Parents' response at kindergarten graduation in prose and verse - Unusual scripts for scenes with videos, adaptations of songs from parents for graduation

Holidays in our lives follow one after another: Birthday, New Year, March 8, Birthday again... And only some of them cannot be repeated. Graduation in kindergarten, like school or student graduation, is completely extraordinary and unique. New emotions, previously unfamiliar sensations, anticipation of great changes and the sadness of saying goodbye to dear people. All these feelings are especially acutely felt at moments when children thank their favorite kindergarten for the gift of warmth, and parents say their response to teachers and children in the form of beautiful poetry or prose, a sad song-remake or an unusual scene based on a funny scenario with a video. These seemingly standard elements of the program fill the event with lively energy, encourage the expression of emotions, and create a suitable atmosphere. And also, a response from parents at a kindergarten graduation is an excellent opportunity to thank all employees of the preschool educational institution, including technical staff, for the efforts and work invested in the upbringing, training and development of the younger generation.

A solemn response in prose to teachers from parents at a kindergarten graduation

Every graduation party in kindergarten goes through the same stages: opening speeches, a small concert with numbers and competitions for children, parting words from teachers and, of course, a response from parents. The latter most often consists of a short prose text and short poetic inserts. The ideal response from proactive and creative parents to teachers at kindergarten graduation is also complemented by a beautiful gesture in the form of a remake song, funny skit or dance.

Words of gratitude from parents in response to kindergarten teachers in beautiful prose lines

On behalf of all parents, we would like to thank everyone who works in this building for the warmth and care with which you surrounded our children every day. For the fact that step by step you helped them overcome first minor obstacles, and then more serious difficulties. Thank you for your patience, understanding and support. Largely thanks to you, our kids learned to be friends, respect the opinions of their elders, boldly move forward and not be afraid of change. It’s even impossible to imagine how much effort and time you spent on helping us, parents, raise worthy representatives of the new generation! From now on and forever you will take a special place in the hearts of your little pupils. They will very often remember the fun and carefree time they spent next to those who helped them walk along the amazing path of childhood. Therefore, our friendly parent team wholeheartedly wishes all the employees of this wonderful preschool institution health, patience, success in their hard work, strength and inspiration in order to rediscover this world every time with their children.

On this clear May day, we gathered in the hall of our kindergarten for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate an important holiday - graduation. We, parents, from the bottom of our hearts want to thank you so much for your great work. You taught our children beautiful things: care, attention, respect for elders and the world around them. During all this short time, you managed to awaken love and tenderness in the kids, and even after years you will remain in their hearts. I want to say a special thank you to our caring nannies. How much patience and work was invested in the children, how much effort was spent in order to make the tiny world of the kindergarten beautiful and loved.

From year to year, our kindergarten teachers gave their care, warmth and love to their little pupils. You opened up new horizons for them and developed their talents. Thanks to you, our children know what friendship, respect and responsiveness are. Under your sensitive guidance, they learned, made friends and grew. Thank you very much and bow to you for your attentiveness, responsibility and care for our children.

Songs remade for Graduation in Kindergarten

A large collection of song lyrics adapted to popular melodies for kindergarten graduation.

The song is an adaptation from my parents to the tune of gr. Animals "Districts-quarters"

We are leaving light, our kindergarten, goodbye. We need to continue to grow, meet other children. Teachers in the garden, We thank you all, Your efforts were not in vain, Children are our common success.

Chorus Girls, boys, We will overcome it together. It's time to leave, We'll leave gracefully. Girls, boys, We will overcome it together. It's time to leave, We'll leave gracefully.

Everything will be great for the guys! The clouds will be closer. But we're leaving now. Educators, bye! This door has opened for our children - the path is clear! We are parting now - Both they and we are leaving

Chorus: Girls, boys, We will overcome it together. It's time to leave, We'll leave gracefully. Girls, boys, We will overcome it together. We will say “THANK YOU” to our own kindergarten!

