Resources of cognitive and research activities for the development of preschoolers

The child learns well what he is interested in on his own initiative and does it himself. This is facilitated by search activity, which is one of the main and natural manifestations of the child’s psyche. Preschoolers think, reason and transform what they have in their arsenal of experience. It is important to create conditions for them so that their experience expands, and new knowledge is passed through and firmly assimilated. The cognitive and research activities of children are rich in such opportunities.

Cognitive and research activity as a natural need of a child

Have you noticed how your child looks with interest at a piece of wood floating in a rain stream or how he is sincerely surprised by the frosty patterns on the winter windows? And numerous questions in the process of watching birds or milk running onto the stove: “Why?”, “Where from?”, “Why?”, “How?”. This behavior of a child is natural and only confirms that he, due to his age, is a researcher. Genetically predetermined search activity creates conditions for the child’s mental development to initially follow the path of self-development.

It should be noted that children are in special conditions: they are bombarded with information every day, and their knowledge is extremely limited.

What is important for a child’s development is not the amount of knowledge transferred to him, but how he appropriates it. This is why the exploratory nature of reflection and action is so important.

The preschooler observes, reasons, and his own discoveries arise. It is this kind of experience that is firmly assimilated by the child, and he subsequently uses it when faced with a familiar situation.

Younger preschoolers show the simplest cognitive activity. By interacting with objects, observing what is happening, asking questions, they assimilate primary information. This is their – and very valuable – way of understanding the world.

Every year the interests of children deepen. Older preschoolers are no longer just interested, but are trying to get to the bottom of the truth. Their activity is aimed at finding a solution, testing experimentally the properties of objects, and unraveling natural phenomena. Actually, the formation of cognitive and research activities is taking place.

The adult’s task is to stimulate the child’s natural search activity and develop his research abilities.

“Development of cognitive and research activities of preschool children.” article on the topic

Speech at a workshop for educators

on the issue:

“Development of cognitive and research activities of preschool children.”

  1. Cognitive - research activities of older preschoolers.

In older preschool age, cognitive development is a complex integrated phenomenon, including the development of cognitive processes (perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination), which represent different forms of the child’s orientation in the world around him, in himself and regulate his activities. It is known that by older preschool age the possibilities for a child’s proactive transformative activity increase noticeably. This age period is important for the development of the child’s cognitive needs, which is expressed in the form of search, research activity aimed at discovering something new. Therefore, the prevailing questions are: “Why?”, “Why?”, “How?”. Often children not only ask, but try to find the answer themselves, use their little experience to explain something incomprehensible, and sometimes even conduct an “experiment.” A characteristic feature of this age is cognitive interests, expressed in careful examination, independent search for information of interest and the desire to learn from an adult where, what and how it grows and lives. An older preschooler is interested in the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, shows initiative, which is revealed in observation, in the desire to find out, approach, touch. Children at this age are already able to systematize and group objects of animate and inanimate nature, both by external signs and by signs of the habitat. . Changes in objects, the transition of matter from one state to another (snow and ice - into water; water - into ice, etc.), natural phenomena such as snowfall, blizzard, thunderstorm, hail, frost, fog, etc. are of particular interest to children of this age. Children gradually begin to understand that the state, development and changes in living and inanimate nature largely depend on a person’s attitude towards them. The older preschooler “verifies” his knowledge about the environment, his attitude according to an adult, who is for him the true measure of all things. Cognitive activity is not only the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but mainly as a search for knowledge, acquiring knowledge independently or under the tactful guidance of an adult, carried out in the process of humanistic interaction, cooperation, and co-creation.

Experiments are classified according to different principles:

- By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments - with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.

— At the location of the experiments: in a group room; Location on; in the park, etc.

— By the number of children: individual, group, collective.

- Because of their implementation: random, planned, posed in response to a child’s question.

— By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (conducted from case to case), systematic.

— By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

— By the number of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

— By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

— By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing you to see one state of an object or one phenomenon without connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of a process or note changes in the state of an object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns of the process previously studied at individual stages).

- According to the nature of children’s cognitive activity: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

— By method of application: demonstration, frontal.

Each type of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

In the preparatory group, conducting experiments should become the norm of life. They should be considered not as an end in themselves and not as entertainment, but as the most successful way of introducing children to the world around them and the most effective way of developing thought processes. Experiments make it possible to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education. You must always remember to follow safety rules. For example, all unfamiliar complex procedures are mastered in a certain sequence:

- the teacher shows the action;

- the action is repeated or demonstrated by one of the children, moreover, the one who will obviously perform it incorrectly, which will make it possible to concentrate attention on a typical mistake;

- sometimes the teacher himself deliberately makes a mistake: with the help of such a methodological technique, he gives the children the opportunity to concentrate their attention on a mistake, the likelihood of which is high;

- the action is repeated by the child who will not make a mistake;

- the action is carried out all together at a slow pace so that the teacher has the opportunity to monitor the work of each child;

- the action has become familiar, and the children perform it at a normal pace. When working with a living object, the leading principle of work is the principle: “Do no harm.” When choosing an object, one must take into account its maximum compliance with the goals and objectives solved during the experiment, giving preference to the one in which this characteristic is more clearly expressed.

It is known that knowledge of the world of living and inanimate nature, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships occurs more successfully in the process of experimental activity and experimentation. Basic methods of working with children:

- experimental activities

- problem solving

2. Organization of the environment in a preschool educational institution for children’s experimentation

In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They take toys apart, watch objects falling into the water, test metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such “amateur activities” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances and basic safety rules.

