushkin writes about cannons and donuts, but Pushkin does not write about donuts from cannons.

Cook Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam, Pavel swam.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll parrot you, parrot!” To the parrot, the parrot answered: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

— Tell us about your purchases! — What kind of shopping? — About such things about purchases. - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

Striped rugs Vlas's daughter rinsed. I rinsed and rinsed - the river became striped.

Image of the letter P and words starting with the letter P (here)

Words starting with P:

Today you will hear a fairy tale about the letter “P”. It was the saddest letter of the Alphabet. Because she had a very strict job. She stamped documents. And I checked everything. She had a whole closet in her office with a variety of seals. And when the letter “A” decided something, it was immediately written on paper and brought first again to the letter “A” for signature, and then to the letter “P” for a seal.

The letter “P” also sealed all the letters that were written for the children. That's how much work the letter "P" had.

One day the letter “P” went for a walk, she was so tired of typing, and she was still typing everything on the computer. She was the only one who could type so well, so all the letters always asked her to type something necessary.

So, one day the letter “P” went for a walk along the footpath. She walked and walked, all so sad, and suddenly she saw delicious cakes and pies being sold from tables on the street. And those who bought them ate them and rejoiced. We immediately became so happy and contented.

And the letter “P” thought: “Maybe these cakes will help me with my sadness?” She bought cakes, sweet pies, put them on her back and went. And the letter “P” was very similar to a table. And it was very comfortable for her to carry everything on her back.

“Here,” he thinks, “I’ll come home, eat cakes, and be happy...

She walked and walked and decided to rest a little, and she fell asleep; the sun warmed her up and made her feel tired. And then a bunny ran past and saw a table and pies with cakes on it. Well, the bunny took the pie, said thank you and galloped on.

But the letter “P” is asleep and does not hear.

Then the squirrel came down from the pine tree, took the cake too, said thank you and galloped off.

But the letter “P” is asleep and does not hear.

And then the cockerel ran by, stopped, saw the delicious pies, took it too, pecked it, and ran on. “Thank you” he crowed, and only then did the letter “P” wake up. I only saw the tail of the cockerel. She looked at her back, and she could do it, and saw that there was only one single cake lying there.

The letter “P” became sad here, and out of habit began to cry. I cried and cried and cried a whole puddle. Birds were flying past at that time, looked from above and were surprised:

- Oh, what is this? Maybe a new lake appeared and we didn’t know?

The birds sank to the ground and saw the sad and crying letter “P”.

- Why are you crying, letter “P”?

“How can I not cry, someone ate all my pies and pastries while I was sleeping.”

- Well, this grief is easy to help!

The birds immediately flew to the owner of the forest, the bear, and told him the whole story. Then the bear called all the animals and asked:

– Which of you offended the letter “P”? Whoever ate her pies should now go and apologize and calm her down. Even if he didn’t know that these were her pies and thought that they were no one’s.

Then the bunny, the squirrel and the cockerel quickly ran to the letter “P”. And she had already made such a big puddle that even frogs began to swim there. The bunny says to her:

- Forgive me, letter “P”, I didn’t notice you and ate your pie. But I will give you a delicious carrot! Here! - and he put a carrot on the back of the letter “P”.

- And forgive me! - said the squirrel. – The cake was so delicious! But I brought you nuts in return, they are even tastier and healthier! – and she put the nuts in the letter “P” on her back.

- Forgive me too, cockerel! Sorry! - the cockerel crowed.

“I confused you with the table, I thought it was just that, no one’s pies were lying there.” Instead, I brought you some delicious grains! - and he put the grains on the back of the letter “P”.

And then the letter “P” stopped crying. She saw that they really didn't want to offend her. They gave her their gifts and really wanted the letter “P” to forgive them. And she told them:

- I forgive you! Everyone! And I won't cry anymore! And you will forgive me for crying so much here and causing such a commotion in the forest.

- Hooray! - the animals shouted. – Try our gifts!

And the letter “P” ate carrots, ate nuts, ate grains, and finally ate one remaining cake. And, indeed, the gifts turned out to be much tastier than the cake!

And then the letter “P” began to smile! And the animals told her:

- You come to our forest! And we will be friends with you! You will take a break from your printing work with us.

And then they played, the letter “P” carried everyone on its back in turn and they fooled around and laughed! And they all had a lot of fun and joy without any cakes. And the sadness of the letter “P” melted away like smoke... And from then on, the letter “P” no longer grieved or cried.

As soon as she felt sad, she went to her friends, and they were having so much fun that there was nothing to cry about at all.

This is the story about the letter “P”. And you, if you suddenly feel sad and want to cry, then read this fairy tale and go to your friends, they will definitely make you happy! And sadness will immediately run away from you far, far away, and will never return.

Author - Daria Luch


Read another fairy tale here.


Breathing exercises

Breathing speech therapy gymnastics:

  1. "Bubbles." Take a deep breath through your nose, puff out your cheeks and exhale through your mouth.
  2. "Mill". Feet together, arms up. Rotate with straight arms, saying “zh-r-r” as you exhale. Speed ​​up movements, increase sound.
  3. "Geese." Walk around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, saying “g-oo-oo.”
  4. "Balloon". Lying on your back, place your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath and exhale, observing the movement of your hand. Inflate your belly like a balloon.
  5. "Hedgehog". Imitation of a hedgehog puffing with tension in the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Bogomolova method

A.I. Bogomolova in 1979 proposed a method for generating vibration for saying “R”. The teeth are open to a distance of 2 fingers. The tongue is pressed against the palate, stretching the frenulum as much as possible. The teacher moves the edges of the tongue towards the palate with his fingers, while the frenulum is free.

The child takes a deep breath and blows it out sharply, using his voice. The combination “TZ” is formed. Repeat the exercise, gradually increasing the air pressure. The sound combination “TLE” will change to “TR”. After fixing the short “TR”, they practice the rolling “TR” with the help of fingers, and then without them.

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