Song-remake for kindergarten graduation to the tune of “Berry-Raspberry” by Khabib

Chorus: Farewell, our kindergarten, yes, yes, yes Once upon a time we came here as kids. Favorite toys, horses, rattles, we are parting with you and leaving forever

1 . Here is a school class, he will meet us. We will study, but remember you. It was so good in the garden, and someday I will come to visit I will look into my group and I will hug the teacher, We will chat with her about everything We will sit for hours together

2. Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten will never be forgotten, How they did crafts, always walked, Loved to draw, sing and dance, Play sports and play.

Chorus: Goodbye to our kindergarten, yes yes yes, Once upon a time we came here as kids, Favorite toys, horses, rattles, We are parting with you and leaving forever. (repeat chorus 2 times)

Text author: Alexandra Romitsyna

To the tune of the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today” Probably there are no more beautiful moments in the world When we are close to the children and hold hands. After all, childhood is golden and magical, How great it is that we are all here today

Who can so lovingly warm a child with a word and conquer a little heart and soul. Of course, the teacher is dear and closest. It's great that we are all here today.

Let joyful faces surround us everywhere And let happiness, like a song, rush upward. Let every minute give us something, It’s great that we are all here today.

To the tune of the song “The Samaya” by Yegor Creed

They loved to sleep at lunchtime, And in the morning such a delicious omelet, They loved to live without problems. They don’t want to leave these walls. But after twenty-four hours We leave our beloved garden We have become older and will say goodbye, And in September meet other children! And there will be new children... New fathers and mothers The sun shines with a smile He is our best kindergarten!!!

CHORUS: Oh God, soon we will go crazy at school, We will study our lessons, our heads are spinning. Oh my God, your kindergarten is over. She was the best for the kids, the best Oh God, soon school will go crazy We'll learn our lessons, our heads are spinning Oh God your kindergarten is over, She was the best, the best for the kids!

We thank all the teachers, After all, children are a common success with you. We’re picturing what will happen next in our heads. But for now, we’ll kiss you all. After all, you sculpted and painted, studied the basics of life, made sure you finished eating, and didn’t wipe your hands on the curtains.

CHORUS: Oh God, soon school we'll go crazy We'll be learning our lessons, our head is spinning Oh God your kindergarten time is over She was the best for the kids, the very Oh God soon school we'll be going crazy We'll be learning our lessons, our head is spinning Oh God your kindergarten time is over She was the best for the kids!

To the tune of the song “Fair” by V. Leontiev with Marelya Radovich. The teachers sing the verses and the chorus together with the children.

This is the last time we all gathered here, kids. Songs fly to the stars, It’s time for us to part. So let's say goodbye We won't be sad But we'll make all the promises Through the years of distance We won't forget the kindergarten.

Chorus These are books and fairy tales, Multi-colored paints, Wooden swings, Painted carousels. These are dances and songs. Everyone walks together. New Year's holiday Now it's time to say goodbye. We want to wish you to study well at school. Kindergarten do not forget the native land, the sea expanses, Rivers, groves and fields, We discovered the whole world, We learned a lot together. So, it was not all in vain.


Song adaptation to the melody of Irina Allegrova “Curtain”

That's all - the ball is over, It's time for us to say goodbye, But we don't want to part with you, kindergarten. In our own kindergarten We lived as if in a fairy tale, We say thank you for the love and affection. We say goodbye to you with sadness and longing.

Chorus: Curtain - the wonderful ball is over, Curtain - we will finish the song for you, Curtain - it’s time for us to part. Curtain - the candles will soon go out, Curtain - we say: “See you later” Curtain - we will never forget our garden!

To the tune of the song “Old Waltz”

We all gathered this morning, It’s time for us to leave the kindergarten. Here, over the years, we have all become more mature, our legs have become stronger, we have become smarter. The legs got stronger, the heads became smarter.