An experiment, specially organized by a teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces him to the various properties of surrounding objects, the laws of life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. Initially, children learn to experiment in specially organized activities under

guidance from the teacher, then the necessary materials and equipment for

conducting experiments are introduced into the spatial-objective environment of the group

for independent reproduction by a child, if it is safe for his health. In this regard, in a preschool educational institution, the experiment must meet the following conditions:

— maximum simplicity of the design of devices and handling rules

— reliability of operation of the devices and unambiguity of the results obtained,

- showing only the essential aspects of a phenomenon or process,

- clear visibility of the phenomenon being studied,

— the opportunity for the child to participate in a repeat demonstration of the experiment.

Organization of independent experimental activities

of a child, ensuring his development, is possible if the teacher fulfills two important conditions: to become a real participant in the joint search, and not just its leader, to be involved in a real experiment actually carried out by the child. The teacher’s assessment of the methods he has found should include an analysis of the criteria - how suitable the method found is for achieving the goals of the experiment: solving a problem or situation. Setting the goals and objectives of the experiment, their joint achievement,

assessment of the found method of action - these are the three components of personal development training, which excludes adherence to strictly defined

standards and samples.

It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed

a system capable of change, adjustment and development. In other words,

The environment is not only developing, but also developing. Practice suggests:

It is difficult to completely replace the subject environment in a group. But still when

In any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must

replenish and update, which is what we do. Only then does the environment contribute

formation of cognitive, speech, motor and creative

Organization of a developmental environment for experimentation in children's

garden brings the effectiveness of educational influence aimed at developing in children an active cognitive attitude towards the surrounding world of objects, people, and nature.

All group space should be distributed among centers,

that are available to children: toys, teaching material, games. Children

must know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials,

costumes and attributes for stage games.

This organization of space is one of the environmental conditions

which allows the teacher to get closer to the child’s position

Thus, the subject-spatial environment of each group does not include

only artificial objects, but also natural ones. Except

nature centers in groups where children observe and care for plants,

In all groups, experimentation centers should be equipped to conduct basic experiments. The child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orientation-research (search) activity,

aimed at understanding the surrounding world.

Search activity is fundamentally different from any other in that the image of the goal that defines this activity has not yet been formed and is characterized by uncertainty and instability. IN

During the search, it is clarified and clarified. This leaves a special imprint

for all actions included in the search activity: they are extremely flexible, mobile and of a trial nature.

The method of children's experimentation is not difficult: it is simply unusual and has not been thoroughly developed in relation to the conditions of a preschool institution. To do this, in the vast majority of cases

You don't even need special equipment.

When selecting the content of children's experimentation, it is necessary

take into account the age characteristics of children, mental patterns

child development - the sensitivity of different age periods to the formation of certain mental functions and neoplasms; as well as the life experiences of a preschooler. The child shows broad curiosity about those objects and phenomena (close or distant), the actions of people, if he himself is somehow involved in them, is interested in the causal

investigative connections, tries to independently come up with explanations

natural phenomena and human actions through the prism of one’s own experience.

Children's experimentation, in contrast to schoolchildren's experimentation, has its own characteristics. It is free from obligation; the duration of the experience cannot be strictly regulated. Necessary

take into account the fact that it is difficult for preschoolers to work without speech accompaniment (since it is in older preschool age that

– figurative thinking begins to be replaced by verbal – logical thinking, and when internal speech begins to form, children go through the stage of pronouncing their actions out loud). Individual differences between children must also be taken into account. Don't overdo it

get carried away with recording the results of experiments, it is necessary to take into account the child’s right to make mistakes (working with children’s hands, crushing one

procedures for several small actions assigned to different children, joint work of the teacher and children, help from the teacher to the children. At any age, the role of the teacher remains leading. Without it, experiments turn into aimless manipulation of objects, without conclusions and without educational value.

For this purpose, mini-laboratories should be created in groups, equipped with everything necessary:

1. assistant instruments (magnifying glasses, scales, hourglass, compass, magnet, microscope)

2. vessels of various volumes and shapes made of various materials (plastic, glass, metal) of different volumes and shapes

3. natural material (pebbles, clay, sand, shells, bird feathers, cones, saw cuts and tree leaves, moss, seeds)

4 recycled material (wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, plastic, wood, cork)

5. technical materials (nuts, scrapers, bolts, nails, cogs, screws, construction parts)

6. different types of paper: plain, cardboard, sandpaper, copy paper.

7. dyes: food and non-food (gouache, watercolors)

8. medical materials (pipettes, flasks, wooden sticks, syringes (without needles), measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, cocktail straws)

9. other materials (mirrors, balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and clear glass, nail file, sieve, candles, etc.)

10. measuring material: meter, ruler, conventional measurements, cards - experiment schemes

3. Practical part

Teachers are divided into 3 groups:

  • Younger age;
  • Average age;
  • Older age.

An experiment with air for children of this age.

4. Conclusion

So, we can say that during preschool age, along with play activities, research activities are of great importance in the development of a child’s personality, during which the child’s memory is enriched and his thought processes are activated. Conducting experiments, entertaining experiences from available materials, and collecting develops observation skills, broadens children's horizons, deepens knowledge, teaches perseverance and accuracy, and gives research skills. All initial key competencies are being developed. It is important to strive to teach not everything, but the main thing, not the sum of facts, but their holistic understanding, not so much to give the maximum information, but to teach how to navigate its flow.

Annex 1

Memo for the teacher

"Organization of children's experimentation"

1. The group should have an experimental activity corner.

2. Planning and organizing children’s activities to develop cognitive activity and develop ideas about the objective world.

3. Planning and organizing games with natural materials (sand, water, clay)

4.Use of story-based educational travel games.

5.Planning and organizing experiments and experiments with various objects and substances.

6.The content of experiments and experiments corresponds to the topics and the given age group.

7. The results of the experiment are being recorded. 8. Systematicity in the conduct of experimentation is observed. 9. Availability of a card index of experiences and experiments in the group.

10.The equipment of the corner meets the requirements of this age group.