And all the mothers look a little jealously, Here is the children’s favorite teacher. Apparently, she invested a piece of her soul, Just as our kids love her. How they love her, they truly dote on her.

Snuggled up to the nanny, we'll cry a little, Snub-nosed, we'll wake up ourselves in the morning. How we would like to extend our childhood and still go to our kindergarten. We should still go to our kindergarten.

Let's cross the threshold into a new life, The first lesson awaits us at school soon. Years will pass, but this waltz will sound in our souls, and we will remember you, Together we will dance our kindergarten waltz!

Let's dance our kindergarten waltz together!

Song remake "Blue Car" A sad shadow quietly fell on the face, A chill blows away from parting. We grew up in “Chaika” and the day came - the School called us to a lesson!

Chorus: For the first time for the first time We are going to first grade! We'll try to get straight A's there. We will have a lot of new big roads, But let’s not forget our own kindergarten!

Today we say “THANK YOU” to you for your kindness, for your affection, for your warmth. Thank you for your patience, for your comfort, We had a good life in the kindergarten!

Chorus Don't be discouraged, beloved kindergarten, And don't forget your children. And let your eyes be sad now, wish us all: Good luck!


Remake for graduation from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle”

1st Couple (boy and girl): - Oh, madam, tell me, why is it so sad to leave kindergarten? - Really, sir, maybe it’s hard to explain So many years all together This is not a trifle... 2nd Pair (boy and girl): - Ah, madam, you will truly agree Everyone today is as good as ever. - Really, sir, I’ll tell you, I really do find that everyone today is not the same as always. 3rd Couple (boy and girl): - Oh, madam, how quickly these good, cheerful years have flown by. - I’ll tell you, my sir. The kindergarten is like a home. But we’ve grown up and it’s time for us to go to school... ALL TOGETHER: How sad it is to part with our kindergarten friends. It’s so wonderful, It’s so wonderful We’ve always been together!

An adaptation to the melody of E. Osin’s song “Don’t Walk Next to Me”

- We went to kindergarten with you, danced, sang songs loudly, it was so interesting for us to have fun and be friends! -And now you are standing next to me, You look with such a sad look, After all, the time has come to say goodbye to the garden, We have to leave the garden.

-You treated me to chocolate and sometimes looked at me furtively. -Every morning I looked forward to a new meeting. These days cannot be returned! -We will go to different schools, We will meet new cheerful friends, Just you know, I won’t forget you, I won’t forget our friendship!

Cool! You went to kindergarten..." (Anthem of "Star Factory")

Every day our mothers and fathers brought us to kindergarten. All the children were so joyfully welcomed and loved here. But the time has come to say goodbye, We say “thank you” to you! It’s a pity to leave – it was so cool for us here!

Chorus: Cool! You went to kindergarten! Kindergarten - He's seeing the kids off today!

- We sang many different songs, We danced here with you, - We had fun and played, We were in no hurry to go home. - Well, we’ll tell you honestly, And the guys won’t lie: - It was interesting for us here, It was very cool here!


We were raised very carefully, accustomed to everything, and so affectionately taught Us here the mind - the mind, But the time has come to say goodbye, We say “thank you” to you! Goodbye, goodbye! It was so cool for us here! Chorus: Cool! You went to kindergarten! Kindergarten - He's seeing the kids off today!

Remade graduation song to the tune of “Little Country” by N. Koroleva

There is a fairyland behind the houses, behind the yards. Here are people with kind hearts, Here life is full of love. Here we spent many happy days together. When we become students, we will miss her!

Chorus: Fairyland, fairyland... We were lucky that in our childhood there was definitely her! A fairy-tale country, a fairy-tale country... Here are people with kind hearts, Here life is full of love!

Let the children cry at first, calling for their mother, But then they themselves run to this best garden in the world. The hour of farewell has been appointed for us; we have already grown up. If we don’t even cry, we will be sad in our souls.