Appendix 2

Study of a child’s cognitive interests __________________

No. Questions Possible answers Point (on a 3-point system)
1 How often does a child study for a long time in the corner of cognitive development and experimentation? a) often

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

2 What does a child prefer when asked an intelligence question? a) reasons independently

b) when how

c) get a ready answer from others

3 How emotional is the child about an interesting activity related to mental work? a) very emotional

b) when how

c) emotions are not clearly expressed (compared to other situations)

4 Does he often ask questions: why? For what? How? a) often

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

5 Shows interest in symbolic “languages”: tries to independently “read” diagrams, maps, drawings and do something based on them a) often

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

6 Shows interest in educational literature a) often

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

List of used literature

1. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetina V.V. The unknown is near. M.,

2. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method./

Department of Preschool Education, No. 4, 2004

3. Kulikovskaya I.E., Sovgir N.N. Children's experimentation. Senior

preschool age. — M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003

4. Organization of experimental activities for preschool children. /

Edited by L.N. Prokhorova M., 2004

5. Ryzhova N.A. Developmental environment of preschool institutions (From experience

work). M., LINK-PRESS, 2003

Types of cognitive and research activities in preschool age

A child of preschool age comprehends the world around him only in those ways that are available to him due to limited experience. He can ask questions about the new and incomprehensible, he can reason and even come up with unexpected hypotheses. Can experimentally check what will happen if...

All of the listed methods of children's activity perform a search and research function. Thanks to them, the preschooler discovers a lot of new things, gradually broadens his horizons and forms his own picture of the world.

Asking questions

Children's thoughts usually begin with a question. Asking an adult about what interested or surprised is the simplest and most accessible type of cognitive research activity for a preschooler.

In preschool age, almost all children’s questions are cognitive in nature and are aimed at understanding the essence of phenomena, processes, and patterns. A child may wonder why a cat has soft fur and a hedgehog has sharp spines, why a bicycle doesn’t fall while moving, how light “gets” into a light bulb, etc.

Heuristic questions (leading to discoveries) arise in children because they are faced with a certain problem, intellectual complexity, or practical task. For example, after hearing thunder, a preschooler shoots out questions, trying to understand how and why the roar is formed, where the source of such powerful sounds is located.

When asking questions, the child shows great persistence in finding an answer and demands detailed and reasoned explanations from adults.


For many preschoolers, answers to exciting questions push them to further reasoning. New knowledge must take its place in the child’s perception of the world, and for this there is not enough understanding of how it is connected with everything that the child already knows.

An inquisitive preschooler begins to think based on facts and images already known to him. “Birds fly south, but how will they find their way back? There are no roads in the sky like there are on earth,” the child is puzzled. Next, he builds a chain of inferences and draws the conclusion that the bird leader is guided by some signals.

In preschool age, reasoning is characterized by figurativeness and reliance on facts that are understandable to the child.


Children's experimentation is a type of cognitive research activity that allows one to discover implicit properties, transform objects, and experience objects in a new quality. Children are especially attracted to the fact that they can make tests, test their hypotheses, make as many mistakes as they want and repeat experiments.

Experiments hold children's attention and encourage them to independently search for reasons why the properties of an object or phenomenon appear in this particular way.

While observing the experiment, the child expresses his guesses. The bolder and more actively he voices different assumptions, the faster he gets to the right conclusion.

Cognitive and research activities of preschool children under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard DO Article

Cognitive and research activities of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

It is known that preschool childhood is a unique time for the development of a child’s abilities. One of the most important abilities is the ability to cognition. The development of cognitive activity has been considered in various works by teachers and psychologists. Y. A. Komensky, K. D. Ushinsky, D. Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau defined cognitive activity as the natural desire of preschool children to learn. A.K. Markova, V.P. Lozovaya, Zh.N Telnova, G.I. Shchukina and others studied the characteristics of cognitive activity and ways of activating it in preschool children.

The basic principles of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education are the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities. In addition, the standard is aimed at developing the intellectual qualities of preschoolers. According to it, the program should ensure the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of activities.

Federal State Educational Standards for Advanced Education pays special attention to cognitive and research activities (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them). Typical activities for the implementation of this area of ​​work are:

– organization of solving cognitive problems;

– the use of experimentation in working with children;

– use of design.

The cognitive and research activities of a preschooler are based on curiosity, the desire for discovery, and the thirst for knowledge. Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions make it possible to satisfy these needs and thereby advance the development of the preschooler forward, develop his personal, physical and intellectual qualities.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, kindergarten teachers are recommended to organize daily situations that provoke the cognitive activity of pupils. One of the forms of such influence is experimental research activities in preschool educational institutions.

Experimental research activities in kindergarten are effective activities aimed at developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

The content of the research involves the formation of the following ideas.

  • About the world of animals and plants: how animals live in winter and summer; vegetables, fruits, etc.; conditions necessary for their growth and development (light, moisture, heat).
  • About materials: clay, paper, fabric, wood, metal, plastic.
  • About a person: my assistants are eyes, nose, ears, mouth.
  • About natural phenomena: seasons, weather phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature - water, ice, snow, etc.
  • About the objective world: dishes, furniture, toys, shoes, transport.
  • About geometric standards: circle, rectangle, prism, rhombus.

In the process of experimentation, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, as the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification and generalization. The need to give an account of what is seen, to form discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech. The consequence is not only the child’s familiarization with new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations that are considered as mental skills.

At what age is it supposed to start experimenting in kindergarten?

From the second early age group (2–3 years), children begin to take part in joint experimental activities with the teacher. For now, they represent the simplest studies that help kids examine objects, noting their color, size or shape.

In the younger group (3–4 years), cognitive and research activities become more complicated. Together with the teacher, children learn to conduct experiments using sensory standards as an example. Thanks to experiments, they become clear about the previously hidden properties of the objects being studied.

Experimentation in the middle group (4–5 years old) is aimed at developing in children the ability to independently obtain information about a new object. All senses are actively used for experiments.