We have all grown up from little kids and are now going to school. Maybe we’ll bring your sisters and brothers into your groups.

Chorus: Fairyland, fairyland... Let us become very big, We have it in our hearts!

Song reworked to the tune of I. Kornelyuk’s song “The City That Is Not”

Day, that day has come, the hour of parting, suddenly a quiet tear will roll down from my eyes, Leaving our fairy-tale land forever, I will whisper: “Dear kindergarten, beloved, goodbye!”

The fairytale land of my dreams, where children's laughter and light in the window. My beloved garden, don’t be sad - Stay with me a little longer.

Here is a willow tree knocking on the window with a twig And as if the willow is saying goodbye to me And my beloved playground is also goodbye!!! Sometimes you remember us just a little bit!!

The fairytale land of my dreams, Where children's laughter and light in the window. My beloved garden, don’t be sad - Stay with me a little longer.

No, we cannot forget those days dear to our hearts, No, we cannot forget the faces of our dear and dear ones, With whom we shared our joy and sadness. We are so sorry to part with you today!!!

The fairytale land of my dreams, where children's laughter and light in the window. My beloved garden, don’t be sad - Stay with me a little longer.

To the melody of I. Krutoy’s song “Wedding Flowers”

Today is the day of parting, We are all a little sad, But...first grade is ahead! Let's study well, And try, and work, And... we won't forget you!

Chorus. We say to you: “Thank you”, We thank you, Don’t forget us, We are leaving for first grade! And we will not forget the Light of your kind eyes! It's a pity that we can't take you with us to first grade!

We dedicate to you today And for you we perform Songs... and poems. This is the last matinee. Today, on a spring day, we give you these flowers!


To the tune of the song “Alexandra” (from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”)

You came here in crumbs. The parents kept groaning: “Such fools... Well, how can you live without us? But your teachers didn’t waste their time. They taught and took care of you, like mothers.

Chorus: Goodbye, goodbye, We say goodbye to you. You have become older and are leaving us. No matter what happens at the beginning, Forget all your sorrows. We will remember you for a long time. This is how you are now.

As you grew up year after year, we gave you knowledge, we taught you to write, count, sculpt and draw. They taught you to be kind and to value strong friendship. We ask you not to forget and come running for a visit.


And now the farewell hour has come. You all came to the elegant hall. You stand before us with sadness in your eyes. Beautiful, elegant, So beloved, So grown up. Leave us. Chorus.

To the tune of "Moscow Windows"

Here again all the guests have gathered, It’s more fun when you smile at everyone. Holiday, graduation holiday, dear kindergarten, the time has come and we say goodbye to you. 2. We learned to read, glue, build, think and dream together here. Let's be honest, it's not like we are now one family, and we can't separate! 3. You will dream about us at night. We wish you a lot of happiness. We have known you for many years, there is no kinder person in the world. You have proven that learning is light! 4. The time has come to say goodbye to us, “Goodbye!” - we tell you! We'll stop by in September, meet autumn in the yard and sail on a new ship!

To the melody of “Five Minutes” by L. Gurchenko

We will sing you a song about kindergarten. This is a house where preschool children are taught life. The children were little, but now they have become big. The boys are graduating today!

Chorus: Our dear kindergarten, We say for everything: “Thank you!”, You united the children here, It’s simply obvious! We all made friends and became very much like family. Kindergarten - children's home - We will not stop loving. Let many years pass... We will not forget our kindergarten, We will remember it with love!

Just recently they brought in some children... They almost couldn’t speak yet. They ate poorly, slept poorly, And everyone missed their mothers, Bitter tears flowed from their eyes.

Chorus: We are very grateful to the teachers, You are gentle at heart and extraordinarily kind! We gave love and care to our children. Let us repeat again and again that you are the best in the world! Our deepest bow to you, You are forever in our hearts, With you the world is decorated with goodness!

If someone gets sick, the health worker will immediately rush to the children. He will check everyone’s ears and throats and measure the blood pressure. Our beloved doctor Aibolit!

Chorus: Thank you for everything! Our children are all healthy and have been vaccinated for a long time, that’s why they are not ill. Vitamin Lunch The cooks always cooked. Our children loved the porridge, soup, vinaigrette. We are grateful in return, Children love your dishes, They will remember you with kindness!

Soon all the kids will be running to school. We'll wait for the A's to come. Our children were taught to sing, dance and do push-ups, draw and tumble.


They taught us to read and write line by line, solve all the examples just in a hurry, without delay. Kindergarten gave us everything, Everything our children need, Finally, let's sing that he is the best on the planet! Kindergarten, don't be bored! We will not forget anyone, we will remember them with love!

To the tune of R. Pauls' song "Golden Wedding" Holiday! Holiday! Let's celebrate with family. Holiday! Holiday! graduation holiday. "Soon to school!" - Ten boys and the same number of girls shout cheerfully.


Dad sits next to his daughter, and the son sits next to his mother. We would like to please everyone with our festive program. It’s sad for us to part with the kindergarten, How many years, how many years have we been together? Here we were friends and quarreled, Sang funny songs.

In this hall it is interesting for us to perform for our fathers and mothers. We are not just daughters and sons, we are going to school because we are GRADUATES! Chorus

To the tune of Vyacheslav Dobrynin’s song “What is a casino?”

What is a kindergarten? La-la-la-la-la This is a joy for the guys. La-la-la-la-la These are songs, games, laughter La-la-la-la-la This is knowledge for everyone. La-la-la-la-la You, me, and you and I, We are at a mischievous age, Here we learn to be friends and be well-mannered.

Chorus: Kindergarten, kindergarten, kindergarten. In the morning he gathers the guys. Together it is easier to solve problems, sing songs, have fun, play!

What is a kindergarten? Everyone is happy to see you. It's a holiday every day, And we are not too lazy to study. This is a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, which makes the guys laugh to tears. Educator of the eye, Which cannot be forgotten!

To the tune of T. Ovsienko’s song “School Time”

Let's put the toys in a box, we have no time for them again. It's a pity for us to say goodbye to the garden, I want to stay in childhood, I want to play with childhood a little. Chorus: The ringing time spins us around in a round dance, All the children will grow up imperceptibly, And we have school years ahead of us, So it’s time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

Briefcases and books are waiting for us, and September is golden, Girls go to school, boys go to school, But they will always remember their native garden!


Song to the melody of “Fortune Teller”

Fashion changes every year. That's why lawyers and bankers are valuable. We sing our ode to Eugene, Speech therapists are dearer to the country. In anticipation of impossible miracles, children sing smooth sounds. As a result of scrupulous work, they go to school with clear speech

Chorus Well, what can I say, Well, what can I say, Zhenya is structured this way Always fights for the sound, Never suffers defeat.

And the parents are grateful to her. The teachers appreciate her for her work. And in a crowd of children for correction, they run to Zhenya with pleasure. The office is set up cool, and the computer and camera are here, and the methodology is all within her control, and there is enthusiasm for the future.

Song remade for graduation to the tune of A. Pugacheva’s song “Crane”

We don’t want to, but still, We are growing up every day. And, of course, we’ll all be leaving for school soon, guys. Believe me, we don’t want to, But we say goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten, Goodbye, my good one, the best and dearest!!

All the toys are sad, Mishka, darling, don’t be sad! Soon the kids will be stomping around in our group. A funny toddler with a smile will wave his hand after us. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten, Goodbye, my good one, the best and dearest!!

Let's run through the alleys, sit on a bench, and run into our group for a minute. You and I will run. And daisies goodbye Shake their heads Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten, Goodbye, my good one, the best and dearest!!

The cheerful bell will ring and call us to class. Oh, how I want to return, To a corner of a good fairy tale!! And I’ll quietly wipe a tear from my cheek with my hand. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my kindergarten, Goodbye, my good one, the best and dearest!