Using experimentation in the older group (5–6 years old), it is necessary to encourage children to independently carry out experimental actions and identify the hidden properties of phenomena and objects.

In the school preparatory group (6-7 years old), cognitive and research activities are improved. Not only independent work is encouraged, but also the choice of the optimal way to carry it out.

Preschoolers in the group should have free access to a special area - an experimentation corner, in which the following are located:

  • experiment kits with picture instructions;
  • toys for research - balls, cubes, small objects made of different materials;
  • various natural materials - sand, water, clay, shell, wool;
  • measuring instruments - scales, measuring containers, hourglasses, rulers;
  • tools - pipettes, spatulas, measuring spoons, toothpicks, transparent and colored glasses;
  • another rich object environment - a mirror, a magnifying glass, salt, magnets;
  • writing utensils for recording results.

In the experimental activity corner the following should be highlighted:

  • senior preschool age;
  • didactic component;
  • equipment component;
  • stimulating component;

— diagrams, tables, models with algorithms for performing experiments;

— a series of paintings depicting natural communities;

— educational books, atlases;

— thematic albums;

- collections;

— mini-museum (themes vary, for example, “There are different watches:”, “Stone products”;

— materials are divided into sections: “Sand, clay, water”, “Sound”, “Magnets”, “Paper”, “Light”, “Glass”, “Rubber”;

— natural material: stones, shells, saw cuts and leaves of trees, moss, seeds, different types of soil, etc.;

- recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, plastic, wood, cork, etc.;

— technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails, cogs, screws, construction parts, etc.;

— different types of paper: plain, cardboard, sandpaper, copy paper, etc.;

— dyes: food and non-food (gouache, watercolors, etc.);

— medical materials: pipettes with rounded ends, flasks, wooden sticks, measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, syringes without needles;

- other materials: mirrors, balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glass, candles, etc.;

- sieve, funnels;

- halves of soap dishes, ice trays;

— parting assistants: magnifying glass, hourglass, microscopes, magnifying glasses;

- oilcloth aprons, sleeves, rubber gloves, rags;

— mini-stand “What I want to know about tomorrow”;

— personal notebooks for children to record the results of experiments;

— hint cards (permitting and prohibiting signs) “What is possible, what is not”;

- characters endowed with certain traits (“Pochemuchka”) on whose behalf a problematic situation is modeled.

In senior preschool, conducting experiments should become the norm; they should be considered not as entertainment, but as a way to familiarize children with the world around them and the most effective way to develop thought processes. Experiments and experiences make it possible to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develop observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develop the desire to understand the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, and create a creative personality.

Some important tips:

1. It is better to conduct experiments in the morning, when the child is full of strength and energy.

2. It is important for us not only to teach, but also to interest the child, to make him want to gain knowledge and do new experiments himself.

3. Explain to your child that you cannot taste unknown substances, no matter how beautiful and appetizing they look.

4. Don’t just show your child an interesting experience, but also explain in a language he understands why this happens.

5. Do not ignore your child’s questions - look for answers to them in books, reference books, and the Internet.

6. Where there is no danger, give the child more independence.

7. Invite your child to show his favorite experiments to his friends.

8. And most importantly: rejoice in your child’s successes, praise him and encourage his desire to learn. Only positive emotions can instill a love for new knowledge.

I offer some of the most interesting experiences and experiments that can be very interesting for children!

1. "Vanishing Chalk"

For a spectacular experience, we will need a small piece of chalk. Dip chalk into a glass of vinegar and see what happens. The chalk in the glass will begin to hiss, bubble, decrease in size and soon disappear completely.

Chalk is limestone; when it comes into contact with acetic acid, it turns into other substances, one of which is carbon dioxide, which is rapidly released in the form of bubbles.

2. “Magic Magnet”

1. Take a glass of water.

2. Place a wooden cube and paper clips in it.

3. Place a magnet against the wall of the glass: the magnet attracts only metal objects, even through glass and water.

3. “Tricks with magnets”

Task: identify objects that interact with a magnet.

Materials: magnets, a goose cut out of foam plastic with a metal rod inserted into its beak; a bowl of water, a jar of jam, a jar of mustard; a wooden stick, on one end of which a magnet is attached and covered with cotton wool on top, and on the other - only cotton wool at the end; animal figurines on cardboard stands; a shoe box with one side cut off; paper clips; a magnet attached with tape to a pencil; a glass of water, small metal rods or a needle.

The magician shows the children pictures of animals and asks: “Can my animals move on their own?” (No.) The magician replaces these animals with pictures with paper clips attached to their bottom edges. Places the figures on the box and moves the magnet inside the box. Why did the animals start moving? Children look at the figures and see that there are paper clips attached to the stands. Children try to control animals. A magician “accidentally” drops a needle into a glass of water. How to get it without getting your hands wet? (Bring the magnet to the glass.) Children use a magnet to independently remove various objects from the water.

Drawing with magnets

Materials for the experiment: 2 disposable plates, paints of different colors, magnetic balls, magnets.

Children are asked to pour a little paint into a plate and move the balls with a magnet under the plate.

4. Making soap bubbles. Objective: to introduce children to the method of making soap bubbles, to the properties of liquid soap: it can stretch and form a film.

Materials: liquid soap, pieces of soap, a loop with a wire handle, cups, water, spoons, trays.

5. Mysterious pictures Task: show children that surrounding objects change color if you look at them through colored glasses.

Materials: colored glasses, worksheets, colored pencils. Children sketch “mysterious pictures” on a worksheet.

6. Magic glass. Objectives: introduce children to observation instruments - microscope, magnifying glass, telescope, telescope, binoculars; explain why a person needs them.

Materials: magnifying glasses, microscopes, various small objects, small seeds of fruits, vegetables, leaves of trees, plants, tree bark; binoculars, pictures of a spyglass, telescope.