To the tune of the song "Fortune Teller"

The years have flown by unnoticed, It’s time for the children to go to school, The teachers in the hall are bored, After all, they managed to fall in love with the children. Here you taught them a lot, Sing, read, draw and sculpt, You surrounded them with care, You knew how to give tenderness and affection!

Chorus: Well, what can I say, what can I say, Thank you very much for being able to give such a golden childhood.

We know that your heart is beating hard, It’s not easy for you to see off your children, What can you do, all that remains is to wish them success in everything. Your children will never forget you, They will always remember and love you, And over these wonderful years, They will never tire of thanking you!

Chorus: Well, what can I say, what can I say, Thank you very much for being able to give such a golden childhood.

A song for the staff of the Kindergarten based on the song “Nadezhda” When we first came to the kindergarten, How unusual everything was here. And there are too many children around. We need to sleep, walk - everything is as usual. How can you do it all? After all, not everyone can do it, we know. But, if everyone starts crying, it’s just terrible, we understand. Chorus: Thank you, we tell you, For your love and diligence, For your sensitivity and all your kindness, For your tenderness and tact with understanding. Day after day and for many years in a row, And in the heat and in the rain and even in the cold, We took the children to kindergarten, We knew that every child here was needed, He would be fed and warm, Do exercises, take a walk, The nurse would vaccinate on time , He will prescribe it for you - everyone knows that. Chorus: Thank you, we say to everyone, Cooks, doctors, teachers, And nannies and everyone else, Who works creatively here.

There is a huge difficult path ahead, We will walk along it with our children, But we will never forget our kindergarten and graduation. Let the light burn in its windows, Let it accept other children, Let children's laughter always sound here, Let our kindergarten only prosper. Chorus: May there be good luck, success, May the salary be decent, Thank you today from everyone who once went to our kindergarten.

Songs of alteration about Educators

Ditties for Kindergarten

Response word-sketch with video from parents at kindergarten graduation

In the process of organizing a kindergarten graduation, a lot of worries fall on the shoulders of parents: choosing a venue, negotiations with the operator and photographer, ordering animators, selecting children's outfits, purchasing gifts and sweets for the buffet table and, of course, preparing a response in the form of a solemn speech, song or skits. In order for the holiday to go off without a hitch, and for the children to remain happy and cheerful, it is necessary to show maximum responsibility at every stage of planning. And in order for the teachers to be satisfied, it is worth carefully thinking through and rehearsing the response word-sketch with a video from the parents at the kindergarten graduation.

Funny video skits from parents at kindergarten graduation

Short poems for the nanny

We didn’t know how to do anything, we even wrote ourselves more than once. You almost turned gray, always helping us out!

Poem from children for nanny

They dried and washed Lenochek and Vanechek (Zhenechek and Tanechek), And we always knew for sure: We can’t live without nannies!

Thank you for your care and attention

Thank you for your care and attention, for helping with upbringing. Being a nanny is very difficult, we understand. We are grateful to you and we congratulate you! Our group is always clean. The floor and dishes sparkle. Our nanny brings order everywhere in the morning. She teaches our children to set the table and be neat. Every prankster, of course, knows: The work of our nanny must be appreciated. It’s good that the kindergarten has become a home for all the children. It is always warm and clean here, the sun shines radiantly. The nanny here keeps an eye on everything so that there are no problems. He waters, feeds, dresses and helps us with everything. You are a housewife - just a class, the children adore you. *** For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if into a fairy tale - And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time: I found friends, beauty and kindness there, And a fairy - there was a nanny for us! In her golden and beautiful hands Any work will seem like a miracle, She will serve semolina porridge So that it is impossible to answer “I won’t”! Let the fairy continue to meet people in a beautiful and affectionate fairy tale. Thank you from mothers to you and from babies for your care, patience and affection! *** From the clear dawn until dark, she is in our kindergarten. Who will bring us lunch and tidy up the dishes? We, of course, helped, we set the tables and learned not to crumble and not to apply sand. Our group is no more beautiful. Clean and bright all around! Maybe our nanny has not two, but ten hands? Let's say thank you to her now for her care and comfort and for devoting her work to us during this time!

Modern response from parents at kindergarten graduation: script for a cool number

One of the funniest numbers for parents to respond to at a kindergarten graduation is a dance between fathers and daughters and funny ditties with gratitude from mothers to teachers and staff. Unlike a primitive text of gratitude, such a gift will not only convey to the teachers the depth of gratitude of the parents, but will also entertain all the guests and will remain a vivid impression both for the little heroes of the occasion and for the kindergarten workers. We prepared the script and text of the cool number “Modern response from parents at kindergarten graduation” and posted it on the page.

Script for the number “Ditties from Parents” for a response at a kindergarten graduation

Let's sing ditties loudly, To make it more fun, We congratulate our teachers today!

I run to kindergarten in the morning, lead mom by the hand, so that mom can congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Our teacher is good, we love you very much, accept our congratulations today too!

We love our nanny very much, she loves us too. And now we’ll sing a perky little ditty to her!

In order to read a fairy tale to us, you became a reader, It’s not for nothing that you were called Junior Teacher!

The music is playing loudly in the music room, It's the musician again Playing the piano!

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, They came to the music hall, Si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do, Sang the song well!

We were hungry for some reason, the hunt was great, when we wanted to eat, we remembered the cook!

Vitamins are good for everyone - The doctor told us this And gave the guys in our group a vitamin to everyone!

And the head of the kindergarten has no time to be bored, because she needs to manage the kindergarten!

Poems for graduation to Methodis

You need to think modernly in order to raise your children. A Methodist undoubtedly needs to know all the sciences. Be an expert in psychology, children's physiology, rhetoric and logic, and, of course, pedagogy. And to be a methodologist, you need to love children.

Poem for a methodologist from children

What should the guys do? How to study and when? How to go out and have fun? We don't know, that's the problem! But a whole sheet of activities is written by the methodologist to the children!

The authorities are the right hand, Sometimes it was difficult for you, Still, the educational process had serious progress. Your merits are great: you helped teachers raise and educate children. Thank you from mothers!

Poem to the music director for graduation

We always wanted to sing, But you just have to be able to... There are seven notes - you need to know them And develop your voice. We went to classes and did round dances there. Brilliantly prepared - We are real artists. We will be performing soon, we invite you to the concert. You have nurtured our talents - Singing Diamonds.

Poem to the Music Director

It was not in vain that we attended music lessons - We perform, in the end, despite the embarrassment! You weren’t strict with us, If we make a mistake, – In gratitude to the teacher, Let’s smile from the bottom of our hearts!

The most unusual response from parents at a kindergarten graduation: video

Farewell to kindergarten is an exciting, emotional and completely extraordinary event. And I really want the parents’ response in gratitude to the teachers to be just as unusual and memorable. This means that simple prose or rhymed lines are not enough. You will have to work hard on choosing a gift and organizing a “nice gesture”. So, dads can plant a beautiful tree in the kindergarten yard or build a small playground in memory of their children, and moms can create with their own hands a magnificent panel with photographs of graduates and holiday poems.

Graduation poems for a psychologist

We fantasize, play, put something together, in a great mood, in an unusual office. Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash - Our psychologist loves them all.

The boys went to a psychologist for classes

The guys went to a psychologist for classes - there they studied forms and various concepts. We fought our fears and drew tests, painted them, counted Christmas trees with mushrooms. And they talked a lot about smart and important things. What if we grow up to be psychologists one day?

Our psychologist is a good friend

In order to cope with emotions And not quarrel in the garden, To improve relationships, And not to get involved in trouble, So that too much activity Doesn’t scare the people around, Always watched the kids Our psychologist is a good friend!

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