7. Experiments with water and salt

Freeze the water, slightly tinted with paint, and inside there are figurines of sea creatures. Purpose: to defrost and help the inhabitants free themselves from ice. Sprinkle salt and the ice melts.

8. Experiments with sand. Why is an hourglass called an hourglass?

Goal: to identify the properties of sand and clay.

Materials: containers with dry sand and clay. Transparent cups; planks; magnifying glass; sieve; hourglass.

Conducting the experiment:

- Take cups, fill one cup with clay, the other with sand.

— Look at clay and sand through a magnifying glass, compare how they differ? (Sand consists of small grains of sand, clay consists of lumps.)

- Take sand in your hands and rub it. Take the clay and grind it. Let's explain what's happening. (Sand pours out of hand, clay kneads.)

- Pour sand on one side of the board, clay on the other side of the board. Compare clay and sand slides. (A hill made of sand is smooth, a hill made of clay is uneven.) Why (Grains of sand are smooth and hard; lumps of clay are uneven and soft.)

- Take sand, clay and sift through a sieve one by one. Compare how grains of sand and clay lumps pass through a sieve. (Grains of sand pass easily and quickly, lumps of clay pass poorly and slowly.)

To summarize:

The main property of sand is flowability.

The main property of clay is friability.

Why? Sand consists of small grains of sand. They are hard, round, and do not stick to each other. The sand is pouring down. Clay consists of clay particles. They are soft, uneven, stick to each other. Clay doesn't flow

Conclusion: only sand is suitable for an hourglass, which is why this clock is called an hourglass

The project method also has wide opportunities for educational and research activities. This is a special technology of integrated learning, the meaning of which is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns about the world around him and translates new knowledge into real products.

Children love to share news, and so the problem arises: how to satisfy the desires of all children. The topic of the project should be proposed by the children themselves, based on their interests and needs. In junior and middle groups, you need to guide children to choose a project topic. Choosing a topic and children's interests begins with the “three questions model”:

- What do you know?

- What do you want to know?

- What should be done in order to find out?

The specific result of the work can be a drawing, an application, a written fairy tale, a performance, a concert, etc. During the implementation of the project, children develop independence, activity, responsibility, a sense of trust in each other, and most importantly, an interest in knowledge.

As part of educational and research activities, you can propose the projects “Water Sorceress”, “Products that are healthy and not so healthy”, “Scented soap”, “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”.

For example, during the project “Products that are healthy and not so good,” children explore the harmful effects of Coca-Cola and chips on the human body. After all, information obtained with one’s own hands is remembered by the child firmly and for a long time. Through entertaining experiments, children satisfy their natural curiosity and cognitive activity.

During the “Scented Soap” project, children, through experiments, confirm the hypothesis that the properties of soap directly depend on its composition. Children, together with their parents, will be able to make soap with different compositions at home.

I consider close interaction with parents and their involvement in joint activities to be an integral part of the work on developing children’s cognitive activity. For this purpose, consultations, holidays and entertainment, involving parents in the implementation of joint child-parent projects, etc. Parents and students should be involved in creating a cognitive and developmental environment in the group, replenishing them with the necessary materials.

In the parent’s corner, you can create a permanent section in “Let’s Experiment!”, in which educators offer parents various forms of conducting experiments and experiments together with their children. For parents, you can create a card index of elementary experiences and experiments that can be done at home. For example, “Colored Ice” (ice can be seen not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year if water is frozen in the refrigerator). The result of this work can be interesting stories from children and parents about how they together made soap and paper at home, grew crystals, dyed fabric, and made colored pieces of ice.

It is necessary to develop booklets and instructions for parents: “What not to do and what to do to maintain children’s interest in experimenting,” “How to help a little researcher,” “Entertaining experiments in the kitchen.”

Childhood years are the most important and how they will pass depends on the parents and on us, teachers. It is very important to reveal to parents in a timely manner the developmental aspects of each child and recommend appropriate parenting techniques. Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that specially organized research activities allow our students to obtain information about the objects or phenomena being studied, and the teacher to make the learning process as effective as possible and more fully satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers, developing their cognitive activity.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of K. E. Timiryazev: “People who have learned... observations and experiments acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not gone through such a school.”


  1. Babina N.V. 500 how and why for children. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012. – 96 p.
  2. Dybina O. V. What happened before...: Games-traveling into the past of objects. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 160 p.
  3. Ivanova A.I. Living ecology. Environmental education program for preschoolers. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009. – 80 p.
  4. Kuznetsova A. E. The best educational games for children from 3 to 7 years old. – M.: LLC ID RIPOL CLASSIC, LLC publishing house Dom.XXI century, 2010. – 189 p.
  5. Marudova E.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the world around them. Experimentation. – St. Petersburg: OOO publishing house Detstvo-press, 2013. – 128 p.
  6. Khabarova T.V. Pedagogical technologies in preschool education. – St. Petersburg: OOO publishing house Detstvo-press, 2012. – 80 p.
  7. Khabarova T.V., Shafigullina N.V. Planning lessons on ecology and pedagogical diagnostics of environmental education of preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: OOO publishing house Detstvo-press, 2010. – 128 p.
  8. Chernyakova V.N. Environmental work in preschool educational institutions. Toolkit. M.: TC Sfera, 2010. – 144 p.
  9. I go for a walk: Walking with children on a day off. A guide for parents. M.: Publishing House Karapuz, 2002. – 72 p.

Methods and means of implementing research activities

The level of development of older preschoolers allows them to express themselves in any of the considered types of cognitive and research activities. Gifted children are especially active in this direction. But every child can be stirred up, a spark of curiosity can be ignited in him and pushed towards a deeper comprehension of the surrounding reality.

There are two main forms of cognitive and research activity:

  • The child is the source of activity. He sets a goal himself and strives to achieve it, satisfying his curiosity.
  • The research process is organized by an adult, awakening interest and motivating knowledge. A preschooler learns to act.

Each of these forms is aimed at solving a single task: to help the child understand a problematic issue, firmly assimilate new knowledge and gain new experience.

Methods and techniques for organizing research activities of preschoolers vary from conversations to carrying out small projects to obtain a specific result. They are widely used in preschool educational institutions. Also perfect for home use.

Developmental conversations

When it comes to developmental conversations, the dialogue should motivate the child not only to receive ready-made information, but also to the desire to reflect, analyze and draw conclusions.

For example, a preschooler became interested in why hail suddenly fell in the middle of summer. There is no need to rush with explanations. Explain what each hailstone is, why drops of water freeze, and what happened in the atmosphere the day before. The child thinks, builds a logical chain and formulates his assumption. Some correction may be required, but the young researcher will already be able to draw a conclusion.

Or a child has heard a new word and wonders what it means. Let your son or daughter think about it, and only at the end comment and formulate the child’s thought more clearly.

Organization of observations

You can observe with your child living nature (animals, insects, plants), inanimate nature (seasonal changes and natural phenomena) and social life. When organizing observations, it is necessary to determine:

  • observation location (park, meadow, pond, urban environment);
  • object of observation (plant, animal, inanimate object).

If necessary, prepare and take with you special instruments (magnifying glass, thermometer, etc.) or items (bird food, brushes, etc.).

Summer weather conditions contribute to the cognitive and research activities of preschool children. The organization of observations at this time of year is aimed both at strengthening the child’s health and at creating conditions in which he could prove himself as an inquisitive researcher of the world around him.

You can organize observation at home. For example, growing onions. Game motivation works well: let’s set up a garden bed on the windowsill.

The child, with the help of an adult, pours water into cups, “plants” bulbs in them and places them on the windowsill. Joint observation of the bulbs is carried out for several days. You can keep an “Observation Sheet” and record changes using sketches. When the onion arrows are long enough, you can cut them off and crumble them into your child’s soup. He will be happy to try vitamins from his own garden.

Experiences and Experiments

In order for transformations in the world around them not only to be noticed by the child, but also to become an impetus for the development of his thinking, the preschooler must, while performing the task, be in the position of not a spectator, but a researcher. Therefore, it is so important that adults organize and conduct experiments and experiments together with the child.

The most interesting experiments are experiments with objects. The well-known experiment “Drowning or not drowning” will require simple equipment: a bowl of water, several objects from different materials (a feather, a nail, a plastic ball, a clothespin, a bead, a piece of paper, etc.).

During the experiment, the child must distribute objects according to the criterion “drowning or not drowning”:

  1. Sinks immediately;
  2. Sinks after getting wet;
  3. Doesn't sink.

The preschooler independently checks the “buoyancy” of each object. A preliminary inspection and tactile examination of objects will indicate what qualities of objects affect the result of interaction with water.

Involvement in projects

In modern kindergartens, the method of project activities is widely used. Basically, three types of projects are addressed:

  • research (study of certain phenomena);
  • creative (creating a creative product);
  • normative (joint creation of a set of rules).

The organization of project-based cognitive and research activities allows children to be included in a common cause and create a joint creative product.

You can just as easily organize a project at home for your children or for a child and his friends.

For example, get excited about creating a general drawing on a large sheet of paper. And at the same time, you can jointly prepare unusual, magical paints (based on flour, salt and gouache). It is convenient to apply such paints onto the sheet directly by hand, which is extremely attractive to children.

Conditions necessary for organizing basic search activities with children.

  1. The first condition is related to the spatial organization of experiments. The child must see the object himself and everything that happens to it, hear the sounds emanating from it, and be able to smell it. In cases where an object of nature can be touched or picked up, the child should have the opportunity for tactile-kinesthetic examination in order to feel the nature of the surface, shape, temperature and heaviness of the object. The pedagogical requirement for the spatial organization of experience is that any natural object should be as accessible as possible for every child to perceive. Handouts are a good help in organizing the experience. The teacher must also remember that the word follows sensory knowledge - only in this case does the child develop full-fledged knowledge.
  2. The second condition is related to the time parameter: viewing and perception of any objects and natural phenomena should be short-lived. This requirement is determined by the fact that observation is a mental intellectual activity that requires concentrated attention and mental effort. This activity is difficult for preschoolers. Therefore, the duration of observation should be approximately 3-10 minutes - this is the optimal time for intensive mental activity of children, for concentrating attention and independently obtaining and assimilating a small amount of information. Children should begin and complete the experience in a positive emotional state, without mental fatigue - this is the success and educational effectiveness of this event.
  1. The third condition is related to the structure of experience. Each of them has a beginning, a main part and an end. Their functions are different. Their correct understanding and implementation will help the teacher achieve an overall positive pedagogical effect.
  2. Fourth condition. This is a teacher’s diagnosis of the level of knowledge in children about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature. As well as the level of development of logical thinking. This is necessary in order to select the most accessible knowledge that is not complex for a given level, as well as the correct methodology for conducting the experiment (additional questions, longer examination, etc.).

Thus, compliance with these conditions makes it possible to carry out cognitive and research activities with children in a pedagogically appropriate way and with the greatest effect for the education of children.

Development of research skills in preschool children

The development of a child’s research abilities largely depends on the position of adults. After all, children themselves are not able to fully organize their activities and evaluate the results obtained.

Therefore, adults should motivate children to complete interesting tasks, stimulate non-standard and interesting solutions, and help the child evaluate the level of the proposed solutions.

At the same time, it is necessary to provide maximum opportunities for independent action and support the initiative of the preschooler.

Activation of cognitive interest

Despite the fact that children have a natural need for knowledge, their interest and search activity must be stimulated. To do this, you can use tasks to develop the skills of thinking originally, seeing problems, and reasoning from different points of view.

Exercises and tasks for this purpose are varied. Here are just a few of them:

  • Write a story on behalf of Kolobok (the hero can be anyone);
  • Come up with several answers to heuristic questions (Why do birds sing?);
  • Exercises to develop the ability to ask questions (“Ask questions to the funny bunny in the picture to find out about him”);
  • Conduct a thought experiment (“What would happen if all people became giants?”);
  • Experiments with real objects in order to identify new properties (with water, paints, a ray of light, plastic, fabric);
  • Games for the development of thinking (“Sequential pictures”, “Fairy tales” and others).

Encouraging child independence

Research and search activities will bring little benefit to a preschooler if he is only an observer. It is not enough that the child just performs the actions. It is important that he sets goals on his own, what he wants to check, learn, understand. And having identified a goal, he acted in accordance with it.

In order to consistently develop the child’s independence, parents need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Create an environment in your home that encourages your child's independence.
  • Give us the opportunity to solve small problem situations.
  • Maintain interest in the activity.
  • Measure your level of activity in joint activities with your child.
  • Don't blame yourself for failures. Explore their reasons together.
  • Praise your child for success. It is very important!

The influence of cognitive research activities on the formation of readiness for school

Involving a preschooler in cognitive and research activities gives him a good foundation for his upcoming schooling. This type of activity ensures a strong assimilation of knowledge and develops the desire to learn new things.

The child learns to formulate goals, reason logically, adhere to an algorithm in actions, control steps, and evaluate the results obtained. All of the above permeates educational activities at school.

In addition, search efforts form voluntary attention and influence the development of volitional qualities of a preschooler. The child has to repeat experiments, return to observations in order to find answers to problematic questions.

Thus, a cognitive-exploratory attitude towards the world around us comprehensively develops a preschooler and increases his readiness for learning at school.

Organization of educational and research activities with preschool children

Irina Kravchenko

Organization of educational and research activities with preschool children

Organization of educational and research activities with preschool children.


Currently, the latest developments, technologies, and methods are being formed and successfully applied preschool One of such effective methods of understanding the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is research. The main advantage of educational research activities is that they are close to preschoolers ( preschoolers are natural researchers)

and gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects of the environment.

In the process of research, in addition to the development of cognitive activity , there is a development of mental processes - enrichment of memory, speech, activation of thinking, mental skills. Children love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Therefore, experimental research activities , like no other method, satisfy age characteristics .

Therefore, we have identified the main task: creating pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the full disclosure of the cognitive potential and development of the research activity of each child. Everything that the child hears, sees and does himself is assimilated firmly and for a long time. Children often ask questions and expect ready-made answers. How to correctly answer children's questions and at the same time awaken the child's activity, instill confidence in him, make him feel competent and responsible for finding a solution.

Working in this direction, we came to the conclusion that research activity allows a child to express himself individually or in a group, try his hand, apply his knowledge, be useful, and publicly show the results achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem, often formulated by the children themselves in the form of a task , when the result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is practical in nature, has important applied significance and, most importantly, is interesting and significant for the discoverers themselves.

The goal of cognitive and research activities is to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity , curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection in preschool .

To achieve this goal, we have identified the following tasks:

1. Arouse children's interest in search activities .

2. To teach children the skills and abilities of research, to teach them to see and identify the problem of an experiment, to develop in children the ability to use tools, materials, and assistant devices when conducting experiments for independent activities .

3. Stimulate, encourage and direct the research initiative of children, developing their independence, ingenuity, and creative activity.

4. Develop communication skills in the process of research activities .

5. Involve parents in the experimental activities of children .

The content of the research involves the formation of the following ideas.

*** About the world of animals, insects and plants: how animals live in winter and summer; vegetables, fruits, etc.; conditions necessary for their growth and development (light, moisture, heat)


***About materials: clay, paper, fabric, wood, metal, plastic.

***About a person: my assistants are eyes, nose, ears, mouth.

***About natural phenomena: seasons, weather phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature - water, ice, snow, etc.

***About the objective world: dishes, furniture, toys, shoes, transport.

***About geometric standards: circle, rectangle, prism, rhombus.

Creating conditions for independent research activity of children

To successfully carry out the process in this area in the group, we transformed the subject-development environment and created a center for experimental and research activities “Scientific Laboratory”

, meeting the requirements:

• safety for the life and health of children;

• sufficiency;

• accessibility of the location of materials and equipment.

To maintain interest in experimentation, some problem situations are formulated on behalf of fairy-tale characters who want to know a lot and are interested in everything. The necessary amount of materials, equipment and a variety of didactic games have been accumulated so that children can play in their free time and at their own request and consolidate their acquired knowledge. The collected material ensures the development of two types of children's activity: the child's own activity, completely determined by him; and adult-stimulated activities.

Organization of joint activities between the teacher and children

identifies two main types of research activities for preschoolers :

-The first type (specially
organized joint activity ) of cognitive-research activity is characterized by the fact that it is organized by a teacher who identifies the essential elements of the situation and teaches the child a certain algorithm of actions.
Thus, the child receives the results that were previously determined by the teacher. The main form of cognitive-research activity of the first type are experiments that somehow remind children of magic tricks, they are unusual, they surprise. At the first stages of experimentation, we offer children a certain algorithm so that they can understand, comprehend and assimilate the proposed material. First, the entire process of performing the work is demonstrated with an explanation in a playful form, then the children are invited to take part in the experiment, and only after that they are given the opportunity to experiment on their own. Pupils take an active part and with great pleasure carry out experiments with objects of inanimate nature: sand, clay, snow, air, stones, water, magnets, thereby developing curiosity, observation, and the ability to find ways to solve problem situations. Experiments are carried out as part of direct educational activities , and in joint activities with children in special moments .

Cognitive - research activity is an integrated type of activity with other types .

• The relationship between experiment and work activity is closely connected , since there are no experiments without performing work actions.

• Experimentation and speech development are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during the discussion of the methodology and progress of the experiment, when summing up the results and giving a verbal report of what was seen. Consequently, without the addition of knowledge, the development of speech would be reduced to simple manipulation of words.

• The connection between children's experimentation and visual activity is two-way . The more developed the child’s visual abilities are, the more accurately the result of the experiment will be recorded. At the same time, the deeper the performer studies the object in the process of becoming familiar with nature, the more accurately he will convey its details during visual activity . For both types of activity, the development of observation and the ability to register what is seen are equally important.

• There is also a connection between cognitive and research activities and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. During experiments, there is a constant need to count, measure, compare, determine shape and size, and perform other operations. Mastery of mathematical operations makes experimentation easier.

• There is a connection with reading fiction, with music and physical education, as well as in gaming activities .

to use all the child’s senses when organizing educational and research . We attach great importance to gaming technologies: didactic, verbal games, construction games with sand, water, role-playing games.

Using ICT tools in cognitive research activities , we saw that this contributes to the development of cognitive interest and cognitive activity of preschoolers . Children show conscious attention and interest in the subject of research or activity , ask many questions indicating the depth of penetration into the observed phenomena (about lifestyle, about natural phenomena)

Children constantly have a positive emotional attitude towards an object or activity , they show active and independent actions aimed at understanding the object or activity , better recognizing the structure of the object , understanding its functional purpose in research and experimentation.
All this contributes to the formation and development of children’s research skills, the ability to independently search, discoveries and assimilation of new things occur. The second type of cognitive-research activity is characterized by the fact that activity in the process of activity comes entirely from the child himself. He acts as its full-fledged subject, independently constructing his activity : setting its goals, looking for ways and means to achieve them, etc. The basis of this experimental activity of preschoolers is the thirst for knowledge , the desire for discovery, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, the ability to independently check your assumptions and draw conclusions. It is necessary that each child has everything to conduct independent research: equipment and materials, a foundation of acquired knowledge and skills. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. He studies everything as best he can and with whatever he can - with his eyes, hands, tongue, nose. He rejoices at even the smallest discovery. Thanks to this, he gets to know the world he has come to. In order for children not to lose interest in the world around them, it is necessary to support their desire to explore everything. Even if beautiful clothes get damaged or your hands get dirty. Clothes can be washed and hands can be washed. But the interest in the environment that has disappeared over the years is almost impossible to restore. It is necessary to relieve children’s stiffness and fear of the “wrong”

actions, giving them in return a feeling of the joy of discovery, the opportunity to freely solve a problem.

To positively motivate children, we use various incentives such as: novelty, unusualness of the object; mystery, surprise; motive of help; educational moment (why so)

; situation of choice.

When organizing independent research work for children, it is necessary to develop the ability to adhere to the following certain rules:

- independent nomination by children or acceptance from an adult of a cognitive task ;

- analysis of its conditions independently or with the help of a teacher;

— making assumptions (hypotheses)

about the causes of the phenomenon and ways to solve
a cognitive problem ;
- selection of methods for testing possible ways to solve a cognitive problem (using cards - algorithms, diagrams, drawings - symbols)


— direct verification of the chosen solution methods and the assumptions made, adjustment of solution paths in the course of activities ;

— analysis of the obtained facts and drawing conclusions;

— discussion of new tasks and prospects for further research.

To conduct independent research, we have developed various cards - algorithms, experimental schemes and drawings-symbols ( palm , eye, nose, mouth, ear), suggesting how and with what help you can study the subject.

The work requires compliance with safety regulations. The children compiled them together with the game character. They are very simple and easy to remember:

- take only the materials necessary for the work;

- work with bulk materials, with water, with glass, with fire on a tray;

— you can taste a substance only if you are firmly sure what substance you are tasting;

— the center loves order: put all materials back in place after finishing work.

Involving parents in children's experimental activities

It is known that not a single educational or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and teachers, since every minute of communication with a child enriches him and shapes his personality. In order for the child to maintain cognitive interest , there is a constant desire to learn new things, to find out the incomprehensible, to understand the essence of objects, phenomena, actions, we recommend that parents conduct simple experiments and experiments at home. For full interaction with the families of pupils, the following forms of work were carried out:

• a selection of consultations for parents has been collected in order to give pedagogical advice to parents on children's experimental activities and the development of cognitive activity .

• instructions were prepared for parents in order to comply with safety rules during experimentation, to familiarize parents with the types of experimental work with children .

• We conduct master classes to give practical advice and recommendations on experimenting together with children .

The thematic selection of books corresponds to the objects being studied, and is located in a specially designed literary center, where, in addition to books, paintings, illustrations, and educational games are .


The results of the work carried out showed positive dynamics of growth in the level of elementary fundamentals of research activity . Cognitive and research activities influenced :

— increasing the level of development of curiosity; development of children's research skills (analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight significant features and connections, select tools and materials for independent activities , carry out experiments);

— development of skills in planning your activities , the ability to put forward hypotheses and assumptions, and draw conclusions;

— speech development (enrichment of children’s vocabulary with various terms, strengthening the ability to construct their answers to questions grammatically correctly, the ability to ask questions);

— development of personal characteristics (emergence of initiative, independence, creativity, ability to cooperate with each other, the need to defend one’s point of view);

- broadening the horizons of children, in particular, knowledge about living nature and the relationships occurring in it is enriched;

about objects of inanimate nature (water, air, sun, etc.)

and their properties;

about the properties of various materials (rubber, iron, paper, glass, etc.)

about their use by humans in their
activities .
In our work, we will continue to develop in children the ability to experiment, encourage them to research activities , which will allow them to further model in their minds a picture of the world based on their own observations. Working together with parents will allow them to become stakeholders in the cognitive and research activities of their children .

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “Know how to open one thing in the world around you, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to come back again.”

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